Edible Gardening

Relaxed Sunny Day At Home In The Garden

► Relaxed Sunny Day At Home In The Garden
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a [Music] can you hear that the sound of nothing nothing The Sound of Silence it’s not often you get that not as a parent of two little ones definitely not in this house how’s it going hope you’re doing good hope you’re well I am welcome back welcome back to another video imagine if I sat here like talking to everyone I feel like I’m sat really far away like I need to come closer so I saw a quote the other day and I feel like today’s particularly fitting for it it was as a parent my favorite thing in life to do is spend time with my kids and my second favorite thing in life to do is to spend time without my kids and it’s honestly like so true I can’t even explain today my parents have got AE all day and tonight and tomorrow so the house is incredibly chill nobody’s currently having a nap and it just means that I can just get so many things done that I’ve wanted to get done recently that are just that little bit harder with ATI running around the place and I thought why not Vlog some of the bits and film today the first job on the to-do list today is to install the new doorbell that we’ve got cuz this one is so temperamental and I reckon look now I accidentally pressed it nothing happens I reckon 50% of the time someone Rings our door it doesn’t actually ding the inside of the house so we just bought a new doorbell but I need to drill into the brick cuz this one doesn’t fit on the wood here so it’s going to have to go here into the brick trying to get through this brick is just absolutely killing my drill battery so I’ve had on my to-do list for probably like 18 months maybe even a couple of years no joke and it is the easiest thing to do but I’ve just never done it and that’s probably why I’ve never done it is because it’s so quick and easy to do that i’ just put off and thought I’ll do it another time I just do it another day never actually done it today is the day so I’m incredibly fortunate that I’ve got this home gym here which used to be our garage and then I like revamped it into a gym although at the moment it looks more like a car park slot garage with these three scooters in here I need to move those out of here however the one thing that is missing that definitely should be in here is the Pelon that we’ve got and for some reason yeah I literally have no idea the reason why but when we first ever got it and I’m pretty sure I vlogged it being built and put together and everything we got it put in the conservatory right near our TV and our sofa and the table and everything like that and then we moved it from there into our dining room and it’s just been in our dining room plugged in ever since but I don’t know why it’s in the dining room and it’s not just in here like it totally should be in here so I’m finally going to get it out the dining room when we have friends over for dinner and family over for dinner we won’t just have like a pillar on sat next to our dining room table we’ll actually have it in this space which will be really nice so like I said it will literally take me 5 minutes to do and I’ve been needing to do it for 2 years makes no sense I’ve just remembered why we put it in the house and not in here we only got Wi-Fi installed last week and obviously with the peleton you’re like following along live classes so you need Wi-Fi connection we didn’t have any in here that is why cuz I’m just seen the booster in the corner over there that we got put in but it’s all good we got Wi-Fi [Music] now yeah I may as well I’ve just had a workout I’ve just spent a bunch of time switching all of the space around I mean it probably looks exactly the same as it did in the Vlog a couple of minutes ago but I’ve just tidied up a lot of stuff and moved things up on top of the saer and sorted out the bike properly about 3 or 4 months ago instead of this just being like my personal gym for like Zoe and I I wanted it to be much more like open for family and friends so that everybody around me can benefit from it as well so I got a bunch of extra keys made up so that family and friends can just turn up whenever they want don’t bother messaging me just turn up work out hit the SAA do whatever you want we’ got a little fridge I don’t know if you can see SL lately over here got like a little fridge and I’ve got it all stocked up of drinks all the time so that everybody’s got drinks just trying to make it more of like the lifestyle Hub rather than just come in here lift weights and go I really wanted to make the space more beneficial for like I said all of my family all of my friends to utilize fully because I’m so lucky to have it but there’s no point just me working out here I might as well literally open the door so anybody can come at any time and now like make of mine will turn up they’ll go for a run nearby my house and then come back and use the shaer whil I’m not even at the house and I absolutely love that that other people are getting the benefit from this space so adding the pellon in it’s going to be a bunch of fun if you’ve been following a really long time like 6 or seven years you’ll know that slightly behind the SAA there is an old pointless blog clothing design and quote that I got put on the wall to match a collection that I released at the time you can