Gardening Supplies

I have 8 Sims in one house… Every Life Stage Challenge! – Part 7

There’s so many Sims, and so many of them are so young!
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welcome back to the every life Sage challenge where our goal is to have one of every life sage in our house by the end of the challenge of course as you know by now we have to do that by completing all these tasks pretty straightforward this is the current state of our household we only have to get one more age in our house which is pretty exciting I know you might be thinking all know that means are at the end but I’m sure you’ve probably seen the runtime of this video I’m sure it’s not short and I’m not entirely sure that this will be the last episode we’ll see we’ll see anyway we’ve got some work to do we got to do some building I got $10,000 oh I also went through and gave all the kids uh makeovers when I say makeovers I mean I roughly gave them outfits that kind of suit their thing so this you might not even recognize them is Kristoff remember they liked French country and red so we got a bit of red in there got some red shoes um you know got for some old school kind of outfits now unfortunately most of that it’s kind of brown I couldn’t find a better one with a nice jacket that wasn’t as brown I say unfortunately because Pablo who is now over here uh they like brown so you know there’s a lot of brown anyway they have similar similar colors anyway uh and he liked cosmolux so I tried to kind of go for like a Fallout Vibe if you guys have seen the Fallout TV show or you know played the games it’s kind of that retro future Vibe now I know that might not be screaming it here but you know we got the sort of uh 60s kind of neat hair like mustache you’ll see some of his other outfits and then all the other kids I didn’t do too much because obviously as they age up from a kid to a teen or you know from Toddlers up their outfits will all just reset anyway um but you know we got purple here for Camilo I want to say and then we’ve got uh where the heck are my other kids well I’m holding one of them green for whoever that is Scarlet I think anyway yeah so we we did that so next thing I got to do is figure out the room situation so obviously we need well we need a whole bedroom for scarlet which I mean could definitely still be this one but then obviously we have well I can get rid of this save a bit of money on that we have another baby right here which is fine but I think we either need to go upstairs or we’ve got to expand out or something like that I think what I’m going to do first I also want to just make the house look a little nicer you know maybe the living room and stuff oh hang on you know what what I’m going to do first there’s okay there’s a lot of stuff oh dang it I got to play the game all right hang on let me put this stuff in the bin I’m going to get someone to Kristoff can I go get you to go fix the um the line and then someone else I need to do the laundry do laundry at oh my God what is happening in here anyway I’m going to start filling up the bin cuz that’s going to give us more oh we’re getting 80 simoleons per trash now so wait what are you doing oh you’re picking up all the stuff off the floor that’s good that’s good I’m going to keep putting those in the bin that baby’s crying I’m just holding this infant just going to ignore it all for now okay we got more clothes hang on oh no no I think we got all the clothes now right so I’m going to get you to wash the laundry how’s my line going that’s good I’m going to put this in the bin oh or not there we go let me move on my trash over here so I can see what I need to add to the bin oh I we do have more clothes so just there okay we got a little pile of trash building up now but this is going to take us over 10 grand so that’s actually pretty good okay we got a bunch of babies crying and all that I’m not worried about that right now just doing the trash making the house clean uh there’s some more here we I got $10,300 pretty good all right so what if what’s in here that’s off probably a lot of stuff I know there’s actually just this empty plate here oops and this pizza and I think that’s good is the fridge still stinking no I think we’re good uh Kristoff can I get you to go repair the sink as well while you’re at it all right samage you probably should just be doing super efficient baby care what’s with you you’re hungry can I get you oh yeah by the way it’s pretty funny Pablo is a teenager and he looks like a middle-aged man look I’m not saying that the makeover is good but that’s his thing he likes cosmolux Fitness and brown okay not my fault that he rolled that here we go feed the kid oh my God my kids are just sleeping in here cuz I haven’t yeah I haven’t done the build mode stuff yet cuz they still have toddler beds so they can’t sleep in their room right now now but yeah yeah I’m I’m getting to it I’m getting to it once this s oh hey Ben welcome I guess I mean I guess that is your son right Kristoff yeah uh Now where’s that pile of trash that this generates is it supposed to go somewhere H I thought when you repair stuff it has like a pile of trash cuz I wanted to put it in the bin for money oh there’s another bottle over here all right okay well that leaves us with 10,3 wait hang on I got mail do I I don’t have bills do I I think it’s probably just um oh actually bills are tomorrow maybe I should wait for those this toy all right actually yeah what do we have in our inventory I think we we got a lot of um Christmas gifts the marble jar that’s money you got some blocks sell that actually you have a dirty plate too sell that sweet okay that’s pretty good and yeah so I just keeping that stuff so I think the rest of the stuff that we got for winter first is actually in here we got some pretty good well that’s from prom uh that’s not that great but this $890 I mean I forgot who got this but they don’t got it no more it’s gone and this is gone too and this is gone too this has gone too all right well that gives us 12 Grand I think that’s actually a pretty good budget to start working on this so I guess I’m going to do that all right so it is actually the next day for me in real life a few things have happened since then we now have a second story pretty cool I’ve also expanded way out over the side here around the back I thought this was also a cool addition because we’re going to need to do gardening because it was Scarlet’s hobby was doing gardening so I thought this would have to be a really good space to start doing some of that that uh and then let’s have a look inside I’m going to be honest Not A lot’s changed um didn’t actually really get around to doing any of this I kind of spent a lot of money expanding I just kind of we need a bigger house we need more space and I wanted to add more space so like we have the second living room which is kind of going to be like I guess either that’ll be the main sitting room or like you know at the moment it’s just got the toys in it then I wanted the pipe organ to have a room because it just kind of seemed weird having a pipe organ in the middle of the living room so I thought an archway there would be nice but I ran out of money and then this was going to be a second bathroom but also ran out of money so having said that I you know I have to come back and we have to actually earn money uh upstairs is also incredibly empty there’s a bed in there with no doors uh but we have a bunch of rooms so the plan up here so Kristoff jump back to live mode here so Kristoff actually is the one that’s going to have a baby this round it’s actually no longer samage because now that we’re at this round of the game Mar doesn’t actually have any more kids the last baby is your oldest child’s baby that’s the idea at least that’s how I’m doing it so Kristoff will have you know a partner and a baby which actually I need to go age up their boyfriend which I haven’t done yet so I’ll have to do that but I thought they were going to live up here we’ll give them like almost like an apartment we’re not going to use residential rental they’ll just live up here so I figured they could have like a bedroom maybe living in like a bathroom or like bedroom living bathroom or something so they can have almost an apartment kind of thing up here and then just an extra regular bedroom for another kid and then down here we can sort of rearrange some of these as well as we go but we do have to make money because I ran out as I’ve mentioned many times I’m also I’m going to use a crystal we’ll get a crystal um because oh yeah the other reason it’s the next day well a couple reasons as you guys might know in the last couple videos I mentioned our dog Bowser had to have surgery on his knee because he had a torn ACL so anyway there’s a lot of recovery going on there it’s been almost a week he’s doing very well but you know it’s like a 12 week rehab and recovery process it’s a pretty long sort of thing anyway our other dog Franny she’s only 6 months old and you know she’s been sleeping in the bedroom with us because at night we kind of try to keep them separate but obviously with Bowser’s injury he has to come in the bedroom long story short she doesn’t like it and she’s very noisy and unsettled at night time so we are tired and sleep deprived now the other thing that happened check this out so see those holes there uh wait I can point in real life uh those ones there that’s where my that’s where this wait this is so confusing I’m like pointing in my anyway that’s where this used to be my microphone it used to be there and then it kind of fell off the other day anyway so I had to fix that so that took way longer than I thought also you might notice it’s very it’s very Jank I did what I could in the shortest amount of time possible which was get another piece of wood and put it on the stud and it worked so you know here we are anyway that took all way longer than I thought so we’re back so I think my priority right now yes we’ve got a lot of tasks to do for everyone um I you know I need to hang on I need to pull up my list of stuff I have to do because there is actually a lot to do but I was going to say my priority is actually money cuz I don’t want to leave the house like this on this round I want to finish this round with actual stuff in here and I think if we get Chris of painting that’s going to help and then we’ll get samage doing gardening cuz we have to do the Gardening Skill anyway for scarlet and gardening is slow to start but once you get going you know you do start making a lot of money especially if we get the crystal seed actually that’s a oh ber is here can I cut the crystal oh there’s a bottle on here that’s money that’s money baby oh I have I’m paing on Nani here too do you want to invite Nani in um invite him here I’ll put this bottle no no now there we go 80 bucks um okay so yeah see can I cut the crystal tree yet the seed seed shaped okay so if I make that I can grow a crystal tree which would be good just for money and Crystal maybe I should work on that I’m going to work on that am I going to use do I have any of my inventory no I don’t I’ll just use well probably the cheapest I don’t think it matters does it matter what seed I what Crystal I put in oh okay yeah so the only gemstone that won’t be affected by the crystal you choose is a C shaped gem gemstone be the same color no matter what so I I don’t think it actually matters ivly the cheapest one 37 bucks 130 bucks I’m going to work on that um Kristoff I’m going to need to go paint so I’m going to resume now also oh yeah my kids don’t have beds so we that’s why I need to make money cuz uh I got I got an extra couch I’m moving Crystal’s back in play people I’s put it there the wait who’s crying this baby I think you’re just tired you’ll be fine you’ll be fine uh Pablo is just into fitness that’s not going to make me money Vivian is into writing although I’m pretty sure you can’t become a world-renowned author as a child so not particularly useful the gem oh dude the crystal was back baby the crystal is back in a big way did you get over there too a little too far what if I move it here got to see what the range is on this thing no maybe there oh come on oh you’re done okay sell that 200 bucks not too shabby and then can we do can I do a sad I’m sad there’s no sad oh there is sad painting let’s do that it’s kind of sad but you know we’ll do it you’re getting needs up oh new skill day social level four wait hang on are we already doing stuff with you I mean I haven’t checked what we’re up to but level four on social pretty epic all right I got to pull up the my list of stuff cuz yeah I probably should get everyone working on stuff at least cuz you know I’m going to get some Mar to focus on money and I guess maybe Kristoff we’ll both try to like grind out a bit of money with painting and and whatever and gardening but everybody else should probably do be doing what they need to do so let me have a look so my teen you need to be doing well in school you’re a level C wait so I think you guys were saying we only go up on Fridays I thought cuz I haven’t changed the thing for the exam scores but then the other other people said exam scores you just have to be at home so if I hadn’t traveled I would have got it so I’m kind of confused by the whole exam thing look I’m going to say as long as we study for our exams if it doesn’t pop up then whatever you know what I uh I’m going to get you to do homework cuz the teen kind of just has to do homework and um then the trendy thing which we can do soon okay the kids need to do school projects maybe I should get some of those cuz those cost money so we’re going to have to work on those anyway okay let’s oh I should probably check what skills we need to do okay so you well creativity is pretty bad and mental so basically both for you and then my other kid if we do creativity would be good although mental is pretty low so maybe a mental one too you’re already level four actually yeah the kids are doing very well with skills I think in the last stage there were toddlers for so long that’s probably actually benefited us quite a bit so is there creativity and mental or no no it’s just creativity or mental I think mental is probably the better one to go so let’s get an electricity one great great living room set up we got here and uh robotics dude school projects take up so much space like I can’t play without move objects so I’m just going to do it all right let’s get um how my kids doing actually they’re pretty good moods which is good all right you just go I don’t know work on these you guys go work on those and then I’m going to have to do two aspiration things here have a child with three positive character value oh that’s kind of rough to be honest in full parent mode perform numerous parenting inactions in succession in to get into full parent mod okay now what happened to my did I finish