Container Gardening

Starting a Container Garden | The Tiny Garden

It’s by far the sunniest day we’ve had this spring in the home garden, bright blue skies and temperatures forecast to be in 20s! It’s time to share an update on how things are progressing and to start planting up my vertical pallet collar bed and some containers!

I’m going to be sowing some really special seeds that were sent to me by my good friend Robin be sure check out her video linked below which goes into more detail about this new vegetable! 👇

I hope you enjoy and look forward to chatting with you in the comments!

All the best Laura ☀️

Robin @RobinGardens

Sweet Garleeks Seeds from Row 7
Sweet Garleek Seeds

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Laura – The Tiny Garden
OOHPod Locker, Cessna Avenue, Airport Business Park, Waterford, X91 NF7P, Ireland

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#vegetablegarden #containergardening #smallgardenideas #smallspacegardening #sweetgarleekcollab

hey everyone welcome back to the channel we are in the home Garden today it is a beautiful day we are going to get highs of 21 degrees and if any of you know me that is full-on summer I cannot cope with temperatures over about 14° so I am going to be blessed with the weather today there is a slight forecast for a thunderstorm at 3:00 though which isn’t so good but if it does rain it means I won’t have to have to run up to the alotment to water or anything which will be a little bit of a blessing I have hundreds of plants up on my pot station that are only bursting to get out of their containers and into some soil to carry on growing so today’s episode is going to be planting out some containers and my raised pallet collar bed which I cannot wait to get started so I will be obviously planting up some of my plants that I started from seed earlier in the season and I’m going to do some direct sewing as well into that pallet collar bed we are into the third week of May and finally the garden is starting to show signs of real growth and that spring finally arrived I know we’re obviously heading towards Summer now but it is finally showing signs that something is growing the direct sewings of the m 2 that I popped in there about 4 weeks ago have all germinated so I got 100% germination there which I was really really happy with and the four plants that had started inside a little bit earlier have completely shot up and showing really good signs of growth so I cannot wait for this little A-frame here to be covered in Greenery and the beautiful flowers of the MCH too that are in there and before we get into planting out everything I wanted to give you a little update on how things are looking in the garden at the minute because it has really burst into life since the temperatures have warmed up now we have had a small blip in the weather there earlier in the week with the blight warning that we had but so far everything seems to be showing signs that they are thriving which makes me so happy my garlic chives are pretty much all In Bloom right now which is absolutely beautiful I would love to try and make a chive vinegar with those I think they look absolutely beautiful they are so wonderful to pop onto a salad as well and give it a beautiful burst of color my cherry tree is looking the healthiest it has looked in so long I have signs that I might potentially be getting a little Cherry Harvest which will be absolutely wonderful because if you followed me from last year you’ll know I had such a bad time with my cherry tree and Cherry aphid completely attacking the tree so the cherry tree is an absolute joy to see looking this healthy I had a small overwintering project which was my Japanese onions this is a variety called shin kinyu and I’m absolutely over the moon with them I was really unsure on how to sew them there was much information on the packet so I sewed those I think it was late summer and from seed and this is what they’re looking like right now I’ve given them a couple of feeds but they are starting to bulb up now I don’t know how big they will get I might have needed to give them a little bit more space but so far they are looking really healthy and there are signs that obviously they might bulb up a little bit more and my strawberries they have put on so much growth in the last couple of days I feel like the number of flowers has quadrupled literally in like a day or so so out of these few little containers here it looks like I am going to get a nice little strawberry Harvest so in this container is my little volunteer potato now he has put on so much growth and I do think that this is possibly a sapam mirror is what I think this is so I have some first earli left over from planting up at the alotment so I’m going to put a couple of these in here and by the time the first early’s already it should be in the same time that the Sapa mirror is cuz if I put another Sapa mirror in here this has had like what 6 weeks extra growth and they the