Gardening Trends

Houseplant Tour | Spring 2024 (200+ Plants)

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#phillyfoliage #houseplanttour #planttour

Hello friends we are in it for the long haul today with another house plant tour I don’t think I’ve done a legitimate house plant tour since I moved in this apartment about a year and a half ago so if you have seen any of my last plant tours this one should be entirely different I’ve definitely downsized my collection quite a bit over the last year or so I feel like in my last Plant tour videos there was probably like 300 plus plants 400 plus plants which is too many by the way right now I’m probably sitting comfortably at the moment around 200 100 plants give or take I haven’t really counted recently so I’m kind of just guessing but as per usual I’m going to get behind the camera and show you literally every single one of my plants that I have here in my home some might be dead some might be struggling we’re going to discover those along the way but most of them look pretty damn good especially since we are in the middle or the midst of the growing season right now so there should be a lot to see today at least that’s the goal of today’s video now every single time I show you guys a new plants I’m going to put the scientific name on screen for you to see scientific name over the common name cuz it’s a little easier to figure out because there’s only one scientific name of each ball there might be three or four or five different money plants or pickle plants out there so it’s just a little bit easier for you to do some Googling if you do want to get any of these plants that I’m showing you today now I’m only going to put every scientific name on screen one time the first time that plant is shown so if I do accidentally show a plant multiple times or if I have doubles of a plant which of plenty of them I do you’re only going to see that name the first time so just keep track of it when it shows up or you might be kind of confused later in the video mostly because I’m just feeling kind of lazy today and I just you have all the information you need you know what I mean it’s fine we’re going to start off today’s Plant tour here in my main room which you can see behind me which basically is my kitchen dining room living room and office and that is where 90% of my plants are held as this is where most of the light is in my apartment so we will go to my bedroom later on the video but spoiler alert you’re going to see the bulk of the plants here in this main room here so without further Ado let’s go ahead and get started we’re going to start today’s tour over here in my office area because as you can see there’s like 150 plants just jammed into this one space and it’s quite beautiful so why not start over here in the most beautiful area of my apartment and will’ll probably be spending the bulk of today’s video here anyway because there are so many freaking plants over here so let’s start over here on my desk I have this green plant right here this one’s kind of out of place compared to the other ones that kind of do permanently live here I just repotted this yesterday so we’re still figuring out where she’s going this one’s an agly name of modestum just a plain green Chinese Evergreen it kind of looks more akin to a silly in my opinion but that’s kind of why I love it even more then behind that one we have this Chinese Evergreen this is an agly name of pictum so you can see how closely related both of these plants are yet how different they are in appearance which I kind of love although I don’t think they’re going to be living next to each other it’s just kind of the way it is right now which also this one looks dangerously similar to this guy as well so this one is rapidor hukai I believe I think the name was incorrect when I got it but um that is the case with many plants on the market in today’s nature and then this Maiden hair fern aren’t you guys so proud of me that this plant is still looking as Lush as it does if not more Lush than the day I got it I was not expecting that so I’m very happy to see that then inside this little terrarium here we have this ludisia discolor um negin I don’t know how exactly how to pronounce the the cultivar of that and then we also have this Fus pumila queria quop foia the Oakley Ficus once again I just I don’t really know how to pronounce the names but as long as you say them confidently anyone will believe that you know what you’re saying hello you can see my little PE sign there hello and um we have this planda elegantissima I think it is it’s the falsaria is what they call it and I really love this plant I don’t know why I love it so much it’s super common I don’t want to call it basic because she’s no basic that is for certain is she easy to find yes but that really doesn’t matter because lots of plants are easy to find we have this chaera Arbor cola this was sold to me as chaera Arbor Cola Dazzle don’t know if it’s anything special or not but I still love it no matter what we have a hoya cilus down here and we also have this sansia trifasciata golden hany ey I know Saras have been reclassified as just SAS but I’m probably going to be referring to plants as the name that you’re more likely going to see or the one that’s going to be easier for you to Google if you want to figure out what the plant is let’s put it that way we have a monstera deliciosa hiding on the floor here it’s in a big giant pot but this plant isn’t that impressive she needs to do something she’s she’s she’s kind of sleeping for me right now there’s a couple more I’m going to totally forget about if we don’t go back to them this is a pretty much dead crispy Wern I just need to replace it I’m going to do it for a project for work at some point and then I have two airplants two Tania species in here don’t know exactly what they are I think this one’s a a butsy ey because I couldn’t forget that name because it’s incredible uh the other one is kind of Beyond me and then I have this filad dendrin doesn’t look so hot at the moment but um elegant is what it was sold to me as once again don’t know if that’s true but I’m just going to put that name on screen cuz that’s what I have to show you on my little mounted plants that I have over here next to my trus I have this disia ruspolia the million Hearts plant uh dis accuminata right here this thing is really funky and clumpy I really like this one rip Salis elliptica right here also kind of funky looks a little bit more like a Christmas cactus and a disia ovada or the watermelon disia they often call it you can see it’s got a little cluster of blooms right here although they really aren’t that impressive I will be completely honest with you okay so now we have this trellis mess right here there’s a lot going on so I don’t want to forget about anything so let’s quickly focus on the ones that are hanging on the TR so I have this Bonia Lanada I have this Hoya motos ey she definitely needs a drink and has some mbug there’s probably some mbug here in my home I know it’s there you can tell me if you would like but um I’m I’m very well aware and then we have this Orchid they call it yellow bird I forget the um the species type it’s like some kind of like cross between a catala and something I’m pretty sure and I also have a hoya also needs