the seed shape thing what happened to that or I let give up hello oh resume there we go and my toddler is sleeping in the tent okay actually toddler skills have we going with those all level one that makes sense mental level two already mental level two fantastic all right can I get you to go clean that please leave your homeor for a sec clean out the potty there you go and then do your homework oh I mean that’s a nice painting it’s only 180 bucks there but still very nice let’s sell it and let’s do large abstract oh yes here we go level three mental oh look wait what dude okay hang on they level up super quick there what the heck okay so I just need to get level three in Moda and then we’re done with the skills on you new skill day successful oh someone had an Alpa one oh you had an ala one oh you know pretty good all around anyway kids are doing very well I suppose I could just do more school projects I mean I have to pay for them though I guess it’s the downside all right newborn is crying take care of that and then I’ll wait is that done it is done how much is that worth by the way 64 bucks not a lot all right can I plant that here uh if I charge oh cuz it’s got a topad so I could charge it but I guess so it would just do that well it’s hang on I should probably put it on the ground I will put it inside but I don’t think it’s going to let me plant it inside because the roof will too low cuz this is a tree so we’ll go plant it outside and then we’ll just move it inside that’s my plan and also I don’t have a thing to put it on so we’ll have to wait okay Sage we need to do gardening um but we do need money May maybe I should do more gemstone stuff is that a good idea or is that a bad idea well I can’t afford it so oh I can do a cheaper one Let’s do an orange topaz see if I can so it’s 80 bucks to make it let’s see if I can sell it uh Pablo can I get you to potty train Camilo this kid’s also blue awaken sad okay well whatever you guys are mental level four already holy moly are are we even progressing through these I feel like you guys haven’t made any progress on these by the way I mean I guess I shouldn’t complain cuz your skills are going up a lot Camilo’s got potty skill that’s good can I get some more potty help from Pablo um oh Kristoff is taking care of the infant I don’t think they really need that right now you go sell that painting uh why did you H what why did you give why’ you give scallet to samage I didn’t say to do that yeah I just need we need money okay let’s keep doing money money money money what why is the baby here samage can you just put Scarlet over on the M like I said to seriously what now you just putting so you put them here then there okay also you guys are Level have you guys made is this not working is this just bugged cuz you guys are now level five and nothing has changed I kind of feel like we’re cheating on these somehow cuz nothing’s happened are you just do you guys just suck or like what’s going on here okay the baby is still not on this map by the way dude you guys have school soon too I don’t know what happened to school projects but they haven’t made any progress but that’s fine we got cuz we need level five and one skill and they both have that right now so actually we can take off number two level five and one skill cuz we got twins so obviously we’re doing it twice but yes now we can do that then we need level three and two other skills I think they’re pretty close annoyingly um yeah I I don’t know if they’re just really slow or these aren’t working so I guess we’ll see cuz we do need to complete those for our task anyway level three motor you’ve nearly got so if we get that we’re good and then with you wow you got level four and level five level three motor as well or creativity if we get either of those we’re good all right well anyway they should be off to school soon you’re kind of tired do you guys want to just go buy the crystal real quick go charge up all right everyone is lonely Rees ask wait are you asking oh I think he’s I mean she’s asking um Kristoff is like normally I have it tells me what the options are but I guess you’re asking him fair enough all right so Mar’s back in the crystal everyone should be going to school for some reason this baby is still in the hallway which I’m not quite sure why but anyway how’s your aspiration going by the way complete three emotional pains actually almost did that that’s pretty good all right sell that for 200 bucks and then can I get you to put um hang on get carried here by Kristoff cuz you really need to be over there wait why is this baby crying didn’t I just do super efficient newbor care wait apparently I guess you didn’t do it I I remember distinctly clicking that but I guess I shouldn’t be surpr wait what what why is this baby not going over here is this glitched or something is it facing the wrong way what’s happening oh God what did I do ah oh I went to the map okay I think it must be facing the wrong way I think I must have rotated it and messed it up which okay fair enough that’s probably my fault anyway put scyl here let’s see if that works now okay Sage get back to that we we still need money we have $400 I do have an audition um today at 12 which is good let me put this Crystal back over to me or put it there get a good mood how’s that going two days remaining yeah we wait what it okay what okay what is happening is going on with this grid also I don’t know why this potty is in the infant room we don’t have a toddler room which is actually a problem um I cuz my plan is basically cuz I’m going to move Kristoff who is here upstairs so then this room will be free so then one of the other the toddler or the infant can have one of these rooms right so it will be down here this is currently not working so I’m not sure okay so I just have to move it why do I try it here face that way move the potty here dude please just get put over there like what is going on okay let’s see come on all right we”re being picked up that’s a good start and then Camilo can I get you to go um I don’t know go talk to these guys get some babbling going get some more Comm cuz your communication was already level two which is great samage is moving for some reason did you finish you did how much is it worth 172 that’s great that’s actually worth more and then you look at toys and then you need to go back to painting now I do want to do gardening so what I might do is let’s go water that plant I need um some planters cuz I want to just do it inside here how much of those cost though 50 bucks I guess I could make them as well but I don’t like handiness so that’ll be hard now yes I know there’s also no like flooring or anything in here again ran out of money all right so we’re just going to go with these for now I’m going to do five does anyone have seeds this is when we could use to flower Bunning okay so Mar gave up on that went to build mode I guess let’s do well actually hang on we could just Harvest something from the world that’s probably a better idea uh that’s not going to be worth much I need like um something that’s worth a lot it is Springtime spring has sprung so we might get something good daisies I don’t think are great but you know what we might as well get them go Harvest those and then that’s that one catnip no I don’t want catnip or mad niip what’s this one apple not harvestable who’s calling hello in lab Sunny science experiment exploded which made a big mess well I think it’s not you know their fault you’re the teacher so no harm done okay and then I just need to harvest stuff is anything else growing hey got the reach Milestone fantastic oh strawberries yes there’s a present there I can see it more Daisy a squirrel let’s go yeah um I guess I’ll just Harvest all this stuff all the stuff I can Harvest and then I was plant it I was just flying around I saw I love that that is there in between a toddler like jungle gym and a kids like play equipment area it’s just there’s just a tomb right there that’s like the worst part anyway after Samar you’ve done all that we’re going to go back home we’ll plant that stuff all right how are we going over here so you’re sad but I think it’s just cuz you’re annoyed maybe look out and play with toy oh and you should be painting more okay actually can we let’s clean up the the potty just said that’s ready to go I suppose my kids should be well you need to make friends at high school so we should probably do that and actually you know what I’m going to jump over to Rahul and age him up into a young adult as well so that he’s no longer a teenager so that we can actually continue our relationship and then have a baby eventually all right blow out candles yeah oh you missed okay there we go okay and then your last tra a bro okay uh well your Outdoors active in a bro so I’m going to go ahead and say you want to be a computer wiz obviously I’m kidding like the exact opposite of what he would want nature what about um what about actually Championship Rider cuz but they for some reason they live in Chestnut Ridge I don’t know why they moved from henford on Bagley to Chestnut Ridge maybe he wants to ride horses anyway now that we’ve done that I got to go back to my other house and hope I didn’t mess anything up by leaving uh-oh dang it I thought that might happen yeah I did a r renovation and then of course we’ve got our new bills which to $1,500 so that’s great any you keep making friends at high school please you need to keep painting anyway so yeah now his boyfriend will be the same age as him which is good let’s see young adult good good not weird anymore uh for some reason you’re no longer on this so I’m going to say get carried here you my friend can go hug and babble try and get your communication up wait samage isn’t even hit wh wh samaj is at an oh he has this audition I totally forgot about that oh okay yeah fair enough okay hang on I need you to yeah put Scarlet there there we go all right cool hopefully we get the audition cuz we do need the extra money for sure and I’m actually glad that that worked because I forgot about it uh hey Pablo would you like to join the garden arms I’m good man what do you want B jeren what is love we found an unsent letter from Vivian to her teacher in Odessa wait what why is b b jurgenson calling me about this we thought you should know okay cool all right well I need $1,500 to pay my bill so all right level three communication now need work on your sliding which is now all the way out here for some reason I guess I didn’t I didn’t put it back in the hall look I’m not done building okay oh we got the grab Master okay you know what might don’t we take a break from actually you know what we no I need you to keep doing this uh Vivian is doing is done with school for the day uh Sunny is back um Sunny is home with a school project well oh wait we got more school projects okay well I guess I guess it’s Monday yeah I forgot about that well maybe the new ones will work cuz those ones didn’t seem to be working very well well so I’m going to try putting one here so that was Vivian’s and that’s yours okay and then obviously you have one too but we’ll not worry about that right now okay so what I’m going to do where’s that Crystal I’m the power of the crystal is back work carefully and then work carefully okay Pablo um what were you doing again probably just study and try to get your grades up so let me go let me go do the high school study for exam thing study for exam audition passed fantastic samage can you go give a bubble bath to Scarlet to get those first all right so I’ve got the actual gig on Tuesday so tomorrow night I got to develop Fitness develop friendship and practice action scenes okay so I can practice with my other Sims which is good Kristoff is taking care of the baby for some reason I don’t know why but sure whatever wait why can’t iast scrap this painting I don’t understand can I not resume it this is my painting though made by Kristoff I think something’s going on with my game I don’t know if I got some weird mod things going on but like there we go we got the two firsts on that level three parenting on you fantastic cuz yeah are these actually going to get completed now let’s see cuz their skills are certainly going up you’re level three creativity which is great okay put um oh you are putting them there okay do you want what if I go assist with project are you done what’s going on oh yeah you do finish do your homework okay that that did just change okay they are definitely changing they’re just taking longer than I thought they did okay where are you oh you’re all the way out here how’ your skills go by the way movement nearly there oh uh okay so school project finished for you which is great samage uh I should probably go take care of the baby okay what happened to the money thing that I was doing because I I mean I’m doing money stuff creativity level four okay this one’s done 345 all right coup Milestone fantastic movement level three on you okay good now you can go play in the tent uh didn’t I say oh wait SAR can you go assist with this one too Bernice wants to chat not right now Bernice and then you uh I assume that’s your mom sure do you want to help as well all right you’ve done that oh you got lift head Milestone fantastic and then I guess if we do your project too then you will at least I I do want that grade to be good at school but it just hasn’t gone up at all so I don’t know if we’re going to get up in that how my kids going let me see uh so four four and five so you’ve done the skills what about you 6 4 and two oh we need motor skills okay we’ll you want to go do practice yoga all right well they’ve both done now the school project so we can go ahead and take that off yeah so now we just got to do the skills and then the kids are done so if you can just get your motor skill up here will be good and you need to go keep making us money Kristoff you’re you’re kind of the one making us money at this point and Samar you are also supposed to be making us money so let’s go ahead and uh plant well actually what’s worth more here strawberry is probably right $9 and these are two yeah let’s just plant a bunch of strawberries to get started I suppose I could plant them outside cuz what season are they spring yeah yeah so we can just plant extras outside these are also spring so you know what I’m just going to plant all of these because we need to get our Gardening Skill up anyway and you know even though these don’t make that much money they do make some money which currently we have none of so all right looks like you just got that skill let me just double check so we got level three and then we got level six and we got a level four which means we have done level three in two other skills and then the kids are all done fantastic so you can just do whatever you want now and you know what I’m going to sell your school projects I know you worked hard on them but um they’re