Lawn Porn

First time mowing the yard, first house always lived in condos.

Very satisfying, I started in a circle around the fire then went into lines. I’ll master this before the end of summer. Also watering it twice a day, morning and evening. Any way to combat dog urine? Tips and tricks always welcome my first ever lawn and house.

by TireGuI


  1. ohhrangejuice

    Congratulations on the house.

    Mowing is such a huge stress relief. it can all be the cause, lol

    It’s a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t be hard on yourself if it doesn’t look any better by summers end.

  2. were you drunk when you did it? Lines are all over the place.

  3. Imgurbannedme

    Twice a day is too often. Longer, more infrequent waterings will promote deeper root growth and will be less likely to grow fungi that will discolor and possibly damage the turf. Every three days should be plenty. You gotta make the grass work for the water by following it deeper into the soil with its roots. 20 minutes or so on a lawn that size should do. Also, better to mow too tall than too short. Best of luck! I believe in you!

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