a really good drink this Hoya Mai matild I don’t know how to pronounce it everyone says it differently and nobody says it the same way and never how it looks on paper Okay so up the trellis the two main plants I guess there’s three main plants in this trellis here but two of them have really taken over this thing like the monstrosities that they are and that is my filad dendrin Jerry horn you can see that thing going all the way up to the top and my philin red emerald which is also just taking over the whole thing like a freaking weed but we also have this filad engine Jose buano also just making its mark on the trellis here he wants to be known but he’s not going to be as dynamic as these other plants for a couple of years and there is a little platform thingy here little shelf system plant shelfy going on holding the rest of our plants that are on here so we have this Hoya vertic Salada as well as this Hoya crapes and see with the more ovular leaves I I know that a lot of my plants are going to be total mess jumbled together and they might be hard to see so bear with me here uh this skinny le guy uh this is a hoya paa flora and then we have a peperomia doul d ey we also have a muffin coming in hot because she loves attention and she’s not going to be able to handle the fact that I’m going to be filming for the next hour or so this is a HOA lacunosa this you know what I don’t know what this is it’s it’s a type of rip salace if I can figure it out I will put the name on the screen but it’s probably just some normal type of rip salace there is totally hiding back here a hoy gillus and then honestly she’s kind of dying I mean she she’s alive but it’s a peperomia Peres Folia right here below that is a rip Salis paradoxa then a hoya kamiana this is a hoya oh I don’t know how to pronounce this one it’s like husana you honestly that sounds about right and then this Hoya alagi Orum with these kind of larger more veiny Le Lees has been much a much more of a slow grower for me but you know what she’s still doing her thing I respect that and then I have a moss Pole right here with this plant that honestly I’ve been kind of neglecting this is a filled engine Bernardo P ey at least that’s what it was sold to me as all right so now we have our first window here let’s back up a little bit so I can give you kind of a better look of what’s going on here so we have this whole like kind of plant Corner going on here we just went over all of that now it’s time to go over all of this so let’s start up in the window here I do have hiding behind here honestly kind of forgot about her like I said we’re going to be making some discoveries today so this is a disia new malaria it’s a variegated version she clearly needs a drink and I was pushing aside my peperomia boy Vine to show you that you can see it’s very similar to peperomia Hope in fact it’s probably exactly the same but the leaves are slightly Bluer I would say that’s really the only difference I’ve really noticed with this plant then next to that one we have another disia ovada hanging here this one’s a little more plump than the one obviously that I have up on the wall behind me this is a pepperon a clus Folia honestly I don’t want this anymore I’m kind of just leaving it for dead I want to replace it with like some other like Hoya or something nice and try like these that I’m sure I have somewhere else in my home I definitely don’t need to go to the plant store to find something just move something else over and this gidia uh I want to call it Jerry but it might be oiantha I’m going to put one or the other on screen up here is a hoya uh you know what I want to call it WTI ey varag but they sometimes call it kentiana varaga I really can’t tell you and obviously it’s that kind of a bad angle to really get you a good shot of it anyway and peperomia tetragona used to be called peperomia podol also kind of on the outs we might be putting her out to pasture soon but uh this is a peperomia scandin also could possibly get replaced by something a little bit more Lush and fun so down into the window right here we have plants on the window sill and then we have plants on this kind of like makeshift plant stand here that I have made out of just a couple of crates from Ikea so this is my Hoya Vada this thing has really been growing a lot for me lately and I love seeing all the new growth you can kind of tell all the older growth is kind of this like yellowy stuff because it’s sitting here just baking and basking in the sun and a super cool plant that unfortunately you’re not going to get to see that well is my sansia pinguicula which they call the walking Saria because she walks she walks away from her mother you can see it’s literally coming out of the soil there I know it’s not that easy to see because of all these other plants but that’s just kind of the joy of the the organized mess the organized chaos that is here in my home this tall guy is a hoya Australis it explodes in New Growth for me but this thing is covered in mbug I’m constantly throwing it in the shower and like putting the hottest water on it the leaves never burn but um the the me bugs do so that’s kind of the goal we have a hoya car ey right here also just starting to grow for me we have some new like growth tips going on there’s another one down here so that’s kind of exciting and then this Hoya was sold to me is like a hoya potsi or something but we call this Hoya CI and also has been growing quite nicely for me you can see all the little new little things I guess some of them are older this one’s a little dried up but we’re happy about that we’re it’s nice to see Saria cylindrica bonco also just taking over this little area and I’m I’m running out of space honestly I forget that plants grow that’s the one the number one thing about getting a bunch of plants is that they grow I couldn’t imagine having 400 plants because I just I don’t have the room for it anymore this is my zeros sius denaii uh it was really small when I got it it was just like a piece or two and it’s grown so much and I love the way it looks just enveloping this little bamboo hoop here it kind of looks a little bit more like a peperomia or a hoya in my opinion and my peperomia inana which she looks like she needs to be like cut back to the base because we’re all just like off on our own Journeys it looks like but you know what it’s still one of my favorite peperomia it’s super fuzzy I love the blue foliage I don’t know how well I can really get you it a shot of it because like I said there’s so much going on but I am a huge fan of this peperomia so now let’s work our way down here so we have this um I forget the name of this oh my God how could I forget the name of this one it’s Hoya poly pus G we love her and then I have this Hoya multif Flora I have a lot of Hoya I collect Hoya more than anything in my home I used to be a huge fendron collector I used to be a huge peperomia collector I still collect peperomia I don’t really collect filon anymore but Hoya I’m still an avid collector of so this Hoya polyus how could we forget Hoya multiflora has some blooms coming in I kind of popped them open I was seeing like Tik toks of people popping open their flowers I don’t know if you’re really supposed to do it I don’t know if I have any more to pop no I don’t I would love to do