Front Yard Garden

American Reacts to UK vs USA Yards (Gardens)

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what is up guys welcome back to another
reaction and today we are watching five
ways British and American Yards SLG
Gardens are very different so in our
last reaction where we compared Us
versus UK houses one of the things that
was talked about in that video was the
size difference in our yard youall seen
our yard like over on the Anna and JT
Channel go check it out Link in the
description you know that we live on 10
acres our front yard is massive we
basically took a field that had cows and
horses in it and just put a house in
there so like we just live in the middle
of a field and a lot of youall have been
like dude that is so crazy like your
yard is like 10 times the size of the
average UK yard and like our yard is big
but like around here especially in like
Kentucky and stuff a lot of people have
large yards and you know it’s just
because America’s so big you know so it
got me interested so we’re actually
going to check out some real differences
in Us versus UK yards the first one
being some of y’all call them Gardens
like a garden to us is like just a place
you grow plants you know like you grow
vegetables and stuff like we just
started a garden over on the an& JT
Channel and it’s strictly for grow
growing vegetables and stuff like that
so about to get into if you’re new to
the channel hit the Subscribe button
drop a like for more reactions like this
y going to see a lot more videos from me
across all the channels so yall just
stick back stay tuned and let’s get into
it sprinklers I suppose are pretty
essential and I can tell you from
experience on a hot summer’s day if
you’re walking down the street and one
of them accidentally goes off in you it
can be quite a pleasant experience and
dude I wish we had automatic sprinklers
I’m trying to grow grass right now again
we moved into a field and grass needs a
lot of dang water so I’m out there like
45 minutes twice a day day just using
the water hose to water it myself it’s B
unless you’re carrying your
phone hello I’m Lawrence and I’m on a
quest to uncover all of the memos that
Britain and America lost in the pond so
without further Ado here are those ways
that British and American Yards are very
different here we
go the
Ambiance I love that sound the truth is
on a warm summer’s day you really can’t
beat the quiet relaxing Ambiance of
either country’s yards but think back to
Summer think back to your childhood what
is the overriding sound it could be dogs
barking or a builder putting down a mug
but in my experience if you strip away
all of that the most consistent sound in
both countries comes from things with
wings across L of Britain the winged
creature in question is a wood pigon
they basically they hang out in people’s
Gardens that’s what they do and they
make this noise that you don’t really
hear very often in the United States and
that noise is
this I I know we have pigeons but I
don’t think I’ve ever seen a pigeon I’ve
never seen a pigeon in real life I don’t
think at least around like my house and
stuff we do get a lot of birds we get a
lot of cardinals a lot of blue jays but
the number one bird and like they’re one
of like the most terrifying birds are
buzzards dude they they will fly around
our house all day every day like it’s
Charlie our small dog we have have to
watch her when she goes outside because
if they wanted to they could just swoop
down pick her up and carry her off into
the distance she’ll be gone forever and
we also get a lot of hawks a lot of ows
especially like back here in the woods
you know literally one just flew past
literally I swear two of them two of
them they’re everywhere bro they’re
absolutely everywhere sorry to the wood
pigeon Community for that and while we
certainly have types of pigeons in the
United States this large bugger isn’t
one of them look at him he’s already had
three courses he’s going in for his
second dessert greedy B on the other
hand I guess I guess it’s like different
types of pigeons cuz I we do get pigeons
here I think they’re smaller though I
don’t think they’re that big of the
soundtrack to American Yards there’s
only one creature that comes to mind
chainsaw jym from next door but also
crickets now we talked about the not
just crickets not just crickets we have
a pond if you haven’t seen we have a
pond like pretty much in our front yard
and um it’s that time of year last night
was the first night we actually like
truly truly heard them frogs dude dude
they’re so loud and there’s going to be
thousands of them it’s bad it is
literally deafening at night it is
deafening they are so stinking loud it’s
crazy these excitable creatures before
on Lost in the pond so I won’t be
propagating their sinful activities any
further but suffice to say that
sound so that was a b yeah that was very
prevalent throughout Midwestern summers
in Britain the same is true of
these to air its dirty laundry in public
Britain has no problem doing just that
with clothe straight out of the washing
machine now there are some drawbacks to
doing this number one the pegs can help
deteriorate the fabric and number two it
takes flipping ages but on the plus side
it does it but but if you get a good
windy day dude you can get laundry done
like that growing up we always had a
clothes line cuz it was always cheaper
you know just a save on money you know
running the dryer multiple times a day
it’s going to add up and then sometimes
we didn’t even have a dryer so we had to
hang closed and the Kentucky weather
