Front Yard Garden

May Garden Tour | Front yard of My Carolina Garden

Thank you for joining me for my May Garden Tour | Front yard of My Carolina Garden! This tour is special because I have a few things newly blooming with their vibrant colors, all right near each other. Let’s enjoy the pretty yellow Evening Primrose, the sweet pink Echinacea, the purple Balloon Flowers, and the orange Daylilies.

I also have drone footage for a bird’s eye view at the shape of the gardens so you can see how everything is growing and expanding. What a view of my colorful gardens!

My name is Nicole Roggeman, and I am a gardener in zone 8B in coastal North Carolina. Gardening is my passion, and I like to try new combinations of plants together, I plant for fun and try not to worry too much. Since My Carolina Garden is in Wilmington NC, we have hot, humid summers, and have sandy soil here. These are all things I keep in mind throughout the growing season. If you like my video content, please subscribe, and stick with me as my gardens grow!

[Music] hi you guys this is Nicole from my Carolina Garden I Garden in zone 8B in Southeastern North Carolina and I want to welcome you to my front yard May Garden Tour [Music] I start off with some great things to show you right at the start of my Peninsula bed so I have a Crate Myrtle that anchors this side of the peninsula garden and then to the back side is a magnolia tree so those are kind of my starting and ending points of this Garden right here I have my Marcus Salvia this has already been blooming for weeks at this point this is a pretty cold tolerant plant so it’s like hearty to zones 4 right behind it I have my orange orang day lies they have only been blooming for about maybe a week now um and of course you know they close up at night and open back up during the day and so this morning when I wanted to start the tour they were still sleepy so that’s why we took some Drone footage over this Garden as the sun was coming up and you can see that the lies were still shut so beautiful color just between those two but my favorite thing right here is my eona this eona I love it anyway you know as a cone flower but its first blooms are the most vibrant so this is my favorite time of year with them I have lots of buds here but this is my first Bloom and I do have more eona in this Garden as well [Music] doing my front yard garden tour in May is one of my favorite tours to do because I have so much color happening all at once so with the orange day lies that I have Happening Here I have some more eona another plant blooming here where I have a couple of flowers I have purple balloon flowers in front of me those are very unusual I love the way the buds start to open up oh the shape of them is just wonderful and then I have some evening primrose which are these yellow buttercup flowers that you see blooming around me I have them behind me beside me they’re kind of all over the evening primrose I’ve talked about before as being an aggressive spreader it’s self seeds and it just kind of goes wherever it wants to now I haven’t seen it edging out any other plants or you know becoming difficult in that way but if you are going to plant some evenings Primrose please make sure you have the space for it I only have these blooms that you see happening right now but probably in the next few days this is all going to be a sea of yellow and I am not complaining about that the Primrose will probably only bloom for about 2 weeks whereas these other things are going to keep going for much much longer than that allow me to just get a little more up close and personal to the balloon flower specifically but I do have the eona and the prim rose right there behind it all of these things are perennials perennials are my favorite thing because I love how they get larger you can divide them up and then move your divisions into other parts of your landscape also all of these things that I have here including the orange day lies in the back are all hearty to zones like three and four so so many people get to enjoy these particular perennials [Music] just coming right around to the backside of the peninsula I wanted to point out my purple elegant lavender which has such a beautiful scent as I’m laying here and the breeze is blowing and then my black and blue salvia so the lavender here is Hardy to about zone 5 and the black and blue salvia is more like Zone 7 so they like it a little bit warmer the black and blue salvia is so awesome because you have the different toned flowers the dark color is so purple it almost looks like black hence the name obviously but the color combination with the warm oranges and also the yellow Prim Rose warm tones there cool tones back here those are color combinations that I am just a sucker for I’m just jumping right on into the center of the flower bed which I don’t get to do all the time but since we still have some space in here I felt like I should my yellow Primrose the evening is in front of me here so I wanted to point that out with the Twilight Primrose which is the light pink that is blooming everywhere behind me the Twilight Primrose started for me about two weeks ago and I just assumed that both primroses were going to bloom at the same time but so far Twilight started first let’s see who ends first I don’t know just wanted to point out though the Twilight Primrose is the same as the evening where it is an aggressive self seater so again if you are going to use Primrose in your garden just make sure you have the space for it as we’re moving down the line a little bit here I wanted to point out those are perennial hibiscus they are going to have the huge magenta flowers on them I have buds at the bottom no blooms yet but how it exciting for me the blanket flowers here are I have a mixture of some that are blooming some that are not quite yet but definitely perennials a lot of people have been telling me they are hearty up even into Canada so some cold tolerant plants here I’m just not sure if my particular variety is the same I just don’t know uh we do see them growing wild