Gardening Supplies

Garden Centre With My Neighbour Vlog

My neighbour and I are in search of outdoor flowers and compost to bargain price. This means we had to take a trip to our local Garden center and nursery. Sapphire the children and I have become great friends with our neighbor who lives up the street. we look out for each other and have a great relationship. We often say that she is our adopted grandma and we all enjoy gardening and being in the Great outdoors. The cost of plants as expensive as they are. We needed to find somewhere where the garden supplies were more favorable and so we decided to have an afternoon out where my neighbour “Aunty C” and I went shopping in a couple of garden centers. We saw some stunning plants including flowers. ready to go straight into pots and raised beds but also tiny plug plants. desperate to be thinned and grow on for the weeks to come.

Join us in on our adventure as we laugh our way through a wonderful windy spring afternoon. Let’s see what we can find in our garden center vlog.

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I hope this video will inspire you to get creative and inventive in the garden with your DIY projects.

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mean it’s no taste of course he’s got a taste it tastes like sushi but less fishy hey guys welcome back to the channel once again Kenroy here now today we’re doing something a bit different because we will be going over to our local Nursery not too far from where we live but today I’ll be taking along one of my neighbors which is a good friend of ours you can go as far as to say that she’s our adopted grandma and we decided to go in search of some beautiful plants for the outdoors as well as seeing whether or not we’ll be able to get ourselves some Bargains now if you’re new to the channel guys please don’t hesitate to hit that subscribe button and hopefully you’ll enjoy this video now I’m sure you’ll be able to see some absolutely amazing plants and hopefully my neighbor and I will be able to get ourselves some nice bargain on our little Adventure yeah it’s definitely a much better selection here on prices isn’t it are these are quite good as well they’re supposed to come up over here do they come back are they perennial this by far is my favorite plant nursery so the prices are more reasonable here compared to some that we’ve seen not even familiar with these try and butcher these names are they like a [Music] puppy I’m just to something I’m just to something a this is good I want to you can get a good selection actually are these larger um Blom ones big ones yeah it’s [Music] gorgeous [Music] to keep two three four that’s mix can I take what you like what you think that’s amazing sure I’m the manager that’s what we like to hear yes how much you take some out so yeah basically any any five clear more around there as well there I only want two can mix and match these are absolutely adorable I should go outside and then come back yeah I’m coming with you binoculus very pretty full tray five oh that’s what oh she’s a manager full tray 5S yeah but these ones are drying up aren’t they yeah I see what they have oh wait there no this is not this is the this is um similar to the one I was telling you about aorita yeah that’s it yeah a burit these ones look a lot bigger than the ones on the wall that we saw close to where we live do you reckon they can be salvaged or is it too late in the season for these ones probably just try but depends on the price now the whole thing is $9.99 for TR probably yeah I’m not paying $9.99 for [Music] these love the Magnolia part [Music] salex you but you [Music] can’t you R you run but you [Music] it’s nice and windy today right oh wow got like a storm blowing in last night had torrential rain not the best weather but at least it’s not freezing cold really really lovely stuff not even going to look at the price of these containers half price now $24.99 think not we got a running joke with my neighbor that that’s retirement money I’m not sure I’m on retirement money just yet so stay in my Lane okay can we talk about these strawberry plants 2 p49 each or4 for9 what on Earth I mean I’m not sure what variety these are F1 summer bre 249 each you’re having a laugh mate now I realize the ones that we had in the garden was a bargain 50 each guys 50 each or you can come here and pay £249 each that is Criminal it’s supposed to come up how much are these I wonder geraniums they are $249 each yeah or 4 for9 yeah they’re not that cheap to be honest just blame it on the price of compost they might have smaller ones for cheaper let’s have a look yeah they got smaller plants normally on this side getting young get them [Music] cheapi very nice different colors as well [Music] These are nice just over a pound each you can mix and match oh I do love this red Beacon variety think I might get a couple of these thanks and maybe we’ll go for a white one this one’s kind of white and pink get a bit of contrast going so going to get a few trailing geraniums which I’ve never had before some hanging baskets got quite a good selection white pink red try and pick out some that looks half decent not sure how I’m going to know which is pink or [Music] not a whole tray for30 a lot [Music] smaller one for 9 650 of selection here but all different size Gardians just got me two pink trailing geraniums oh wow look at these tiny these are leelas which are absolutely minuscule you can buy a tray for 650 [Music] these ones here are for Tunas same 650 so you can really really get yourself some good Bargains if you got a neighbor like myself you can split them and share them between you go halfes which is always a good idea so these are £6 awesome these are absolutely stunning get a tray of eight I think they’re slightly scented as well but these must look amazing as beds got some herbs over here looking to plant Out 3 10 mint some Sage I’m not sure which one of these Alita or Alish however you pronounce it uh will give me the best effect for trailing in the front box um by our garden they got a couple variety they got a blue one which is a bit bigger the petals but then you got this smaller one kite I believe it’s pronounced which to me looks just about right I think I’m going to have a go and get one yeah I’m going to get one of these quite like it just found a little reduced to clear section all of this petunia uh this one is a rose red variety all of this for £4 is it worth it guys I mean that’s just incredible you will have to repot them on and you know give them a good few weeks to grow