it’s not your friend it’s it’s
definitely not so sometimes we would
have to do laundry we wouldn’t have a
dry and it’d be raining outside like it
is right now so throughout the house we
would have clothes on hangers hung up
just randomly like in the sh on the
shower you know like the curtain rod for
the shower dude that was a makeshift
clothes line more often than not so yeah
I’m stranger to clo lines it’s
eco-friendly you I also used to hit my
sister with a mean clo line oh yeah
slapping the wind in a really pleasing
way and they end up smelling like
Britain but after moving to America they
do they do your clothes smell like
outside like they’re clean but they
smell like outside if you know what
outside smells like you you know what
I’m talking about I was surprised to
find a distinct lack of washing lines in
people’s yards and that makes it sound
like I’ve been snooping but the truth is
I have now of course will be Americans
watching this going we have a closed
line CU all Americans sound like Kermit
the Frog for some reason or we had a
closed line in the 70s or whatever right
there are exceptions and there are a
couple of good reasons for this firstly
the United States doesn’t do the whole
let’s have a washer and dryer in one
combined unit thing they just have
really effective dryers and the second
reason is that in parts of the United
States homeowners associations have
actually moved to ban it citing them as
that is true I didn’t even think about
about that we don’t have HOAs out here
but yeah I could see where they would
you couldn’t put one up in your yard
which is stupid like dude it’s just
literally a line you put clothes on come
on now so it definitely depends on where
you are in the US but like around here
they’re everywhere like we plan on
putting one up in our yard so I saws
that could devalue the property however
a few years ago several states did pass
right to dry laws which specifically
forbid associations placing banon
clothes lines but even with a sharper
Gaze on the environmental benefits
America still ain’t got nothing on
Britain of course if my neighbors are so
reluctant to see my socks and my
Underpants and that mysterious princess
layia bikini perhaps they should
consider the size of this hey I will say
I know a lot of Brits use clothes lines
but I I know a certain group of people
that would give y’all a run for your
money and that is the Amish the Amish
they literally have to use clothes lines
they have dude we live a lot we live
around a lot of Amish I’ve seen some of
of the most like unique and like
extravagant clothes lines ever like
they’ll be like off the roof of their
house down to the fence up to the barn
like it’s ridiculous and they will like
dude it’s lined with clothes it’s so
crazy they have like pulley systems and
everything it’s wild so yeah the Amish
dude they are clotheslined
in FY firstly let me clarify if you’re
confused and you think the word fencing
is used here to indicate that British
people use their Gardens for sword
fighting you’re wrong that I wish to be
honest that’d beol phed out in the ’90s
fencing as in the protective perimeter
around your yard and in Britain front
yards don’t so much as have a fence but
often a brick wall and a gate these
walls can range in height from half a
Danny Dev Vito to an entire Danny Dev
Vito it’s also not uncommon in Britain
for both the front and the backyard to
be surrounded by a hedge where you might
see a fence usually that of the wooden
variety is in the back garden and this
is replicated in the United States
they’re like they’re called privacy
fences and they’re like super common in
like neighborhoods and stuff like that
but out here where I’m at out here in
the country the only fences you’re going
to see are animal fences for like cows
and all that good stuff you know there
are a couple of areas within the world
of fences that America does things
differently firstly I was kind of thrown
back by the vast amount of front yards
that don’t have anything not a fence not
a hedge not an army of gnomes and on the
one hand I like this because it seems
quite inviting but on the other it does
encourage people to trespass onto
chainsaw Jim’s yard what chainsaw Jim
really needs is a white picket fence
something that’s famously common to the
United States see usually you’re just
going to put up a no trespassing sign
and again this is America so like people
know people have guns you know so
usually try not to trespass but but one
area where fencing tends to be more
prevalent is the American backyard and
while this can indeed include wooden
fences there’s one type of fence you’ll
see here that is not common in Britain
chain link and I understand most
Americans probably don’t give these
fences a second thought but to me
they’re amazing and one of these days
I’m going to install one so tall I can
use my garden to have a steel cage match
yeah those those are common if you don’t
have the privacy fence like if of the
chain links can to be a lot cheaper and
if you just want something like to keep
your animals in the yard or something
like that then yeah you’re going chain
link but if you have the money and you
want like a privacy fence that’s like
over 6t tall then that’s what you would
go with you know
sprink when I entered my first spring
here in the United States one thing that
really stood out to me was the
prevalence of sprinklers people stick
them out of their front Lawns and we
don’t do this in the UK because our
sprinklers are placed in the clouds but
because of a Midwestern climate that
