Gardening Supplies

2024 Dollar Store Gardening Finds

It’s here! Dollar Tree’s newest gardening finds for 2024! Plus, a few old favorites are still available as well.

Posts mentioned in my video:
Plants that Repel Mosquitos:
2023 Dollar Store Gardening Finds:

Want to start a garden? Here’s my free email series all about How to Start a Garden:

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hey you guys it’s Courtney with the kitchen garden and I’m so glad that you’re checking in so I don’t always dress up for my videos but when I do it’s because I was a church right before this and I’m taking advantage so of of having my hairbrush and all that um there was a lot of yard work here yesterday and that meant I couldn’t have recorded then so but we’re back because it’s 2024 y’all and I hit up Dollar Tree yesterday so that means I’ve got the 2024 gardening finds just for you so let’s [Music] go okay so I know that I’m on a no/ low spend gardening challenge this season but I figure I could spring for the eight bucks um required to buy this stuff from uh from the Dollar Tree you see a little mini back I actually went to two Dollar Trees this weekend and um one had more gardening supplies than the other so consider that I suppose if you have a Dollar Tree in your area or you have more than one they had some new things that I’d never seen before and they had some upgraded stuff so let’s talk about what I found first is something that they usually have but I thought it was a little nicer than last year um this is the garden sprayer okay and it is great if you’re really hard on a garden sprayer so you leave them laying around and they get chewed up by dogs or uh just get legs and walk off and you need more than one a125 you can’t really beat that especially from something like Lowe’s so Buck 25 grab a few if you’re hard on them also it is a125 I think two years ago Dollar Tree went up on their prices and I hear tell that they’re going to do it again and that things they’re thinking about increasing the prices to $150 um also at the Dollar Tree they have a section now that’s like $5 stuff so just make sure that you’re checking make sure you’re buying from the right section everything that I have is from the normal section $125 but again if you’re hard on a sprayer and you want a few grab grab a couple can’t hurt okay this next thing was new at least to me this year I’ve seen it in plastic in the past and it is plastic no more so this is a metal thermometer in this beautiful kind of citrus print here um I love to have a thermometer outside I know we all have cell phones now right but any excuse to get off of our cell phones I think is a great one and this is so perfect to have um out in the garden if you got a potting bench you can hang it on so that you can see the temps um I just think it’s really beautiful and the fact that it’s metal it should last a whole lot longer than the plastic ones did um because my potting bench especially gets a lot of sun beating down on it after about 300 p.m. and anything plastic just disintegrates after a while um so it it’ll be neat to see how this holds up but this is a beautiful thermometer so you can check the temp when you’re outside working in the garden um also all of these things including this would make a beautiful garden themed gift basket for someone so if someone’s getting into gardening or is um or is a gardener and you just want a birthday gift just to bless them with something this will be a beautiful way to do it so I loved this and I’m going to hang it up later today so metal thermometer okay they had bulbs y’all I have seen a limited supply of bulbs before um but these were gladiolus and you got three for $125 and I thought even if one of them germinates that’s a win and you can germinate these in a pot or um in the ground and um have them come back year after year so um you can say grown in Holland so these aren’t these aren’t like Po duny bulbs here um and that’s not a bad deal for uh a buck 25 and you could get they had a few different types of bulbs uh flower bulbs and so you could definitely make and match it would make a beautiful little um flower patch for you there or flower bed okay now I ran into a neighbor a couple weeks ago and she told me the seeds she got at Dollar Tree last year germinated for her the best out of everything else she got so challenge accepted I didn’t need much y’all know because I hav’t quite a seed stash and I’m trying to work through it this year but I did pick up some marold cuz for some reason I didn’t save seeds last year cuz I’m slack and then I also got some patunas cuz they’re one of my my favorites love them for containers and my um hanging baskets or window boxes outside my kitchen windows so you’ll notice the price they are four for a dollar so they’re only 2 cents a piece and if you’ve also noticed at big box stores your packs of seeds are going for three bucks and so this saves you big time especially if you don’t need like 50 seeds that come in a seed packet these certainly have less than what you would get like Lowe’s from Burpee or what ever but if you’re not planning to grow 50 marold it’s a win and it’s a no-brainer um also Pro tip if you have a that’s a pro if you have an Aldi in your area um I was in Aldi two weeks ago and found uh they were carrying garden seeds along with you know they always had that aisle of like miscellaneous stuff um but it was gardening things and they had seeds they had seeds for 49 cents a package they were a little bit more had more seeds than them these but I found San Marzano tomatoes and these Dixie squash and all kinds of beans and herbs so they had great choices and I totally think you should check it out if you have an Aldi if you don’t already I love shopping at Aldi it’s my favorite hence why I do a whole series on how to garden on a budget I love a budget okay seeds so grab some okay second to last thing they have these citronella sticks this year and if you live in an area where mosquitoes are rampant then I I think why not especially if you’re if you don’t want to use something like bug spray on you or you’re just layering your lines of Defense then this would be a really good option as well um again this also makes a great gift for somebody for the summertime go to somebody’s house for barbecue you can include some of these in there I bought a different brand of these for my parents a few years back because in Florida they have like bird sized mosquitoes and they were intense and they really did help so check it out Buck 25 if it doesn’t work for you then you really not out that much so and check out my post up here um plants that you can uh that you can grow in your patio area or wherever you hang out outside that should help to repel mosquitoes anything with like a strong scent but check that out if you want to see um some things that we use to try to help repel them naturally because I don’t love having the yard sprayed for mosquitoes um because I am trying to bring in all kinds of um beneficial insects for the vegetable garden and I don’t want to cause damage to them in any way so everything has a repercussion right um so but at the end of the day you got to do what’s best and if you can’t enjoy your patio without it then no judgment all right last thing they had they always have pots okay um this pot is one that can sit up on a deck railing and so I just thought that that was really neat um you can have you know your you put herbs or flowers that spill over like wave patunas or nasams and I just thought how cool is that my one suggestion is it does have little little holes indentations so definitely make sure that you um punch holes out um in them before you plant just so there’s some drainage there unless you’re really good about not overwatering your plants I am not so sometimes I get real excited or like yesterday I leave the house with my um Garden grids on and forget and praise God I was using race beds because it just drains right out but uh about 15 minutes after I left the house I was like left those on anyo so this was a really great find I really loved it and if you remember from last year’s video and I posted here they had all of those things still including those tiered Planters where you can stack them on top of each other and grow um strawberries and flowers and create a whole Tower so they had all of that yesterday so definitely check it out if you’re looking to add to your garden but you’re also on a budget um I love the fact that Dollar Tree does offer these things because gardening should be affordable and it’s not something that should break the bank and so I hope that this is helpful to you I hope you’re able to find some things that you can use and um yeah like I said check out the other videos cuz most of those things that I’ve highlighted the last couple years still available uh so check it out thanks for joining me and make sure you click subscribe below to get notifications of when a new video comes out out hope you guys are having a great day


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