timings won’t be right when I go to harvest them so I have picked out two of the larger ones the chits are absolutely going crazy on these but I’m going to pop them in and hopefully they catch up in time with this one that’s already in here I do need to amend the soil on this so I’ve got my little helper here with me to today she is so interested in the potatoes I think she thinks it’s ball and we can play a game I do have two sapor left out of my own saved seed they are absolutely tiny I have no idea how well they’re going to do but we’re going to plant them up into a 30 L bucket and see how they go so I’m just adding some blood fish and bone to this old compost in here before was a purple spr and broccoli I got one flush off of it and nothing else after that but I know I mentioned I was actually going to put in the British Queens in here the second earlies because of the speed at which they grow but if we do have a drab summer I’ve decided I’ve actually changed my mind I can put the sapam miror that I have now they’re not that big they’re really quite small they’re only you know they’re probably under the size you actually want to be planting them but we’ll just pop them in and see how they do and if there is an early blight that comes this summer then I can obviously these will be blight resistant and look these might only make more potatoes that are the size for seed potatoes next year so that’s kind of the main reason I’m growing them because I want to create more saved seed myself after speaking to everybody at the allotment they found it really hard to come across these so if I can even get a bucket that I can share them with the guys at the allotment i’ be so like so thrilled so I put two scoops of blood fish and bone into this and I’m just going to dig right the way down and putp them in that’s it two two little ones I’m hopefully hopefully they work I hope so and that’s it that’s the last time I see saved seed planted I don’t have any more Sapa mirror left so fingers crossed and here are some of the bits that I’m going to be planting out into my palette color bed now I have not had great success this spring with growing anything in this space it is ever so slightly Shady in the winter time obviously it’s about midday now and you can see that it is in full sun at the minute but but everything that I had sewed in here I think either got eaten by slugs cuz I definitely had carrot germination but obviously there’s nothing to show now and I did a mass sewing of kind of Asian Greens in the top layer and I have like one or two plants that are now bolting to actually show you so I’ve had not great success with it here I’m going to see how it goes over the summer after I’ve planted it up here with you today and maybe it might mean that in the future I need to obviously redesign it move it I’m not too sure because obviously I do obviously want this space over here for my Greenhouse so we’ll have to see how the season goes with this planter here and the plan for this pallet KOA bed is to grow salads on the top uh root veggies on the second layer because I have four sort of rows of depth so it’ll be carrots and parsnips which I’ll be direct sewing and then I have two sort of spare beds either side one is more shadier than the other so I’ll see out of the stuff that I’ve got here what I think might suit best in these spaces I have so many things growing so I’m going to bring you in and show you a little bit closer in detail what’s going on inside these trays so on this tray I have three rows of ricio just along here I have three rows of little gem I have then some spring onions in the middle I have two rows of beets one of those is chiia and one is Golden beet I’ve had terrible germination with those so far this year but I have a little bit there to show now which is lovely and then I have some spinach in one row and then I have some silver skin onions there at the very end so that tray is just bursting at the seams so I might pop the ricio in a more shady area possibly on the sides and in my next tray I have sadly my b Ed pack Choy which is a little bit of a shame I’ve got some moon red little gem in the middle I have some normal little gem next to that and another row of moon gem and then a two rows of onions at the very end so lots of salad things which is super nice and then in my row at the back I have a mix of things so this is a mix of flowers which I’ll pop into my flower bed but I have some Chinese cabbage on the row on the left I then have some rocket which I’ll plant out today in this planter in the shadiest spot that I can so it doesn’t bolt and then I have some I think these are yeah these are hel choms and then I have some Snap Dragons and I have two strawberry marag Golds at the end so again they are thriving and only bursting to get out of their trays I actually cannot get over how beautiful it is to say there is not even the slightest bit of wind in the atmosphere so it is super super hot it has felt so long