doesn’t really lend itself to effective
Lawn Care sprinklers I suppose are
pretty essential and I can tell you from
experience on a hot summer’s day if
you’re walking down the street and one
of them accidentally goes off in you it
can be quite a pleasant experience yeah
we like it rains a lot but also when
it’s dry it’s freaking dry you know like
it gets so hot it could rain for a week
straight and then like in 3 days with
just the Sun out everything’s going to
be crusty again you know it’s going to
be super dry and you’re going to need
especially if you’re trying to keep your
yard like nice you’re going to have to
water even though you just got 6 in of
rain 3 days ago that sun it just gets so
hot it dries it out quick unless you’re
carrying your
phone s once again if you’ve been
watching my videos for any length of
time you’ll know that there are too
constants my confused expression and the
fact that my videos always come back to
size and yards are absolutely no
different let me tell you a story when I
was approximately one Danny DeVito tall
I like any child used to play in my
garden by Britain standards this Garden
was of relatively average size so
whenever my rich friend from the village
over invited me around to his I couldn’t
believe that his garden was so big that
his dad had built him a Miniature
Railway by Britain standard this could
have been the garden of a millionaire or
not because after moving to the United
States I realized that no this is that’s
the size of everyone’s Garden here in
that Childhood Garden I was banned from
playing soccer because you’re only ever
5T away from the kitchen window however
at my in-laws house in Indiana I don’t
think I could have hit the window if I
tried and I did
try yeah I mean we we’re so the country
itself is so much larger and there’s so
much more space like to have a big yard
but I have lived in like neighborhoods
and stuff where we have compared to
yards in UK they’re still large but a
smaller more condensed you know front
and backyard I’ve lived in houses where
we don’t even have a front yard we just
have a backyard but even then they’re
small but they’re kind of big compared
to the British ones now before we finish
a quick rapid fire of miscellaneous
items hanging flower baskets which
country does them more Britain gnomes
garden gnomes Britain again although you
do find them in the US according to my
Twitter feed you do you do pits
definitely America I I don’t remember
seeing one of those at all what about
fire pits like not just a barbecue pit a
fire pit like a fire ring how common are
those in the UK because like dang dang
near everybody around here has one like
our next project is to build like a
whole fire pit and like fireplace in our
yard I know those are super common here
so y’all let me know in Britain we do
have barbecues but it’s we don’t have
the pit often I don’t think any I never
had one why didn’t I have one mom dad
bugs I’m not sure that either country
has more bugs than the other they just
have different types Midwestern Gardens
will get way more mosquitoes fireflies
things like that Britain you’ll see more
slugs and snails than you do here who we
definitely get them though and flies
flies are so bad around here maybe it’s
because we moved into a a horse field
FES get so bad in ladybugs Actually I
don’t even think they’re ladybugs I
think they’re called like Japanese
beetles or something like they almost
look like a ladybug but they’re not
ladybugs in they I don’t care how sealed
up your house is they’re going to get in
they’re like ants they’re going to find
a dang way they’re everywhere they’re
absolutely everywhere flowers in their
Garden again this might come down to the
type rather than the quantity but having
said that I think British Gardens can be
perceived to be more flowery because
their Gardens are smaller so they have
to pack more in which country’s Gardens
are more likely to have a pond I don’t
know the answer to that question is lost
in one that’s it for this well we have
one it’s not super common and not
everybody has a pond you know we just we
moved into a field that needed a pond to
water cows and horses and now we have it
so it’s more of a puddle but we do plan
on getting it dug down and actually tur
it into a pond with fish in it and stuff
so could you imagine like somebody in
the UK that had like a smaller like
backyard garden like that and they just
dug the whole thing down and turned it
into a pond that’d be sick but all right
guys that is going to do it for five
ways British and American Gardens yards
are very different I think everything it
always comes back to size you know we
just have so much more room so there’s
they’re going to be bigger you can put
more stuff in them but also you got to
think about it the maintenance dude
mowing the yard like I haven’t mowed
this yard yet again I’m trying to grow
the grass to mow it I I should just not
grow it so that way we don’t have grass
to mow but but I have a riding lawn
mower like I can get up and get some
grass mowed you know but to mow my front
yard probably going to take like 45
minutes to an hour like it’s going to be
dang near half a day’s job to mow all of
the grass around my house but in the UK
dude you could use a push mower and be
done in 15 minutes so like hey but that
is going to do it for today’s video
thank you guys so much for watching if
you’re new to the channel hit that
subscribe button drop a like I
appreciate you guys make sure you go
today spread love spread kindness do
something nice and my day I love you
guys so much I really do sh your ex out