money for me so and I guess I don’t need these ones either yeah actually what is my gardening seal uh wait what unwelcome present okay present with feet sure whatever um God in gardening gardening there it is level one so I need to get what did I have to do plus two in the infant hobby SK I don’t know where I started I must have already been somewhere there so I guess we want to get to like level three somewhere which should be fine I don’t think that’ll be any problem so Pablo’s got to uh uh trait in range so actually speaking of which we need someone that has three in range you’ve nearly got two what about the other kids you’ve got definitely one okay responsibility is kind of easy I think doing yoga is one that’s going to be good for emotional control so I think if after you do this okay so after you’ve done that we’re going to go do the yoga cuz that’ll give us more emotional control which then we’ll have two in range then conflict resolution I I really need to remember the tricks for all of these which one’s are the easiest and quickest volunteering his family uh setting the table cleaning up dishes or giving compliments will get us manners okay well now samage and money okay we’re still planting good a lot of oh this is done we need yeah a really got to get the money cuz I do have bills I have to pay which if we lose electricity in this house probably not great is confident painting a mood painting cuz I got to do well I don’t have to but I would like to do three emotional paintings because how much is the mark oh wait do I already have that no no no creative Visionary is the one I need so creative Visionary means I’ll have a higher chance of painting Masterwork or masterpieces I should say um so I need 2,000 points for that so if I can do three emotional paintings that’ll help all right samage did you take care of all the plants cuz I feel like you didn’t okay this um school project taking a while I want to move the crystal over to you the Pao gets Crystal Powers yeah there we go okay Alice is taking off my laundry from the line which is good you going to put it away or just put it down what are you doing with it yeah putting it there well actually if you hang on Pablo what did I say put laundry away surely that’ll do like maners or something or is that responsibility cuz Manas cleaning up dishes it’s I don’t know let’s see see which one goes uh none great okay cool good to know okay that did nothing all right so Ma has done a bunch of gardening stuff now which is good might do some more researching uh cuz if we we need get to level three I think in gardening SE is what I was trying to do and then you Pablo going to go back to practice yoga and just check out our progress on that yeah so yoga is getting emotional control up which is good and it’s getting our Wellness up what about Fitness Yoga you have to be fit no it’s not okay anyway we’ll keep doing that till emotional controls in range and then Kristoff go sell that did that count as a yes it did good and then we’ll go another confident painting we should get three out of three on that and then wear at $1,400 I need ,500 for the bills right is kind of annoying cuz I really want to work on this dang house just not get in the money oh actually speaking of working on the dang house I need to work on my fitness and all that for my job so going I’ll go work on that real quick let’s go dream big a couple times okay newborn okay Fitness is done newborn and the baby are crying okay I’ll go super ficient baby care and then what what are you crying about just cuz you’re woking up or you need to go to toilet you’re a little hungry all right Pablo I’m going to get you onto that okay and then once they’re done I need samage to do a what do I have to do which which scene was it an action scene I just practice can I just practice with like a teenager perform action scene or perform sci-fi scene with another okay so I have to perform okay I might have to be an adult let me just see if you’ve got the option for it pra I can practice with you I don’t know how I it it says perform action scene or perform sci-fi scene with another wait can I just perform an action scene then or am I just not good enough at acting hang on I got to Google this apparently it’s unlocked at level six acting which oh I’m level five okay right okay maybe I should go practice acting then actually I should probably just do it in my my room and then what I’m going to do is it Focus the mood you need or the emotion you need to be in to get the Boost I I’ve forgotten but I’m going to get a focusing lamp anyway all right then you are going to go wait did you finish that oh you did sell so did you get the points you did okay good so now I can get with Kristoff creative Visionary we can produce Masterworks or at a higher chance so hopefully we’ll get better quality painting maybe I don’t know we’ll see anyway I can also now pay the bills so I have to do that first before I can make more money all right how’s your acting going are we getting a boost oh hang on enable emotional Aura there Focus uh hello I’m not I’m not getting any Focus to move from this hey you’re supposed to be oh I ran out of money oh my God I can’t paint dang it do anyone have anything I can sell yes I can sell you a $1 High School homework you do have a couple of photos oh wait these are actually really nice though these are these are prom photos cuz that’s actually pretty cute photo booth prom photo okay well I can’t sell those sorry it’s like really dark in here but hang on go in the room Pablo can you go back over here and do Y Yoga cuz the crystals over there that’ll help I mean come on that’s adorable we can’t sell those I only need $50 I’ll sell some upgrade Parts there we go oh I do also have some trash around the house too so get rid of those do these kids need to sleep cuz I I know I’m I don’t worry I’m fully aware I know they don’t have beds yeah I know that sounds bad but I think they’re okay cuz of the crystal in in this area here so we’re actually okay so I’m not getting any benefit from this is it just cuz I placed it wrong or like it’s not even making me focus at all like it’s not even in here at all but whatever okay this one’s done 249 pretty good how much is the tablet cuz then we can paint like way quicker oh kid how are you going with your skills all right you got to do the thinking skill which is pretty easy just going to watch Pablo like a 100 times in a row that should get our thinking skill up quite nicely there we go it’s going up what just br broke something else just broke I heard it or the sink maybe all right my infant actually only needs the gross motor skill again so I just need someone to help do tummy time and then we’ll be done with the infant stuff too which is pretty epic so things are more things are happening than I intended to again I really just wanted to quickly make money but obviously I don’t think anything at this point in the challenge is quick oh yes Chris have just ped a masterpiece let’s go yeah oh 1,300 yes please dude D thank you and don’t worry we will paint and actually keep some of his stuff cuz that would be nice obviously how are your needs your needs are pretty good I’m going to move the crystal over to you now where did my kids go oh they’re just like doing their homework dude I didn’t even do that they’re just doing it all right how’s that um emotional control Oh wait we’re in range okay hang on so that’s two I I don’t need to do any more than that how are you going you need attention why don’t I just potty train you cuz that’ll give you attention right are you here to hang out with the baby why don’t we do some tummy time yeah there we go in for the emotional control fantastic are we doing the potty training or did we miss it I think it didn’t work try it again homework complete well done potty level two very nice okay wait I have work today don’t I 700 p.m. today okay also I just heard we got dust I’m going have to do some vacuuming oh yes another Masterpiece dude thank you thank you dude $2,500 yes okay Pablo is at school in an hour so if I say like clean up oh yes roll over Milestone hang on does that mean two two two two milestones in all of them let’s go that means we get to take off two milestones in each category and plus two in infant’s hobby skill which we need to get to level three of gardening right cuz that who’s our infant Scarlet yeah Scarlet is gardening and I’m level two of gardening right now yeah oh nearly level three so once I do that then we can take up that second one as well so we’re nearly there okay so you’re hang on you’re putting that in the bin right now is that giving me let me see we need to build up another one of these three manners oh it did go up very slow though there got to be a quicker way oh brushing teeth and parents uh teach to say please and thank you obviously I don’t think I can do that on a teenager though right that seems like a parenting help with needs encourage Behavior okay which actually I do need to do some parenting stuff encou oh I can say encourage setting the table so after they set the table I can encourage them to do it okay but yeah brushing teeth polite interactions please thank you anyway let me see so can I say action no friendly affection you are my favorite hug I don’t know so anyway well if I say um brush my in the kitchen sink uh that did not do anything I feel like that’s small responsibility he let me let me let me Google oh okay so empathy we could do empathy I think so volunteering with let’s see travel volunteer so maybe we can try that otherwise um you can increase conflict resolution I think apparently very quickly if you queue up a bunch of encourage or like BN a CU of um teach to say sorry or like encourage recent behavior of learning to say sorry so we’ll have to to try that as well cuz maybe it’s easier with a kid cuz then we could just do a bunch of yoga with a kid and then also go from there all right so samage I need to develop friendship with coar so let me see if I can invite them around before work so I can at least try and do well at work cuz I want to get as much money as possible okay so I think that’s them here okay develop friendship with them just started I mean there’s hang on there’s another person over here as well let me just go talk to I assume you’re also a Coy I don’t know but I can only imagine oh they came inside okay oh jeez uh copy class no confess the truth sure um we’re 50% done how did this go for you 458 pretty good now how are you going so what what I think this kid probably just needs potty training now is it potty training oh and a little bit more thinking okay well I’m going to say potty help from Kristoff so we’re try and get that potty skill up now samage and whoever the other person are we’re going to go Cloud gay see if that helps us out a little bit more oh wait we’re already done okay never mind I don’t care about you anymore can I practice action scenes yet probably not I need to do more acting oh no Benise you want to go to the gekon well I’m not going with you see you all right you guys are potty training all right I need you to make friends at school why do my kids never make friends at school you oh jeez do you know any teenagers does not look like it okay Pablo’s met Jacob at school oh black hair maybe they have brown clothes oh wait is that the werewolf Jacob uh anyway I need you to maybe study hard at school now cuz we I do again want to actually do well at school ideally okay you’re at Imagination 4 can I get you to go watch as well cuz we just need to get that skill up too okay toddler is watching in here okay if my game could stop lagging as well that would be great it’s just been lagging constantly might have to restart but we’ll see all right so level three um you just got the skill which is great so now we just need to do a little bit more potty which I guess I’ll just go potty by myself and samage it’s nearly level six acting which is good uhoh I’m very angry from um acting not now little silus papa is acting okay okay fine fine fine I’ll take care of the baby I do need to do that although I’m not sure this light is just not working at all this should just give us a f like it’s not even oh wait now it is okay fair enough this wasn’t in here before but it is now okay never mind I take it back okay I got to restart this game it’s really laggy okay I’m not oh uh Dynamic of jokesters between Camilo and Kristof sure now samage I going to need to go back to acting cuz you’re no longer mostly angry you’re kind of just mostly inspired now hello who’s knocking oh my God I know that hat from anywhere the the second I I saw that what hang on what are you doing here B look at her look at her out there dude also you have a key just come in it’s like it’s like some sort of Power Trip for her like that she wants us to open the door for her it’s like no just do it yourself now what are you crying for are you crying cuz oh okay you’re crying cuz you actually are in trouble hang on you do actually need care all right fair enough where’s that Crystal when we need it I think I moved it oh it’s in here put that in here for a second and also you you want to go potty uh should Pablo in oh acting level six as well behind all that uh Pablo invited a classmate Jacob oh that was our potential interest well but when I say potential interest I mean I just saw him in the menu I was like okay oh look at those glasses let’s go so we did yeah we met someone at school uh grades are up for B for you uh acting level six can now do action scene which is good cuz that’s what I needed is Benise still here she is look I’m going to maybe I’ll throw you a bone if you want to do an action scene with me perform scene action here we go all right now you actually let’s see if I can get you to volunteer and see how much that does for us cuz if I say travel volunteer just you that’s fine uh volunteer at bake sale sure let’s go do that because we need you to get up empathy as much as possible and I like how your friend came over and you just left right how’s my infant going they’re still hungry wasn’t I just feeding you what’s going on where are we going what’s happening right now cral infant watch no feed the dang infant what do you I just don’t understand you know it’s like you specifically select feed and then they’re like nah can I get fed by you or something what the I think I have to click on myself baby care no never mind get fed by here we go just feed me dude it’s like all you have to do all right are we doing this action scene what’s happening apparently we’re 50% done but we haven’t done anything yet oh apparently we’re bowing now okay I don’t know when we did it but apparently we did it all right let’s do another one so I’m actually going to be prepared for work today which is pretty cool I do need to have some fun though cuz is this baby fed now yes thank gosh all right so say get carried here by Kristoff how’s your