Gardening Supplies

10 Best Survival Crops for Guerilla Gardening!

10 Best Survival Crops for Guerilla Gardening!
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This video was made and produced in Austria.

hey guys my name is Lily and today I
want to show you the best survival crops
that you can grow for the zombie
apocalypse stay tuned so my favorite
veggie is actually potatoes I really
love them because um they contain a lot
of minerals and vitamins but also they
have a high car content and car is what
you need in case of a famine or in case
of a food shortage so potatoes are great
they taste great it’s easy to cook and
actually in this race bed here I have
planted potatoes about a fortnight ago
so here you can see some of the potato
sprouting and usually it will give you
10 potatoes for one potato that you
plant so you can increase the yield by
10 times and that’s pretty amazing of
course potato is a heavy feeder so it
needs a lot of uh really good um either
fertilizer or compost now some people
people I’ve seen they’ve tried to just
grow potatoes in The Lawns and usually
that won’t work because Lawns are really
depleted in nutrition but there’s also a
downside to potatoes which is they are
night shades and they’re not winter
hearty so to store them in winter time
you would need a root Celler and a root
Celler is something that most people
don’t have anymore so I’m from the
countryside and at the countryside every
Homestead had a root Celler and this is
where they would store apples but also
potatoes um cabbage and other vegetables
that’s the big downside so you have to
um store the veggies somehow or you can
the potatoes or you dry them but if you
want to have seed potatoes for the next
year you need a root seller and this is
something I don’t have yet so a root
seller is worth gold but a lot of people
don’t have that so what’s an alternative
potatoes the alternative is actually
Jerusalem ATI choke the Jerusalem atti
choke is very similar to a potato but
it’s winter hardy so you don’t need a
root cell and I think that’s really
important and it’s a good alternative to
potatoes now I would still always plant
potatoes uh if you can get seed potatoes
but in case of a complete societal
breakdown or a massive food shortage I
believe that Jerusalem Ary choke is
maybe even better than planting potatoes
and the great thing is they don’t need a
lot of um care so if you plant them
somewhere they will just keep growing
they are self-propagating
and actually they are pretty invasive so
make sure uh that you’re not planting
them near to fields or maybe in such a
race bed like this one here because they
will easily take over raised bed and
then you cannot get rid of them anymore
so Jerusalem ay choke is great because
it’s so resilient but also it can cause
problems in the long run so make sure
you plant it away from your veggie
garden or maybe in a pot and that’s
something that I want to try today all
right so here I have a pot and I
actually believe that one uh Jerusalem a
choke is actually enough for this small
pot so I’m just going to set it here and
now I just cover the a choke with some
soil okay this is it and now we are
going to wait until the Jerusalem AR
choke or the S choke is going to grow
and make some leaves now number three on
my list of survival crops is
Spanish salsify so the seed looks like
this and if you plant it into the soil
uh soon after the plant will look like
this makes a black root that goes down
down to 40 cm so it’s going to use the
depth of almost all of the rais bed here
and it’s going to make this really nice
black root which tastes delicious and I
can highly recommend this plant it’s
really delicious now there’s another
salsify that you can plant which is the
common salsify and I’ve done that here
in this race bed actually a couple of
years ago but I have to say the common
cify I don’t think it tastes great so
it’s really like
of course it gives you energy and cups
but um it’s very far away from a carrot
or from a potato but if space is no
issue I would grow both of those
vegetables so yeah if you have a big
property where space is not an issue I
would definitely recommend growing the
common cify as well and actually the
common cify sometimes you can find in
the wilderness so it’s also wild edible
all right the next crops that I would
grow is garlic and onions uh because
they are very valuable in the kitchen
they taste great and they are really
healthy so onions and garlic is going to
make every meal taste so much better in
the first half of the race bed we have
planted some onions this spring
2024 so you can see it’s a really nice
graph but then you can see a section
which has a much better gr and this
onion we have planted in the fall of
2023 last year
so this one is much more massive and we
can Harvest it earlier uh and then here