that on camera but you know what it’s too late it’s fine uh this one I don’t even remember her name she used to be called Hoya wee Bella can’t remember the current name of it um I’ll put it on screen but you know what she’s not the easiest Hoya to grow she’s alive very much so but clearly she’s not the easiest one to grow uh next to it we have this Hoya ineris this is a newer one for me that I got from one of my recent unboxings from plant Haven Toronto and I think it’s really cool very very interesting Hoya leaves let’s work our way back before I forget that is a obviously just a little stick but that is technically a uh filad engin BR marks fantasy and then we have this singian poopum albow varum this is a peperomia blonda bland um I kind of like left it for dead somewhere and now she’s coming back to life so we’re letting her do her thing oh gosh can’t remember this it’s some kind of disia once again I will put the name on screen for you and another Hoya kamana this is a hoya angana I really love this Hoya but she looks like she’s got like spidermite damage out the was but I never really see any pests on her but something about her she she’s not the easiest one to grow she probably does have spidermites and I’m just neglectful of noticing that it’s fine epiom and pleum not really obsessed with this one she’s okay she’s fine no I don’t really love it and Hoya Pua Kix this is I think actually the first Hoya I ever added to my collection probably in like 2017 2018 oh wow I think we did this whole window that was that was a lot less painful than I thought so once again let’s just zoom out so you can see what we were looking at and pretty sure I hit all of them did I miss one or two possibly it’s fine we have a muffin down here I bought this giant bean bag chair for me but only muffin uses it at this point so that’s fine oh we do have one more I kind of forgot about this is a zzy raven Zam coka zami fly Raven oh what’s going on here oh no it’s fine uh this is a I kind of really love this one this is an agly nea I think they called it like pictur alumina or something but it’s probably just like some kind of commutatum agly but I really love the blue glas color it’s not something I’ve really seen with agly namas before and then this Ficus Elastica Ruby she looks fine all right so now we have this total mess of plants right here and we also have the ones up in the window we are going to start this time down because I’m overwhelmed by this cuz there’s like 40 right here and I literally don’t even know the names of like half these Hoya so I think this one is Hoya um calam Manan or something like that and I cannot remember the name of this Hoya it might be like a hoya UT something as always I will put it on screen this is a hoya lacunosa oh gosh oh gosh Royal Flush I want to call it this is a Euphoria oh my God I do not remember this same of the Euphoria either it’s a Euphoria I can tell you that much we have a hoya carnosa Crim and queen there’s also a tiny little cutting of that hiding in here with this Hoya Steno this Hoya love the way it looks it is a Mele buug magnet I’m putting it in the sink like every week dousing it with hot water and there’s still more mbug constantly hiding in the gaps here love the way it looks hate the way she behaves Hoya Sunrise Hoya David kamiana or David Kami ey I’m sorry Hoya David Kami ey how dare I get that wrong Hoya puix silver pink pink silver they go back and forth with the name I think this is another kind of Hoya UT variety um I do really like this one cannot remember the numbers though so of course I will have to put it on screen for you and then this is Hoya burmanica love the name it’s like Jessica but not and this is a singian I can’t remember the name of it it’s fine it’s like um Chia Pence but it’s not this is a hoya fungi ey right here kind of hiding back here and this is a peperomia kimachi as well as a hoya cvan this is a rip Salis that is named after an African country that I cannot pronounce it’s like Ferrari something um that’s the Ferrari part it’s not part of the African country name obviously this is a hoya crinkles Tinkles I’ve had this thing for years I traded a friend for it in like 2018 2019 and it’s finally just growing for me right now we have how could how could you not know what this is at this point if you’re a plant enthusiast pilea peperomioides this is a hoya Australis Lisa love the name Lisa this is a fatm stenolobum and a they called this sansia fat boy back when I got it but I’m not sure if you know how plant names go I think they call it sansia Holly eye cuz it’s not hany ey I think it’s Holly eye with like 2 hes um another Saria uh Kirky eye copper tone right here this is some type of mamalia cactus uh they call it the redheaded Irish woman or Irish man forget which this is a coconut Orchid maxillaria tenu Folia this is an I mean it was sold to me as another Hoya um fungi ey does it look very similar to the fun I have over here can’t say the same but you know what it was sold to me as that and that’s really all the information I have so this is atielia you know the guy who gave it to me told me it was like some really rare form of stelia but honestly it just looks like a normal stelia but I’m not going to completely distrust him because he was he didn’t know what he was talking about but everyone else just tells me it’s normal stelia so uh we have a horia zabina and a sansia Arin burgi the samurai Saria this is a Ken KO I cannot remember the name of the specific Ceno there are so many freaking Cen Coes out there how could I remember the name of it and then we have this eplm ACR Mani here which goes all over the place it goes over there she goes over here and she’s putting off a bunch of new growth but she hasn’t bloomed for me in forever so yeah it’s fine actually the same person who gave me that gave me this so yeah facts um this is a euphoria triona Vera kind of fun looking and then you know what this was honestly this is trash but it was like sold to me as a fairy castle cactus but everyone always says it’s not a fairy castle cactus which is a cantha series tetragonus but you know what we can’t all win the battles you know what I mean this is a hoya Kalisto this actually just bloomed for me believe it or not from these five little leaves it bloomed straight into the soil it was very unimpressive and this is a Saria I literally just knew the name of this like a couple days ago I cannot remember the name of this right now I will try to do the research to figure it out but it’s pretty funky looking uh and I really love it this is a blue cactus Sirius zerus or something like that and we have another disia ruspolia kind of hiding underneath that and then there is an aloe vera hiding back there as well and this Hoya macro varag some people call this the hoolan now I really don’t care what it’s called I just like the way it looks and then we have a Justa reflexa I tried to Like Glue this it didn’t really work out because now she’s just about to snap but this is just Santa reflexa song of Jamaica and then there is actually a whale fin Santa area down here she needs to go in the window window Siller she’s never going to grow the way that she should but Saria masoniana down there that’s a fact hoyya Pua Kix I have a lot of Hoya Pua Kix so you’re going to see quite a few of