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Top 7 Stocks to BUY NOW (High Growth Stocks)

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In this video I’ll go through 4 stock positions in my personal portfolio along with 3 new stocks I haven’t discussed before.
My top 7 stocks for 2024 are composed mainly of high growth cloud stocks, though there are some other interesting tech stocks in there. Each of these companies has the potential to 10X in size over the next several years, and I would not be surprised if at least a few of them do so. The companies I’ll be going through are: Datadog (DDOG), AMD, SoFi (SOFI), Palantir (PLTR), Cloudflare (NET), Nubank (NU), and DraftKings (DKNG). These stocks are not allocated evenly, and I have wildly different convictions for each one that I own.

The goal of this video is to talk about different companies I am interested in and hopefully get your thoughts too. I think it is difficult but possible to outperform the overall stock market as an individual investor. You should not try to copy my portfolio, because I make changes to it often and quickly if my thesis changes around one of the stocks.

💸 Get up to $70 worth of stock from Public: https://share.public.com/fintek when you use code “fintek”

🔍 📈My favorite investing research platform, Stockopedia (25% Discount): https://stk.pe/fintek

💼 🏆 VIP Investment Group: https://www.fintekmedia.com/fintekinsider

I am not a financial or investment advisor. Everything in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals, and I receive compensation from partnering websites. The video is accurate as of the posting date but may not be accurate in the future.

