Japanese Garden

How Michael Kondo shaped the Portland Japanese Garden that’s known today

Michael Kondo played a huge part in helping design the oasis that the garden is today. He started in 1977 and held his role for 40 years.

Read more: https://www.kgw.com/article/sports/olympics/breaking-barriers/portland-japanese-garden-michael-kondo/283-1974664c-4c37-404f-bd4e-4fcf051fce7b

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there are three key ingredients of any Japanese garden that’s plants stones and water for over 60 years the Portland Japanese garden has welcomed millions of visitors from across the globe eager to take in the Beloved Oasis it’s peaceful here it’s beautiful you just kind of feel any tension go down but it didn’t build itself back in 1977 24-year-old Michael condo took on the world of head Gardener after graduating from Oregon state with a degree in landscaping architecture he kept his title for 40 years in an interview with Portland Japanese garden condo shared he learned so much from his fellow colleagues but he helped pave the way to what the garden is today quite literally condo planted much of the breathtaking Greenery and laid down all the stones you see today around the Pavilion in the interview he said in part it’s not so much about the garden has meant to me over the years but what it has given to this country he noted some visitors from Japan said the Portland Garden was even better than some Gardens they’d see in Japan condo has now been retired for nearly 7 years and says the garden is something he’ll forever be thankful for but he says it’s in good hands with the younger generation condo was quoted saying I think what excites me is just seeing the young people that are getting involved just seeing the passion they’ve got I didn’t have that when I started L cayto KGW News


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