those here in my home as well as this tanzia tectorum one of my favorite airplants probably my favorite airplant if I’m being honest and then working our way up into the window we have this peperomia quadrangularis right here there is a hoya banyang nooi this thing is about to bloom you can see we got a ponco right there and we have a podco right here unfortunately not big enough for me to do the popping I wish Hoya ctii really making her way downtown as you can see walking fast then we have pepper oh no not a pepper Hoya shaper ey it’s lighting is not that great right now but you know what it could be way worse this is a rips Salis Penta what a stunning name and then this is peperomia hope so I showed you the peperomia bo I Vin ey in the other window this is peperomia hope they literally could be the same and I literally couldn’t care less this is a serapia linearis debilis linearis woody ey varag just call it the variegated string of Hearts Don’t Go the extra mile with this one it’s really not worth it um and that’s this whole window I’m pretty sure I got every single one except for the Hoya that I didn’t know the name of so now we’re kind of over in this corner of my home which is going to be the bookcase the plant shelfie oh goodness I think I’m going to need a step ladder so let’s start at the bottom and work our way up so we have this beautiful AGA red emerald probably my favorite Chinese Evergreen that I have here in my home and I collect these I know I was saying I collect pepperoni and Hoya and fil dungeon I don’t really collect pepperoni and fil dungeon anymore I fully collect Chinese Evergreen like one of my latest obsessions with plants I guess it’s been that way for a couple years now but look at that is that not like the most beautiful plant you ever seen croin can’t compare she could never so we have this Hoya weti ey kind of back here and I love that the new growth comes on this like purple like very purple I don’t know why but I love it and then we have this Hoya crinkle 8 right here hoya carnosa crinkle 8 and you can see this is also about to bloom which this is constantly starting to bloom for me and then it blasts all of its flowers so hopefully I’m not speaking too soon but this is the most developed i’ ever gotten so I’m really hopeful that we finally get to see this Bloom so happy about it fingers crossed let’s let’s make it happen then down here on the floor I have this uh mon era Peru and then oh my gosh I didn’t even know I still had this I’m surprised it’s still alive but it looks fine this is a hoya uh Campa L Tropa I don’t really want to open it because it’s too much effort but yeah this is gosh I don’t know what it is it looks like it’s like a variant of Hoya tetragona we’re going to call it Hoya I’m so sorry not Hoya peperomia um tetragona but we’re going to call it peperomia angila because that’s the name I’ve been seeing for plants that look kind of more like this but those ones have smaller leaves in fact you’re going to see an actual pepper angula right here they’re they’re kind of a little bit different but there’s just so many pomas out there that I really couldn’t tell you what the tea is then we have this um devalia fienis the rabbit’s foot Fern and Hoya brevada this one looks like grapes and I want to eat it and another little tiny disia OVA here the watermelon disia so working our way up we have this Fus Rens or Fus pumila I think is the more accurate name I really love plant just a match made in heaven for a bookcase like this like are you freaking kidding me it just looks so good here with these books and there is a um Bonia Milana Bala in there but I’m going to be honest I totally forgot about her and I pulled her out and watered her yesterday and she might need to be replaced with something else in the near future so that’s fine we’ll deal with it when we need to we have a hoya cronana right here this Hoya globulosa really fantastic Hoya I love the way it just takes my shelf I had to repot it recently cuz it’s very heavy these leaves are very large and heavy she was about to tip over so we had to put her in this planter and honestly I don’t even think she’s going to last in this planter for another year so don’t really repot Hoya that often but this one I definitely am we have a singian pink Splash right here it’s okay I’m not obsessed with it people really love this plant I can’t really I don’t think it’s anything to write home about but you know what she’s still pink so I get that I get the appeal we have another Hoya cronana right here this is like the silver Splash one though or something along those lines as well as this Hoya um Affinity to Berton which is also working its way down I do really love just like the mess of Hoya that I have going on here as well as this Euphoria lucona in the little face planter which I love oh and we have this U fil engine tripar tum right here which I know I said I’m not too keen on filad engine lately but I do really really love this filled engine probably the favorite filed engine that I have here in my home working our way up we have some more of the shelf and this is another peperomia Peres Folia here in the penis pot with a peperomia Hoff Mani hiding out right next to it there is a res a resurrection Fern resurrection plant right here whatever you want to call it and we do have a couple little bottles in here this has a little Hoya Iris Marie in it as well as this I mean it’s looks a little diseased if I’m being honest but it is technically an epip num patum varag so or Arya varaga so technically she is here but how alive she is I cannot tell you as well as a little piece very sad looking piece so we need to do something about this clearly I don’t really pay attention to this um of a filin bwl marks fantasy and I might as well just show you while we’re here the SAU blue pathos that is on top of the Shelf but obviously working its way down and kind of entangling itself with the other plants that I have growing on the side here like I said I love organized chaos I love this mess it just makes me feel good I don’t know why we have a hoya rusa and we have two actually pubx Hoya pubx there’s one here and then there’s another larger one right here you can kind of see there’s the planter of the one the planter of the other one then up top we have this idrum zipel Anam also really love this house pin it’s just it’s got so much character as well as my uh specific variegated monstera the like green variegated one this one doesn’t really have a name maybe it does but at the time that I got it it didn’t have a name and a synapsis pict just Arius just kind of holding down this wall right here with this beautiful trailing mess in front of of this little framed picture that we have going on here so this is what we got here there’s a lot of things that aren’t technically plants that are adding into the dayc core of this like dried I mean technically plants dried flowers and whatnot books and glass do hickeys and whatnot but I think that’s the joy of plant styling is not just using plants but using plenty of other things to kind of just make the whole Space come together and I’m really happy with the way it looks oh and I’m noticing there is two more things over here that I kind of forgot there is oh hello there by the way there is this um airplant cannot remember