we have planted some garlic last fall as
well and this one is really massive I’m
really happy how the garlic is turning
out now the great thing is that garlic
and onions they’re actually winter hardy
so you don’t need a root cell so pretty
cool survival crop so everything that
doesn’t need a root cell is going to be
a great uh survival plant or survival
veggie for the apocalypse another great
veggie for a survival crop is radishes
rishes are really awesome because they
grow so quickly and they have a lot of
vitamins and also
fiber this one is still small so I’m
going to harvest these onions in about
two weeks and then they should have the
right size uh the big advantage of
radish is that uh you can get crops in
40 days or 45 days and that’s really
fast all right the next survival crop
that I want to show you is Tiger
nut this is what it looks like and tanut
is really awesome it tastes great it
tastes like a nut although botanically
it’s not so it’s actually a
tuba uh but it’s really nutty so it
tastes like nuts so tiger nut is a
really Awesome Survival crop I really
love it uh the only thing that you have
to watch out is first of all it’s not
winter hardy so uh the earliest you want
to plant this is the mid of May but once
it has grown inside of the soil and
matured then it can survive mild Winters
now the great thing about tigernut is
actually you can just pull them out of
the earth and dry them so they look like
this and then you just store B them over
winter time in your house or flat and
then next year in May you can replant
them and get more tiger
nuts now also um when they are fresh
they are really tasty and soft but with
each day they are getting really hard
hard like Stone so if you would try to
eat this tiger nut right now uh you will
break out a too if you try uh but the
great thing is is that you can actually
Mill them into a
flour so here we have some tanut
flour and it looks like this and you can
use this flour to make some cookies and
that’s awesome because tiger nut is
suitable for the paleo diet really
awesome survival crop I highly highly
can recommend UT and if you want to
plant one more root
vegetable uh I can
recommend sugar root sugar root is a
really interesting plant uh in the first
year it’s just going to make one root
and in the second year it’s going to
make multiple Roots which look like
fingers and it’s white and it’s full
with sugar so it’s really really sweet
and it’s another great resource for
carbs so if you’re searching for another
plant which makes a lot of carbs then
sugar root is a secret tip uh that not a
lot of people know about okay so these
are pretty much the most important
surviv crops that I would consider for
the zombie apocalypse um and then I
would also recommend two wild edibles
and introduce them to your property so
maybe you have a wild spot on your
property maybe you have a meadow that
you don’t visit that
often and on this wild spot I would
introduce beroch beroch is really
important it’s one of the best survival
crops or wild edals that you can find in
the wilderness so berock is really great
and it’s making a really large rout
which is full with carbs uh also it has
medicinal properties so Biro is awesome
and it’s definitely a food for the last
resort in case you run out of food now
the next wild edible that I would
recommend if you have maybe a wet spot
on your property around a creek or
something or maybe a really
wet area like uh for example a meadow
which has a lot of water then you might
want to think about introducing cat tail
Cattail is really awesome and has
multiple purposes for survival and also
as a wild edible so cat root tastes
delicious it’s the best cup that I’ve
ever found in the wilderness it’s it’s
full with starch uh you can even make
some flour out of it the poen even has
medicinal properties as well so yeah
cail really awesome has a lot of Cups
okay so this is pretty much it um if you
want to plant one more crop around your
property or around your backout location
then I would plant those small
strawberries that you can find in the
forest or on Meadows um I would try to
propagate those plants because
strawberries are great and the smaller
version is not as visible so if you want
to conceal your secret garden it’s
always great to
choose crops that are not very visible
and that most people are not familiar
with so for
example if you’re planting lettuce
everybody will see it but if you’re
growing black cify people will think
that it’s a flower if you’re growing uh
Jerusalem ad choke people will think
that it’s a wheat so make sure that
you’re choosing crops which look wild or
like flowers or like Wheats and this is
how you can conceal a secret garden all
right guys so this is it for today I
really want to thank you for watching
and stay tuned till next time


