Plant Propagation

Mini Monstera cutting got sunburnt – any remedies or just roll with it?

From shipping box to south window. Thought it was far enough out of direct sunlight but I guess not. My mistake. It’s only been there since Friday night, as well, and it’s been a gloomy weekend here.

Fixable or just roll with it?

by MissBaltimoreCrabs_


  1. blindkiller770

    Just roll! I burned over 20 plants last week 😭 they are in recovery

  2. shiftyskellyton

    That’s not sunburn. It wouldn’t burn just the tips. Use a magnifying glass to closely inspect the foliage for pests, especially tiny rice-like thrips larvae.

  3. Runtergehen

    to give you some comfort, I am a greenhouse manager who orders plants ALL the time for classes and stuff. Pretty much everything I buy has a two to four week “I AM DYING, HELP” phase, then starts pushing out new growth.

    Other commenter said this is not sunburn since it’s just at the tips – I think I agree, you’d probably have at least one spot in the middle of the leaf. They also suggested thrips or some pest – it’s possible, but I’ve never had a thrips infestation on a monstera, they prefer plants with delicate leaves and flower petals that they can hide in. I’ve had spider mites on them, but those are easy to spot from the light-colored spotting pattern.

    Definitely check for buggos, but i would assume this is just transplant/travel shock, and it will normalize after some time in the new home. Keep pics and it is worth at least sending an email to the seller so they know there is some abnormality in case things keep going south.

  4. skototropes

    As shifty said, that’s definitely not sunburn.

    I’ve propped a lot of tetraspermas and have burned a few and they didn’t look like that, the tip looks like how several of the props that dried out too much looked though.

    Maybe that’s what happened to yours in transit, I’ve never had thrips to compare, but I wanted to share, be thorough in your search, but hopefully it isn’t pests!!

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