the name of it some kind of Tania as well as this disia which whatever the one that was over there is this is the other one of that so this is either uh Jerry or oiantha it really doesn’t matter they’re they’re both so similar so now we have this uh sansia trifasciata Golden Flame I want to say she could use more light but honestly she looks pretty cool down in this corner here as well as this agly Nea by CA which is very skinny and grassy but also has that kind of variegation in the leaves that uh the larger Le agly names are known for this one has a little bit of Mee buug she could use a little bath she could use a spray down with the hose and the the rubbing alcohol and whatnot but we’re going to deal with that when we get around to it and we have this zzy plant right here the zamia culus zop Folia and before I move my way out to here actually there is a dead fully dead Tania xerographica she survived for two full years I got her two Junes ago so almost 2 years I’m filming this in May but um she needs to be replaced with something else obviously before we move in that direction I do want to just go back here because I kind of forgot so we have this Sans oh she’s not looking hot she needs a drink or something I don’t know she’s not looking great this is a Saria uh bantel sensation one of my favorite Saras but right now she she’s seem better I mean she doesn’t look that bad honestly but in my opinion she’s seen better days we have this califia or bolia right here we have this new Leaf coming in right here which is just unfurling itself out to the world which how exciting is that and then inside this contraption right here we have a Drina goldiana all the way on the left there is a fil engine campost Porto on them right here I know it’s a little blurry I can’t tap the screen to unblur it at the moment I apologize and a hoya fii right here so that’s kind of just the contents of this little Greenhouse thingy this thing is from Ikea here and oh we do have two more on honestly they’re just waiting to be put out on the curb basically but we have this asparagus fern that’s just she’s she’s too busy and too ugly and then this cissus quadrangularis which just I don’t know I don’t dislike it but everyone just tells me how ugly of a plant it is and you know it’s just not making me feel too good about that but anyway we we’ve gone through this entire space right here so let me just back up once again to show you what I have going on this grow light right here is one of the many grow lights I have in my home from soultech and if you would like you can use code Philly foliage to save 15% on any grow light from Soul I will show you some of the other G lights that they have to offer later on in this video but yeah this is my whole little office area I’m obsessed with it I honestly spend the least amount of time I’m usually over here on the couch if I’m being honest or over in the kitchen cooking up something but I do have this little office area and I usually sit not here I take my computer over and I sit over here because if I sit at my desk I feel like I’m doing work as Grand as it feels over here you know what I mean we got to have the illusion that we’re not working so yeah but I really do love the way that this looks and I know I might not be living in this home for another year or two but I’m always going to remember how beautiful this little space was and always appreciate it for what it is so now let’s focus over here on the kind of Center area of my home so I do have a couple of plants kind of hiding around in my living room area as well as my dining room area definitely not nearly as many as you’re going to find in my kitchen or in my office area but but there is still a few so actually right off the bat here we have a couple more of those grow lights from soultech that is the aspect light that’s another one of the V grow lights which is what I have over here in that lamp it’s kind of just like a a light bulb that you can screw into any traditional fixture as well as these Grove bar lights LED bar lights which allows me to turn this Ikea glass cabinet into a greenhouse cabinet as Everyone likes to call them so the enclosed space allows me to grow plants that wouldn’t normally be able to grow as well in the standard humidity that my home has offer as well as the lighting that they would not be receiving because the windows are pretty freaking far away so these pants wouldn’t be able to grow the way that they’re growing if it wasn’t for these grow lights and for this greenhouse cabinet so let’s check out what’s in here so let’s start on the top here you know what no let’s start on the bottom because I’m going to forget to go back down here if we don’t so this is a ficus sharana right here the new variety of Ficus Elastica just put off a new Leaf as you can see it’s still got this sheath on it let’s get rid of that and and a synapsis kind of hiding below this dying Leaf of this firm right here synapsis I can’t remember the name of this synapsis but I will put it on screen for you as well as a monstera deliciosa albo verata and this alocasia Fred deck uh varaga we have oh this is actually kind of exciting so I have a rapid for deura down here you can see one of the more developed leaves down here but it kind of was just working its way up let’s go over to the side here so you can see a little bit better she’s starting to work her way up the Moss pole and this is the first Leaf it’s putting off since it’s really rooted its way into the Moss pole and it’s definitely really developed if I kind of break it open here you can see there’s a lot of fenestrations and there’s only going to be more to come and we only really have another 6 in for it to grow up this Moss pole in the meantime for it to continue to develop but that’s still very exciting and we will figure out what to do with that later on in life as I do with most of my problems this is a monstera sub pinata right here I really love the leaves on this one and I’m so grateful looks as great as it does now but unfortunately it’s putting off this really long Runner that we’re not going to be able to chase around this greenhouse cabinet but it’s probably at least 3 or 4T long now and has not put off a new Leaf for me yet which is fine it’s fine and then we have this bird’s nest firm right here this is splenium nus which is pretty big definitely need to do some trimming of those lower leaves but I’m so thrilled to see this Fern growing so well because I’ve never grown Birds n ferns as well as this before which really makes no sense cuz they really shouldn’t be that difficult to grow but inside this greenhouse cabinet is just absolutely thriving then let’s work our way up to this level right here so I have a couple of HOAs and stuff just kind of hiding around so this is a disia huta right here this I can’t remember the name of that let’s check it out um come on Hoya lantha little kind of giving like Hoya Bella um unbox that recently in a plant Haven Toronto unboxing I did if you haven’t seen that this is some cuttings I have of Hoya rotunda flora and don’t know the names of these so we’re going to have to check oh no this is Hoya santha and then don’t know this one oh Hoya culada she’s our compion these two look very similar to each other this one’s like the Splashy version I mean they’re