at the beach here they do love sandy soil which is fabulous for those of us here on the coast that have extremely sandy soil so blanket flowers are not fussy and like I said do really well just with a care of Mother Nature so I do have Lop that lines the front of my flower bed some people I know are not that thrilled with it but for me I’m like ah this is a variegated look it is not tall so it gives me cute little plumps of color just along the front I love it no biggie this basket actually was an Edible Arrangement that somebody had sent to us and I just figured I can pop this into my garden and I have some lemon Coral Sedum starting to grow out of that and then this direction over here I have zebra grasses in the back for some height and then this is where all the prim Rose is taking over okay so it’s not just the Primrose taking over but I also have the blanket flowers in here both things are amazing self seeders and so they’re growing everywhere in here and then this is my precious dianthus ooh that reminds me you know how sometimes things are just meant to be well I’ve talked about this dianthus that’s sitting in this front flower bed a whole bunch of times and I never knew the name of it and I thought maybe I got it from somewhere that didn’t have a tag and then suddenly the tag appeared you know how that just happens so this is actually the Super Trooper lilac on purple Dian this I have it here and there and it just has the very Carnation Style flower blooms on it and it needs to be deadheaded make sure you dead head your dianthus that is just some advice for me to you the Twilight Primrose oh my gosh it just blows so beautifully and gently in the breeze I love it so I have the Primrose there I have a pin cushion right here which sort of Blends into the background a little bit as that much Primrose takes over but that I have the pin cushion here’s another one of those Super Trooper dianthus right here all these blanket flower seeds all in here but this goodie can you see this right here this goodie is going to be a double scoop eona boom boom two of them right next to each other while most of my caniles and tropical plants are in the backyard I do have a section of Canales up here as well but as you can see not a whole heck of a lot happening yet except for this one this one has a nice flower Bud on it and and so I presume it will open sometime very soon but right next to this baby I have a Gua I love the guara because this variety has the dark colored foliage so it’s a dark red and then the flowers are different shades of pink so it’s just something pretty pink and pretty and delicate okay yes and pink too love it just a smidge further back from the guara I have some Bunches of dayes now these are a different variety than the orange ones which are clearly In Bloom these have buds on them most specifically you can see these buds in the back row here and so a different variety just not ready to open up yet and then again just popping around to the back side of the peninsula this is where those dayes are blooming right here behind me then I have some flocks that’s here very very light purple colored flocks this verb right here is something that actually Sur survives for me all winter it stays Evergreen and still blooms so this one in particular has a spreading habit and it stays as a ground cover love it have a couple of different varieties or I should say colors not varieties I have a couple colors of this and I love it because who doesn’t want that kind of color in their Winter Garden as well going that direction I have a couple of the silver EMAs this is the first time I’ve had those I understand they get a little larger and they’ll also serve as well a something that will take up a lot of space which is great keep down on my weeds in this Garden I hope but also I just love the silver silver foliage against the Darkly colored mulch my Peninsula Garden gets anchored by my magnolia tree and then we kind of had a stopping point at my fence well it turned out I wasn’t satisfied with that so I decided to extend my Gardens to the outside of my fence line and keep them going this whole Direction now if you’ve been with me for a little while you know that I have difficulties with erosion going down this slope here to my water Swale that’s like a drainage ditch that catches my rain runoff adding the additional flower bed out here does help with this erosion problem though so little by little I’m extending my garden out here along the fence line and then also bringing it down the slope if only I had all the money in the world I’d fill this all with rock which I love rock but that’s not an option coming down this fence line actually quite a lot of it is pretty new so if you look back at my very very early spring garden you’re going to see a lot of bare spots and things that weren’t here so I have just perennials really that I can divide up from other parts of my yard and I took those separations and put them over here that’s how I’m extending my garden and trying to do it on in a budget friendly way so right here I have daisies they just came from the back I see a Japanese Beetle already oh it’s going to be time to get the Japanese beetles just wanted to talk about a few of the other transplants I have tiger lies that were from my backyard I have Canales some of them have just been transplanted from the lower area here where they were not thriving to up here where they definitely are thriving I have some Joe pie weed this came from my in-law’s house I have some Russian sage this came from my parents house so transplanting from my own yard as well as Garden sharing that’s what makes this whole expansion possible and as we keep going all of this has been added this year so all of these hostas same deal transplants from inside the backyard I have another set of dayes here same thing and then the furthest thing that you can see right now is my rose bush I had transplanted um a shrub of drift roses from the backyard in an area where they weren’t going to be seen anymore and put those here so no flowers on it right