Gardening Supplies

The Best Strawberries for Home Gardening

If you’re looking to grow delicious, fresh strawberries in your home garden, you may be considering the different cultivar options. One type that deserves a closer look is the everbearing strawberry.

Everbearing strawberries have a few key advantages that make them a popular choice for many gardeners:

Extended Harvest Season
Everbearing strawberries produce fruit over a longer period compared to June-bearing or day-neutral strawberry varieties. They typically bear berries from early summer through fall, giving you a more extended harvest window to enjoy that sweet strawberry flavor.

Continuous Production
Rather than a single large crop, everbearing strawberries produce berries in multiple flushes throughout the growing season. This provides a steady supply of fresh strawberries over a longer timeframe, rather than just a few weeks of intense picking.

Versatile Growing Conditions
Everbearing strawberries can be grown in a wider range of climates and conditions than some other strawberry types. They tend to tolerate heat and cold better, making them a good option for gardeners in varied regions.

Manageable Plant Size
Everbearing strawberry plants are generally more compact and lower-growing compared to some June-bearing cultivars. This makes them well-suited for containers, small gardens, and high-density planting arrangements.

Reduced Maintenance
Since everbearing varieties produce over a longer season, they may require less intensive pruning and runner control compared to June-bearing types. This can save you time and effort in the garden.

The tradeoff is that everbearing plants typically produce slightly smaller berries and a lower total yield per plant compared to some June-bearing cultivars. But the extended harvest and convenience make everbearing varieties a popular choice for home gardeners looking to maximize their strawberry crop throughout the season.

If you’re interested in an easy-to-grow, productive strawberry that will provide you with a steady supply of fresh fruit, everbearing strawberries are definitely worth considering for your garden.
Enjoy life, enjoy family and enjoy your garden!


Everbearing Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants 20 Bare Root Plants

Mr. Stacky 5-Tier Strawberry Planter Pot, 5 Pots

Bonide Bontone II Rooting Powder, 1.25 oz

Equipment / Apps used for filming and editing:
GoPro Hero9

Canva Pro
GoPro Quick

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Check Out My Previous Content here:
Planting and Growing Strawberry Plants with my son in North Texas

Urban Gardening with Gray focuses on smart cost effective gardening that is sustainable and easy to maintain.

Enjoy life, enjoy family, enjoy your garden!

North Texas garden
How to grow strawberries
Growing strawberries from seed
Best soil for strawberries
Tips for growing strawberries
Strawberry plant care
How to plant strawberries
Growing strawberries in containers
Strawberry pests and diseases
Harvesting strawberries
Strawberry propagation
Companion Planting
Weed Suppression