completely different species but they just they look very similar you get what I’m saying and we have this filad dendrin torum right here putting off a new Leaf for me first Leaf that’s put off in a while which is very exciting and this I guess we’ll talk about this one this is an agly name golden Madonna she needs to come out of here ASAP the leaves are and she needs to come out she’s also like molding do you see that it’s like black mold I don’t think it’s actually I mean maybe it is but like it’s sus we need to do something about it and I shouldn’t be breathing this in right now probably this is a felican decipiens they call this the false Fern tree I I really love it I don’t know why it it’s so freaking cool and then we have an antherium vti right here which is putting up a bunch of new growth and it’s so fun to watch these leaves grow in the way that they they come in like the size of my thumbnail and they expand to as big as they are now and they just keep getting bigger each new Leaf comes in so this one’s probably going to get even bigger it’s just starting to really get growing I really feel like I just noticed it like two or 3 days ago so I’m honestly shocked it’s as big as it is right now we have this epip num um patum I want to say and it’s um Alo verata I actually forget the name of this but I’m pretty sure it’s a type of AUM patum but it’s just like so heavily variated it’s giving like the marble queen or the Snow Queen pathos but in a piiper num pum form and the little fenestrations are adorable and it’s grown fine for me it hasn’t grown excessively but the new leaves you can see them right here and like right there I think they look great so I’m really happy about the way that this one’s growing and we got to carefully shut this greenhouse cabinet because there are a bunch of plants that are trying to get clothes in it from the top as we just closed that leaf into it it’s fine it’s fine plants are strong they have a will to live so on top of the greenhouse cabinet we have this monstera selta pakana right here oh that’s dark you can barely see that but she’s growing she’s growing she dies back a little bit but she’s growing all right and we have the spider plant the um gosh what’s it called it doesn’t freaking matter you you all know it’s a spider plant but um chlorophytum something and then a hoya right here oh I completely forgot what this Hoya is called maybe it’s like Hoya parasitica I don’t think that’s it but I liked it and I found it at the Philadelphia Flower Show recently hence why I don’t really remember what the name is so over here in this little uh mirror area we have a drena this is a drena Janet Craig one of my favorite dras just plain green plain green stems love everything about it as well as this uh plain green pathos the ponum orium right here next to that we have another version of Chinese Evergreen so this is called an agly name of spring snow we have a califia mosaica right here it’s not looking so hot but does any calip mosaico really look that hot no I don’t think so and then this filin Burl marks not the Burl marks fantasy just the Burl marks it’s more of a landscaping filad dine and she’s really starting to get growing for me this kind of mess over here is kind of falling off to the side as you can see so I need to get like a taller Moss Pole or a taller Bamboo Steak although if I do get a taller Bamboo Steak I obviously want to use it for that tree that I have kind of hanging down an angle in the corner there but yeah we are working with what we got and this is how this looks this little area right here but as you can probably see there is a couple more plants hiding on the wall over here I guess we have a couple plants in the little bar area right here so let’s just touch on those real quick on the floor we have a standard Saria trios um I forget the name there’s a Leni with the yellow edges that’s what they call it and then we have a standard epip num orium golden pathos right here next to a hoya carnosa she needs a drink I know you don’t need to tell me and then a zezy plant up here which also doesn’t look that hot but it’s a ezy plant so who who cares we have a stagghorn fern right here a platty serium by for cotum love this Fern I think it’s got makes such an impact here in my home definitely one of the plants that if I was only to keep like 10 plants if I was getting rid of all of them I would definitely keep this one no lie and an aium andum Vera this is a newer plant for me kind of why it’s just kind of sitting here in its little pot inside a planter we’re still figuring out what to do with it but um yeah she is adorable I don’t really like the regular inimum but I really like the variated version of it I think it brings a lot to the table and now we’re going to slowly work our way into the kitchen it’s not the cleanest ignore that I’m I’m a single male what do you expect so over here in the corner this guy honestly just hanging on by a thread I just don’t want to throw it out yet it’s a um uh synapsis TR could just easily replace it but spent like $75 on that a couple years ago so I don’t really want to throw it out yet and then we have this it’s a synapsis pictus I can’t remember the name of it wow I don’t I’ve lost my mojo I used to remember every single house plant name and I feel like I’ve forgotten at least like 20 so far in this video but it’s fine I will put it on screen I will figure it out for you and we have this agly name a commutatum Silver Bay right here the most standard variety of Chinese Evergreen that’s on the market now we’re going to work our way over to the counter so this is my all-time favorite house plant right here this is my chafera Nova I think they might be talking about this being like not a chaera I disagree it’s totally giving chaera or like a different species name or something I don’t know but um she’s giving chaera till the day she dies so it’s a chafera in my book I also have just some cuttings of this uh philine patam right here it’s actually you will see it I think it’s that one right there that’s like barely got anything on it so we’ll get up there and in a moment but that’s cuting from that one this filen gloriosum I hate this plant I don’t want to throw it out because it doesn’t look bad enough to throw it out yet but you can tell from the leaves that she’s had some pest damage she lives over here by the sink because I’m constantly throwing in the sink and just dousing it in hot water that’s been like my way of like dealing with pests it’s just like hot ass water and just like not really caring what it does to the plant obviously the plant hasn’t really been damaged by the hot water whatsoever it’s getting more damaged by the pest but I am so sick of this filed engine I bought it for $12 and I thought why not but honestly what a waste of $12 am I right we have this filed engine heter aium varag right here just hiding in this little glass clo and then there’s just some plants kind of scattered on my counter here I’m kind of doing like a little project so spoiler alert but this is a what do they call this like a silver dollar Fern or button they call Button Fern it’s like uh some I don’t even know what it’s called I’ll put it on screen and a St Paia this is an African violet this is from a recent unboxing this is a syoni arum and this is a ficus Elastica