empathy going are we going good on that oh my god oh yeah we’re performing an action scene it’s just a scene with Beres it’s not like I actually just want to fight her so empathy hasn’t gone up I think it goes up when he comes home so we’ll keep an eye on that oh gosh I’m shooting over the simr oh that is not acting that just real dude okay now we that’s so good we completed everything okay now I’m going to need you to bike around samage cuz you need fun before work please R around a bicc all right kid um you know what I could probably get you some beds now I have a little bit of cash okay so you’re Island and blue as you can tell clearly Island blue themed clothes so let’s just for now get them beds in this room and then we should probably renovate a little bit now Island wise we got a few options and color blue oh we got a lot of options okay well what’s good here probably one of these ones cuz you get a bit of um stress relief and energy fire that’s pretty good although none of my Blues match which is kind of annoying well look we’re going to we’re going to make make over the oh my God that’s so expensive never mind I’m out I’m out on that bed $1,400 I got to spend all my money on that bed this one 590 okay then the other kid was pink and Industrial we have one Choice it’s this okay energy 4 yeah it’s still pretty good how much is it 650 okay well not the worst it is kind of blocking the door though oh it’s also inside of that uh okay might have to go this way again I do still want to actually do a makeover of this space I have to move this light bit of a random light now doesn’t really fit I guess I can go here oh yeah I I haven’t I’ve really got to organize all the little prints cuz I think I left one in the living rooms at some point someone said and if I did I don’t know where it is probably gone now I don’t know anyway they have beds now so that’s good so this one’s yours Vivian this is yours yeah she was sleeping on the couch they don’t have beds okay so what’s going on out here you riding around your bike good Kristoff can I get you to go finish painting please keep that money flowing o the garden’s looking good wait what’s this one of the volunteers approach Pablo with a great idea for the bake sale okay oh cut the let’s sell only muffin tops that’s classic Seinfeld uh cut the muffin tops or sell only complete muffins let’s sell only the tops uh I lost some conflict resolution okay well what did I earn some empathy though at least that’s kind of what I care about to be honest well he’s not back yet okay fair enough how’s samage going got to be okay fun is good hang on get back home cuz we got work in a couple hours so oh my gosh my house is falling apart wait do I not have any leftovers available leftovers don’t match my food what food I don’t have any food preferences what do you mean there’s like 50 different first of all there’s a salad which would satisfy every single food preference in Sims 4 so that would be fine and then there’s all the other choice too like what do you mean it doesn’t satisfy my food choice I don’t have any food Choice whatever what are you angry about oh yeah you’re sleepy well just go to sleep dude actually how are you going are you nearly done with your skills uh I just need to do potty level three so I’m going to go potty with you okay Mom not right now I’m just trying to paint and make a living here I’m trying to support the entire family thank you got work in an hour yep that sells 300 bucks G that wasn’t great okay volunteering your back from so how did that go for us pretty good I just have to do what like one two two three four of them can I do another one now I don’t know if it was going to work if I’m not here though you know what I mean but I’ll try do a soup kitchen so he’s going to do another one I don’t know if that’s again I don’t know if that’s going to work while I’m not here cuz I got work in 15 minutes which hopefully we’ll actually do well at okay if you could sit on the toilet before we go to work wait it’s work time why aren’t we going uh hello oh there we go oh am I sick apparently I’m sick having a bad time oh dang it there toid preferences okay well can I first of all get myself some medicine and have that apparently I’m sick and then we’ll go to the usual routine you know you know what it is wait what my liberal use some medication when he’s not sick has caused some unfortunate side effect wait I was just sick he was just had the thing saying he was sick oh you can’t game you can’t tell me to take medicine and then say I don’t need it the heck that’s not my fault all right actually what are we doing today uh another pirate thing so this is is this a movie what am I doing a TV show movie I don’t know some pirate thing oh looking good dude they really love doing like the blonde hair and like blonde beards all right yeah okay rehearsing gossip all right let me gossip with you my favorite all right then I got to go rehearse are you someone I can rehearse with I assume you’re my wait are you oh yeah Co well actually yeah cuz we met you at my house yeah definitely oh I was going to go over to you it’s always weird when I’m like okay go rehearse and then they just like all like everyone just walks over you instead of going the other way all right let’s go get some notes from the director who is it you yes all right then we going say I’m ready okay at least my medicine is worn off that I took that I didn’t need to all right lights Camera Action all right shouting scene drink scene and ship steer let’s do the steer first let’s go risky baby I mean I’ve prepped for everything so I should be able to do pretty well y it’ be raining out there also uh could the other actors on set please leave set while we’re filming another scene thank you that should be pretty clear pretty obvious but anyway uh shouting scene what’s this one risky forbidden words here we go so what is this are we just doing pirates of the caraban I mean just judging by the background kind of seems like what it is wait did I mess it up cuz we’re kind of laughing I feel like it didn’t go that well all right risky fight although like my fitness is very good to be fair level seven Fitness and I prepped I mean also I guess I still hate acting every single time I act I hate it all right let’s go come here you I learned this trick from Benise you know what benice was good for something she did help me fight you know okay we won that’s good I think that went well oh look at our performance very nice so hang on okay I was gonna say death scene first as make oh wait hello the principal is here uh oh wait is she mad wait what what are you doing here uh could the principal of high school please leave the stage like what like what are you doing here I don’t understand like guys I’m trying to act here I a die okay she’s off bye I was like is she jealous because of this person but I haven’t flirted with this person so I don’t know also we are divorced to be fair we did actually get around to that in the end I just don’t know why she’s here all right share a drink cheers so what is the story line here there’s like a drink steering then I’m yelling and fighting this person then I’m dying I don’t know well done we did it and then I oh maybe it’s like cheers we did it and then I drink it and it’s like actually poison and then I died that’s probably what happens right oh now I have to kiss wait when okay hang on when does the kiss scene happen then I’m not quite sure the the timeline of this movie that we’re doing here all righty come here miss oh wait my my ex-wife might not like this may look away wait where is May she sort of wanded off I don’t know anyway look at this full performance for once and you know what else is a full performance when you guys use code James on the or the EA app and a portion of that sale goes directly to supporting this channel I really appreciate that and I really appreciate you guys letting me know when you’ve used it it actually makes such a big difference so if you’re looking to get a new Sims pack at all using Code James really does help out the channel and if you’re ever not sure which pack to pick up we did a survey as a community at the end of last year we had cottage living as the number one expansion pack dream home decorator number one game pack and Tiny living stuff as a number one stuff pack so those are some good choices thank you so much to EA for sponsoring that portion of the video let’s go back home and uh take care of all those babies okay food on the table I still got so much food at home I’m going to leave that I’m not going to take any more food oh no am I sad from acting oh feeling hurt from someone nearby it’s cuz may like broke into set oh there she is hey may what are you doing here you at school in the morning like what are you doing it’s 1:00 a.m. on Wednesday and you just had a movie set any have we go should be done in any second $8,000 oh that is good that is good so we got 6,500 from this and I think I got promoted so anyway let’s go home okay we’ve got another injection of cash we got to I got to spend it on the house I have to I have to finish these rooms so everyone actually has space okay you’re back did your thing actually work work while I was gone I mean I assume probably not uh no it has not gone up all right well I’m going to send you off again if that’s cool can we volunteer at 1:00 a.m. we do a soup kitchen okay and then samage so wait did I oh yeah I got promoted to Superstar new auditions available so my question is am I famous yet what is going on with this how am I not famous at all like I have none like I don’t understand I’m in the spotlight it says quit the spotlight so why am I not getting famous at all wait do I have like the other option disabled Sims begin up oh no no that’s fine cuz then I turned it on so that just means by default you won’t get Fame like randomly um yeah I did I don’t know I’m just not getting famous at all from acting cuz that would actually this some useful things in here maybe what if I quit this spotline and go back into it all right now I step back in maybe it’ll work I don’t know anyway whatever okay well we’ve got money um you’re going to go do your thing please yep we’re going to go volunteer samage I’m going to have a look at another gig actually so wait what level am I now level nine okay next promotion is Silver Screen icon okay these kind of all look the same though didn’t I have these before do I need a different agency or is it the same ones hang on let me see no it’s the same ones maybe I’ll just wait till tomorrow anyway I am going to Let’s like furnish this house maybe shall we oh I still have decorations oh I got rid of the decoration box dang it I get this back again 100 bucks just to take off decorations dang it take down okay okay so first things first I’m going to get some doors for upstairs so I can actually use this space this has just been all unusable so I think this is going to be like an apartment for Christ oops not there for Kristoff and then this can just be another bedroom I think for whoever going get bigger to be that small but whatever anyway so yeah I’m thinking Kristoff has like this whole Space this room this room and this room the bathroom I like the the vibe of the blue which is what I was going to do down here so we’ll just do like a modern take on the blue cuz I I actually really it’s kind of fun I’ve never done a blue bathroom in Sims but I think then the floor cuz we can’t have blue walls and floor I know downstairs we had the Terra Cotta but I won’t do that up here we’ll just do white now blue wise is there better quality stuff cuz this is like the cheapest one isn’t it oh no actually it’s pretty good actually that’s not bad I mean to be fair these have actually been pretty well lasting you know you know maybe I’ll just do the same stuff that we had down here it seems to be fine maybe you I might do a nicer sink to be honest maybe that feel like the blue you know it’s a bit of fun okay so we’re going to do like French country red well maybe I’ll do the same set of wallpaper we had down here all right so basically what I’m going to do turn this into Christof space and then that’ll free up this room down here so I’m just going to move well I guess we probably should get a new bed cuz that’s just a single bed right okay hang on hang on okay we got some choices though pretty much that um I guess maybe I’ll get rid of that bed okay so I kind of spent most of our money but you know Kristoff is the first born and he is going to have his own kid soon so we need a whole Space although speaking of having his own kid there’s no Nursery although I guess we could turn this into a nursery oh maybe that would make sense and just have that as part this whole floor just be christops cuz I was actually thinking I do have to have a new Nursery soon so actually maybe here makes sense how much are these archers again I’m going to have to do some more painting by the way cuz I’m running out of money quick they’re expensive cuz we could just do this have it joined to the main bedroom as like a nursery just get rid of this door and then this is just a landing area huh that actually kind of works anyway so we got yeah the full bathroom in there we do have like a little kitchenet it’s not a full kitchen as you see there’s no stove although having said that I probably should have at least a microwave up here would be useful uh I guess I’ll put it there it’s a little cramped but it’ll do there you go I mean it’s cute like a nice little apartment up there for Kristoff and then that frees up down here this whole room which oh wait hey this is a painting now remember before that it didn’t look like one either way I’m going to sell it and get money for it thank you uh is this oh this is picture in progress It’s not even done okay I’ll get rid of it and then this easel I guess I’ll move it maybe I mean painting in the greenhouse could be nice you know maybe in there okay so next on the list of things I got to do um well I guess Pablo’s room could probably not be a kids room anymore maybe we could do turn this into well hang on oh yeah that’s the same size as this room okay this is going to be um whose room scarlet no no they’re an infant it’s going to be Camilo’s room cuz Camilo doesn’t even have a room the Camilo is Lux purple and wellness okay I might need to find a purple toddler bed any Lux kid stuff no well okay a lot of the like the the Styles and themes obviously there’s not a lot of stuff for kids like I think cute was another one where there’s like a couple things there’s not a lot but you know I also interpret Lux and cute to mean something I guess luxurious or something that just is cute you know it doesn’t have to specifically be that item which in this case obviously we can’t do cuz there’s no Lux kid stuff but we’ll try and get purple at least let’s see what we can do with that get rid of this bed so we can definitely get