slightly see the end of it poking out there so do your future of a favor and work hard today but obviously now with the saer there you can’t really see it so I just bought a load of white paint the other day I went to be in Q and I’m going to repaint the wall myself over the next I don’t know I want to say week or so probably be a couple of weeks but I’m going to like get rid of all of these little bits here that are left over paint behind the SAA and just freshen the space up I’m tempted to put here the future self lifestyle Club logo big on the wall maybe on the glass on the saer as well yeah I don’t really know but I just feel like it’s coming into summer I’m working out regularly with my mates I’ve got a fitness challenge so I’m starting the training for that soon and yeah I just want to like have a little [Music] [Music] revamp so obviously as you’ve just seen it’s currently the next day I was planning on filming all of yesterday like from the morning to the evening but then as I was just filming the last clip in the gym that you saw Joe dropped Zoe a call saying Dian and I are just driving past your house should we swing in and grab a coffee and it was really nice to catch up with them both obviously dian’s training at the moment for her tour that she’s about to start now so we won’t see her for a while but they ended up staying for like probably an hour or so and then as they were leaving or they like just left pop and sha like legit just a coincidence Poppy and sha called Zoe as well some’s just going behind the cloud to say we’re also just driving past your house should we swing in and say hello for a bit and those guys ended up staying for like 3 hours 4 hours just like most of the evening kind of thing thinking about it now I probably should have vlogged everyone hanging out it would have been really nice but yeah it didn’t even cross my mind it was just hanging out with them all so continuing on the Vlog today with still don’t have ATI at the house she’s still with my parents as I said earlier on in the video I’ve just had an exciting delivery arrive at the house probably about 10 minutes or so ago from hellofresh the box I’ve been waiting for is officially here if you’ve been watching my Vlogs over the years you’ll know not only have I worked with hresh a bunch of times but I’m also just a massive fan of hellofresh and the accessibility and the ease it brings to your life Zoe and I are subscribed to hresh ourselves yes I’ve worked with them a bunch of times but I genuinely love the product I’m going to put an add on the screen here although this Vlog is kind of not sponsored I’m more talking about the details of what’s inside the Box because I’ve been working with a team at hellofresh to switch things up do something a little bit different and we’ve managed to pull it off and it’s genuinely so sick like it is so so sick if you don’t know what hresh is you can get fresh food ingredients delivered to your house every single single week in one of these boxes you got on the app on your phone or on the website you pick the recipes that you want to make there is zero waste cuz you are getting delivered everything exactly to your door however in this box which you can literally order link is down below in the description let me get the camera let me show you when you open it up you will see that you also get a completely free fulls size box of future self Coffee brew bags and a little breakdown on how to make future self coffee cold bro as well as on the other side is a exclusive deal just for hellofresh it’s just like a full circle moment I’ve worked at hresh as I said so many times as like Alfie days but now future self coffee is fully collaborating with h ofresh and I’m genuinely so excited not only does this mean that like I said everybody that uses my link down below gets a completely free fulls size box of Brew bags which if you don’t already know what these are it’s just the easiest way to make the most delicious coffee at home kind of like a tea bag but for specialty coffee but it will also get future self coffee in front of so many new people which I’m incredibly excited about right I actually need to put my food in the fridge before it’s just sat here the whole time whil I’m filming if you order using my link down below not only do you get a full box of Brew bags but you also get 65% off of your first box which is the one that includes the Brew bags 25% off of your next eight Bo boxes and you also get a dessert for life so if you’ve been contemplating or thinking about whether to sign up or not now is the time you’ll literally get such an incredible deal and future have coffee for free inside your box hello cheeky hello girl no he is currently in the best mood what are you saying you are so what are you say what are you thinking what are you [Laughter] thinking oh W is that funny is that funny I feel like Novi is going to walk before she sits up her legs like lock out so strong hey did they are you so strong she’s so chat what are you saying what are you saying should we look at the weather hey let me go and get her a little hat oh I was just going to walk up there oh to the window thought you were going to take her outside no I mean it can do it’s so lovely out there I kind of want to put the soil in the things there we go oh it looks so cute look at you you ready to go out in the sun hey a little on