now after the transplant but it is leafed out gorgeously and I just can’t complain so my expansion out here is more or less free except for the things I have to buy like the soil amendments or the MTT for the top layer in my front flower bed which is just the area in front of my front porch porch essentially in my walkway to the front porch I start with this pot of dianthus again just a different variety of dianthus but I love it love it love it and I have a sweet potato vine here that is lined with the purple tints and I just love the way that these colors play off of each other and then I have a turtle here that also has like these seashells on his back that have the purplish color as well so this little combination is just cute and sweet and then I have yet other dianthus right there that just L the front of my flower bed as gardeners I think it’s safe to say that we are always changing things around in our Gardens it could be small changes it could be huge changes right now this stage that I’m in is a very colorful stage so my front yard Gardens have tons and tons of color in them I feel that they go together they make me happy so this is what I have so let me show you let me point out everything starting from the very front you’ll see some purple that is the same purple lavender that I had have over in the peninsula Garden then the taller Pink Beauty in front of me that is the double scoop bubble gum eonia so it doesn’t look so much like a double scoop yet it seems like these new buds actually look pretty similar to a regular eonia pretty similar there are some differences but you’ll see the double scoop get like a much poofier pom pom head than it has right now and then the Rays really droop so that’s the double scoop bubble gum eon this is more of that trailing verb I was talking about that stayed Evergreen and flowered for me all winter long so again like I said gorgeous vibrant color you just can’t be having that as your winter color so I have a what is this I have a little lime punch hydrangea that is leafing out now that’s going to bloom later but I’m I think if the verb keeps acting like this I’m going to still have just wonderful color all right here so this is the blue what is it called Grace Ward lithodora that is the blue flowers they are tiny and delicate so they don’t add huge pops of blue but they’re there and I know they’re there Kaleidoscope ailia I have three of those shrubs behind me there yearlong ever Evergreen color in that foliage so I just can’t complain [Music] now as we get really close to my front porch this Lantana which you can see some blooming already happening is going to get fabulous so it ends up being one of the main plants that welcomes you to the front of my house so this Lantana here is one thing I just wanted to point out we have tons and tons of buds everywhere but just you know some blooming beginning and then behind that I have yet another can of Lily can P ofes are big in my yard I love them so with the dark red foliage here and then a red flower on it love this canaly and it does get tall so I still will be able to see the canaly behind my Lantana giving garden tours isn’t only showing the things that we love which I happen to love a lot of things I have but also sometimes showing things that you don’t really think are working this is a diamond Spire gardinia I bought it in the fall and I hadn’t had gardinas in my yard at all let me just see which zone Zone 7 to 10 gardinas are known to have beautiful fragrant flowers and I don’t have a lot of white in my garden so those are two of the reasons I bought it and then also the shrub stays Evergreen so I figured great more Evergreen interest in the front however I have two things happening one a lot of leaves are yellowing I felt like it did pretty decent throughout the fall and winter with without having a lot of yellow leaves but once spring came I saw some more yellowing and then the flowers come they’re small that’s okay there’s a lot of them but they Brown really quickly so I’m not sure if anyone has any advice out there do you just keep trimming them back like taking off the expired blooms or what do you do to make this look gorgeous I wasn’t sure my bearded iris was going to make it into my May Garden Tour because some of them have bloomed already and are done but they seem to be going in phases so even though these bearded irises are all the same and have come out exactly the same color this one’s the last and it was literally like one at a time so kind of strange I have the golden sword yaka Evergreen interest spiky plant that you can divide up but I love it I do have the ballerina red armeria right here so again these blooms are not tremendous in size but they are super cool because they’re like their rounded top I have so many of the orange day lies and what the heck I can’t remember right now off the top of my head what the name of this plant is cuz I want to call it firecracker but I don’t think that was what it was oh my gosh well it’s slipping my mind right now but it is coming back and starting to bloom again and this goes all the way into winter my garden plan for this year was to expand pretty much all of my Gardens and in the front here I wanted to make my Peninsula Garden larger by coming this direction and not quite joining up to the front flower bed but getting them closer so that there was just some walkway grass in between I had originally started this idea or this garden bed with the idea that this side back here was going to be tall and everything going that way was going to be short but as this flower bed is expanding I’ve decided anything goes so I have shorter things over on this side as well and I’m happy with the way that all of it is going looking at it from above the shapes of everything the rounded curves I was going to say edges but the rounded curves of the flower beds are also very interesting to the eye in my opinion so I hope that you love what I have been doing here and maybe it’s inspiring in some way thank you so much for watching my May Garden Tour and happy planting