  1. Here is a complete list of the crops I have mentioned in this video:
    1. Potato
    2. Jerusalem Artichoke
    3. Black Salsify
    4. Common Salsify
    5. Sugar Root (Skirret)
    6. Onions
    7. Garlic
    8. Tiger Nut (Earth Almond or Chufa)
    9. Radish
    10. Strawberries (the small version)

  2. Cow parsley, garlic mustard, hawthorns bushes, primrose, stinging nettles, hogweed and goose grass grow everywhere and are super nutritional

  3. This Jerusalem something we use to call
    "por mans potato".
    But its good with salt and butter, 🙂💕
    Thanks for the tips, 👍🇸🇪

  4. my secret garden enemy nr1s are: rabbit hare deer and snails and some flying things and and some rare zombies every now and then ..for the snails I only trust on copper rings around and under the stems, for the rabbits there is chickenfence,, for the deer some snares around that,,secret one take a place where the zombies in the appocalypse wont come, you can study their behaviour allready ,, ussualy they will stay on the path. I just want to add that tigernuts are also good for carpfishing, for carps and for carbs, whenever you are fed up eating the cookies! I eat the weeds , they will never die, so they say, I will die then at least after they are gone…….love you dont be afraid for nothing it does not help,,

  5. Hi Lily I'll be honest I only stopped in today to see a pretty girl, I'm sorry if that sounds shallow,

  6. If you have a bulkhead or basement, you can cordon off a small area from the rest of your basement with a wall (as far away from your heating boiler as possible), insulate it really well with that styrofoam insulation, and then run a pair of ducts through a basement window or your wooden sill (the place where the floor above meets the concrete — there is a gap for the floor joists). You want one pipe running from the outside straight down to the floor, and then on the opposite side of your small room, you want a high-duct up near the ceiling to vent the warmer air out. Cold air from the outside will enter and sink, cooling your vegetables, while the warmer air will rise up through the high vent and back outdoors again. You'll want some kind of duct-adjustment (like a wood stove pipe has) to adjust the amount of air-flow to get the temperature you want inside your little root cellar room. On prolonged cold stretches, you will only want a small of cold air coming inside, while on milder days, you'll want it to circulate fairly well.

    Here's a guy who did it (playlist):

  7. I have 70 feet of lake shore, i left 30 feet for recreation and planted the last 40 feet in cattails. They spread out to the 400 feet along the wildlife recreation area next to my land. Best crop i have ever planted and never have to maintain. I pull about 50% of it every year with hundreds of pounds of root and it all comes back.

  8. ..where I live in Canada, I'm starting to believe that 1/2 the wild plants are edible, and the other 1/2 are useful….dandelion, nettles, fireweed, wild sunchokes, tree cambian and more

  9. Thankyou.
    You can just leave the potatoes in the ground – they will keep well when unpicked and pick them as you need them.

  10. I find that Runner Bean and French climbing bean are the heaviest cropping per metre squared , and they mostly occupy the space upwards and they are MUCH easier than carrots/ beetroot/ tomatoes etc . Also climbing courgette – grows upward , and is prolific ( Black Forest

  11. Increase your yield by building up dirt after the plant starts sprouting. Then add another inch of dirt until it grows higher than add another inch and keep going and you will increase your yields by three or more times in my opinion

  12. You also don't need seed potatoes all you need is cut up potatoes and if you cut it into four or six you can actually plant those pieces and get plants from them and thus get plenty of potatoes
    You can also use your kitchen scraps such as potatoes and cut Carrots and such And plant those And they will regrow Without seeds and without having to reseed a potato

  13. Lilly. I like your method of using the cans for soil that you have in your raised beds there. Though if it is a generic can, there may be bad metal leaching through the soil with whatever the metals are that the can is made of. Hopefully this isn't the case, otherwise you could use wood boxes for the soil support instead?

  14. You can prolong grow and increase yields from rooted vegetables, why cutting the green foliage and covering the soil, I enjoy your videos 🙂

  15. Could you also look up electro-culture, using the plants energy to generate power,

    Also can you look up earth batteries, it’s where is stores electrical energy using pots and plants nutrients as a chemical reaction

  16. That is seriously the saddest potato crop I have ever seen. I get more spuds off random volunteers left over from previous crops that just pop up randomly in odd spots in the garden. You are doing something wrong. That soil looks dead.

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