Gardening Supplies

FROM TOILET TO TOMATOES – Transforming Waste into Nutrient-Rich Soil with Humanure

Humanure is a valuable resource for soil health, but it needs to be treated through a composting process to make it safe for the garden. In this video I show how to make a simple but effective compost toilet and how I turn SH1T into rich soil for my garden.

It is safe and effective. I hope this video can reassure you that humanure is just as effective and sustainable as any other manure.


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  1. Has Anyone Told You, You Look exactly like PHIL BETTERMAN in the Movie The Croods The New Age. And their is one more Resemblance even He Loves Planting. 😊

  2. Hi, just chiming in to say you are such a nice gardening guide. Your videos make sense, and they are edited nicely. 🙂

  3. Must admit we've been following the Humanure Handbook method…but that means leaving piles for years and I already have 3 now, prob need to make a 4th this year…. I checked the 1st one we did befor Winter and there were red wigglers in there…. so was thnking of using that to make a flower bed closer to my bee hive… wasn't gonna use any for the food area… but with the addition of the molasses and lab, it might be a good idea … or at least speed it up ….

  4. I know the weather can be miserable in Denmark, but I‘ll take it over the temps you seem to be having in Oz :-)) – great way to get rid of human waste.

  5. When i use pine shavings on my humanure the black soldier flies were able to slip through the cracks and process all the manure. There was already no smell or visible grossness before i even started composting it. Just need to figure out how to harvest them for bird food.

  6. Good video about an important issue. Here in Brasil, in the farm where I live, we are composting humanure in the last 8 years without big problemas.🎉

  7. It’s amazing how many ppl out there have no idea their food is grown in humanure. It may not be a big deal in North America but it’s used else where in the world.

  8. Interesting.I think i need more than 21 days in the South of Spain, very dry, semi-tropical climate…i have bananas, mango, lychee, avocado, papaya, pomegranate growing.21 days is awesome!I am lookign forward trying this myself 🙂

  9. I wonder if you try without the molasses outside input.. maybe the results are fairly close.. some rotten fruits and/or veg may do the trick instead. Thanks for the video.

  10. I was thinking we should be more adaptive, up until 100 years ago we disposed of our waste on the ground and grew our food there without thinking about it

  11. I imagine you don’t separate urine from solids because you have a tap?? Do you plumb yr liquids into a bottle or bucket? And I’d LOVE to see HOW you built your SOIL FACTORY BAY. Love your work David. Thanks for sharing.🙏💕🇦🇺

  12. Thanks Weedy for this video. Joseph Jenkins' book "The Humanure Handbook" allays any health concerns about humanure composting. We also have a loo with a view in our rainforest location only 20km from you. We regard humanure-ing as an essential recycling activity that saves water destined for flushing the septic system and provides excellent compost for free.

  13. When the door is open, there’s someone in there. When it’s shut, it’s vacant.
    That’s my humanure compost loo 😊

    I put a bucket of yurt food scraps in each time I add a bucket from the loo to the compost bay. I cover each donation in the loo with hardwood sawdust and cover it all in the compost bay with more sawdust. It works fabulously. No smell in the compost bay or the loo and the soil that’s made after 6-9 months is awesome.
    Why flush away water when you can have a great view and be making soil at the same time?i

  14. We compost almost everything but human waste. I’d do it in a heartbeat but don’t think hubby would be on board 🤷‍♀️.

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