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hello fellow gardeners and Friends it is time for an update on the strawberry garden from Your Favorite Gardener Urban Garden with gray so so far we’ve been getting Daily Harvest off of our berries uh now I know many of you know that uh here at Urban Garden with gray we like to plant everbearing strawberries so today I want to talk a little bit about why I choose everbearing strawberries or over the different Cults of Arts that exist out there I know many of you might think hey you know wouldn’t you like to go with like a June beer which gives you a better you know a bigger Berry yeah no I’m still going to lean on heavily on to the uh ever bearing strawberries because of one main key factor and make sure you watch the full video so you can know all the benefits about growing strawberries in your own backyard or in small spaces but first and foremost before we go on I want to make sure that you know that I am a grower specifically in north Texas uh Zone 8B so uh before you uh try to implement some of my care strategies and uh my growing strategies for growing strawberries just you take in consideration my microclimate might be different from yours um so without much further do let’s talk about growing strawberries and why I specifically love to grow everbearing strawberries so if you haven’t started growing strawberries yet or you’re thinking about maybe contemplating growing strawberries in Garden I am making an official campaign and yes I endorse this message for you to grow in your home Garden everbearing strawberries reason being is that everbearing strawberries the main reason I grow them so much is because of the extended harvest season everbearing strawberries produce fruit over a longer period of time compared to like your June bearing or your day neutral strawberry varieties they typically bear berries from early summer throughout the fall and yes I’ve been getting them here in the spring as well and so that’s my main reason for growing them I can have continuous uh Harvest like honestly daily but now the reason why I say Bailey as you can see from many of my previous videos and this video as well is that I’m constantly U no yes I’m constantly harvesting but the fact that I have about five I think different strawberry patches that I’m constantly going through and plus I have a 5-year-old son and an eight-year-old daughter and there’s no joy better for them than going out to the strawberry patch and picking their own strawberries rinsing them off and eating them straight from the garden I mean what’s not better than that I mean and that’s a memory that my kids will keep with them forever having spring summer and early fall strawberries that they can pick right out of what my son Gregory calls his grocery store Garden I mean and not to mention they built their own raised bed garden that we have dubbed the fairy garden so that’s why I love everbearing strawberries and then plus I know some people say well hey you know everbearing strawberries your strawberries they’re so small they’re tiny June bearers are bigger that is very true I will age agreeable but June bearers only produce like one time a year and yeah you get a big Harvest and you get that one Berry and it’s huge and it’s massive that’s great but the ever bearings taste better they’re they’re small but they’re packed with Flavor now of course that is my opinion some of you might say that June bearers are be June bearers are better and more power to you but over here at Urban Gard or gray we’re doing all of the bearings now yes you get the extended harvest season but you also get a continuous production out of because the everbearing strawberries like I said they’re they’re producing multiple times a year and you get multiple berries out throughout That season too now granted yes again they’re small and you do have to harvest them a lot I mean because you want to get them before the the birds and the uh squirrels may get them but I don’t mind going out to my strawberry patch and picking multiple berries because yes if I was growing on a massive like 2 3 Acre Farm and okay yeah maybe it might get a little old going out getting the ever bearings but that’s not what this video is for this is not a farming video my channel is not a farming Channel I will never claim to be a farmer I am a gardener and this is for growing in small spaces so say for instance you’re growing in an apartment complex and growing right on your patio on or your window seal everbearing strawberries might be the right option so now let’s talk about versatility when it comes to growing conditions because the everbearing strawberry exceeds many other varieties easily because it can grow in some of the harshest conditions they tend to tolerate heat and cold better making them a good option for gardeners in various regions for instance a lot of The Growers here in Texas and I’ve heard these comments before on Facebook that oh you know in the state of Texas um strawberries are kind of like an annual because they can’t tolerate our heat well my everbearing strawberries I have had my patch for my oldest patch for about three seasons now and it tolerates the heat just fine seem like I’m just you know the best grower in the world and I haven’t lost any plants no I did lose a couple last season I mean we were in the middle of like an intense heat wave I mean climate change is real and I think one of the highest was like 119 or something that we got up here in North Texas it was unbearable so I did lose about three plants uh but for the most part most of my everbearing strawberries did just fine out in this crazy Texas heat another thing I want to talk about is about the plant size everbearing strawberries are generally more Compact and lower growing compared to like your June bearing cultivars they this makes them well suited for like containers small gardens and highly high density um planting arrangements so for instance in my garden I have accidentally planted some uh lettuce in one of my boxes uh with my strawberries I have marry Golds I have strawberries and I’ve actually have some lettuce growing outside of that box as well I didn’t intend on it they were kind of volunteer lettuce a couple of um I can’t remember the cultivars of lettuce that I have in there I know I have some red lettuce in there and uh red lettuce G I know it’s super super nutritious for you but it does not taste good by itself you need to mix it up with some other lettuces and maybe some spinaches if you’re going to be eating red lettuce but that’s neither here nor there the point is with the plant size of the everbearing strawberry not being too tall not being a real tall grower um it’s fine for as far as irration goes throughout the plants because uh even though they’re kind of in a compact space they grow just fine and I’ve also been growing some in containers uh when I ended up getting too many be root strawberries and uh all of the runners that I like to propagate uh I have a lot of strawberries but because they grow so well in containers it’s not a problem because uh as a gardener as many of you know we keep containers so uh we recycle those containers and we put the strawberries in them and uh keep on going now one thing I will say when you are putting strawberries in containers um I’ve actually seen a lot of videos of people putting strawberries in small containers and personal preference I say you want to go at least a gallon size as far as the size of your strawberry container because especially with the ever bearings remember plants 50% of plant growth happens underneath the soil and you run the risk especially if you’re going to have your ever Bears um be a a perennial and come back every year uh you want to make sure you have enough room for those roots to really stretch out and get themselves well established so I don’t plant my strawberries in anything less than a a one gallon container because I want those roots to really develop on the plant this key point that I’m going to mention for the everbearing strawberries is that it has reduced maintenance meaning I don’t have to go in and fertilize my ever bears as much as I would if I was growing like a allar or Fort laramy uh some of those June bearers because um since I’m getting strawberries throughout the season I have a you know a a maintenance schedule that I follow for my strawberries um and I don’t really have to go in and and and cultivate the soil as much to uh allow them to be able to produce so you get reduced maintenance with the strawberries honestly like once I have you know um fertilized in the spring I kind of leave them alone and let them do their thing plus the fact that I do a lot of companion planting with all of my strawberries they’re doing a lot of that maintenance for me as well so at the end of the day I really think that um everbearing strawberries for the win now if you just agree if you like a different cultivar or strawberry why don’t you leave me a comment in the um comment section and tell me why you think your cultivar of strawberry is better I would like to hear from you um I always love that back and forth that we have so let me know what you’re thinking when you uh what strawberry uh cultivar you prefer all right well that’s it for us here at Urban Garden with gray um it’s been a pleasure talking with you about strawberries uh I can talk about plants all day every day any day um so make sure you uh hit that like And subscribe button and then uh like I said leave me a leave me a line leave me a comment in the uh the comments I do love hearing from you um but this has been Urban Garden with gray uh make sure you enjoy life enjoy family and enjoy your garden thanks guys [Music]