  1. Lovely!! The May tour of your front yard is doing well. I love the way the colors complement each other. Thanks for sharing, Nicole. See you next time.
    Have a great weekend from Illinois.โค

  2. Hi Nicole๐ŸŒบ . I enjoyed this beautiful tour at your front garden it looks stunning .I have tree colors from the beautiful balloon flower the purple the white and the pink . The pretty gardenia you can add to it iron also too much or to little water leads to yellowing of the leaves also to much fertilization leads to the flowers falling . Have a wonderful day . ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒบ

  3. ์‹ฑ๊ทธ๋Ÿฌ์šด ์†Œ๋ฆฌ๋ฅผ ๋“ค๋ ค์ฃผ๋Š” ์ •์› ๋„ˆ๋ฌด๋„ˆ๋ฌด ์•„๋ฆ„๋‹ต์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

    ๊ฐ๋™์ž…๋‹ˆ๋‹ค ์˜์ƒ์— ํ–‰๋ณต์ฃผ๋Š” ํž˜์ด ์žˆ์Šต๋‹ˆ๋‹ค.

    ์‘์›ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค ๋‹ค์Œ์˜์ƒ๊ธฐ๋Œ€ํ•ฉ๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ์ž์ฃผ๋ตˆ์š”^^โค

  4. Such a beautiful garden. The aerial shot was lovely because we could see the curves of all the garden & its glory. Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Beautiful work and I know you love it, I do mine to. We have some of the same plants as you, gotta love lantana with its showy flowers. My Amarillo lilies just finished up and they were beautiful. I enjoyed your garden videos and the aerial view with all the curves amazing. Until next time have a good weekend.

  6. Such a lovely yard! Thank you for sharing. Every thing looks so lush and green. Those big rocks make the beds to me .. really like them

  7. It is so beautiful and divers and well cared, congratulation for your creation, love and hard work, the results are spectacular. ๐Ÿ’š

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