Plant Propagation

Any saving these

I tried the honey trend to encourage root growth and it totally ruined my plants. The honey was only there for one day but I’ve never seen anything like this before ! Is there any saving these props ? I change the water daily & add a few drops of peroxide. Might be a fungal issue idk the discoloration is like an orange color. Is this “ treatment “ futile are they just gonna die. I’ve lost a few dragon tail cuttings & my PPP as well due to the honey trend. If you do the honey trend just do a small amount don’t lather it in honey like I did 😞

  • if all else fails I’m gonna cut the top piece with extra nodes off & try to prop that instead

by Other-Ad6842


  1. horrorlovinghippie

    I’ve heard of people using cinnamon, but not honey. That’s new to me. I recommend cutting off all the rot and trying again, without honey. Sphagnum moss prop boxes work better, for me, than water rooting. If you have a pothos, you could trying putting a cutting of that in with them. Pothos release a rooting hormone, basically.

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