Gardening Supplies

Watering Just Became Easier! Irrigation Installed in High Tunnel

▶ ▬Vego Garden Raised Beds and self watering planters
▶▬ HIGH TUNNEL KITS Greenhouse KITS promo code: DeepSouth This is a 10% discount
▶▬ Irrigation system and tools and pex cutter pipe_ emitters_ switch valves barbed Tee_ tubing to faucet_
#vegogarden #growyourownfood #lifehack @vego_garden

Pecan Grove
P.O. Box 462
Wiggins, MS. 39577
#pecangrove #newhomestead #oldfarm
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ENGLISH PEA MANUAL books written by Danny.
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vego_garden will be a great asset to our High Tunnel and raised bed gardens this year. Follow us as we fill them with dirt, compost, and plants. Let’s Grow together this spring. Check out the Vego Garden website No special code needed. This is our link.

▶▬ Water Filtration System or LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE: Alexa Pure
MY Patriot Supply
Stainless Spigot:

▶▬ Harvest Right Freeze Dryer:

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▶▬ Renogy Solar Panel Kit 10% discount Promo code: DeepSouthHomestead
▶▬ *** CANNING LIDS***
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▶▬Survival Garden SEEDS


well hello everybody Danny Wanda back from pan Grove guys I have successfully got all the wiggle wire track on the whole High tunnel we are ready now for the inall plastic and then once that’s on we’ll be ready to pull the plastic over the sides of it but I keep watching the weather and they keep talking about uh 25 mph winds you know gusting to 30 and all that kind of stuff for days on in and you ain’t going to put no plastic on in that so it’s ready though and it’s waiting but that’s not the most exciting thing that I found out and have done so look here in front of me you see all this hose wrapped up here this has been Min and W’s life since we put this thing in here we’ve had to pull water hoses and pull water hoses well today my stuff came in from Amazon and I want to show you what I’ve been bu is he doing today all right with the help of my friend Chris we uh got the water installed out here into the hos tunnel with a freezeproof faucet we installed a manifold system on it here or I did this today I installed a manifold system on it I hooked in my new irrigation my filter my uh pressure relief uh valve system there that cuts down the water pressure so that it doesn’t have high water pressure going through the this uh irrigation system here I got all that installed and I bought the/ in tubing and I have it stapled down here and I have a t right here and here and then I have a shut off valve and these I have this in every run down through the high tunnel here now this one hasn’t been hooked up because I ran out of Parts uh got the other one right here but I did ahead and hook this one up over here on this end right here because these were long straight beds here so what I’ve done is I bought these uh tea barbs it goes from 1/ in down to qu in and I have quter inch tubing ran up here to these adjustable emitters now you always want to make sure you get the adjustable ones now don’t ever buy them it’s not adjustable you want the adjustable ones and I have three of them in each bed all the way down through this whole High tunnel here and I think that W and I are really going to enjoy this now on the other side over here I have something a little bit different we have the emitters here in this one here but now I want to show you something guys it’s been almost it was almost 90° here today look look how the leaves on the plants do here in the weather they just lay down and and it’s in the evening time now we’re at almost 5:30 and it’s still warm and hot out here and these leaves are still laying down and these beds have been watered it’s not because of a lack of water the sun in the Deep South here is just so intense that’s why we tie up our cauliflower leaves here now down inside that you can see down in Yonder is that white cauliflower if I did not tie these leaves up all these leaves up here would be laying down just like these and that cauliflower would be exposed to the Sun up here and it would be turning it a yellow color instead of keeping it white looking like it is now we have them tied up all down through here now these emitters uh let me show you what they do I guess before we go down to the other end now these emitters what I like about them they’re when I say adjustable you can turn them when you turn them see they turn completely off or you can turn them up if you want them to go a small area if you want them to go a little bit bigger area and see that just reaches the edge of the bed out here from one side to the other and that’s what I want it reaches from here to here and it covers a pretty good size area in the bed completely watering the beds very easy to come out in water now we have this one here we don’t have anything here we pulled up the radishes that were here we left a couple of them cuz they’re great insect deterrents for whatever we go to plant back we’ll make sure we do a companion for it and here we have the sprinkler system set on Miss Wanda spinach she just harvested it that should help it to keep going and then we have the one here set and it’s reaching all the peppers now you have to sometimes you have to kind of figure out exactly where they fit best at you have to keep moving them around like that fits a little bit better right there now when you get to the strawberries you don’t want water spraying all over the top of your leaves on your strawberries and starting to zase so what I have here is I have a little bit different system here this is a different type of emitter system this here I’ll pull one of them up here I’ll show you this thing here just sits and drips of water like that because what you want do is you just want to put the water around the roots on the strawberry plants you want to keep it off the leaves as much as possible now this is a totally different system down here down here instead of having those te fittings that you have you have a plug system that just plugs into this right here and you take a tool like this right here and you punch holes in the top of this right here and that thing just snaps right down in there you just snap it down in there if you decide to do one of these irrigation systems this is a handy tool you get it off of Amazon really cheap and then you want to get yourself this is a Pex tubing cutter that works miracles cutting this uh irrigation tubing it beats the heck out of a pocket knife now these are all down through here you can see down inside there next to the electric culture right there you can see it just sitting there spewing water I’ve got put more of them in this one yeah this one has a lot more of them in it you can see it sitting there few