Plant Propagation

I wanna give this begonia I found on the sidewalk a second chance at life, but I’ve never had a begonia in my collection before, so I’m absolutely clueless!

I think this is the top part of a long stem? I couldn’t really tell cause it was dark, but when I pass by the house in the daytime, I know they have a huge bush out front.

Do I cut in between each node or do I remove the bottom two leaves & prop it as one whole thing? Do I just stick it in water or do I do the sphagnum moss route? Do they like pon, maybe I can prop it in that since all of my other props are in that?

Ive propped philos & monsteras before, but I’ve never had a begonia in my collection. I didn’t wanna leave this guy on the sidewalk, so I just as hoping to give it a second chance at life. Any advice is helpful! Thanks in advance!

by thatonegirlwith2dogs

1 Comment

  1. I did prop begonia also killed it without proper care. To prop I did dip that stem in water with rooting hormone for a few months and the nice angel wings grew roots. Kept it in water for many months it was doing well then while roots got many other roots put it in soil after 2/3 months i have failed the plant and it’s dead now. I am trying to prop again now with a new stem.

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