purple toddler beds which is good so we just get this one any Luxe wall there is okay literally just this one does not have purple though question is do we just go pink and yeah cuz I feel like that goes with the purple obviously pink I know pink is not purple but it’s in the family oh my gosh this whole room is like me right now let’s go okay so we should be able to find some other luck stuff so as far as Lux goes what what do we actually have for that is that just that one kit did this kit just add its own style that they’ okay they just decided to add the style all right fair enough um well we can do the curtains which is great oh wait no no this kit also has Lux the um desert Lux and it’s modern Lux or whatever the heck the song is called all right there’s a couple of loxes out there any purp the problem is we’re not getting a lot of purple we’re getting pinks no we can’t do pink curtains but what else could we do for Lux let me get rid of the Pink Give mind this is a toddl I I can give him a chair and maybe one of the you can have this old old used up blahy dang it there’s not enough purple we’re getting a lot of pink and their skill is Wellness which obviously again they’re a toddler it doesn’t really matter right now but we could use this at some point could do a nice mirror though actually that’d be quite good purple no purple what about this any any no that’s a bit bit weird for a toddler to have that do a cushion down here maybe there’s a pink one dude okay purple is kind of a rough color cuz there’s nothing in here that has purple okay let’s forget Lux for now you know we got a few Lux elements oh my gosh look that carpet and purple okay I think we’ve got the vibe I think as the kid grows up we can probably get some more useful stuff in there but that I’ll do for now okay so what else do we need so I’ve got Camilo’s room Scarlet is currently in here and our newborn’s just in here which is fine so I guess really we do need another room and we probably do need to make over these other rooms a little bit more too I guess this drawing setup can probably maybe put it in this room over here oh yeah I forgot about these two rooms I haven’t done yet oh dang it okay well let me get an archway at least I need to do more painting so the idea is that this is just connected to our living space I might do like a dark color cuz it’s like a classy organ room you know and then the bathroom I guess I’ll do the same as what I did up here with a white tile I don’t think I can afford the bathroom right now but 580 oh I can’t even afford that okay well it at least it’s accessible now okay so you know we we made some good progress we’re going to get some more money I I mean I think this is really good progress having this whole Space up here which now I will make sure that I don’t know if I want other Sims up here right now like should I just like lock it so we can have his own space oh no it’s going to get annoying I’ll just assign the bed all right sign left side to Kristoff that’s now your bed and then I guess the other beds are we still assigned on these we should be you know what I didn’t take another gig right away but I think I will now cuz we we need the money we definitely do cuz they they are paying pretty well now I guess I’ll just take the most expensive the sigma Olympus Landing we’ll do that again Fitness level seven which I think I have yes we’re all good oh my Crystal’s drained dang it all right I got to charge my crystal then I’m going to need you to keep painting just keep painting please okay and then you have a new potty it’s purple pretty cool go potty cuz if we get that potty to level three we can check it off and then infant wait so hang on where are we at I got to let me take a let me take a stock take of everything here a newborn are they 3 days old when do we have them I always forget when I had them it was probably a while ago now right I checked the previous episode uh Sunday 10: a.m. so where are we now Wednesday so when Wednesday today yeah yeah yeah okay so today so we haven’t quite got the three days yet but Nea got it so that’s fine and then samage got to complete aspiration tasks which I’m working on I’m trying to do the character value I guess this one I can probably do by oh yeah yeah sorry yeah this one I can probably do by like disciplining over and over and over again I assume maybe um and then totally we’ve nearly done that we’ve done the the teen level task for the kid kids and then I need to do the exams I got to do the uh trendy outfit which actually is probably a good idea cuz that’ll be pretty easy and then Kristoff has to have a baby of his own oh and this one I changed to Max relationship with all their kids so instead of just friendly we have to make sure like with silus and Scarlet we got to build up that relationship a bit which actually shouldn’t be that hard cuz they’re all we’re all pretty good otherwise and that’s it that’s pretty straightforward it’s I say like the money kind of thing now that I’m trying to get on top of okay so for full parent mode I’m wondering if I can just go actually also what do you guys have uh responsibility not great emotional I’m thinking which one’s got better about the same all right I’m just going to say go teach to say please and thank you like over and over again cuz apparently that should count as getting into full parent mode it says 10 Oho level 10 perform numerous most like Curious what that will do for your which one it does maners okay oh the baby’s crying hang on uh front of house I I’m just clicking stuff so does he work in the front or the back um sure uh cool I think that was good that sounds positive I don’t know sure all right so how’s your maners going pretty good it’s going up cuz then we could just do yoga with this kid oh you made friends with the monster under the bed all right that’s that’s cool good job and then we’d have three character Val in range how’s that Crystal going five hour fully Char let me just put it here for a sec cuz we need some yeah we need our needs okay can I get you to go potty again cuz you must be really close to level three and you need to keep painting so we can finish this house okay you’re done volunteer ing I’m also still doing the volunteering stuff just so we can get that going at the same time cuz you are definitely building that up which is great where are you oh there you are uh need’s not so great let’s go take a shower okay I might charge the crystal a bit more so it’s can load up all right how we going over here are we in full parent mode yet how do I do it oh my toddler is hungry let me just get out did toddlers eat steak no I’ll give you apple pie how about that and then baby’s crying probably diaper change I assume yeah hey we going over here guys we’re working on two tasks if you can get your maners all the way up that’d be great no no don’t check the todler keep doing this and don’t worry about the baby cuz they should be fine now yeah you’re eating oh the lottery dude we got to enter the lottery this is this is the let’s play we win the lottery I swear uh keep walking Pablo’s just out like um also oh I was going to say what did I get money for it but I Christof just s a painting uh Pablo’s just busy doing charity all night long okay well I’m not in full parent mode yet so I don’t know what’s going on there now what about you if I just get you to do like messing up constantly or something and then get to like see I I would have thought I would have gone in full parent mode there o I’m expected back at work which means it is Wednesday 10:00 a.m. and now newborn is 3 days old easy so if if it could also just go into full parent mode anytime soon that’ be great cuz I’ve been doing like parent actions nonstop okay and you are dazed from burning out kind of annoying um all right well I’ll just let you do whatever then I don’t know Ma I’m trying well we’re also doing the character Valley thing I only need to do one of the aspiration things but if I do both I’ve actually completed the aspirations so that would be nice all right Sage can you go work on the plants maybe then let’s go sell uh all I get a little bit of money from this also my baby’s crying hey gardening level three that’s what I had to do for uh one of them nope uh nope NOP this one plus two in infant’s hobby skill so our infant Scarlet likes gardening and therefore we now plus two cuz we’re level three so we definitely had plus two in gardening which is great so overall looking pretty good it’s mostly complete the aspiration task and all the Teen stuff we haven’t done as well prom is not till Friday same with exams oh PR Saturday sorry and exams Friday trendy would probably be a good idea to do that just to get the get the extra money from that and then I’ll toddler if I can get them on the potty that’d be great should probably going take care of this baby hang on all right all right all right all right I’m here I’m here chill Al I’ve restarted my game twice and like cleared out notifications and saved and hit the escape button but is still just lagging so that’s great if you’re wondering about that now let me enter the lottery which I think is actually in this category and I’m also going to need you to enter the lottery for me as well cuz this is this is the let’s play we win the lottery it’s going to happen okay where’s that Crystal I need to go work on it I might get Kristoff to have maybe like a little bath or something just to try and reduce his burning out cuz I want him to keep painting but if I do it now I’m going to burn out soon no don’t worry about the coffee just keep doing the gardening stuff no no don’t I said don’t worry about the coffee remember how I just said that yeah I’m going to go through and just do make sure they’re all good I think they are dude why is this Crystal not giving you anything actually speaking of crystals we should go over here maybe I should make a burnout Crystal oh sorry grades are up uh B uh they’re done with homework cool oh no that’s not what I that’s not what it said but close enough okay you guys are back well maybe hang on the other thing we can do for parenting is if I get you guys all to go sit here and then if you do homework I think I can get some Mar to try and help with it oh gosh the lag is just so annoying all right please just do it where I tell you to do it cuz now you’re over here which is annoying all right help with homework and then you got no you guys need to also do homework the Crystal’s too far away there we go okay so it doesn’t look like oh wait you’re still burning out seriously still another 7 hours dude thought you good now oh I did it I did it I did it okay so I just did a bunch of different actions all right that’s good I was just kind of doing individual ones instead of doing the same one over and over again I guess that just doesn’t work which I guess kind of makes sense but still anyway complete an aspiration task check it off all right so I guess I don’t actually need to do this one so that’s kind of good cuz that was kind of annoying um all right so what we should do though is do the trendy outfit before I forget about it so does everyone want to come to trendy with me we’ll just go for like 2 seconds my trendy I mean what’s it called hippity hop cafe or Thrifty that was close Okay the whole fam has to come oh my God we’ve got to eat the bizaar fruit oh gosh I forgot about that like I knew we had to do the the spin wheel task but I was like what was the task again that we have to do we have to eat the bizar okay we’re got to go get bizar fruit too all right well let me do this trendy thing then we’ll go to strangerville get bizar fruit oh that’s just going to be great isn’t it wait when do I have to go to work actually uh oh my audition is 9:00 a.m. tomorrow okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine I think anyway um Pablo create a fashion look let’s go Pablo just go do the thing I told you to do please thank you so well Pablo likes cosmol Fitness and brown I guess we should do something along those lines or do we just do like a wacky outfit prob there a wacky outfit what do we got in here let’s see what we got maybe we should just do like NPC energy or something you know what I mean what is this got a new outfit that’s pretty cool oh that’s what Christopher is wearing it’s pretty cool I like that oh bat okay that’s what we got to do do we have bat pants though uh we don’t okay okay that’s kind of batau Vibes big boots that doesn’t really fit okay yeah like those uh and then what about H oh do we go full bat let’s do it oh yeah bat all right it’s cost me 110 bucks and we’re going to sell it for a thousand and then okay we’re got to go to strangerville I can’t forget I would like to forget so we don’t have to do it but we do have to do it now I don’t I assume kids can’t have the bizarre fruit which is good so hopefully I don’t have to deal with the kids having it but everyone else is going to have to have it okay well I can’t do that till I get home oh gosh I’m making a mess already let’s head over to strangerville oh my gosh Kristoff is telling jokes at comedy night all right so if you don’t know what the bizarre fruit is here in strangerville there’s the whole like mother plant it’s kind of like stranger things Vibes almost right although that’s not a plant in that but it’s all connected through the ground there like a one Hive mine plant and if you eat the fruit of this plant it kind of makes you possessed okay but it same so it makes you possessed for I can’t remember how long but it also does fill your needs totally so it’s almost like a needs cheat with a catch so it’s not all bad I mean it’s not good here we go stranger Ville now uh oh swap oh that’s actually really good swapping hote head to cheerful yes please thank you that’s actually really useful okay so we should cuz I don’t think any of the bizar fruit will be harvestable yet cuz they they are just in the world like here but yeah I don’t think I’ll be able to get any can I just please someone I can just buy it let me just check all right kids you wait at the bar likes Fitness sure okay oh it’s the happiest hour of for all cheap skate Sims enjoy drinks at discount of price all right well hope I can buy the bizar here normally you can but I don’t remember if you have to play through the story doll for it let’s find out oh dang I was say my teen enter the lottery no they can’t unless let me just double check no they can’t okay hang going I need some bizar fruit um oh yeah I can’t get it okay well I’m I’m I don’t even know if teens can have it but I’ll get enough just in case okay toddlers definitely wouldn’t be able to right oh look I’ll get enough for the whole family just in case all right before we eat this let’s go home I’m not doing a deal okay let’s divy up the well first of all can kids have this let’s see I I assume yeah they can eat it I don’t know if they’ll get the actual effect of it so