another one here and then there’s one you know the very last one down here at the end now these systems are very relatively easy to install here guys when you get to the end you just fold the pipe over and you can buy they make a little eight a zero looks like two zero things you just slide over the end of it or a flat piece of stuff you slip over don’t spend the money on it just buy you a bag of zip ties and just fold that sucker over and zip Tite because it’s not under high pressure and it won’t leak now that uh we’ve got through with the irrigation I want something else I want to show you miss Wanda has all these little mini Veo plants that she gets these little Vago beds these are Miniature versions they still have the little watering thermometer thing in it there and all it’s just a miniature version for the miniature plants of these larger ones here and also she got her a I call it a window seal one because it looks like look like something goes in the window seal it’s an herb self planter okay this is called the herb self planter okay it uh has the little ther thermometer water registration thing in it there also now this one has on the other side of it and this one has the Overflow things on there one that has the plugs in it right now but uh you may may you want to take it in the house you put the plugs back in it um now we’ll probably take them out here before long in case it rains or something but that’s how you got one on each end down here that way you don’t have to worry about overfilling this thing and water logging your plants and your herbs back up here at the front guys remember the two squashes we told you we put in this tub here look at these things I mean I don’t know we didn’t I don’t remember what they was but I can look at the leaves on they’re variegated like it’s probably a zucchini but these things are about ready to start making some squash look at all the little blooms down in there that’s going to be exciting then over here the peppers now the peppers is what’s really we’ve been amazed with as early as they are we have our little Peppers coming on good they’ve got our little banana peppers starting there they’re starting to uh put on and I believe they going to load up here before long now down here we harvested one of these the other day off of this plant right here and we got one here just about ready to go again up under there that thing’s getting to be pretty good size then we have another one over here look at this baby that’s a big old pepper there now that thing is huge miss m wants to let it turn red she wants her a red one but we’ve been kind of surprising our own self here I mean we’ve been eating uh some of our onions now they’re not big this year but it’s still an onion it’s only like maybe an inch and a half two inches in diameter they’re not real big but uh but they’re still good though uh we harvesting some Cherokee yellow wax beans as has been grilling them we’ve been cutting them up we’ve been harvesting uh some uh fingerling potatoes we’ve been harvesting some regular red lasoda potatoes Miss W takes them things and she cuts them potatoes up and mixes them with them Cherokee yellow wax beans I’m tell you what it’s really really good we’ve been uh pulling our carrots up been having some of them to eat uh the rud begas we’ve been having some of them to eat along with of course y’all saw our Gris meal running we uh we just had a blast that thing I’m not going to lie to you I’m I’m excited about that I don’t even want to stop now I just want to just keep it going every day but but I can’t I know I can’t I have to take everything off the Cub uh because we are in the process of getting ready to cut our hay we got to put the sickle bar more on there and keep it on there all you know as as long as we need it for cutting all the hay we got cuz we got a lot of hay cut right now and that grz meal man we’ve been having grits and uh cornbread and stuff like that I’m going to tell you miss m uses cornflour to cook with because of the gluten issues that we have it’s just amazing what you can do on a homestead when you just you know when you just put your mind to it now you know here we’re in this High tunnel it’s not finished yet but we’re almost there I got to put a couple of braces on the end down we got our braces in on this end finally uh we’ve got it ready to go on this end the other end’s got to be done the same way it won’t take long to do that but you know that’s the whole you know that’s just the whole thing of having a a place to grow your food out of the weather that’s what we’re hoping to get done we hope that the weather don’t you know get to us here too bad before we’re able to actually get the roof on this thing maybe before it gets hot that’s what before it gets any hotter let me say that it’s already hot it’s like 90° heat indexes right now so guys we’re going to put some links in the description down below for the tools uh for the all the irrigation stuff that you see here we have a link for that we going to have a link for all the Vago beds uh for Grower Solutions uh the high tunnels I mean we’ve just we have an assortment of different companies that we’ve been working with trying to figure out their products I can’t look I don’t care what anybody says hands down if I had these Vago beds you years ago I’d probably be growing twice the food that I grow now because this really the the irrigation system with the Vago beds as I’m getting older this takes a huge load off of me and I’m going to put a timer on this over here where it Waters it in the morning and it Waters it in the afternoon for me so that I can continue doing my work around the farm here and once I get all the irrigation in it’ll just do it for me I won’t have to be worried over here worrying with it every day and guys I’m just excited because you know when you get older uh things ain’t as easy as they used to be and you have to come to the realization that you’re not a young person anymore and you don’t have all the energy and the stamina to just keep going from daylight to dark and you don’t have the strength that you used to have when you were younger and gardening can be become a chore and that’s the last thing that W and I want is for our garden to become a chore or a burden to us we want it to be as easy and as simple as we can make it so that when we come out here it can be a joy to us rather than a burden to us because providing your own food should be a joy it shouldn’t be a it shouldn’t even be called work and we don’t look at gardening as work we look at it as a necessity of life and and if we can make it where we can enjoy it then it becomes a joy for us and we can be happy like it says in h if I can remember correctly Psalms 128 I believe you can go check it out Psalms 128 happy is the man who grows what he eats thank you guys from ponro