yeah I was going to say I can’t promise it’s going to be warm even if it’s sunny it’s deceivingly little bit Breezy should we get a card going on yeah should we pop it down here just slightly in the shade yeah so that she doesn’t get like I don’t know if it’s possible to burn in this sun but you never know a little one we moved to this house it feels like four or 5 years ago but in reality we actually moved in here 7 years ago if you’ve been watching for that long it’s been s years look at that um and one thing that we noticed the other day I don’t know how we haven’t noticed the sooner I feel like you just don’t see things until you see it like you know when you’re buying a new car and you’re like oh I’d really love a I don’t know whatever the model of the car is a Tesla Model 3 and then as as soon as you start thinking that you want one you just see them everywhere we were looking out the window the other day and we realized how much less soil all of this like Troth bit here would you say that’s a Troth yeah tro this Troth here has compared to when we first moved in I mean it’s also got a couple of these buxus balls missing because we’ve got these like Caterpillar bugs that are just eating them up like look at that one there looks pretty healthy is that one’s just been eaten alive eating alive a little bit healthy on the top and then eating alive I bought some bucks of spray that I’ve been coming outside and spraying on but I feel like I’m just fighting a losing battle to be honest and they’re winning absolutely kicking my butt these caterpillars if anyone out there has any tips or tricks on how to beat these caterpillars help me out I’m losing So the plan basically is to make this hopefully today whilst we haven’t got this afternoon much nicer than what it currently is including putting all new tops soil on cuz this is what I was literally going to say a couple of seconds ago we just didn’t realize but now I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it just how many of our like cables for all of our speakers out here and lighting just sticks out like look at this I feel like when we first moved in we didn’t have stuff like this just poking out you couldn’t see any of these like what’s going on there there’s a rabbit just like up I feel like I shouldn’t even be touching that with my fingers shouldn’t like what’s happening do the speakers still what’s this I don’t know basically we need to make all of this look at this that’s a weed no this oh pull that out that’s literally buttercups is that a weed yeah it’s buttercups no the weeds have gone so big that I it looks like a PL I thought they were plants basically we’re going to make all of this bit nicer if you saw in the Vlog a couple of minutes ago yes not when we first moved in she like insert a clip of it from when we first moved in it’ll make me so sad sad earlier on in the Vlog when I was putting the new doorbell which is now fully on and working lovely um by the front door I feel like you might have seen it in the camera you might have seen it shot maybe not I don’t know I’ve bought 12 bags of tops oil and they all arrived the other day so we need to put them basically into all of this and also a couple into the veg patch just to like Z it all up and make it nicer cuz I’ve been working on that as well it might also be time for us to retire these aganus they don’t grow it’s sad cuz they grow really tiny but they used to be like these do you remember the big I’m not going to lie I don’t even know what agap panus is do you remember we had the balls and then we had those big oh the purple really tall yeah I remember things y That’s these but because we’ve had them so long and they’ve been coming back so many years is They Don’t Really they get to they don’t do that also what’s going on down here our T our tables got like ventes probably just get rid of that the more I look around the garden the more I’m just seeing things that well we’re doing Project New Garden at some point anyway yeah I don’t know if I’ve spoken about that in the Vlogs we when we moved in didn’t do any work to the Garden like to the shape of it we did not the sh we put this here this like Troth thing like I keep keep saying Troth put this thing here because it was just a massive drop and we were like at some point we need to Future proof because we’re going to have kids and we don’t want them to to fall over drop down there and Nala as well um obviously very glad now that we did that but we didn’t really do much we did like planting what I’m saying so we didn’t renovate the garden like we renovated the house grasses and plant in we put stuff in here some bits all in there down there there’s like a Rockery kind of area but our massive project that we’re going to be doing probably next year realistic now definitely next year The Works will happen but we want to do like a big renovation on the garden so we want to start designing that up and work with a designer on it probably starting over the next couple of months and like this year and like really build out some like nice areas and different bits in the garden because we’re so fortunate to have all of this amazing Garden that we’ve got but because a lot of it is just big grass Square I don’t feel like we utilize it especially with having the girls now and as they get older we’re not utilizing it as much as what we could have um unless you