Plant Propagation

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma cuttings

Hello. 🙂 I'm sorry if I'm asking stupid questions but I'm a complete novice in propagation. So.. A friend of mine bought a dying rhaphidophora tetrasperma (the main stem was yellowing and mushy but the roots looked healthy) so we took cuttings from it and split them between us. Two of my cuttings already have established roots that were in the soil. Upon cutting them off I made sure to be as far away as possible from the yellowing part. I did that yesterday and all of the cuttings were white and looked healthy. I left them callous overnight and I'm now seeing these black parts forming where I've cut. I used an exacto knife sterilized with rubbing alcohol before every cut.
I hope it's nothing serious and just a reaction from the cutting but you never know and it's the first time something like this has happened to me. Also the last one looks a bit more black than the others so that's concerning. I'm also curious if everything is fine, are the two cuttings with already established roots good to go into soil or as they are now cuttings they should grow new roots in water. If so..should I remove the existing roots or they are okay to put in water? Any help is appreciated. ☺️

by dreamfallsunshine

1 Comment

  1. I can’t really help you with the dark part (rot ?). I would say it’s ok and that you can ignore it if it doesn’t grow. It happened to me a lot but I would just cut it off if it was propagating climbing up the stem. It never made any of my propagations rot. The last one is good to go in dirt IMO. As long as the root is growing roots you can put it in dirt. You could leave it in water too if you want. I do this with most of mines because I like the aesthetic.

    Good luck with this I hope someone can give you better tips than mines.

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