here are my top seven stocks to buy right now we’ll go over alternating One stock that I own followed by one stock I’m still researching as we alternate our way up to a stock that’s increased by 2 and 1/2x over the past year but may have room to double again and as always at the end of the video I’ll show every stock that I’m currently investing in but to start off to show you that I put my money where my mouth is here is my actual Charles Schwab stock portfolio if we look year-to date it’s currently up just under $112,000 and if we were to zoom out to the oneyear view it’s increased over 50% up $66,000 but it hasn’t all been smooth sailing we can see some big jumps and drops here on the chart and in fact in just the past month I’ve seen a $116,000 drop in my portfolio which is kind of just part for the course when you invest in these high growth High volatility stocks but when you keep your eye on the long gain you can see some pretty spectacular results by investing in these sorts of companies which leads us to the first stock in my portfolio which was also the largest investment I ever had until a couple other stocks actually outgrew it over the past couple months and here’s why this company is so interesting data dog sits at the intersection of the twin trends of data and AI the company offers a cloud native way for companies to understand what’s happening below the surface of the business the way they describe it is they make a dashboard which allows Executives to see their business through a single pane of glass looking at Securities application and infrastructure and this allows them to make smarter decisions about the business now I currently have 146 six shares in this company which is worth around $175,000 which is actually down slightly over my current cost basis with just under a $1500 drop now the way Charles Schwab calculates these numbers is a little bit odd because they do first in first out accounting which means if I bought more shares at a higher price it could cause the cost basis to look worse than it actually is considering I’ve traded in and out of this company before but here’s what makes data dog unique among some of the cloud monitoring services in the company’s most recent quarter their revenue grew 26% % year-over-year to $590 million which puts them on track to a run rate of more than $2 billion this year and that’s with $396 customers who spend over a million dollars a year with the company but that’s not unique to this quarter if we look at the company’s earnings over the past year this quarter they grew 25% they grew 25% again last quarter the quarter before that another 25% growth this company has been consistantly growing at scale for a substantial period of time and during the past year they’ve taken their net income from a negative number to a slightly positive number now don’t get me wrong this isn’t a wildly profitable company yet they’re still in the growth phase but they are at a point where the company is transitioning from growth at all costs to a very high rate of growth while producing substantial profitability and considering this company is growing faster than the overall data market and they’re operating in the data and AI space which is already compounding on itself these twin Trends are boosting a company that has already proven that it can execute which is why this is one of my largest stock Investments but next we’ll shift to a stock that I don’t currently own but I have covered before and the stock price is up nearly 50% from when I covered it earlier this year and that company is paler now paler is a really fascinating company because they’re incredibly secretive but they’re also growing incredibly quickly in public so here’s a quick rundown of what paler does paler offers data services to organizations that need a high level of secrecy everything from medical companies to to Banks to National Security all fall under paler umbrella and they’ve gotten really good at operating in this space they have three major products which I’ve covered in previous videos and I won’t dive into here but effectively what these products allow paler to do is automate the data workflow that operates within companies they can organize all the data for the company they can take a massive organization like the US Military and get their data organized for them they then offer services to run data analytics on top of this Baseline which allows the company or organization to make realtime decisions based on what’s actually happening in the field and to do all of it without risk of their data becoming public and since one of the core reasons that Warren Buffett likes to invest in companies is if they have an economic Moes basically some competitive advantage that no one else can copy that puts paler in a really strong position and they even have some very specific tools that make them basically unique in their industry for example their Apollo software which allows them to deploy software up updates basically anywhere in the world which might not be that big of a deal if you operate a company in downtown Manhattan but if you’re working in the US Military and you need an update to the latest data analytics while you’re in the middle of the desert or the ocean this technology is essential now this company is a relatively similar size to data dog and they’re not growing quite as quickly with 177% growth a year ago 12% 16% and then 19% in their most recent quarter but their overall Revenue growth has been accelerating over the last few quarters ERS and they operate in a slightly different segment from data dog who focuses on companies hosting their data in public clouds where yeah security is important but it’s not National Security level security and so at least in the short term I don’t see these two companies really competing directly okay but let’s move away from the super secret government focused businesses and to a fintech company who is focused on creating the future of banking for consumers and they’re growing at 30% per year while doing so Sofi now I’ve talked about Sofi before on this channel Channel and we’ll go over what the company does but I first want to direct your attention to this chart which caught my attention about a month ago this chart shows the price to sales ratio of Sofi over the past year which is basically a representation for how expensive the company is it’s the company’s stock price divided by the amount of Revenue they’re creating and we can see that this has dropped dramatically from where it was in 2022 to a current price to sales ratio of 3.2 nearly the cheapest that it’s ever been which means if Sofi is able to match even a a slightly higher valuation that they saw before it could leave substantial upside in the stock now here’s why there might be a reason for that valuation to go up Sofi basically operates like three businesses in one you have their financial services business which is everything from the Sofi app to the Sofi credit card these are their very consumer focused products which they Market With viral campaigns on Tik Tok whose goal is to attract new customers they then funnel these customers into more valuable areas of the company like lending where Sofi customer can become a a long-term consumer of all of sofi’s services and make a lot more money for Sofi this is kind of the Cash Cow of the business and then underlying all of that is sofi’s long-term value at least in my opinion which is their technology platform segment this is basically the technological backbone that is powering all of sofi’s services and they even provide the technology that is powering other companies Payment Solutions as well including companies like