just the Plain Green version this is a FZ hadera it’s like a combination of an English ivy and a FIA I actually do really like it and then this is a cissus Antarctica which also is growing pretty well for me so I do really like that one as well over here we have a ficus bengalensis Audrey and then hiding below it we have a tan the Burl marxi this is an agly nea I think they call this one agly namea Silver Queen as well as another Hoya gillus another sansia Bono s sansia cylindrica Bono that is and then a plectranthus ERI I hate the smell of this plant I hate that I just tapped it cuz now I’m going to smell this plant but um every time you ruffle this plant it smells kind of like lemony like lemon bomm but like not good in my opinion oh and there’s a filad andran Florida right there so I’m going to have to go back and fetch the step ladder cuz we’re going to have to go check out all these plants that I have on top of the cabinets here all the way behind that plant in the corner that one that’s hiding the green one is a synapsis jade satin and this is a different kind of synapsis I think they call it like silver Lady it’s pretty similar to the other ones we have another Sibu blue Pathos and then a peperomia Japonica she could be cleaned up a little bit it’s fine a monstera Selana varaga this is a filodendron hetera lemon lime we have another Jade pathos right here that’s just some cuting of the one that I took from underneath the drena and this is a filad dendrin I think they call this filin domesticum it’s just like a it’s not really that exciting and then a monstera deliciosa which then works over into a golden paos and then you can see this filin scherm right next to it which is also just a little messy see maybe she needs to be cleaned up a little bit this is that um filin patam that I cut that you saw Down Below in the little jar this is an antherium amum kind of looks more like a chaffer in my opinion but that’s the fun about it this is a filen mayoi I also cut that one back and it’s just starting to regrow as you can see those little fingery leaves that it’s getting as well as this filin bilti which has really been taking over the space and I really love the way it looks it’s grown at least double in size for me since I got it like a year or two ago then finally we just have this little part of the wall right here over to the left of the kitchen that just has a couple more plants hiding on it we have this pomus scandin varag as well as this peperomia scandin which both of them also look like they might be put out for pasture soon this is a copeia debilis linearis just string of needles they call it this believe it or not is a philin painted lady she doesn’t really look like it she looks a little bit more to that domesticum I just showed you guys a minute or so ago another golden pathos just kind of doing its thing oh hello there by the way and a synapsis pictus exotic Hub which goes literally all the way down to the floor but I’m not going to show you because my floor is kind of messy over here so that’s everything in my kitchen but before we head over to the bedroom which is honestly not that exciting I just want to give you a little rundown of this room one more time so we went over the office area over here which has the B bulk of the plants that we saw today we just went over this little briefly we went over this little area right here in my dining area as well as these plants and then we have the kitchen plants which there are plenty of kitchen plants but just not nearly as many plants as we had over in the office area where I put all of my heart and soul into decorating and then the rest of this place is kind of just like whatever you can do what you want but anyway let’s go back to my bedroom and look at the rest of the plants so I’ve already spoiled you that there really isn’t that much back here I really don’t bother that much because there really isn’t that great lighting back here you can see there’s walls on both sides of my window and it really isn’t until about this time of year May June July when the Sun finally comes in these windows so I don’t really bet on it that much but I do have a couple of displays using like soultech lights and whatnot and just there there’s a couple things going on so let’s start over here and we’ll work our way over around the room so over on my nightstand I do have this sansia Fernwood and I really do like that little planter it’s mass produced but I love the way it looks and then I have this drena Golden Coast right here there are two plants in the base they haven’t been holding up very well it’s obviously pretty dark back here and I might forget to water it more often than I should but there is a neon pathos as well as a jade satin synapsis but I think I I guess I haven’t shown you the neon pathos yet but I’ve already showed you that neon or the Jade satin synapsis this is a sansia trios I think they call it Black Gold I think or something similar to that and this is a sad sad pink princess filad dendrin she is not in her Heyday anymore She’s suffering and this is a beautiful ju position to that one this is a beautiful Filan summer glory and then we have this rapidor Tetris Sperma the part that’s growing up is getting a little tired I think it’s time that we cut her back but fortunately I took a lot of cuting off of this recently so I have all of these cutting down here which are just starting to get growing and I feel like we could pop them up together but you know I don’t really want to upssize that planter so right now I just have it sitting underneath maybe I could find something else to like here to finish you know this old display but you know what it’s fine and then we have this also pretty sad looking I don’t know what’s going on with her but um this Ficus Elastica taneki I guess the top leaves look fine but those bottom leaves dude like they are they are not looking so hot so we got this little TR right here I love the little orange accent mall I painted that I need art I want to move that there because it would looks so good there but then I wouldn’t have anything here so we’ll work on that oh I do have a couple plants up here um there is a cutting of the Burl Mark fantasy filin and then the only really new thing I guess is this agly name of commutatum cutting which honestly I don’t know she just doesn’t look too hot hence why she’s been living in water for this entirety of the time so this is this is like my rescue Greenhouse cabinet but everything still looks fine honestly compared to a couple months ago everything looks so good so we have a monstera Thai constellation up here putting off a new Leaf I’m excited about that probably like another leaf or two after this one and we might start to get little fenestrations in the leaves and hopefully get some more variegation because you know we’re right next to this gr light here so let’s encourage it come on let’s do it we got a Bonia penus right here this is my idrum uh medium silver and I can report she is climbing up this little wood Stak and she’s this is a new Leaf so I’m really happy about that cuz I was worried she was just going to put off Runners this is a peperomia veridus verada and then we have another um albow monstera this is actually also an albow Monera so let’s just get that out of the way along with an