Plant Propagation

Getting ready to leave my BF, please help on how to propagate the plants I’d like to take with me that he’ll likely contest?

Getting ready to leave my BF, please help on how to propagate the plants I’d like to take with me that he’ll likely contest?

by DontWanaReadiT


  1. JimBobDidThis

    If you bought those plants they are YOUR plants. Have a friend help move your stuff out when he’s gone because im sure if he’s the type to contest plants he’ll be quick to argue about more important stuff. Even if you took cuttings it will take so long for them to grow to that size and he probably doesn’t deserve them anyway.

    Edit: after reading the text argument about walking the dogs in your post history, fuck this guy. Take his shit too he is an ass.

  2. fl0wer_baby

    i’d definitely fight for those as it seems you’ve put a lot of work and time into them. im not a big plant person but this is a couple things i’ve done.
    i dont think you can propagate the aloe vera unless it has some pups for you to dig out, if you cut a leaf it might just dry it out. for the other plants you can try digging in the dirt looking for some roots + stems that have grown separately and add them to a jar of water or some dirt. if there isnt any then i’d suggest just very carefully cutting an intact stem and just keep the roots in water/dirt. keep a close eye on them and just make sure they’re needs are being met. good luck woth everything and i hope you can keep your plants and all other stuff that belongs to you 💜

  3. Meowmeowmemeo

    Buy less nice versions of them and replace them while taking the real plants to your new place/ a safe space… /hj

  4. cdn_guy_ott

    It sounds like you’ll likely just take them with you, but at least the monstera I’ve propagated before. If you cut a node off with stem and leaf, and stick it in water, a root will grow.
    I’ve found it helps if you cut a node that an aerial root is starting on, that root with grow over a month or two and then you can plant it. If you can, cut two sections with nodes and grow those, because you’ll want to plant 2 propagated plants together to make the pot more full (and I find monstera takes a long time to grow).
    The part that you cut off on the main plant will grow a new shoot off of it and then continue growing from there.

    For the aloe, I’ve only ever propagated by having pups grow, and then repotting the pups. The plant needs to be ready and it can take a long time to get there, but then they can produce tons of pups.

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