Plant Propagation

Propagating St John’s Wort Hypericum Hidcote

Hi everyone! I’m looking for a bit of advice. My mum has had a lovely hypericum hidcote in her garden since I was a child (not the one in the photo, that’s just from the B&Q website!) and I’m trying to get some cuttings going from it. So far I’ve had no luck!

I tried planting directly into soil the first time with rooting powder but the leaves on the cuttings just browned and dropped off over two weeks. No roots grew at all.

As you see from the pics, this time I’ve tried putting some cuttings directly into water, and others into soil again. The soil cuttings are normally covered with a plastic tub to keep them moist and I’m changing out the water from the water cuttings every few days. Both batches are showing browning on the leaves I left on them and a lot have already dropped leaves.

What am I doing wrong? Ive been making sure the soil isn’t too damp, airing them out every so often, even using a heat mat to help with rooting. (Also please ignore my leggy morning glories in the background of one photo, I started them before I had a grow light!)

by Rialspicy

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