anyway I’ll divy it up between everyone I assume the infant can’t eat it and maybe my toddler I don’t know all right should we just do this thing Wednesday 6 p.m look okay so I’m kind of tired that’s okay we’re just going to say eat the bizarre fruit what about toddler no toddler cannot eat it all right you Pablo uh oh you know what before I should put the uh I should put Scarlet over there first maybe before you eat it and then you eat it and then you eat it okay everyone take a bye to this new fruit that Dad brought home here we go so let’s see if kids get affected or not I don’t F oh here we go oh God the kids are like I’m fine what are you guys talking about oh God oh God you guys aren’t worried at all okay yeah so it doesn’t affect kids which makes sense but yeah now we are going to be possessed oh gosh dude this is literally me after recording this challenge 3 hours for every every episode that ends up being like an hour and a half me literally anyway so how long does this last have you put the kid down yet okay you have now you need to eat it too everyone who can eat it has to oh roll over tummy Milestone very nice and oh God oh God I shouldn’t have had the fruit oh why did I eat the fruit it was a mistake all righty how long is this for 3 hours oh that’s actually not too bad the baby’s crying oh oh that’s not good the baby is hungry uh oh hang on I’ve got a crystal that’s okay cuz yeah no one can feed the baby now uh charge ring 13 hours okay good oh wait I can’t grab it hang on sorry put that in here with the baby oh is that in where the heck is this put that okay the baby is getting their needs filled that’s good the other kids are actually pretty good moods I might as well just get them to do their homework the toddler is also hungry so I mean if I could just get you to go oh actually hang on I don’t even need to do that I could just get them to get food from the fridge hang on do you want some roast chicken just carve up a slice yeah just grab a knife and just slice a bit off you can take care of your oh there we take care of yourself okay so you’ll be fine this kid’s got the crystal samage oh God kids don’t worry dad is fine he’s just having he needed to have a break what am I doing talk to oh I’m talking to the plant that’s cool so yeah actually they interactions I can’t really do anything I can’t even select talk to plant I can say go here and I talk to other no uhoh chat with May why dude I’m possessed why am I chatting with May where even is where is everybody else by the way where do they okay you’re still there where did you go oh my god oh god dude you are going to have one SW neck in the morning dude he’s just running through oh check my texts don’t worry no possession can stop me from that oh there’s me there she is found her oh the newborn right uh yeah there’s nothing I can do about that baby though what are you doing you’re also just standing still waiting to chat with me I don’t know why oh never mind I’m going to go talk to a plant oh I’m checking my text all righty where’ you go you’re still over here somewhere talking to this plant okay about this guy welcome to strangerville apparently hey buddy this is now this is new strangerville see you all right it’s nearly worn off 9 Minutes the good thing is our needs are great I need you to get home okay any second now I should be back to normal ah there we go oh God if that’s what we call normal sure nothing strange about that anyway let’s go take care of this baby yeah but I think in to be honest like having the bizarre is pretty good it does give you like basically a needs cheat yeah you’re incapacitated for 3 hours but that’s not that bad okay I’m going to need you to also send off your outfit on trendy oh wait I could have probably no I didn’t need to do that I could have done it from the other place but sell cuz I can’t send it yet cuz no one’s bought it obviously anyway sell for a th000 oops okay cool that’s listed on trendy hopefully that’ll go um all right so let’s get those toddler skills done and we should be looking pretty good so I’m going to where are you you get up if I get samage to help maybe cuz we get to build a relationship with you too I think right oh actually I think that is full what so who does SAS have to be friends with oh just scarlet and silus and then everyone else is full okay family Dynamic permissive sure if you say so I’ll go with it uh hello can we can we do the ptty training thing I might put this Crystal back to charge PTY level three and then I’m trying to find oh I guess I can’t do the super efficient newbor care that’s all right all right so partty level three means of course we can tick off level three all skills for our toddler all right so I got to get level three in a new skill as well which I haven’t even thought about yet now what are you doing you need to be painting cuz we need more money oh laugh Milestone very nice anyway so Mar can I get you to go play and like just kind of hang out a little bit cuz we need to get your relationship with the uh the infant up and also our newborn okay that looks pretty much full to me it’s kind of can you I can’t really see it any closer than that oh there’s like a smidge left so a cuddle and like peekabo or something I don’t know okay cool and then silus go hang out with you a little bit oh yeah I forgot about this yeah okay that’s the other thing it happens again at 1:00 a.m. yeah yeah yeah no that yeah so we’ll be possessed a little longer that’s okay that’s okay what’s going on with my kids why do you need to go to the toilet so bad why don’t you just go sit up Milestone okay this kids just like learning all the Milestones now well all the adults are possessed sorry baby just give me a sec uh another two hours and I can help there we go 35 minutes not too bad all right let me get back over to the baby so I can take care of them when I come out of it don’t worry I’m coming baby I’m I’m trying okay it’s the bizarre fruit no no samage no no just stay here SEC you’re going to be fine it’s okay samage don’t worry step out of it step out of it okay here we go uh super fici new cus is very hungry without a feeding soon this baby will be taken away oh my God can you imagine if it got taken away cuz we were possessed okay we’re back don’t worry we’re back okay now we’re just got to get that relationship up as well to full okay our relationship is like not improving with this baby at all dude love me why don’t you like me it went down dude my relationship went down with this dang baby what the heck dude this baby the one time I’m actually like caring for the baby and like talking to it okay getting relationship with a newborn is actually really difficult what the heck this taking hours anyway all right Pablo not Pablo um Kristoff can you go keep painting please oh I need to go take out this Garden ooh Masterpiece Don’t Mind If I Do 1,600 bucks Sam wait well where did samage go oh he’s an audition okay fair enough all right I’ll allow it the kid’s very hungry don’t worry I have the power of Crystal to feed you there you go don’t worry that’ll feed you Zoe Patel won the lotto when am I going to win the lotto come on game I try so hard hey another Masterpiece dang 1,600 bucks okay now both babies are crying uh yep sell that probably hungry I assume audition pass oh wait hang on I’ll get some AR to do it cuz I need some AR to build relationship okay so for this gig res SE angry emotion develop Fitness and develop friendships okay you want to come fix something in my house all right sure I’ll let you in and fix it then I got to make be friends with my baby oh my god neg dude one negative interaction with a baby it goes basically back to where we started okay this kid stop crying just go to bed dude you’re just tired hey we’re a b student finally one of my teens actually became B so tomorrow they have exams right um so can I hang on what is this dude doing on my computer so no I can’t study for exam so I’m it says I’m fully prepared so I don’t need to worry about that but I will do wait that’s not my homework I’ll sell that I’ll do this homework sell this painting 696 bucks pretty good and then the toddler can have some more chicken okay I do need samas like maybe vacuum this house there’s like dust bunnies everywhere oh actually speaking of football team sports say that just popped up I probably should get to know um someone I can ask out to prom let me invite this person around let me grab the crystal oh okay you know what yeah sure the whole it’s fine okay Jacob would be right over okay becoming friends with syus is actually really difficult well I mean we are friends but getting Max friendship is actually really difficult all right there’s Jacob hey buddy well soon to be buddy well we don’t have to go on a date I just want to ask you as a friend to prom if that’s cool let’s let see if we can Cloud gaze cuz that will get friendship up nice and quick uh hello yeah there we go I’ll move the crystal out here with you guys oh that’s already done 485 sweet okay how we going pretty good probably it’s start hello why are you here are you I don’t know why they’re at my door but anyway uh let’s go ahead and I assume it’s probably stargaze now cuz it’s nice oh no it’s still claraz something 7 p.m. all right wait what that Sim is irresistible Pablo has a major crush on Jake well hang on that wasn’t the that that wasn’t supposed to happen and you want to go on a okay you are my boyfriend and yes I do want to do that but that also takes me away from the rest of the house so no see now I have to say no and isn’t that bad that I said no yeah I got a crush on Jacob all right did that just break the toilet okay well okay so I need I need you to can you take care of these plants how is this infant hungry again haven’t you had enough Crystal here eat I’m selling all my strawberries did you fix a toilet cuz we going to need to also clean it now okay guys why are we all in the bathroom what the why you the toilet’s just oh my God this place is so gross okay that baby also needs like a bath and and everything too all right hang on give Scarlet cuz Scarlet it’s like stinking and hungry and needs attention so we do a bath that should work but why are you going to sleep I just said give bath well the one time when I want to give you attention you’re like nah right least we’re getting some good money from all this stuff well I say good money is $14 each but whatever oh bet two oh wait expired it didn’t even sell oh dang it that actually kind of sucks cuz I need to sell this and I also want to sell it for a lot of money so we have money but I’m going to go half price 500 Buck no no what are you going why are you leaving don’t leave all right screw it I’ll just um I’ll just hit you up on Socia bunny if that’s cool where oh yeah yeah where friends I could probably ask him to promise friends let me just do it now we’re probably oh wait I just want to talk to you why why are you leaving it’s so annoying introduce to no isn’t there just like an option to like hey don’t leave actions add to group go here together no oh wait yes it worked yeah oh that was dude that was close we clutched it all right ask to promise friends we’ll go with friends and then if it goes well we can go we can go from there okay why are we not taking care of this baby oh cuz you’re busy gardening right hey man did you want to go to prom together just as friends of course what are you doing here oh I guess you do have a kid in my house to be fair you you are welcome here um I’m delighted to attend prom with you sweet all right so that’s that sorted oh my God what happened to s’s needes dude the heck samage need some of that Crystal okay for my gig I got to develop Fitness and stuff uh let me go do some dreaming big all right we’re done with that now research angry motion I got super angry when I was practicing acting so why don’t I just do that oh wait why did I put that Crystal my inventory I don’t know why I did that leave it there um cuz that’s just get in an angry emotion and perform mean interactions okay so I have to get angry then perform me interaction hey social level 10 well done oh gosh yeah I forgot again I forgot that the bizar fruits kind of like every night at 1:00 a.m. it kind of keeps happening well look it’s a funny spin wheel you know what I mean anyway it does however mean our needs are good again needs cheat hello right how’s everybody else doing pretty good just kind of need to sleep the infant is kind of struggling so I’ll put the crystal in here okay only another 30 minutes and then we’re good wait what wait are you a vampire wait Sunny never knows what is lurking in the dark darkness is nothing but a veil to hide the most gruesome uh and terrifying creatures of the night he feels like they could pop out any moment lately this man named Vlad keeps calling him oh it’s a fear is that a fear that we have what am I scared am I scared oh fear of the dark oh okay I thought was like a vampire thing okay we should be good any second now there we go we’re back we’re back okay you just need attention so can I get you to go like play with them or something okay I need to try get angry why are you still angry didn’t you just like play and do a whole bunch of stuff like what happened did you not go didn’t I just tell you to go play and like change wait your diaper is still dirty I don’t think you even went in here I did like I queued up a whole bunch of stuff I said like play and I was like cuddle and I did like change dirty diaper I did a whole queue which clearly didn’t happen wait it’s not H what are you doing why can’t this is this baby just constantly stuck like I don’t understand you can’t wait you can’t move either well then how did you even get in there if you can’t even move dude you can’t just be like oh I can’t move and then like somehow you got into this spot in the first place like what theck dude no wonder you like you’re struggling oh wow look at this frame rate that’s really good awesome things are going great here okay try again that could why is play not a thing anymore I understand play peekaboo okay and then change diaper wait wait why aren’t you acting anymore you’re supposed to be acting dude okay what is going on can you change this kid’s diaper I told you to do ages ago just not you angry yet oh wait I’ve got work and remember last time when I tra oh no maybe I said alone I’m going to send him alone today because you guys were saying I have to be at home when the exams happened to get the score so I want to see if that’s true so I’m not going to go to work like I’ll send him to work so we get the money cuz I feel like I’m still putting effort in here you know what I mean okay I’m very angry hang on hang on hang on uh I need to be mean to someone I feel bad about it but I think I just need to do it to Kristoff chew out oh wait no I’m happy what the heck oh no don’t don’t do that how are you already happy you were like very angry