TR price H&R Block and fundbox and one of sofi’s biggest competitors Robin Hood what makes unique is the way that they’re able to apply all these different areas of business in a cohesive Way by having their own technology platform they can improve the experience for users doing things like offering rewards when a user pays off their loan on time or giving someone credits to earn a free stock if they sign up for a credit card and of course the ability to transfer money that doesn’t take three to five business days because they’re all operating on the same wall Garden ecosystem and every new product Sofi launches makes the rest of their products more valuable if if this is starting to sound familiar at all this is basically the exact approach that Apple has used to grow itself into the multi-trillion dollar Behemoth that it is today and the big bet Sofi is making that they’ll be able to win customers from the 500 million plus Legacy bank accounts and onto their platform that actually cares about consumers and considering the company is now profitable while growing their revenue at over 35% year-over-year it seems like consumers are pretty happy with Sofi as a business and so if the company is going to maintain their price to sales ratio the only way they can do that is for the stock price to go up because their revenue keeps increasing and if that ratio goes up at all it could give a multiple to selfi increase which is one of the reasons that I’m so bullish on this stock and why I currently own over 2,000 shares of the company worth just over $155,000 which has made me around $11,000 so far oh and by the way Charles Schwab likes to give these a through F ratings on stocks as far as I can tell these are just based on some kind of valuation metric cuz they rarely predict where the stock price is going to go I had one company crowd strike which I owned for like 3 years and made a 300% return and it had a d or an F rating the entire time so I don’t put a ton of stock into those ratings but let’s now move into another investment which unlike the stocks we’ve talked about so far doesn’t move up and down nearly as much with the rest of the stock market which is great because if the government has to flip a switch and try to get the economy back on track this million dooll asset can appreciate at its own pace and if you haven’t guessed by now I’m talking about the world of Fine Art now before a sponsor at Masterwork came around only Millionaires and billionaires could afford to invest and profit in this market but Masterworks has brought the power of fractional investing to the Art Market you can invest in shares from Legends like Picasso banki and Basia without needing to buy a whole painting yourself you might have seen my walkthrough video on them two years ago in which they only had 17 paintings offered on the platform but they now have over 300 in their collection and that number will continue to grow throughout this year Masterworks has generated over $45 million in art sales and distributed the proceeds to their investors without those investors ever needing to show up in a suit and tie to attend an art auction and each of those 21 sales that Masterworks has had so far has resulted in a profit to their investors which is why over 920,000 users have joined the platform today now in the past offerings from top artists have sold out within Minix but by using the link in the description below you can skip the wait list and sign up for Masterworks today and you can scan the QR code on screen or go to masterworks.io 41% over the past year to a current market cap of over $2 trillion so considering AMD is nine times smaller than Nvidia there could be room for this company to still grow and here’s why that might happen and what would prevent AMD from achieving that level of success now AMD is a chipmaker and for a long time they were one of the largest chip makers in the world they’re one of the few companies that compete with Nvidia in making graphics cards which are essential for everything from playing video games to self-driving cars to running the latest AI models that power things like generative AI in the company’s latest earnings presentation we can see some of the areas that they think differentiate them from someone like Nvidia they talk about how they have a broad portfolio where they produce not just gpus like Nvidia does but also CPUs which is kind of the core brain power that operates most computers I like to think of it this way a CPU is really good at running a bunch of really complicated calculations in order which is how computers were originally created gpus are good at running a bunch of smaller calculations All In Parallel which is really great if you need to push a bunch of pixels to a screen or in certain processes like training an AI model you really need both kinds of computing and in the long term both types of chips are going to continue to be manufactured a lot of the focus has been on the GPU Market over the past few years which isn’t a surprise with Technologies like blockchain metaverse and AI all making use of it but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a swing back toward focus on this CPU Market in the future which AMD is better equipped to handle than almost any other company on Earth on top of that the company focuses on how much they’re used in Big Data Centers with Innovation and AI cloud and Enterprise and of course they’re quite popular in the open- source market Invidia is notorious for making software that only runs on their chip specifically AMD has a little bit more of an open ecosystem which could give them an advantage if enough open- Source developers create tools that work on their chips now at the same time not everything is perfect at AMD their revenue in 2023 actually dropped 4% year-over-year where they saw lower Revenue in their client and gaming segment although they did see more growth in their data center Revenue which is an area where big companies like Google and Amazon and Microsoft are buying AMD chips to run their clouds on top of but we did see a slight reversal in the last quarter where Revenue increased 10% year-over-year for the most recent quarter and of course this is a very mature company so we’re not expecting to see the crazy grow rates that we see in a stock like sofa but we do see more profitability with gap gross margins of 46% meaning around half of the revenue that they bring in turns into real profits now will AMD catch up to Nvidia stock price in one or two years no that’s not realistic but is there room for the stock price to grow from here absolutely but turning now away from hardware and Tor a stock that I’ve owned for years that is promised to 5x their revenue over the next 5 years Cloud flare now I’ve described Cloud flare before as the most most Innovative company on Earth and that’s one of the reasons I own 160 shares in this company worth around $115,000 and that’s made me around $4,000 since my initial investment Cloud flare is building what they call the connectivity Cloud basically building a backbone that can replace the outdated 1960s technology that the modern internet is built on top of and they’re using this backbone to continually launch new products that improve the experience for their customers if we take a look at just the sheer number of products this company has they have platforms for zero trust security that they’ve entered recently they have mobile protection infrastructure protection development platforms ways to register your website and private ways to browse the internet all of these different areas could be a company on their own but because cloudflare runs the physical Hardware