just want to have like play rounders which is great twice a year I’ll chat more about it in the Vlogs um as we start designing on it working on it and stuff but I’m super excited for that project it’s going to be a big one and take a lot of time and we really really want to do it properly so we’re not like in any rush to oh the lighting keeps going funky yeah we’re not in any rush to just like crack on and get it done and try and do bits ourselves and just rush it we really want to like work with the right people plan it all out and design it all out and yeah kind of like put a bunch of effort in like we did a lot of work at the house before we moved in to make it what it is today and 7 years on we just absolutely love it and we haven’t really changed anything have we from the house no no but I feel like other than the girls rooms we haven’t changed anything feel like some things I want to change the want to re wallpaper that but we don’t want to change anything big in terms of like oh I wish we did this differently no I feel like we spent so much time thinking about it properly and that’s kind of like how I want to take on the project of this of the garden starting off with the Troth I love that you keep saying trough I’ve I’ve said it about eight times am I saying it wrong I say trough with like oh trough but that maybe is that accent trough I don’t know trough are you all good down here you seem very happy also do you know how nice it is Zoe to just be filming outside in the garden yeah I know I feel like vlogging outside like this one clip has been like 7 minutes or something it’s just so nice to be filming again outside in good weather I feel like we us should just come outside and just have breakfast like every day just on the sofa every meal outside well maybe we’ll have dinner tonight outside in the garden maybe we’ll do that ot’s coming back in a couple of hours once aote comes back or actually I haven’t shown you this over here have I this bit of the garden obviously you’ve seen like ‘s little slide and car here and the house and obviously this that prob and Sean bought her but this is the new feature that Zoe’s been working on Zoe did film it the other day so if you’ve seen her Vlog you’ve already seen it basically built this teepee and then put sweet peas all the way around it Zoe saw it online and these Zoe’s mom started from seeds in her greenhouse and then Zoe and atie and Tracy planted them and they come out together every day or every couple of days and water them and then eventually it will completely cover the teepee and it’ll just be like the most amazing smelling Tee of sweet peas which is going to be cool so I’ll give you little updates on that in the Vlog as and when as it grows probably just need this [Music] yeah check this out look at the route underneath here I don’t even have the Vlogs going to pick it up kind of don’t want to touch with my hands it feels gross this in like white t-shirts yeah I wasn’t B really thinking about it look at that room no wonder they don’t grow as much as we want them to anymore they got no space oh look at that I can’t open the bag oh my gosh my hands look at that perfect white T-shirt no gardening gloves yeah [Music] it’s probably about 20 minutes later it looks so much better A lot of it has been filled how many bags was that overall I’ve still got two left by the front door but like you said I feel like when it rains it will compact down a bit more this is what it’s looking like [Music] now right I don’t think I’ve ever needed to wash my hands more in my life and you didn’t get any on you is there none on me no not even on my jeans sleeves maybe little I don’t mind about the top but the the jeans I feel like would be bit annoying 1 minute since the last clip Zoe’s already outside sweeping up she can’t stand the fact that all of this has just been done nicely and then there’s just a little pile of soil still on the floor dadd hello I come C hey cupcakes you bought us cupcakes let me see the pictur of the Ed oh the pictures edible yeah what’s on the pictures uh booy wow who made them me and n and Dad Dad that’s oh I think you squished them a little bit one second oh that’s okay they’ll bounce back up wow there we go should we pick them up just so the doggies don’t get them P n’s just running I’ll take this one shall I oh and there’s Buzzy oh my goodness should we stand up oh Buzz don’t get the cupcake let’s stand up and look at your cupcakes don’t know what that is that’s must be po oh it is a little bit of Play-Doh you’re right right come on then tell me all about your cupcakes I make them with Tutti dough yeah and I put B on it and I put edible on it and yes I can’t eat I like your sprinkles as well cool you eat picture the have you had any yes I have you’re taking your little shoes off you had a white one yes and I had two what does edible mean edible mean you can’t eat you’re right for you I don’t know who did you make it for I made it for you and Daddy and Mommy you going take this do you want us to try it now do you yeah can I have a bite yes you can this isor oh thank you this is you daddy oh thank you you can eat it ready should we have a little go cheers daddy cheers you can eat there po picture mom oh I think she wants us to eat the [Applause] picture your mouth the other remember I do remember I will remember that m m that is the best cake thank