no no no now you just being mean now you just been mean mean for no reason dang it okay now I’m happy again great how do I it’s so hard to get angry well I tried embrace the change to neat sure oh wait oh yes Nina Cente is buying oh yeah B to I’ll sell that when we get back home from school how’s our friendship with um Silas oh god dude it is like impossible to be best friends of this baby like seriously like I’ve done hello oh yeah it’s just that thing I’ve done so many interactions on this kid um h apparently you can use a voodoo doll and poke them with a voodoo doll and make them angry the problem with that is they are like $900 I think right hello Voodoo there we go wait what what am I looking at hello no show me the doll with this hello wait can I not buy do I have to find it is it a debug oh I think you just buy it let’s see if it’s in debug yeah there it is okay well I guess I can’t do well well whatever I tried can you go take care of these plants tooo by the way they’ve kind of been struggling these all have flies on them as well oh hey Nani you want to come in we’re working an hour um I also talk to this baby real quick try to build my relationship with it dude I don’t know we’re getting there but it’s the thing is you do one thing wrong with a baby then it hates you oh my relationship with Kristoff went down cuz I yelled at him too that’s annoying wait I swear did it just go down again dude okay I’m going to send him alone today but yeah what the heck dude this baby I cannot no what why are you vacuuming go to work seriously why why did you decide now to do that oh my God what are you wearing all anyway did you fin Oh no you’re still going okay samage you’re going to work hard today who’s crying someone was crying was it you probably you oh you’re fine though all right we finished this painting let’s sell that one I guess I’ll just get you to spray maybe for bugs cuz I don’t want these plants to die oh no Benise what do you want want to chant okay fine whatever sure thing mom okay just hold up Mom I got to sell all these plants first okay bees exam oh yeah exam result okay so we do we do get the exam results if we’re at home which is kind of annoying that we traveled last time we just didn’t get it but I would imagine that we would have aced it last time but this time we’ve definitely aced it so let’s go ahead and say exam scores average or higher thank you very much we’ve done that and actually we should have sold the outfit on trendy I just got to ship it off now uh we go ship to buyer oh look at that Milestone experience the call of the mother 500 bucks for that too thank you don’t mind if I do which means we also now get to tick off Sol and outfit on trendy and where are we sitting in everything right now it’s it’s been rough um we have just got to Max relationship with all my kids stupid baby and H Kristoff has to have a baby of his own oh I also need level three and a new skill okay so what skill am I going to do this time could do like an instrument like guitar or piano or something what’s the cheapest cuz we’re kind of getting good money now and we’re going to come home with a bunch of money as well in a second could also do like comedy skill or something with the microphone um the violin is $400 guar 600 well why don’t we just get a violin and just do the violin skill and uh um Kristoff we should probably keep our relationship with um Rahul going well haven’t even seen him at all he did look he has asked me on dates and all that but you know we can’t really leave the family so if rul wants to be a part of the family he’s got to live here you know what I mean there he is oh he’s coming in his work clothes very nice Give Love Day gift oh oh hang on let me let me get something for him oh I could actually buy like roses which I’m going to do anyway but we could like plant some of this stuff you know actually that might be a good idea good to and honestly pomegranate they sell for a lot as well although they take a while to grow I don’t know if that’s going to be worth it yeah I’m going to give you a rose but it has and I apologize anyway Raul I got you this beautiful rose to celebrate love day oh wait the thumbs down seriously dude what the seriously and I’m like yeah I did it really that was nice propose yeah may as well haven’t really built up to it at all but may as well get that show on the road too I just Shar a secret so wait when Samar get home from work I’m proposing will you marry me oh my God look at this that gave me a jump scare I’m on samage right now it’s so big too I thought that was like a thing that was like down here by the door not to’s profile picture anyway what’s happening here yes yeah let’s go we got a marriage happening people very nice now when are we back from work uh uh am I am I nuts or I just can’t see it I mean we’re halfway through and it’s 5:00 p.m. so 10: p.m. maybe I guess I don’t know how long are we infected for by the way cuz does that mean 1: a.m. we’re going to still wait oh wait hang on aren’t we infected until we defeat the mother plant now oh that’s actually really bad okay I take back what I said about it like being a good needs I mean it is a good needs cheat but you have to deal with being possessed every single night until you defeat the mother I’m pretty sure I like flation yes I do isn’t that how it works let’s see uh or even become possessed yeah I I don’t know maybe it wears off I I don’t remember or if we just have it now forever pretty funny though uh yeah okay so I was just checking the list again yeah we really just have to um go to prom tomorrow and then samage has to do his stuff oh actually yeah this Rose I’m going to plant this cuz that that’ll be get some good money it’s not quite $144 good like the one we paid but you know it still be worth it um okay I should probably do uh is it this is Scarlet right yeah I probably should do Scarlet’s room supposed to be cute green and gardening well it’s definitely green we got a martini light in there anyway let me uh let me work on this it’s a small room so it should be all right green okay I look the martini lights are funny but I I do I think that should be in there we do have some cute stuff here which is nice green oh that’s that is actually kind of cute you know that is nice I like that flooring this is cute flooring apparently okay if you say so and you know what that’s actually kind of gardening too cuz we got like fruits and veg and by fruits and veg I mean fruits and flowers and dots maybe those are the veg okay no cute curtains but that’s all right we’ll just do like one of these that’s cute oh I should probably do the other bathroom as well let me do that whilst I’ve actually got a little bit of money now I use the one I use the sink I use upstairs which is this one it’s a little bit nicer okay so we got that bathroom that probably should have a bit bigger dining room as well uh we got two chairs we have like eight Sims but I don’t really know what to do with that I guess I could extend this way maybe a little bit to the front if we bring both these room cuz then we can have a bigger kitchen let me get rid of those oh hang on I just have to do a smaller window here cuz it sort of cuts through the roof a little bit but that’s all right we just do a higher up window there and then the roof sort of just comes like that it’s a little bit T now which is fine cuz it still works and then that gives us more room here in the dining area I mean not a huge amount more room it also makes our kitchen a little bit bigger too which is nice okay I just shuffled things around a little bit so I moved the dining in here cuz it just wasn’t going to fit in there even with the bigger room and then we sort of made a little bit of a nicer living room it’s still a bit weird I I don’t know if having two rugs like this is best idea okay Al these Martini lights I don’t I don’t know what to do with them guys they’re funny but like they really ruin the lighting of any room I put them in uh but anyway yeah so I don’t know what this room is now it could be another bedroom if we need it uh yeah and I just put a little rug in here and moved a couple of those things a bit but yeah that’s a little bit nice you know we’re getting there I still have got a bunch of money I haven’t actually done much else in this room yet but we’ll come back to that I think okay so Samar should be home oh my gosh what mental fog from burning out oh to be fair I did say work hard all day but that that you know what that is actually Fair he’s been working out for 10 hours uh wait what $3,000 I was supposed to to get like six grand for that um and then that’s fine cool all right so I’m just kind of waiting now for well I need to keep working on relationship with this baby that’s my thing is just dude is it even possible to be full relationship with a baby like seriously like it like when you get green it goes up like a little bit when you get red it like drops down halfway it’s crazy okay cool I tried to feed it and now it hates me again all right let’s go um hang on I need to talk to Kristoff cuz he kind of dislikes me a little bit now too time oh wait hang on it’s 1:00 a.m. are we about to go possessed again yep never mind though it does solve our needs so that is nice okay we’re back see if I can take care of some of these plants a little bit okay we’re getting close with the baby just had to take care of it again and I didn’t do anything negative I got lucky why are you holding that baby the baby should be over there all selling all the plants you’re painting that’s good all right so prom is tonight so hopefully that goes ahead well oh yes I need to do the violin skill that was what I was going to do right right right right all right so jeez all right so we want to get level three in h this new skill we haven’t done yet there it is definitely haven’t done it yet oh so close okay he been taking care of the baby again trying not to overdo it all right I really got to vacuum this place it is like super Dusty right now all right now violin level two I’m doing it right next to the baby so I can take care of their needs as soon as they need it oh it’s almost prom time actually are you ready for prom please tell me it pops up and 7 p.m. prom yes let’s go all righty hey guys we’re here is that Jacob there is good good good I guess I’ll vote oh wait oh yeah vote for prom royalty um can I vote why can’t you vote yourself it kind of sucks I guess I’ll vote for Jacob or not you guys are in the way I mean I’m trying to I’ll try to do the tasks but again no guarantee that we’re actually going to do well action should probably add him to my group just so we can get around easier you know we’ll take photos with Jacob are we going to do it or is it not happening I clicked it a while ago but I guess not I don’t know oh wait maybe we are here we go yeah oh that was a negative thing for our relationship all right cool I’ll take take one myself then shelf outfit you guys are saying it’s actually just a friendly interaction cuz you can ask to see outfit but oh yeah show off outfit there we go I don’t know why I thought it was a trendy thing but anyway oh look at this party wear well the reward cem is already starting dude prom is like short asss like I get that if it was longer it’ probably be kind of annoying but like the you got to do all these tasks I don’t get any time you know what I mean there go I need now I need to dance you know I don’t have time for a ceremony come on let’s do some dancing take so long to move around and do stuff uh Jacob won prom royalty which I’m not surprised cuz I was the only one that voted yeah danad skill acquired a look at Jacob up there let’s go nice Crown sh outfit I already did that what about to you can you just introduce yourself I just want to talk to other Sims but no one’s talking to me hello hello okay can I talk to anyone what’s going on here please can I talk to some why is is’s no one talking to me I can’t show you my outfit if you won’t let me talk to you dang it we met each other yet oh and prom’s over okay cool and just like that prom is done uh after part no I got to get home my parents near me sorry guys I’m out and with that though all of our teenage tasks are done let’s go all right that’s fantastic so really all we’ve got left is level three in a new skill which is the violin and friendship with all the kids then obviously we have to have a baby and we have to spin those Wheels now I guess also in the first category the newborn category we actually don’t need to find a him to have a baby with as samage because that’s actually what Kristoff is going to do so we’re not going to worry about that one in fact I’m going to take it off now just so it’s ticked and we don’t need to worry about it okay we’re going to keep working on that violin um and then when the baby needs us we’ll uh take care of the needs oh speak of wit go do that right now oh we’re nearly there oh Milow is down a little bit too and Kristoff but the rest I would say is good hang on move what are you doing go to this baby don’t go to the other baby that baby’s fine they have power of Crystal what do you mean did you put the violin in the way of the door seriously dude that was your own fault he put the violin down there so he couldn’t get in the door oh like right there I mean I would probably call that personally like Max friendship or Max relationship it’s like right there like maybe there’s a pixel oh now no now it’s full that is definitely full all right get away from the baby do not talk to the baby the baby will dislike you if you do that let’s go play with um who are you again Camilo hey camil I just want to play so we can get a full relationship strict you will play with me whether or not you want to dude chill oh dang it it’s 1:00 a.m. okay never mind I’ll see you at 4: okay yeah the bizar fruit thing was a certainly a thing that we had to do uh-huh wait am I riding a bike oh my God wait I can ride a bike while oh I’m about to not be possessed though but oh my gosh my face on the bike okay now I’m going to stop riding the bike I think am I and then stop being possessed let’s see now I’m normal again good let’s go home please cuz the baby is crying and the other baby’s crying hey movement level five I get yeah that I guess that’s the thing as we get further into this challenge the kids have more time to just autonomously build skills and Milestones by themselves which I guess is a good thing all right baby is Happy does this baby like me fully uh yeah I’d say so this guy I think we need to have a little bit more play with let me have a look at my relationships okay uh oh I mean that’s pretty much full there’s like a maybe a little pixel there and then Kristoff as well cuz that time I yelled at him for work oh it’s summertime okay so where’s uh Kristoff hey what the heck I was just saying heartfelt compliment and he walked away from me you know what Kristoff I’m really proud