Garden Plans

What Is Busch Gardens Tampa Bay Getting in 2025?

Today We will explore what Busch Gardens Tampa Bay could be possibly adding new year in 2025.

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Bush Gardens Tampa is one amazing Park if you haven’t been before you have to go everything is incredible from the food to the rides to the shows to the animals everything is topnotch here that’s why this is a bucket list park for many koser enthusiasts across the country one thing that I really like about this park is that they are dedicated to adding new and improved rides almost every year what that leads to is a fan base who is absolutely spoiled with new attractions all the time so they are constantly wanting more so in this video we are going to talk about what Bush card is hi Bay could possibly be adding next year in 2025 I know their brand new coaster hasn’t even opened yet but the floodgates are already open for predictions I make a video like this every year so this is what Bush gard and Tampa Bay could be adding next year for 20125 I make one of these videos every year last year I accurately predicted that they were going to add some type of B&M family coaster my gut was saying last year they were going to add a B&M family Wing coaster something like mandrel Mayhem But ultimately they decided to go with a suspended coaster a very smart and very interesting choice you can clearly tell who Bush Gardens is trying to Market to here they are trying to go after that family demographic they recently removed their wild mouse to make room for this and this is definitely an improvement the wild mouse did get a lot of rides by family kids wanted to ride it with their parents so this is going to be very similar but this also branches into the family thrill category which I’m very excited about something that the wild mouse did not another thing you will notice around the park is that they are constantly improving their just general Vibe they recently redid the signage for The Sky Ride and now they open that up again so that creates a brand new thing for families to do since it was closed they redid their kangaroo exhibit and now they are completely redoing their ice skating show just major enhancements so this leads me to believe that the 2025 2026 Edition will be in two parts a major enhancement and a new thrilling coaster let me explain let’s start off by finding where this new addition is possibly going to go right now there are already work walls up near the Kumba area of the park in the jungalo section this part definitely needs a refresh this section is isn’t exactly the most updated and I think completely refreshing this area with a new addition would do wonders for the backside of the park so my first official prediction is the jangala section of bush gardens’s Tampa is going to be receiving a refresh next year now we don’t know how much this is going to entail maybe they’re just going to refresh it and then add an attraction the following year or maybe they’re adding an attraction and giving it a refresh but I think definitely this area needs it and knowing Bush Gardens they are probably going to do this either this year or the next if they are refreshing this area it would make sense for them to add a new coaster but what is it going to be is it finally going to be that rumored Giga coaster or maybe something else if we have to guess the manufacturer it is going to be B&M I can pretty much say if I was going to make a gamble it would be that their new addition is going to be by B&M we look at Bush Gardens Tampa Bay they are adding Phoenix Rising which is a B&M family suspended coaster we look at seaw with Orlando They just added Pipeline and now they are adding penguin Tre two more bnm all three of these coasters are completely different from one another they are all prototype or prototypes rides so Bush Gardens Tampa would definitely be able to take a risk if necessary or they could go for one of bnm’s tried and true coaster designs the first coaster that everyone talks about when they talk about B&M and Bush Gardens Tampa is that Giga coaster this has been talked about so much about the park possibly being a contender to receive a B&M Giga or a hyper now I do think this would be a great fit at the park and I do think it is decently plausible seworld entertainment does not mind spending large amounts of money on Investments as long as they can get it back this is why they spent money on Iron guazi Pantheon Emperor all these big attractions and a giga could definitely work out however there are a few main issues issues with this number one is the space buch Gardens does have space for the Giga coaster but they would have to move a few things around in other words to be ready by 2025 we would have already seen a lot more construction by now unless the park is being extra sneaky secondly due to FAA regulations any structure over 200 ft is going to need that red light on top and what that means is they