Gardening Trends

Top Vastu Plants for Positive Vibes at Home | Barde Infra | Interior Designer

🌿 Top Vastu Plants for Positive Vibes at Home 🌿

Welcome to Barde Infra’s guide on creating a harmonious and positive living space with the power of Vastu plants! In this video, we’ll introduce you to the top Vastu-approved plants that can transform your home into a sanctuary of positive energy, prosperity, and well-being.
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hey everyone I’m here today to dive into the fascinating world of vastu plants and how they can transform the energy of your home so if you’re ready to bring some positive vibes into your living space stick around first up we have the Tulsi or holy basil this isn’t just a plant it’s a Powerhouse of spirituality and healing traditionally it’s placed in the north east or Northeast direction of the house imagine starting your day with a Serene view of Tulsi setting a pie ful tone right from the get-go moving on to the money plant known as epipremnum orium it’s not just a plant it’s a symbol of wealth and prosperity for the best results place it in the Southeast corner of your living room or Hall it’s like having a green friend that Whispers let’s grow wealth together every time you water it next let’s talk about the bamboo plant known for its association with good luck and Longevity this plant is perfect for the east or Southeast direction of your space it’s like a green pillar of strength and endurance in your home now onto the jade plant or Cula ovata if you’re looking to attract financial success this succulent is your go-to buddy place it near the entrance or in the Southeast direction to welcome wealth right through your door aloe vera a name synonymous with healing and air purification is another great addition place it in the North or east direction to enhance its beneficial properties it’s not just Decor it’s a natural air purifier standing guard let’s not forget the lucky bamboo this plant isn’t just Charming with its intricate patterns it’s a beacon of good fortune and happiness best placed in the East or Southeast Direction it’s a true symbol of prosperity and joy in any home lastly the snake plant or sansevieria trifasciata known for its incredible air filtering abilities this plant is a Powerhouse of positivity it can be placed in the Southeast East or south direction to maximize its energy boosting Vibes so there you have it a green guide to transforming your home with the magic of vastu plants not only do these plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but they also bring a Cascade of positive energy and health benefits why wait let’s turn your home into a sanctuary of positivity and prosperity with Bard infra thanks for watching and don’t forget to like And subscribe for more tips on enhancing your living space with B infra contact us to redesign your space call now + 9194 391 9640

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