  1. Everbearing was the first ever strawberries I grew just as a try out, they are small but sweet
    Strawberries are not commonly grown here in Jamaica so that was super excited.
    A lot of people were saying they wouldn't grow because of the sun, you know a tropical island
    but they were proven wrong💖

  2. I love everbearing strawberries for the same reasons as you do. But the drawback to everbearing is not only are they smaller, and in my opinion, not quite as delicious as the june bearing. But, they never give you an abundance of strawberries to preserve, to make jams and jellies, or to put in your freezer to make pies, cakes, ice creams, or deserts. Of course in your case you have several beds so that is not as much of a problem. But even with your multiple beds I bet you would be hard pressed to get enough strawberries all ripe at the same time on the same day to make a batch of jam or jelly with, or a desert that requires a quart or two of strawberries. Like you, I like the idea of getting strawberries over a longer period of time and not being regulated to having strawberries only one time a year. But I also like the bigger, tastier, (in my opinion), and larger harvest that I get all at one time, from June bearing strawberries. That is why I plant both, June and Everbearing strawberries. It is so nice to go out into your garden and see the plants absolutely loaded with bunches of big red strawberries hanging off of every plant; It pales in comparison to coming out every day and seeing one, two, or three, berries in various stages of ripeness on almost every plant. But the strawberry season would be way too short for me if it only came once a year, in June. That is why I think it is best to have both kinds of strawberries. And you would not need as many beds if you planted both June and Everbearing strawberries. I always think of the everbearing berries as my fresh eating berries, because there are always a few ripe ones that you can pick for a treat and I love that about Everbearing. And like you, I like having the everbearing strawberries because they make a fun treat for my grandchildren when they come over.
    But, If you really want one of the best tasting strawberries that you have ever put in your mouth, I would recommend you plant some Alpine strawberries, botanically known as (Fragaria vesca sempervirens) commonly called woodland strawberries, or sometimes called 'wild strawberries', they are native to the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia, commonly growing wild in mountain meadows, hence, the reason they're known as Alpine strawberries. Even though they aren't native to the U.S., they can also be found naturally growing in woodlands all across North America. They are miniscule in size compared to the cultivated strawberries that we grow in our gardens, and are way smaller than even the Everbearing berries that you grow. But they have a much more distinctive and intense strawberry taste, many people say they taste more "strawberrier" than any strawberry they have ever eaten. They are a prized European delicacy known for their Exceptional Flavor – they are intensely sweet and have a distinct aroma. But one thing to bear in mind, is that they are said to taste like cotton, until they are dead ripe. You will know they are ripe not only by the deep crimson red color, but also by the intense sweet aroma. When they are ready for harvest, the fruits become so aromatic a single ripe berry perfumes the air all around the plant.
    Alpine strawberries are day neutral, they produce flowers and fruits all summer long, from June through October, thriving in light shade. Another nice feature of Alpine strawberries is that they do not produce runners, so they make tidy border plants and are more attractive in ornamental gardens, used as edgings or foreground plantings. I have a few wild plants growing around my home, but I am definitely planning on adding more in my raised beds and containers. As no other strawberry beats the flavor and taste of Alpine strawberries. They may be tiny, but they pack a more intense strawberry fragrance and intense strawberry flavor punch, than you have ever tasted in your entire life. I love them!

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