but we’re still early spring so I think I’m going to go with this [Music] hanging Bonas 50 each only got red ones left though why not [Music] Okay so we’ve just gotten back to the car and um yeah we’ve got quite a few Bargains in there actually some multi bu I still can’t believe we got this whole tray for £5 with these bedding plants absolutely amazing uh we also had these um which I think you can sort of pick and mix a pound each really really nice somebody left this in the trolley they left it for you Auntie and I we’ve just finished in Castle Nursery um honestly it’s the best um deals we’ve found so far we’re going to be heading to Asda now to pick up a few things and then after that uh then we might stop at another store another plant store burcot is it burcot that’s nearer home yeah oh so let’s go starting to rain now so we see how we get on just over by ASAS not to actually shop for plant but doesn’t but it doesn’t hurt to look three for5 I mean look at that that thing is looking terrible look they’ve got these that we just bought £5 each how much was yours 350 yeah 3 something I told you had literally almost half price I mean they do look nice but yeah that’s a lot more money get one of these [Music] guns hey let’s [Music] go where’s she gone honestly this woman is so quick for an 83 year old I’m always losing her there you are ooha in the market we see the cut this yeah we like coming to this as you get some tropical foods Continental stuff that you don’t normally get in our local one where we live in brms Gro Mountain [Music] is that the same thing no that’s carrot cassava there we go uh £167 just waiting for Auntie to finish with her [Music] [Applause] shopping then we’re going to head back to rsro got me a little Y sushi selection you ever you like sushi well I did this one as I got a little discounted one yeah because we used to get it quite a we used to see it last time we got quite a lot of we nice will you bet fancy one it’s just rice it’s all vegan there’s no meat or um Amy meat there’s no fish or anything don’t know if this is your cup of tea Auntie M love me some sushi I’ve actually put Wasabi on this one you know that spicy thing that they normally have try a small one it’s just rice with seaweed around it seaweed [Music] mhm mean it’s no taste of course he’s got a taste it tastes like sushi but less fishy I need lots of pepper in it yeah we can put these down FL and then put the flowers on top of them yeah okay but we need a trolley yeah I don’t think you want to come in this mud get that way yeah I’ll have a look for one so we’ve just come over to um a local um Garden Center local to where we are in Broms Gro looking for some Bargains guys I mean the price of stuff is just ridiculous so we’ll take the bargains where we can get them need to find a trolley we managed to grab ourselves one two three four five six BS two each not bad bit old and washed out but I’m sure we can use them got a couple arous ones there some normal ones oh this is pretty always looking out for a house plant was 20 quid now 10 um I think not lovely though okay so we’ve got our compost somehow we fitted it all all six bags with the flowers in the back we’re going to buy that Buffalo as well how much is it 3,000 299 oh that is some statement piece yeah we’re not here for garden furniture that we can’t afford let’s get to where the plant so do you know what I actually need auntie I need one of these um clippers but I need a good quality one every year or every so often I buy one and they break yeah they break yet these ones I’ve got quite expensive this one’s £7 probably best to try online anyway this one’s 20 quid but they always either the spring goals or something and then they get knackered definitely looks more subdued than last year when we came it was crazy then you find the redue section always got such a Keen Eye that a bay leaf yes oh we want a bay leaf for1 a bargain that is that’s yeah that’s good saf fire is going to be well chuff we’ve been nicking baay leaves from you Auntie I’ve got plenty I know you got a massive plant but now we can have our own guys I’ve got those those come back each year don’t they 2 looking for nice ones but they’re nice but I find that they’re more leaves than flower they do come out early in Spring though yeah it’s definitely more expensive here they got these 3 for8 on these fuches compared to Castle Nursery that we went earlier on indoor [Music] this is where I need to get some of these hanging baskets do you know what this is called this one yeah you’ve got that at home I haven’t look at the leave this no no I’ve got something different you’ve got this in your garden in in in the sit room no it’s different trust me no I haven’t got this one I’ve got one from Jamaica they call it purple heart similar color but it’s not the same turn purple yeah they got like a purple Hue to them [Music] it’s £50 for the banana plant 50 mhm lovely though okay guys so I’ve literally just arrived back home um after dropping my neighbor um home and now I’ve got to take out all the stuff that we bought today in the car got some really really good deals I’m glad we held out rather than buying stuff locally and we went over to um Reddit which isn’t too far from where we are in in order to get some of these beding plants and we got some really good Bargains and um overall um I’m really impressed with the fact that we got some compost for £2 a bag uh yes it’s a bit older stuff from perhaps last season however it’s still going to do the job and I mean you can’t complain £2 per bag those bags that we bought a lot of them are normally like six5 £6 each so you know that’s a really really good saving and so um yeah going to go and take these things up I hope you guys enjoyed the video today um something a bit different it was nice to hang out with my neighbor as well um she doesn’t drive so it was good that I could take her to get some of the plants that she needed and overall we had a good laugh as we always do and um yeah so now the next task is to basically get these stuff taken out start thinking about um creating some of our hanging baskets uh as well as the wall Garden at the front we’ve already painted the Box Abigail Naomi and saf had painted it given it a a nice new coat for this season and now it’s just for us to plant um you know our first flowers in there so happy days anyway guys going to leave this video here hope to see you guys in the next one take care God bless and we’ll see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music]


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