that a lot of the internet runs on top of they’re able to build all these Solutions directly into their platform the company is currently boosting 30% of the Fortune 1,000 is paying customers with 95% of Internet users Within 50 milliseconds of their Network and probably the craziest stat of all they’ve had a compound annual growth rate of 46% for the last 5 years that may not sound that high but let me put this into perspective if you were to grow 50% for 1 year you’d be 150% bigger but if you were to do that for 5 years in a row you would actually be 7 and 1/2 times bigger than you were before and that is how much Cloud Flur has grown their revenue over the last 5 years and if you look even more recently 34 ago the company was growing their revenue at 30% year-over-year and they’ve maintained a pretty Rock Solid Revenue growth rate since that time and it’s been around a year and a half since the company’s CEO first promised to 5x their revenue over a 5-year period and considering the company is currently sitting at around a $1.5 billion Revenue run rate that is still very achievable for the business and it’s also partly why the company’s stock price has increased 68% over the past year with some substantial gains since November of 23 but now let’s talk about a stock that I’ve never covered before on this channel that’s a little bit outside the usual tech stocks that I cover but is growing at an absolutely massive rate DraftKings DraftKings is still a relatively small company worth a little bit under2 billion currently but this company has increased in price by 142% over the past year with a lot of that being driven by their absolutely massive 44% year-over-year growth rate in their revenue which is now reached over $1.2 billion the company has continued to beat earnings expectations basically every quarter that they’ve been issuing them and they’ve even entered the world of mergers and Acquisitions acquiring the number one lottery app jackpot for $750 million and of course the company is a cash cow generating 310 to $410 million in free cash flow expected for the next year so this is a little bit of a different space than a lot of the softwares of service and tech stocks that I cover because DraftKings operate in the world of sports betting if you’re not familiar with the sports betting world it’s basically where you can place bets on your favorite sports teams for who’s going to win a game how many points they going to score other specific events to a specific Sport and it’s a way for making fans stay more engaged with the content which is why a lot of sports franchises and media companies are getting on board with the industry now sports betting was illegal in most of the US just a couple years ago but with those regulations loosening now it’s opened up a gold rush for this new market and there’s basically two major competitors to taking the top spot right now FanDuel which currently commands 39.3% of the market and DraftKings which owns around 34% of the market these two companies together command by far the majority of the US market and fanduel’s parent company flutter was listed on the New York Stock Exchange with a valuation of 30 billion British pounds and interestingly it’s by looking at flutter earnings presentation from when they first went public that we can see the potential size of this Market which they estimate as 228 billion ggr in regulated markets so they’re basically saying yes there’s steep competition between FanDuel and DraftKings but even if they didn’t gain any ground on each other there’s still a massive market for both of them to go after and like most new Industries we’re likely going to see one or two big winners in the space when ride sharing first came out Uber came onto the scene and took over everything and now Uber andyt basically command the entire Market I wouldn’t be surprised if we see something very similar in the sport sports betting space with maybe FanDuel winning out maybe DraftKings winning out but more than likely these two companies sitting at the top of the pile when it’s all said and done and considering that combined they’re currently only worth $50 billion there could still be substantial upside in draftking stock and DraftKings by the way only made around 15% less Revenue than FanDuel did in the most recent quarter and yet the company’s valuation is around 33% lower than flood’s parent company now that’s not taking into account different margins and different areas that these two companies operate in but it shows just one more potential opportunity for DraftKings which as the first publicly listed of the sports betting companies gives it some advantages to use the additional money that they raise from investors to do things like acquire other companies which will help grow their overall market share but let’s turn now to another fintech stock that is up 150% over the past year and is by far the fastest growing stock that I own newbank now newbank isn’t a stock that most people in the US and Europe have heard of which is a shame because I currently own 1,200 shares in the company and just that initial $110,000 investment has made me $33,000 in just a matter of months and of course for investors who have owned it over the past year they’ve seen a 162% increase in their investment more than 2 and 1/2x what they would have put in and here’s what makes new bank special new bank is a Brazilian company in fact they are Brazil’s largest digital bank so in order to understand new bank you need to understand what’s happening in the economy of Brazil today the government in Brazil is currently investing aggressively in modernizing their economy and making themselves competitive on the global stage one way they’re doing that is through digital banking services and so new bank obviously has a bit of a helping hand on their side from the Brazilian government at the same time new bank makes some really exceptional products that customers in Brazil love to use which is why the company is growing at an absolutely ludicrous rate with 19.3 million new customers joining the platform in 2023 off an already large base of 54 million customers 2 years previously currently 53% of all of Brazil’s adult population is using the platform which makes them the fourth largest financial institution in the country but the company isn’t just satisfied with acquiring new customers they’re also making more money per customer with a 23% expansion in the average revenue per customer year-over-year now what’s interesting with newbank is they’re also somewhat transitioning into becoming a Super where they’re not just doing one thing digital banking they’re kind of supporting all aspects of a consumer’s life for example a customer could use new bank for banking but they can also do shopping directly on newbank the newbank shopping app alone reached 255 million visits in 2023 with people able to buy products on the app ranging from appliances to smartphones to Smart TVs and that’s on top of all the other services that the company already offers on their platform including insurance so the big question with newbank is what will be next for the the company will they be able to successfully expand outside of Brazil and into other markets like for example Mexico and if they’re able to successfully do that without the support of the Brazilian government directly behind them this company could become an absolute Behemoth on the world stage and I promised at the end of the video that I would show you my entire stock portfolio so here it is on screen it’s about as Diversified as my current diet of a Chipotle burrito every day but subscribe if you want to see more videos on growth investing