usually have to file permits for that quite early we would have already seen something if it’s set in stone already but maybe it’s not maybe they are actively considering it at the moment we have seen sight markers pop up every now and then now it’s a huge misconception that they can’t build over 200 ft they can it just requires a little bit more paperwork and some extra regulation it’s not that difficult but we probably would have seen signs for it already unless they’re planning on 2026 something a lot of people fail to realize is just how expensive Giga coasters really are this could be over $30 million it could be that expensive this isn’t something that they just decide to do one year so if they are going to add a giga in 2025 2026 or 2027 they would have had to be planning it for quite a while just in terms of budgeting now before I give you my final thoughts on the Giga coaster and tell you what my prediction is for 2025 2026 I want to talk about a couple other rumors that I’ve been hearing number one is a Pantheon style intimate multi launch coaster I don’t think this is very likely at all we have velocci coaster right down the road maybe an hour and a half away and I don’t see them working with intimin too much they worked with intimin for smaller projects but since Pantheon had a little bit of issues I’m not really sure that they’re going to do a huge investment like that and plus veloca coaster being right there is a big deal a mock rides hyper coaster would be pretty cool but we have zero evidence for this the entertainment hasn’t really wored with mock rides since Cobra’s curse so I don’t think that’s very likely at all as for something by voma we have yet again the same thing they haven’t worked with them in a while and I don’t really see it happen everyone always throws around wooden coasters we would love to see one of those in Florida however the Florida heat doesn’t do amazing with the wooden track that’s why the whole guazi thing happened in the first place which is kind of a good thing because we have awesome iron guazi but I don’t think they would want to take the chance with the GCI or something The Only Exception would be if they pulled a Texas Stingray I’m talking about that gcii hybrid coaster having the steel supports and the wooden tracks so yes the park would technically have two hybrid coasters but this would be the only way that they could add a wooden coaster and having this in the jungala section of the park would be pretty cool however I do think there is a slightly better option I think what can bring in more crowds is a B&M hyper or a B&M Giga so that is going to be my prediction of what they are going to quote unquote eventually add in this area but what about 2025 well in 2025 I think it is safe to say that they are going to give the jungala section of the park of facelift they’re going to completely redo this section improving the theming and making it look just a lot nicer they’re going to remove some of the structures that aren’t in use anymore and possibly add some new rides I’m talking about possible flat rides from Zan Pera Zan Pera has a lot of flat rides that are super reliable and are very cheap so we could definitely see a nebula here we could see an air race or maybe even a Larson flying scooter we just don’t know yet but I definitely think they need at least one more family flat ride just to round out the parks layout so all of this would pave the way for in 2026 to add a giga or a hyper coaster I’m talking about that classic B&M hyper or Giga with all that airtime something like Fury 325 or Orion would work perfectly at this park and here’s why the only Gap in the Park’s lineup right now is a thrill coaster that is based on floer airtime if you think about it right now all their thrill coasters are based on some type of inversion whether you have Kumba mantu iron guazi even Cheetah Hunt has an inversion thrown right in the middle they need something dedicated to to floater airtime and that is where the Giga or the hyper coaster will come into play this ride would instantly be a guest favorite and here’s the thing it wouldn’t even have to be a B&M Giga a hyper would work just as well however knowing Bush Gardens I do think they would at least highly consider a giga coaster here just for the record and for it to be easily marketable so that is what I think is coming in the future in 2025 we are going to be seeing a general rethe of the dangala section possibly along with the new flat ride and then in 2026 we are going to be seeing that B&M hyper or that B&M Giga coaster finally come to the park and I’m very excited for it now just a reminder these are just predictions but I think they have a decent chance of actually happening but I want to know your thoughts let me know in the comments below what possible rides you think are going to be added to Bush Gardens Tampa Bay over the next couple of years thank you guys so much for watching this is the coaster Josh signing out