  1. Would you mind answering a question I'm looking to do with your video, but it's such a simple question I didn't think you'd mind. The USA stand for United States of America but states make up their own laws southern not really United are they? I know you all have the same president but even so you're not really United are you? So if you could explain it to this old Englishman and I'm sure there's a lot more of us it would like to know why, I'd be very happy thank you

  2. Hey JT, you really don't have to keep telling us every 30 seconds how big everything in America is. WE KNOW FFS!!!!! 🤪

  3. I really wish people wouldn’t use lost in the pond videos he isn’t funny and doesn’t live in the uk anymore as for yards in uk they are very different in different countries and if your wealthy the yards are huge I was a carer for someone that lived at banally in Edinburgh and their yard was literally the peatlands that had gardens and paddocks that’s rented out to neighbours for horses one neighbour rented out for Llamas and it had a lake in their back garden .

    My garden (yard ). Is pretty big but my house is a semidetached house built in 1939.

  4. So here in the UK i live in a terraced house wheremy front door leads straight onto the pavement no front yard or courtyard. My back yard is simply a concrete area only functional not remotely decorative

  5. The biggest difference between everything in America and the UK is size. But yes, my parents too live in a house they built in the middle of a big field. There is just a lot more grass than at yours. We call the garden the bits that are well kept or landscaped around the house with play things for grandchildren and clothes lines. They also have a veggie garden too and a hen coop but, the rest of the land they just call "the field."

  6. Don't you have radiators in America? 😅🤔 in uk we put our clothes on radiators which are also used to heat our homes during the colder periods of the year.

  7. The idea of having frogs and crickets keeping you awake in the middle of the night is nuts. The people who have American sized yards over here we call gentry.

  8. Honestly living in the UK, the US wins. Living in the UK all my life I don't like the housing here, the cost for housing is rediculous plus we tend to cram houses togther and have the smallest garden you can imgine, usually you can see your neighbours over the back fence 😂 Where you guys have big gardens for us privacy isn't really a thing unless you have around £700,000 probably more for a decent house.

  9. I have a dryer but I've never used it. I hang clothes out on good days and I have an old pulley suspended from a ceiling in my house, to hang clothes, I've also clothes horses that are free standing rails. And radiator saddles, rails that hang on radiators.. With the price of electricity and Gas, I would never use a dryer

  10. Hi I from uk I live in Norfolk pigeons just 💩 on everything but I rather them to buzzards we have a bird called a Robin they so cute 🥰 xx

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