you there is your golden ticket give you some of his cake what to me go and then I’ll watch you what was your favorite thing you did with Nanny and dad dad watch me watch him I didn’t jump up you did can I have a c Miss right I am 10 out of 10 tired right now but it is time to end off the Vlog I’ve just edited up everything that you’re currently watching and I’ve loved it it was such a good Vlog so many fun moments so much fun stuff going on I feel like it was also a little bit different it just felt a little bit different to the recent videos that I’ve been posting I mean it wasn’t it wasn’t a different style of video at all just for some reason just probably because AE wasn’t around as much it just felt a little bit different but I liked it so I hope you enjoyed I have just found a comment that was left on my previous video if you’re new here and you don’t already know at the end of every video I answer a question that was left in the comments of my previous video so if You’ got any questions that you want to leave down below now comment anything you want and I’ll pick one and answer at the end of the next Vlog this question from last week’s video is a good one and I haven’t actually thought of an answer yet Zoe I want you to I want you to have a think about it as well what is one thing which you wanted in life but once you had it you realized it wasn’t as it was meant to be like it wasn’t as good as what you thought it was going to be yeah something that you wanted and then once you got it or you achieved it or whatever you realized it just wasn’t wasn’t what you were thinking like wasn’t as it was meant to be I feel like that’s such a good question I know one yeah if we been brutally honest our previous house we were very excited to move in there oh that’s a good one so many people in instantly found out where we lived because of a certain publication because of a certain newspaper put it all over the place of the website and within two months of living there we were in a goldfish Bowl we decided to move yeah within two months because there was just nonstop people outside the house all the time and it was not enjoyable yeah that was something that we thought was going to be a certain way and actually didn’t end up being a certain way that’s true that’s a very I feel like that’s like it’s quite a niche one but to be fully open about that and that’s a big one that was like that house we ended up being there even though it was 2 months later we were like we need to move we ended up being there for a further two years two years we couldn’t move for because we were renovating this house it wasn’t ready to move into for 2 years but after two mon months of living there we had already oh I’ve got one planned the move mainstream TV mainstream opportunities being in mainstream opportunities live TV and things like that I thought like I was always very nervous to do it it did take a lot don’t get me wrong it took a lot of persuasion from like everyone around me and then I did it and I was like well maybe it will feel okay once I’ve done a couple no hated it wouldn’t don’t want to do it ever again that’s one for me I anybody watching has ever realized that both me and you like avoid literally doing anything outside of what we create like we’ve never really spoken about like many opportunties that we’ve turned down I got a comment the other day that was like it was on the last video and it said do you ever get asked to go on podcast and say no I say no 99% I don’t particularly like doing stuff that is not edited or on my own channel edited by me or on my own channel but why cuz I feel that would be people question I get I get really I get imposter syndrome and I get really um nervous and like anxious and really like you’re great on them when you’ve done them I don’t think that’s the real answer what’s the real answer then do you think I think the real answer is I just that you don’t want new eyeballs on you and to be more oh that that too that too I think that’s the real answer I don’t not that you were personally hiding answer but I think it was just like oh that’s definitely also reason for sure and that was one of the main reasons with the with the main more mainstream TV stuff like when I did a couple of like interviews and was on TV and like I started doing all of that cuz I was like oh this is just the natural way turn the camera always literally just sat next to me you’re only facing me and I’m facing her um that felt like the natural way everything was progressing wasn’t it it was like these YouTubers that like you’re also wearing Christmas it is me guys they’re just so comfy yeah we’ve actually shot this this video was shot in December it’s just quite delayed no I’m joking it’s not um it felt like that was the natural progression do you know what I mean like everyone was like I people think it is the progression I think people thought I think I thought that was the progression I think I thought like oh I’ve done so well here and now do I move on to this and then when I started doing I was like whoa I do not enjoy this at all like can’t even watch back anything I’ve been on I die inside I hate it and I think when I am on someone else’s stuff I don’t and and it’s it has happened a few times where it’s like the narrative can be quite clickbaity I don’t know they’ll pull something out and like make it see sound like something