  1. I'm DCAing in Blcktken300 as well. ETH heavier DCA and ALGO. I'm taking your advice and starting Google tomorrow with a 50 dollar purchase and continuing Microsoft and Apple. VTI and VOO on another app and longterm portfolio. Here we go family!

  2. The Blcktken300 handles this year incredibly well, they outperform most others and the entry with 1 USD is better than anything else right now. Love the vision and progress in this one

  3. turst me my friends if Nvidia is under 880 buy in and keep dcaing ever 20 points…by the end of the year nvidia will reach around 1200-1300

  4. "Schwab Equity Ratings is a quantitative measure of the equity's prospects for stock price appreciation over the next twelve months in relation to its market peers. Specifically, F (Strongly Underperform): An investor holding an "F" rated stock should consider whether it is appropriate to eliminate that stock from his or her portfolio. An investor

    would not usually consider an "F" rated stock for purchase." Fast forward to this video . . . and this moron says, ". . . it's based on some kind of valuation metric because they rarely predict where the stock price is going to go." Yeah, right – so says this guy barely out of high school. Listen folks (and I will preface by saying that I retired early in 2007) – If I had a dollar for every time this guy said something smart, I'd be broke. 'Nuff said . . .

  5. AI related stocks everywhere man. Too much for me as I tend to go safer. Too high risk/reward ratio and too high P/E's. Surely you are successfull, but man you have to have some stomach to put your money there. Good luck!!

  6. What a shitty video. Only focus on the past. Stocks that gained a lot already. No outlook on a quantive and qualitative basis. Either you find cheap stocks or fast growing stocks relatively cheap to their past or competition. This video is just noise that people buy stocks that the author bought before…

  7. As an brazilan, I would say that nubank is not big deal, the government here don't wan't to modernized, it's only an effort to make more bidding to more corruption, what he says its true nubank and others banks here have a serious chance to grow but the political and legislative insecurity impede this growth, as example I say Petrobras (Brasílian oil exploration company) that is huge in infrastructure and comparable in technology with shell but because of the government influence they worthless and probably should have serious serious harm in close range

  8. I have 40% of my portfolio in TSLA. I have made a few rather modest investments in individual companies… I try to be diverse in my stocks..i  put $170k into some growth stocks with guidance from my adviser Anna Rounds Fay, these are some of my picks… NVR,SEB AMZN ,DOWJ, AAPL NYSE,LISP.SW, BRK-A, NIO, NASDAQ, TSLA, I've gotten 118% return so far this year , I'll keep holding to see where it goes..

  9. I've got a couple of good ETFs in my portfolio and I still have other shareholdings doing incredible numbers. I’m up 67% last year now, also well positioned with good blue chip companies and I have stop losses in place,  Personally with insights from my adviser Anna Rounds Fay I prefer to invest in large cap companies which have economic moats, large cash flows and strong balance sheets.

  10. F*ckyou yo talked about buy now you and everyone stealers from my owner money ,not you to tell me buy ,you are was dreaming …

  11. Can you lose more money than you invest? For example if you invest $1000 and the company doesn't do good do you have to pay extra money?

  12. I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification.I’m up 67% last year with a 7 figure portfolio well positioned with good blue chip companies and I have stop losses in place, Personally with insights from my FA Anna Rounds Fay I prefer to invest in large cap companies which have economic moats, large cash flows and strong balance sheets. Some of which are AAPL, MSCI, IUKD, VHYL, SCHD, NVDA and Barclays

  13. When it comes to investing, risk is not always commensurate with reward. Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) is arguably one of the safest stocks in the market today. Yet its returns to shareholders, even in recent years, have been breathtaking.I've allocated $480k for investment, looking for companies to make additions to boost performance

  14. My car drives me around by itself. I love my car and I still believe in the company. I hope we dip close to $100-$120 again. I wanna load the boat. Apart from Tesla what would be the best 5 etfs for a beginner

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