
EC/ PPM Questions

EC/ PPM Question

Hi growmies!

1st grow DWC user. You can see these ladies are having some issues and I’m currently treating for N and Cal defs. They’ve made a bit a progress over the last 24h. I currently have them in the same rez and plan on separating once recovered.

My questions however how to deal with EC/PPM mixing.

How do you manage ec/ppm in your nute solutions? I grow in DWC and my tap water ~ ec 1100/ ~500-600 ppm making it quite hard to deal with.

Im using 7/11 purified water and have found it consistently around 6.0ph and 3 EC / 4-6ppm.

Im finding that even using 1/2 of the recommended mfr amounts, I’m still coming in high on my ec/ ppm mixes and have to dilute. Ive had Cal and N deficiencies which has made it tricky to dial ratios in. (Current mixes below)

Using 1/2 mfr. recommended 3g rez.
Water temp 69-72f
20/4 lights

7/11 purified water
Silica (mix nd sit for 1hr)
1/2 tea spoon Epsom Salt
Cal/Mag (have bumped this up to treat defs.)
GH Micro (have bumped this up to treat defs.)
GH Grow
Hydro Guard

Questions –

While treating deficiencies whats your mixing approach?

How high can you go with out starting lock up? Are you subbing nutes when once is needed over others?

In DWC, isnt part of the benefit that the plant chooses its own nutes from the rez as long as its available?

Any tips for diluting nute solution?

Any further treatment tips would greatly appreciated! Thanks y’all and have an awesome weekend!

by chulifly

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