that you didn’t really say or I don’t and I don’t like that I don’t like that kind of like journalistic click baity Vibe and I and it would always make me very anxious and so like it has to be a really like safe thing like when we did javan’s I was like I love G I know that’s yeah that’s cuz we know her that’s what I mean so so it has to feel safe for me to want to do it I have to I have to and also I I think if I feel like it will benefit people then I’ll do it but if there’s no benefit i’ love I’d love for us to chat one day about like but generally it just makes me too anxious and I don’t like it but I think for people watching that would think oh zo too anxious to go on that TV show to do an interview it’s not just the anxiety that’s holding you back it’s the anxiety to be in front of people that don’t know me do you does that make sense okay but if you weren’t feeling anxious would you want to go on the TV show not now no but that’s what I’m saying that’s what I think would really interest people for us to like chat about I get asked a lot in the comments on my Vlogs and stuff unless it was a show that I do you ever would you ever go on I’m making this up strictly would you ever go on Dancing on Ice would you ever go onb would you ever go on this morning would you ever like do you know but I think I could be wrong I could be wrong let me know in the comments if you like Zoe and I do but I think that will blow people’s minds that we would want it’s because I think I’m like too good for these it’s defitely not and I love the shows I love being a viewer of the shows I just don’t want to be on them like it’s not it’s not a comfortable arena for me it’s not my people do you know what I mean yeah I like just creating content for you you I have in my house no interest in growing a wider audience little TI in there and I very quickly P out back yeah I tried it I’m happy I tried it though I feel like we’ve gone very off topic yeah but I think it’s so interesting yeah um but I feel like we should do a whole chatty video because even like but I don’t know if is this interesting though I don’t know I don’t know maybe blond intered but also it’s it’s I think it’s really interesting that you and I both feel like that like you’ve done a few TV things like release a hands yeah I’ve done a few bits I think what was that one where you um Crystal Maze yeah yeah and all like the TV interviews and all of that like you’re you’re a bit more me I feel like this is like one of those things it’s like an ant you know when you see the top of an ant hill but underneath there’s like this is one of those topics that requires like this needs like a Podcast chat yeah because I otherwise the T taking a tiny bit from this just it makes it sound like I’m just like really ungrateful like and and that ungrateful for what what not wanting to do the TV shows but what’s wrong with not wanting to do a TV show I don’t know because I feel like a lot of people would just love that OB Unity that’s also not a reason just to say yes to something yeah that’s very true also if let us know if you want us to chat more in depth about our thoughts behind yeah more than just just like being I don’t know on social media SL traditional over the years because I interesting time wasn’t it in our career like that was such like a I don’t know like a huge time like it’s quite yeah yeah it’s quite fun to like reflect back on that from like us now does that make sense like for example just one thing um when we did javan’s podcast and still to this day that’s the only interview that Zoe and I have ever done together isn’t that crazy but I don’t think anybody watching this would ever realize that Zoe and I have only ever done one interview just us two for anything that as a couple yeah that’s the only interview we’ve turned down every single thing ever not that we’ve been offered every single thing ever no but as in everything we have been offered we’ve turned down also it’s worth pointing out like when you release a book or something like that generally it’s like required am I allowed to say that I don’t know what I’m allowed to say it’s like like turned 34 and I’m like do you want the inside secret when you when you do a publication you have PR responsibilities like signed into your contract you have a certain amount of interviews to do and some of those book tours and some of them as well radio television television print tours like tours and promo and then print yeah and you’ve got to like do a certain amount of each one generally speaking Yeah so that’s why we did them no that’s why I did them because I have to oh right I feel like we’re ring you don’t get me involved in this because otherwise it turns into 20 no but I like it I think it’s good I think people like us just like having a little chat rambling on let us know if you want to hear us chat in more detail about that kind of topic down below just comment saying yeah I’d love that and we’ll know I love that well what else should I say how else are they going to let us know yeah true um all right appreciate you watching give the video a thumbs up if you um enjoyed it and catch me next week on ITV on that note we are both going into the jungle this year for me guys see you soon see you next week appreciate you watching and also just one more thing go get a hella fresh box free future self coffee links down below