since this space has felt this warm and that’s the one thing I absolutely love about this Garden like although I don’t have like big Lawns or a massive space the unique part of obviously an urban garden with a lot of like brick means that the walls can like absorb all of that heat and then emit it out to the plants and then you can grow like the nicest warm season crops in like this like mini microclimate I absolutely love it I’m absolutely exha exhausted after planting up that pallet collar I think cuz it’s so warm and it’s like midday I just decided to take a little bit of a rest and talk to you about something really really really exciting that I have been invited to be involved with by a good friend of mine Robin you might know her from Robbin Gardens I’ve spoken to you about her before she lives in America and she’s very very kindly sent me a brand new variety of vegetable to try as part of a collaboration grow along I am so excited to actually sew these so I’m obsessed with leaks as you know I cook with garlic nearly every single day and she has sent me something similar it’s similar to like a hybrid so it’s been specially bred to be a mix between a leak and a garlic so she sent me these gorgeous seeds which are called sweet garlic it is the first year that this has been available for people to actually buy from a company in America called row s and again I’m just so blessed that I have these Amazing Friends that can share all of these amazing vegetables with me so it’s supposed to be a sweet onion flavor with Savory garlic flavor in one delicious alien and the whole plant top to toe is edible so I’m going to sew these and I’m going to wish everybody in the grow along along the best of luck and hopefully you all enjoy them but to me that is a match made in heaven garlic and leak in one I just I am really really excited to give these a go so this seed is actually an F1 hybrid and what I’ll do is I’ll pop a link below to Robin’s Channel where she explains so much in detail about the history of where this comes from who bred it and the idea behind it I believe it took about 10 years to develop this specific um variety so I just think the story is fantastic there’s chefs involved so it’s all about that Gardener that likes to obviously cook with their food and is passionate about cooking just as much as they are about gardening so I just feel like that is just the most nicest thing about this to maximize the garlic Le flavor on these it does say to harvest them at half to 3/4 of an inch diameter and I think they take between 90 and 100 days 110 days to grow so I should have plenty time if I sew them now to get a beautiful Harvest and it recommends on the back of the packet which I love this when seed seed companies do this they give you little tips on how to cook stuff it says to sauté grill or roast it or for the best garlic kick is to slice it and have it raw and I feel like if all of these 50 seeds germinate I’ll be trying all those cooking varieties because I absolutely love garlic oniony leaky flavors so I’m just going to start them off in my little container here I have 50 seeds and I really hope all of these germinate and I think there’s something really nice about this as well where it’s you’re able to OB ly Harvest them whilst they’re a little bit smaller so you actually can get more in a space than you would a typical leak and the seeds look exactly the same as it a standard onion seed so I’m actually going to sew all of them so that’s my gar sewn I fingers crossed they all germinate and I get to plant them out and taste them cuz I’m really looking forward to that and I’ve got a couple of other things that I want to sew I have some British queens that I’m going to pop into a 30 lit container now I’m going to be using some old compost that’s there and I’m going to amend it with some blood fish and Bone and just a little experiment I suppose just for me just to see what kind of harvest I get from them so I’m going to put four into the Container as usual for the second early variety I’ll put two on the bottom layer two on the top layer in kind of like a crisscross sort of pattern and yeah iend it with some blood fish and Bone and see how they produce cuz if they produce well it kind of will be a signal to me then that spent compost although obviously has been depleted a lot in its nutrients it’s still a medium that you can probably amend I think particularly with container growing is obviously binding the compost so if I can find ways to use what I already have and then just amend it to stretch my budget I absolutely will because I have at least 10 tomatoes that I need to putt on into new containers and new compost but I’ll have all of that compost left over for next year soz obviously until I get my Greenhouse my tomatoes are going to go the main growing space and that is everything I have time for today so thank you so much for joining me I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you in the next one bye


