Japanese Garden

#sanantonio #garden #japanese Japanese Tea Garden & Botanical Garden of San Antonio Texas

Join Marnie and I as we visit the Most Beautiful Gardens. Fight for Joy, Take a Mini-Vacation and LIVE!

We visit the best Japanese and Botanic Gardens that we can find or that you recommend. We have visited gardens of Texas, gardens of Hawaii, gardens of Minnesota and Gardens of all over the United States. Our hope is to one day film gardens of the world. We would love to start with Kew Gardens and the thousands of gardens in Great Britain, but for now these are the best garden’s we have explored in the United States.

I find that one of the best ways to learn “How to Plan a Garden” is to visit quality gardens. If you can’t visit them all in person, subscribe to channels like ours that can take you there.

My goal is to help you to be immersed in the beauty of these spectacular pieces of art. We do this for our own Soul Care as a part of our Fight for Joy. We found ourselves at a place in our lives where we were wondering how to find joy in life among all the difficult things we were facing. it’s amazing what the Beauty of God and creativity of an artist can do for your own soul care….to learn to slow down and smell the roses…to be still…! How do you deal with chaos? By intentionally forcing yourself to slow down and not let chaos steal your time and energy.

The beauty of these gardens, set to beautiful Jazz and Folk Music have helped many people find some peace and solitude. For others, these videos are filled with ideas for how to garden. They also help in How to plant flowers with various designs and even help give some ideas on how to grow your vegetables.

Garden design can take on many shapes from formal gardens to cottage gardens, from wild flowers to Japanese tea gardens. Come explore with us and find out what you might want to create in your own back yard!

[Music] welcome to the botanic garden of San Anton Texas or for the rest of the world San Antonio we are Steven Marney thanks for watching Garden steelway it’s been a while since we have done any recording the last time we put one up was Milwaukee you know we do these Garden videos primarily for sanity and for Joy Soul Care Soul Care yes um it’s April in Minnesota and it’s cold yeah it’s like 49 50° maybe things are not quite the same there uh we have tulip leaves popping out of the ground about this much but no leaves on the trees and you come down here and everything is going Whole Hog we are Steven Marne the challenges of 2020 forced us to find other ways of resting and fighting for Joy our new Endeavor is to find and film the best Gardens we can find in the US I have never personally liked gardening and yet I have found some of my favorite moments in life have been sitting quietly in a garden with my wife it’s great for our relationship and it’s good for our [Music] sanity we would really appreciate you clicking on the YouTube subscribe button and make sure to hit the Bell to not miss any upcoming episodes it’s lovely to to come to where they’re our leaves and plants and everything In Bloom and birds singing and warm weather it’s so lovely that’s like 87° here I think it’s about 39 or 49 back home now [Music] today [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] he [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is also a small Japanese garden right here at the San Anon Botanic Garden [Music] and we have already walked through the Japanese garden that’s MH check out this place tell a little bit about that well it’s pretty stunning it was a quarry at one time and then it was repurposed and I love that it’s got the beautiful walls so why not turn it into something fabulous and when you walk in and you’re seeing the structure and then the view starts to peek around at you it is stunning it really is neat to see free to enter um a lot of people around but really fun to go visit it won’t take you very long but the amount of work that would have gone into placing those stones I cannot even imagine how much time that would have taken it’s uh the bridge I really like the bridge the multiple arches of the bridge and then the waterfall is very pretty [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] San Anton botanic garden is 38 acres it was conceived of in 1940 but it wasn’t built uh the doors weren’t open open until 1980 so and it’s definitely there are birds getting into definitely in full bloom everything is Lush and green but give it a few months and I would not want to be gardening in Texas so I appreciate being in the Midwest for gardening yeah it’s probably going to be pretty hot here it’s today is 87° I wouldn’t want to be gardening at the beginning of April so it’s pretty warm already but it’s lovely to it is sure nice to have some warm temperatures though we needed to come and be warmed through and be inspired and uh get some ideas we’ve already gotten some ideas from the fville Arkansas botanic garden it was cold and rainy and windy and gross so we did not record but we were inspired and what are we going to get well I want to get a walking stick the plant Henry louder walking stick which I guess was named after a Scottish um performer because he he used a twisted walking stick and so in honor of him they named it that but it’s got this beautiful curly um wood that is uh interesting and the spring in the winter is sounds like it’s the most interesting so we’ll just say this Garden of the Ozarks fville Arkansas worth a quick stop it’s it’s small but very nice really great structure we want to go back and record we just want to catch it on a nicer day so yeah raining then so we’ve been inspired by that and what’s the other thing we’re going to be planting in our garden this year AO boba mhm I always want to say bboa but that’s Rocky and so no Ginko Boba but we’re uh a dwarf or a smaller in its uniform the type that we’re going to be looking at getting it’s lovely to have diversity in your Gardens that’s I guess the the big thing that we’re lacking in the world today is we’ve lost a lot of the diversity so when you look at planting things in your garden don’t just do the same thing that you always do or the same thing that everybody does look at doing something that maybe especially um used to be prevalent in area or things that uh are unusual and fun and it’s going to be really good for the birds and the bees and the [Music] butterflies [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] hey Marney tell me what you’re thinking of this Garden well the Garden in San Anton is beautiful and it goes on ways and I’m really surprised at how cool and comfortable the indoor gardens are you would think that they would be stifling but they’re really beautiful I really Lov the one that had the Brads and the Bonas it was beautiful the amount of plants that they have in there and the variety are lovely how they how they squeeze them in and you get to see unending vignettes I love when vegetables are mixed with flowers we have it looks like a mustard kale Swiss chard and snapd dragons and why not put them together they’re lovely next to each other and then over here we have swiss chard poppies and let’s see are those delphiniums I believe yeahum they’re so lovely and it’s so full and the colors are so [Music] lovely [Music] if you’re unfamiliar with the Japanese garden one of the things that you will notice is the rocks are often placed so that you have to walk slowly they are made so that they bump up and you can’t just hurry through the garden but you need to take a nice contemplative [Music] stroll [Music] and I have not pulled out our cameras to record anything except for this last winter well February Groundhog Day Woodstock Illinois is where the movie groundhog hog day was filmed and so we got to jump in and join in on some of the Groundhog Day festivities and we even stayed in the bed and breakfast that Bill Murray stayed in in the in the film and got our window view was looking out down the front walk it was pretty cool all right well this is a fun day this is February 1st 2024 had a lot of hard things take place over the last month and a half but we are in wood stock Illinois the day before Groundhog Day and currently we are walking to the theater that said Heidi 2 on the Marquee in the movie Groundhog Day and we’re going to go watch the movie Groundhog Day it’s pretty fun if you get a chance to get there it really is neat hey thanks for watching Garden sea hope you enjoyed your time with us today get out and play in the dirt go and visit some Gardens take care of your so we’ll see you next [Music] time


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