  1. Love the content! I think they’d avoid the B&M hyper route considering Mako down the road in Orlando, which is kind of a sister park to BGT. The giga would be awesome, but I think a dark ride or working with mock again for an extreme spinner would be awesome

  2. Everything you said to start the video makes sense except saying BGT has great food,absolutely the worst food of any park in Florida.25 years ago when Dragonfire grill was Das Festhaus and had corned beef sandwiches with potato salad and Italian sausage sandwiches along with the carrot cake then yes but today it's worse than Sea World which is also horrible compared to how it was.

  3. Sea World has the hyper l,at BGT you gotta go giga,BGT is the Florida coaster park,it's not Islands of Adventure,it's Busch,after they build this giga they can go ten years adding other non coaster additions the park needs like dark rides and other kids areas but a giga will cement Busch as a must visit coaster park.

  4. I asked a source of mine at the park. No one who would know seems to know about any rumors of Kumba's closing.
    Kumba seems to be okay.

  5. Busch gardens got a deal on b&m coaster of family suspension coasters it's clear Williamsburg getting one and now Tampa it makes sense but buying two small coasters from B&M

  6. Sea world has a outstanding relationship with B&M and those rides hardly break down so it's worth sea world lives working with B&M

  7. I dont want a giga i want one of a kind themed ride preferably a dark rider or hybrid inside out sider darl coaster. Cobras curse is the best themed ride in the park and i wish it was the worst….

  8. I don’t see Busch settling for a hyper. Too similar to Mako….and they like to go for records. Busch has the space for a giga….something sea world and universal don’t have. This is the park for it.

  9. What BGT really needs more than anything is a dark ride or indoor attraction. After my most recent visit to Epcot, a flying theater like soarin would be a great addition.

  10. No way a Hyper. SeaWorld Orlando & BGT don't duplicate coasters. BGT is not going to build a Mako competitor. Giga, sure. They tend to be more about speed than floater. It could also be a Wing Coaster. East animal tie-in there. One of the 2 parks is bound to get a wing coaster at some point. Personally, I really hope it's a Giga, but the cost might be too high. Can you imagine having a Giga and a hyper RMC? Only Cedar Point has both of those.

  11. My brain is definitely rooting for a giga. However my heart is hoping for the DarKastle treatment and we get see Martin Short and Eugene Levi return for Akbars Adventure Tours. 😂

  12. I'm not sure they will do a giga near the retention ponds tbh. There were sinkholes in that area a few years back if I recall correctly. They could also chase a record by being the first RMC T-Rex. Highly unlikely but you never know. Iron Gwazi has done wonders for them it seems and has proven quite reliable too. I think Cobra's Curse left a bad taste in their mouth for Mack but I'd truly love to see a Giga version of Hyperia with about double the track length. The park I feel also needs to update the Congo area and depending on how the flume coaster at SWSA does maybe replace Stanley Falls with one of those. Dark ride and more air conditioned things please. If they could somehow enclose Gwazi field/village like an NFL Stadium with a translucent roof I think that would be a very unique feature even if it only adds a benefit in the summer months. If they add another coaster after all of this I want to see a Gravity Group twister hybrid (steel supports), Launched B&M Wing and an RMC Raptor. The park could use all of these upgrades as well as some Retro throwbacks. Competition from Epic and Disney will be fierce over the next decade.

  13. I think a wing coaster would still work great, maybe just a more high thrill, possibly even a launch coaster, because they only have one. But I mean giga is also very possible.

  14. Yeah not top notch operations they wouldn’t add a hyper with mako nearby. Not many options to choose from besides a giga or a new type of coaster.

  15. I could definitely see a B&M giga in the works for this park, but as you mentioned I don’t think it would happen next year. My personal pick for the park would be a Mack XTreme Spinner like Time Traveler at Silver Dollar City. These are pretty reliable rides that offer great thrills and it would be totally unique to the area. I think it would be different enough from Cobra’s Curse that it is a viable option. The biggest downside is the lackluster relationship between seaworld and Mack. But that would be my personal pick for what the park should get next.

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