  1. Just finished putting together my vegobed and put my kitchen herb garden right outside my back door. Thank you for including all of the information for this system! I tagged you guys on Instagram. ❤

  2. My onions are crushing it this year. We had a storm and some are laying over but its my best year ever for onions even if they stop growing today

  3. I know where you’re coming from Danny. I’m stubborn about letting people do stuff for me. I’ve always done it myself because I’m one of these people that I know it wasn’t gonna be done right so I might as well do it myself instead of asked for help but nowadays it’s different since I’m older. Your vegetables in your high
    Tunnel looking great. God bless you and Wanda..

  4. Hi, from WV! I am 70 yrs okd and have been gardening for as long as we have been married…45 yrs. We switched to raised beds six years ago and have never questioned our decision to do so.

  5. We have several raised beds, I so want to have irrigation. Takes over an hour to water, dragging hoses around. Husband is 71 and I’ll be 70 in June. 😊

  6. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  7. I put in same irrigation last year in my entire garden and greenhouse,along with water shut off timers. Absolutely the best investment I ever made. You will love it Danny!

  8. Been using a system much like yours for many years. My husband would set it up for me every year. I believe it has saved us a whole bunch of water over the years.

  9. Danny you awesome brother, i like your accent and joyful spirit.
    I see the LORD has blessed y'all. an folks think andor say there is a better way to live than country folks? Naw.

  10. I may have missed this in past videos or chats, but I was just curious if you all use eat or have heard of Einkorn flour? I just realized I think gluten bothers me and found that flour.. did some research on it and it seems to be good. Apparently they messed with our wheat somewhere in the 1950s and crossbred it to make it produce more and that’s where our gluten intolerances comes from, I’m just now learning some of this🥺 short version of a lot of information out there on this.

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