  1. I think it would be so cute if you took a picture of the girls in the teepee each month so you are able to look back and see their growth, as well as the progress of the sweet peas !! ❤

  2. I’d love to hear somethings people do/ say day to day because of Alfie and Zoe. From what I can think of , I ALWAYS take the stairs and I put honey on my pepperoni pizza.

  3. we definitely realised that’s the only interview ahahaha
    i loved it!! it was lovely to see you both chatting and answering questions !

  4. My bestie & I are taking a day trip to Brighton in late June..what are your favorite restaurants/activities to go to/do in Brighton??

  5. You & Zoe have such good communication with one another and so interesting to watch & listen to you Both. Are you afraid of anything changing when you get married. My husband refused to live with me prior to marriage and now we just celebrated 32 years married. I’m probably not within you demographics (60) but I really enjoy yours and Zoe’s vlogs. Wishin you Both the Best Week ahead💐🤗

  6. I always wondered with all the podcasts at the moment why you guys weren’t on them and I’ve seen podcasters even say they have tried Zoe probably cause they know how many views they would get, but the thing that makes me LOVE You both is you aren’t changing what content you do in order to gain more publicity, your the same as you were ten years ago and that’s why you are so many peoples comfort and you have so many long term viewers because you bring that nostalgia of the 2010s to people. If I could watch one piece of content for the rest of my life it would be these vlogs.

  7. definitely check out the tall trees that are turning orange in the back, they may need some assistance so they don’t rot out

  8. My question is, I'm curious to know what boy names you had before you knew Ottie was a girl. Not curious for myself, been and done that, would genuinely love to know 🙂

  9. “Yeah loved that” haha LOVE your chats just you two 😍and when you share with us little behind the scenes or decisions on why you did things the way you did! Also really hear for house Reno stuff 🙂

  10. In Denmark is it generally just advised to not get the boxwood because the caterpillars/larvae are near impossible to get rid of :')

  11. This might be a controversial answer to some but I've always desired to be closer to my parents, learn more about/from them, spend quality time together doing the simplest things, have meals together, laugh together, comfort each other… but over time I realised that this was never meant to be and I don't seek that out from them anymore, and funnily enough this has brought me so much peace, courage and self-love. A lot of sadness came from yearning for parental figures in my life especially when I was younger, and there are still days now when I still hope for it and end up hating myself because it only makes me feel smaller. I realised that holding on to that hope made me bitter and sad. And acceptance gave me peace. And there are times when I watch the way some parents are with their children in public, or like with you and Zoe with Ottie and Novie in your vlogs, and it actually makes me tear up with joy when I see kids who are nurtured with such care, patience and guidance because they radiate so much confidence and joy and I learn so much of the type of parent I hope to be someday with my better half.

  12. 7 years is crazy i still remember watching the vlogs where zoe first moved to brighton 😭

  13. Alfie saying 4 or 5 years ago is a long time while most of us here are watching like 12 years… hahah <3

  14. LOVING the new honesty guys!! So refreshing and real to hear, don’t get me wrong you’d have to be totally naive to never understand that certain avenues you’d of HAD to take for career progression wasn’t in your control/choice, but at the time with possible young audiences it’s hard to not reveal the truth. Totally understand and agree with both your opinions on the television front. As a long viewer of 10+ years of both your channels, I have always enjoyed all your other ventures (books, products, tv etc) but the fear of being scene in a uncomfortable environment and then the media/channel etc taking anything you say out of context for views and sales is a vulnerable position and now with a family that is your priority. You do such a public fronting job but by right it should ALWAYS be on YOUR terms.🫶🏼

  15. Question: What work related stuff have you regretted/would do differently now? (Love you guys, I have been here for a good decade) ❤

  16. I love that you’re so aware that you’re living some of the best, most sweet days of your life. I’ve got teenagers now and while love and awe about who they are only grows, having chatty little beautiful babies and toddlers is a magical time.

  17. Guys I swear to god, your relationship and family life is giving me hope that this is possible despite not seeing it a lot around me and i say that as I'm approaching 30! You two are just gorgeous humans and great partners and lovely parents, I know we don't see it all and it's 'edited' but there's no way you're that good at acting haha I wish you all the best and yes please keep those chats going! xx

  18. On that last section of the video about being on traditional media it reminded me why I love watching you guys because you’ve always been so genuine to yourselves and your audience. You never forced some thing just because it seems main stream.
    that’s why I’m such a long time supporter of Zoe and Alfie , and I’d really love to hear more about how you guys stay true to yourselves, while being in the spotlight, even on social media, and especially when TV came along would love to hear more about that

  19. i totally understand where zoe is coming from! pls dont feel like it makes you look ungrateful or like someone that thinks theyre too good for something. tv shows and even podcasts are a scary piece of media to go into bc like mentioned, you dont have any control on whats being asked and how things are gonna be edited or promoted as.

  20. Okay, small little appreciation: that you kept in the original audio while you were running. Most people would cut out the heavy running breathing but it’s refreshing that you didn’t. It’s very real and makes me a little less self conscious about myself when I workout! 😅

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