  1. As i undersyand it doesn't elephant garlic have a taste of a cross netween garlic and leek.
    The garden is looking good 👍

  2. Everything is looking so healthy and green! Very exciting to see the baby cherries on the tree

    Those onions! 😱❤️

    All of those seedlings! What a great selection. I love that your volunteer potato is getting a couple of friends 😊

    Isn’t the Sweet Garleek exciting!? I hope it does well for you. Really looking forward to the results.

    Love your updates. Always a delight 🤗

  3. Hey Laura, sun looks awesome. The lettuce etc should do well in that bed. My spinach is bolting 😢 the weather has just been all over the place. Beet germination was great but I’m terrified the leaf miner gets them as it’s got my chard already. You can still eat bolted pak choi. Was lovely here yesterday and rained today and cold. Hope our garleeks do well too bad we can’t save seed. Have a super weekend, Ali 🌥️🌧️🌧️🇨🇦

  4. How does the moon red gem taste? I'm doing a red romaine this year that is yummy. The ones with some red in them seem too hold a little longer in the heat of our summers.
    I am thrilled that you are as excited about the Garleeks as I am. I just love trying new release veg. The dang squirrels took out half of my badger flame beets…..arggggh!
    Looking forward to Audrey's live next week even more than normal as you are the guest🥰

  5. Hi Laura 👋
    Everything in your little garden is looking fantastic. Like you we have a walled garden and everything thrives. Hope your allotment is doing well. Have a lovely weekend take care Louise X

  6. Great update Laura, love the sound of Garleek and look forward to seeing your progress with it. Fingers crossed for a decent harvest with the left over potato🤞🏻. Have you considered carrots for spent compost too? I would think they could also do well, as they do better in poorer soil and the structure of compost seems to be ideal for their growing requirements. Really pleased to see your cherry tree doing well. I have failed miserably the last few years with masses of early blossom and poor pollination. I think most bees were still asleep at the time of flowering and then a battering of high winds here on the SE coast. So I can totally relate to how pleased you are. 😊

  7. Totally agree wverything is bursting into life. We had 3 days of major heavy rain 🌧
    I was juat saying to carl pur garlic chuves looks so beautiful.
    My cherry had blossom but no cherries this yesr
    Onions bulbing up class.
    Strawberries 🍓 yeyyyy
    Looking fwd to see how potatos go.
    Love the salad bed we have just made one for our home garden.

  8. Wow Laura , so much planting . Wish I had a neighbour like you all mine aren’t interested in gardening 🙁 . Good luck with the leeks . Tfs so enjoying your videos . ❤

  9. Sweet Garleek! How brilliant is this please. Excited to see how that turns out. Hopefully we’ll get more of that beautiful weather. Isn’t it nice that everything is just shooting up over the last few weeks. Enjoy your weekend Laura!

  10. The Garleek does sound exciting, Laura 😀 Love garlic flavours 💚 exciting grow along across the different gardeners 🥰
    Your home garden is filling up already, and it is lovely to see the cherries 🍒 developing. Hopefully, the sun will be back with us soon… weeks' forecast is just dreadful 🫣💚🌿

  11. Garleek, eh? Exciting!
    And I'm both amused and delighted to see your friend Robin wearing a tee shirt from the Great Lakes Brewing Company which is in my old stomping grounds of Cleveland, Ohio!

    Much gardening love from Northeast Ohio! 😊💚💚💚💚💚😊

  12. Net the cherry tree now if you want to save your future harvest from the birds! I've lost my cherries to the birds for last many years running because I never get around to putting the netting setup over my cherry trees before the birds have decided that the fruit are ready 😅

  13. Ah this looks amazing! It’s so hard keeping up with both garden and allotment – everything is looking incredible! You should be so proud! X

  14. Sweet garleek looks delicious!! Lovely to see what you’ve got growing at home. Can I ask a practical non growing question please… what mic do you use? 😃

  15. Woah! So cool! 🧄 I am with you – anything garlicy / oniony / leeky.. then I am in! 🤣 Very excited to see how they grow and what you think of the taste! Love seeing your home garden too 🥲💖

  16. Hi Laura, new subscriber here! I found you via Audrey’s live the other day 😊👍 Your garden and allotment are looking great and I’m sure you are going to have some fantastic harvests this year. Also … your dog is gorgeous ❤️

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