of you you you’ve really become your own granted you are just taking care of my kids but you’ve really become your own okay A little little off here like what’s going on here come on can do you want to go cloud or something just to top it off there’s like one little smidge left there you can see it the little inkling all right all right that’s that’s good okay we’ have now I would say looking at these completed our relationship to the max with all my kids let’s go and actually with that all there is to do now is have Kristoff have a baby and spin the wheel oh wait well and spin the wheel and also the violin which we’re nearly done with but yeah so pretty easy really just just the violin and then the baby which we’ll just do science baby with um Rahul and we spin those wheels and we’ll call it a day let’s try and finish up this violin skill yeah as soon as this gets to level three we’re good and there it is which means we can take off level three in a new skill and now I guess we may as well go ahead and spin those [Music] Wheels this is the activity for next time uh okay teach a child to wait wait wait wait wait have a movie night okay that’s cute that is cute I like that have a movie night all right all right and of course now we’re going to spin the other three wheels for silus so when we AG them up we know what kind of room they’re going to have so first the style wheel okay what are we going to land on today oh come on come on boho I look as much as I love contemporary I think boho will be a much more fun style to like furnish and and build and cuz contemporary is great I always bu build contemporary that’s the thing I always do it so it’s nice to have something different and now for the color there’s only three left black oh no not boho black white and gray please please please please please please please oh okay good yellow if we got boho and then black gray white I mean that would be kind of that would be a little sad and finally the hobby now next time we actually don’t really need to do most of the tasks but that’s okay we’ll talk about that next episode going to do photography okay okay that’s nice I like that okay so that’s great so that we’ve decided what silus is going to be all about now we got to have a baby with Rahul which he could also potentially move in at this point cuz so what I’m talking about next episode which we’ll talk about more about in The Next Episode because obviously we’ll have one more but basically we just have to do this for the last round we actually don’t need to do all the other stuff just this one although we might do some of it I don’t know you know we’ll figure it out but it’s mostly just this rekindle with one of the B parents and throw a family reunion and have everyone there and all the parents and you know it’s like like that in itself I think will take quite a while you know what I mean so we’ll see how we go okay but let’s get Rahul over here all right Sam you don’t have to play that anymore please thank you and yeah having said that we could get Rahul to move in with us and just live here in this little apartment upstairs and this will be our baby’s room man it is really coming down out there oh he’s already in hey buddy so what we’re going to do uh I guess we could alope uh do we just get Let’s Get Married let’s immediately you know let’s seal the deal we’re High School sweethearts after all Rahul this will be our new home oh wait where are we going okay okay bye all right thought we’re going to hang out in here go home I’m already home dude okay now where are we going just here beautiful oh s can you turn to the Garden back there it looks rough dude Rahul will you marry me right here right now in the hallway with seven babies not so wait Pablo has a secret moooo excuse me a cow plant started eating customers it even ate the owner I knew my cow plant had to be what do you mean you’ve never had a cow you’ve lived here your whole life you sound like a pathological liar at this point Pablo okay is someone taking care of that baby cuz like I’m trying to what what okay can you just go take care of the baby real quick you’re ruining our wedding thank you what a beautiful ceremony was it though all right let’s seal the deal Co off the wedding no no no beautiful all right let’s pop a baby out uh oh wait we’re going to do households oh I don’t actually want you to move in I mean I guess you can okay fine you’ll move in oh wait it doesn’t work from this okay so I hav my household size but I can’t obviously in the game menu you can’t move them like this it just doesn’t work that’s all right that’s all right yeah we’ll figure that out later I think I I can just add him to household by doing this at to family but yes I have increased the household size that is why I can ask for a baby I’m using MC Command Center and you’ll be happy to know I set the household size to 11 so it is entirely possible that we have twins or triplets at this point look I don’t want it but it is entirely possible I did make it possible so let’s see what happens here we’re off to have a baby all right a baby boy Reuben run R oh that’s fun a no twins I mean look I’m happy about that but here they are all right Reuben welcome to the family oh you are by this bed that’s good okay so now Reuben’s going to be over here uh oh I have to wait till it’s complete it’s not quite done yet there we go so this will be the nursery for little Reuben oh hello okay um and then I’m pretty happy with how the house is now we got $44,000 so next episode we’ll come back probably hopefully finish up the basic stuff and then earn some more money next episode as well to really finish off everything in terms of actually making it look nice and not like a dump like we’re getting there we got like a what is the baby doing in the middle of the floor I don’t know but anyway yeah we’ll work on that next episode but right now we need to start aging up oh gosh everybody so let’s go ahead and make a cake so actually Also let’s have a look at the uh the family tree too this is going to be good oh yeah look at this tree dude that’s great look at this and then burn all B’s other kids as well jeez all right I’m going to get you to make a cake should I get samage to make one oh no we probably can’t make two at the same time oh I should probably pull up our little list here go ahead and check off spin those Wheels there it is and also have had their own baby for the adult phase let’s go and with that as you can see we’ have now done every single task so it is time to age every up with a cake which if it took it takes as long as it did last episode this is going to be rough okay samage so samage actually becomes an elder now but we might as well oh we’re going to do it on the table Hang on we’re going to get samage to go first cuz that should be the easiest oh it’s going to be like right there or not hello we’re going to add candles okay I said this was going to be easy but I don’t know about it here we go blow out candle some Mar time to become an elder you did it you have a big happy family but we we do still have to complete the house you know that’s a whole thing okay oh no I hate when they have to walk like halfway around the the city block just to age up it’s so annoying anyway there we go all maybe it’s better in the kitchen oh my beard my Beard’s still Brown I guess I dye my beard in old age that’s nice okay can I get um Kristoff you add candles cuz you need to become uh an adult okay you blow out those time to become an adult and then Pablo becomes a young adult so on so forth down the line and then we end up with one of every age Kristoff AG up let’s go okay and then add birthday candle please no one take a piece please do not not dude how how did you get there so quick you serious this is why the Aging up thing takes so long how did he even get that I was still interacting with it for my birthday going to make another cake the bin oh we get $90 now that’s pretty good no there goes the fridge okay samage can you go fix that please be nice to have a new kitchen as well I think what I’ll do is with this room I’ll just make this a bigger kitchen cuz that’ll actually be really nice he where are you going with the cake just put it down un hand the cake cuz Scarlet is very hungry both babies are what what is going on okay okay well I’ll get you to go feed this baby hang on jeez wait how do I just get where’s to get fed by oh there we go f by you okay and then I need you to blow out candles okay and then quickly add new candles the second you blow it out okay you are going to be ah green fiend yeah okay so you are into fitness and all that so I guess just an athletic what about um extreme sports Enthusiast climb the mountain right now add both candles please hurry up before someone takes the candle the cake okay now the both kids please okay is this baby being fed what happened uh hello have you been fed yet what is going on you supposed to be fed by Christof like an hour ago okay you’re blowing out the candles here so Vivian’s aging up now hopefully my babies are also not dying take care of that baby is this one being fed now what stop just get fed dude you okay you’ve aged up over there you’re going to be a bookworm and a slob uh you like writing that makes sense I we’ll do creativity look creativity and then bestselling author Sims 4 has done a great job of a randomized outfit as per usual Okay candles are back on good now your turn surprisingly so far this is going pretty smooth it’s when we get to like the Toddlers and the infants it gets a bit rough you’re in a pretty good mood have you been fed yet okay you’re finally being fed I think yes good wait why is this baby crying can you take care of him okay and you’re going to have maker okay uh you like the pipe organ I guess it’s not really Amic musici one is there oh no there is sorry musical genius there you go sorry sorry s okay and then quickly actually I’ll get you to do it cuz you’re free Camilo’s already here which is good so we’ll just bring um Camilo to blow out candles all righty it’s going well it’s going well we’re getting there we’re getting through the fam okay actually you’re right there can you add some candles real quick thank you we’re just got to get this real production line of adding candles going here all right then we go um help block wait what oh I have to wait till they age up before I can do another one all right aged up and you’re going to be self assur do we have self assured maybe we do cat lover I don’t think we have that okay and then you like wellness me Moda maybe kind of kind of not really I don’t know doesn’t really matter all right let’s get Scarlet over here oh actually you’re are you handing off what’s happening no where are you going no no no no no no no no no no okay no no no no no no no no no don’t put them down what are you doing okay the infant is the hardest one hello who’s that why is Dominic in my bed like yeah I get your who’s you’re someone’s dad I I forget who but that’s still not your bed that that is Kristoff’s bed okay here we go here we go all here we go little scar going to age up into a wait is Scarlet yours maybe Scarlet’s yours cuz you’re down here watching okay I need who’s around actually no I don’t need the candle anymore cuz I can just use the um baby all right you going to be inde do we have independent I don’t know whatever it’s fine you’re going to be independent and then samage go age up little silus finally okay and then finally actually we have this last baby age up we will have one of every age in our household yeah all righty welcome you’re going to be I feel like do we have Wiggly like we okay there we go Sunny is that one we haven’t had have we had Cous I don’t know we do now all right welcome so yeah look at this we have an elder oh actually first of all let’s go here and say Sam is now an elder and then everybody else has aged up and we have a full house let’s go so yes we’ve got Elder adult young adult two teenagers a child toddler infant and a baby let’s go oh gosh wellow well the weather is beautiful outside thank you so much to my top level members for supporting the channel I really appreciate it next episode will be the last one we will finish up the house make sure everyone has the rooms that they need we’ll of course do that reunion we’ll have to rekindle romance with one of the baby M or papers um which actually I’ll give you guys the options so you know who you can pick so we’ve got May who was my wife at one point purely business we’ve got Alice who is the director for commercials and I think she was also evil got Omar who was another director wow I’ve really been getting with those directors I guess they’re just kind of there we’ve got Nani oh come on we got to go Nani but I W sway opinions of course we’ve got benice as well is that everyone I feel like I’m getting confused by who I’ve clicked on oh and Dominic and Dominic I think that’s everyone now yes so those are your what are your options let me know in the comments down below what you think thank you so much for watching this incredibly long episode as per usual of the every life stage challenge they do get longer and longer and longer just because there’s more and more to do every episode although next episode I mean it’ll probably still be long but it won’t be as long because we don’t have to do all the tasks though we do still have a family filled with a bunch of kids and babies so it will still be hectic but until then thank you so much for watching I will see you next time and have an awesome day


  1. I’ve never seen so many similar looking siblings in a sims random baby parent challenge. Guess that’s what happens when you specifically choose a “type” for your primary parent

  2. I really enjoy this channel and the content but this episode is waaaay to long. The whole series has episodes that are to long. Cut them in half or in this case even in more episodes.

  3. I think Pablo is my favorite sim in this series. Him randomly getting into volunteering & yoga in one day. Running down the street possessed. His outfit & lil mustache. Lying about his cow plant secret.

  4. James was you suppose to do the painting skill up to level 3 for first born?😂 I have just watched the whole series but never saw you do it😂

  5. Rewatching while waiting for the finale but I’m cracking up at 47:16. I wasn’t able to catch this the first time I watched this episode. It literally says that “if checked, sims will no longer gain fame”. 😂😂😂

  6. I’m pretty sure when the kids do a school project you need to put it back in their inventory, and then the next day at school they get the extra credit for it and possible grade raised then you can sell it, but not 100% sure on that

  7. @JamesTurnerYT — Did you know you can Age Up via the pie menu right? I mean blowing candles is cute, but its soooo broken with the "auto grab a slice" thing!

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