Plant Propagation

So whats going on here?

This is an olive branch that’s been in water for 2 weeks and then treated with rooting hormone and transferred to vermiculite in a reused and cleaned lemonade bottle. The bottom 2 inches were gently scarred in a few linear areas to expose the underlying cambium. I have seen this white tissue on other stems I’ve propagated. Here I notice that the tissue seems to be closing up the scars. I assume this is a natural healing process. I’ve always wondered if the white tissue is embryonic root tissue or simply a reaction to water. On previous stems without scars the tissue seems to grow in nodules along the stem. Does anyone have an authoritative explanation of what this tissue is and its significance?
There’s a lot of people here who make statements that seem less than authoritative. Any botanists here that can weigh in or anyone who is educated on this tissue?

by Marconjx

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