AGA chocolate cutting which is what this down here is all where I took the cuting from which is just starting to grow you can see this one right here is going to be making a leaf shortly so that’s pretty exciting we have this alocasia Silver Dragon this is a spider plant I’m pretty sure it was like a scrap in that filed engine right there that we just repotted recently in a video and so I potted it in here and I don’t know I’m pretty sure it’s a spider plant we have a piper ornatum crocatum sometimes they call it this is a philin holtonianum she’s not looking like it but she is and then behind it is a filad andrin sub hosum which has beautiful red undersides as you can see and then we have this antherium poly stickum I cut it all back recently and so that’s just starting to regrow but yeah these like I said just like a month or two ago were not looking so hot so I’m pretty happy about the way they’re looking right now but by the end of the growing season they should look even better than the way that they look right now so stay tuned and then we’re going to close off today’s video over here on my window which obviously does not have very many plants on it I do like to leave the space for muffin to sit even though it’s filthy I need to clean it it’s fine uh this is my filin Tabo poeny you can see it does have the purple unders size which is pretty fun feel like this one and the subhastatum are really like the only filad I’m like fully aware of that have the fun uh backside the leaves I guess mexicanum as well but we don’t grow that one I guess this one too kind of but a little a little bit less this is um gosh how am I going to get in here so I I don’t think I really can so oh gosh um this is a filad dendrin el choco red that’s better this is I’m pretty sure a dead Bonia so let’s not worry about that this is drymonia Cher bogana and this is a filine PL princess they’re all pretty small and underwhelming specifically that dead one so maybe we’ll move this guy in there I don’t know I don’t think it really needs that extra humidity this is a Saria parva it’s a very like skinny Le Saria but I just kind of love it it’s just kind of sitting here it needs to move somewhere else it’s not really doing any favors right here I me this this whole thing just needs a little little revamp maybe that’ll be my project for the summer we have this filled engine Florida right here which I love the way it looks hanging in between my windows with these just really funky leaves and then last but not least is this syoni Chia Pence right here which is just kind of really just starting to take over this Moss pole after I cut it back after it completely outgrew it and was just like all you know bare stem at the bottom so I cut the whole thing back and I propagated it and now this is where we’re at so I’m actually feeling really good about that so that was the bulk of my plant collection I’m sure I inevitably forgot about one or two of them but if there’s any plants you’ve seen in previous plant tour videos and you’re wondering where they are at I’m going to save you the questioning they’re dead they’re sleeping soundly in plant Heaven thank you so much for joining me today if you enjoyed this plant tour video consider checking out my other plant related content that I post on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on my mood follow me on Instagram and Tik Tok at Philly foliage consider sharing and liking this video If you enjoyed it and I will see you guys in my next video have a great day


  1. What beautiful surroundings you've created for yourself! Thank you for letting us tour your home! I have about a third of the plants you have and I'm beginning to feel they are too many. I don't have a lot of "free" time and the little I have gets invested mostly in plant maintenance. I love all of them (and the wellbeing they add to my life) and don't want to end up resenting the work I put into them, so I HAVE to edit my collection and keep only the ones that I have really good conditions for so both they and I can be truly happy.

  2. I had never seen the Scindapsus pictus 'Luscens'! My Scindapsus pictus 'Exotica' is one I'd keep if I could only have 10 plants, and this Luscens looks like one that I'd adore to add to my collection. Interesting, because I don't usually love a lot of the blue-gray plants that are so popular (like Cebu Blue), but that one made my heart skip a beat!

  3. I think this summer will be my dischidia phase… lovely collection, I should do a pretend home tour to discover what needs help!

  4. If I were to add one plant to your shelves, it would be the syngonium erythrophyllum- the red backs and deep dark vines are serving for me right now. Love seeing what everyone gravitates to and what we can keep alive long term!

  5. What a great tour! Your plants have grown so much that it's hard to tell you got rid of so many, and the view towards your office…omg, what a beautiful place you've created. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I was looking forward to seeing your chocolate agleonema. I have been trying to buy that plant since March and no one seems to have it in stock.

  7. Wow! Impressive collection Nick….and knowing the Latin names.
    I'd definitely do a bit of a toss and snip here and there.
    20% are either in need of repropagating due to long stems with very few leaves and 20% of plants that you don't really like maybe rehome?
    Then you could keep on top of the pests and actually see how they're doing. Love agleonemas BTW. Your red one is exceptional.
    Love the bean bag for Muffin…like a king size bed for humans.๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. Don't listen to the haters about that cissus quadrangularis. I have one as well and I love it and the random tiny leaves it puts out!

  9. You have a beautiful home and great collection of plants. Thanks for the tour Nick! ๐Ÿชท๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿชท

  10. You need to go through your plants, especially in the first window you showed and get rid of the ones you don't like, then trim and care for the others a bit better. It's no fun when you can't even see your plants, at least that's what I think anyway. Some can go in the garbage, some put outside with a free sign. Cut back, until you can actually see all your plants, and get some on poles or Trellis's. They would look so much nicer and tidier. Too many people do what you have done, and get way too many plants, with no place to put them. Then what looked pretty in the store doesn't look pretty anymore. Just some friendly suggestion's. Because sadly, you do have some lovely plants, but the mess they are in right now, doesn't do justice to any of them.

  11. Hi Nick! I love the way you've divided and made different rooms. Your office looks so good with all of the plants/stands, etc. Muffin on the huge pillow is adorable. I love seeing her in your videos. My daughter gave me a small philo red emerald for Christmas and I didn't realize how big it will get. I'm kinda excited! Everything is looking good. I'm glad you did a full houseplant tour. Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. Love your home Nick!! Love your videos and how honest you are when you are โ€œdoneโ€ with a plant(s). โค

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