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Seg 2 of S8E12 Waterscaping – The gardening with Joey and Holly Radio Show

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Segment 2: Waterscaping

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to the guardian with join Holly radio show happy to have you along we going to be talking about water features moments away but first a word from our good friends that helping the Bees honey be healthy since 2000 Honey Bee Healthy Inc has helped beekeepers maintain healthy and thriving hives attracting pollinators to your garden this year is as simple as hanging a hummingbird feeder with a mixture of sugar water and honey be healthy original don’t be alarmed to see birds bees and butterflies dying together at the theater pollinators coexist peacefully with honey be healthy ink they’re offering a 10% discount on an 8 oz bottle of honey be healthy original to the show’s listeners enter discount code B Garden that’s be e Garden at checkout for more information mixing instructions and more visit um honeyb so let’s talk about waterscaping water scaping water features not the same right they’re a little different and each uh and with water features or water scaping it is a way to one add a new level of enjoyment on your property and to also help with uh Native and uh Wildlife ye yes basically so waterscaping is the Art and Science of incorporating water features into your landscape so it can be a simple adding a fountain to front yard um even a bird bath or as complex as designing and building a water garden with waterfall streams and ponds so there’s two major benefits for this is if you go the more in-depth like landscape engineer route you can provide irrigation for your plants um and also provides home and rest for wildlife so those are two like I guess Garden benefits if if you want to call it that like um yeah Garden benefits but for you it might you know provide a relaxing Oasis it might provide bird watching it might provide other Wildlife watching it might just sound nice to you when you’re with your window open drinking your coffee in the morning whatever it may be so there’s two things you want to be aware of one before you start putting the shovel in the ground whether you’re doing it yourself it’s different if you’re hiring somebody one find out if you’re even allowed to build or create what you want to create because of an HOA or your town ordinance or any whatever your permit or if your taxes are going to go up what you know there’s a lot of variables you know your taxes will go up x amount because or it’ll go down whatever and also if you’re doing it call Digger hotline make sure there’s nothing under the ground if you’re hiring somebody most of that is taken care of not the taxes thing but they they have to pull permits too and all this other stuff absolutely so the that’s kind of the essence of what water scaping is now now there’s something that is a little bit more e Ecom minded um which is bio swells and bio Retention Ponds so it’s kind of like a man-made wetland in a way so bios swells are um wet or dry swells basically made out of grass so they’re they’re kind of dug into the Earth so little ditches yeah little ditches with walls and like here where our home station is is that the flag FL um in the city of Milwaukee and I drive past these on the way to the office they put these in the mediums in the medium like the center thing right between the uh Lanes between the lanes the grassy gnome the grassy gome they create these bios swells so bios swells are dry swells made out of grass rocks and other types of vegetation and they are sloped to move the water through the system in an efficient manner and bi so is it like a slide it zigzags back and forth to slow and allow to absorb into in the soil or um it just basically is like a divot okay just to slow it down so the ero erosion doesn’t occur correct okay um and the bio Retention Ponds are that but they are um they capture the storm water and then can create a pond so storage yeah Pond storage uh so they they they use when you create these you use plants and soils to infiltrate and treat storm water runoff so they filter um they can reduce pollutants contamination and and slow down those pollutants to get into the water they help the water quality right because the pollution is filtered out through the soil and the plants and all that native stuff before the extra extra water makes it to the pond where Aquatic Life could be damaged because of the oils or antifreezes or whatever that the the soil has captured prior to it getting there right so that’s what just quick quick little what a bios swell is maybe you’ve a lot of times the cities put these up they’ll have little signs and it’ll say bios swell or whatever and you can kind of tell because when you’re driving you can see that they’re they dip down like it’s not like a normal grassy planted whatever medium and then sometimes even like local parks will have them one area or like a rain Garden rain Gardens aren’t quite the same as bios swells but it’s a similar concept so things to think about um if you do want to do some sort of water scaping and you want to keep it more ecologically minded that’s something an option that you could consider so other things to consider no matter what what kind of water scaping you’re doing is what is your goal what is your finances and what is your goal well no that’s not true because like you can you can have a goal and then you can look at yourd towards it yeah budget it out whether just like anything in life like say that I decide that I wanted rainbow color hair and I only want to spend x amount of money I could work with you’re going to have to go to the uh hardware store and get some spray paint I can work with a hair stylist to see what I could do within my budget you can do that with your water scaping and then the other thing with this water scaping it everything in life and and we all can agree everything in life looks really good on paper some things in life looks good on paper but is a disaster when it’s tried to execute it I feel like that was like our first three years of guarding well that that’s really anything so yes hey I want my yard to look like this here’s the picture first of all if you’re going to go to that level you want to talk to somebody who has already done this the internet’s on computers now so you comp yeah so you can find a forum you can find somebody and or if you get a hold of a company who may do this for you there is probably a opportunity in which you can talk to I guess it’s the contractor and say hey here’s my vision I am concerned about these things and they can say yes no here they may even also be able to put you in touch with clients in which they have done that in a neutral setting and say hey I’m looking at doing this what was your experience having it done on your pro oh well it was great no this was a d don’t do it this way ask a lot of ask more questions you ever could imagine so you have fewer and less uh wonders or wish I could or we shouldn’t we should not have done that as the process is going through or has been completed absolutely um so yeah so what is your goal what’s your cost budget and there’s no bad question if you don’t know then you can ask right so then you want to think about location and space and this might tie into whatever your budget is so if you are like I want to afford X well your space that you’re using if your budget is lower your space might be smaller or your location might make a difference as to what you so if you have a larger space or a smaller space but you have an unlimited budget that can make a difference as well but it usually comes into like what is your goal what is your budget and then you think about location and space couldn’t a water scape simply be a small let’s say 50 or 80 or 200 gallon uh Little Pond in the back with a solar powered sprinkler that or fountain in it that and have a and some lies around it that could be a water scape it could be very simplistic it can but then that brings us to maintenance uhhuh so you might have to do a lot of maintenance for your little Lily Pond but you may enjoy doing that but you may enjoy doing that but I’m just saying that you have to consider that that it might if you don’t have a filter or something you might you might be not enjoying it some point so that’s something to keep in mind also what are you going to do over winter if you live in a climate where it freezes over winter are you doing this properly so that you don’t like crack your Basin or can you just pull it out put into the garage or or if or if your pond has got a rubber mat where you just have to you know drain it or something I unless you have fish I don’t know there’s a lot of variables but there’s a lot of creativity the you can create whatever you want and whatever you want we’re in a world of uh unique opportunities where anything is probably possible right and you may enjoy you may enjoy having this Pond or whatever that you have to clean once a week because you’re outside and it’s getting you outside and you enjoy the water feature and the fountain and whatever another thing to consider is if you are purchasing or setting up or whatever a water feature water escape and you want to have like fish again Jo mentioned we’re going to do with those fish in Winter are they going to freeze what’s going to happen or is there animals native to your area that enjoy fish that would because of the easy access of retrieving they can just jump in the water grab it and go rather than a big pond or a stream where the challenge of of getting a fish say a raccoon or maybe even a bear would be would be very difficult or more difficult right yeah and you know if you live somewhere in the mountain regions you might have bears that would like Mountain lines that may want to come into your backyard and you don’t have to be in mountain ranges I’m just saying that might be more common right so yeah so something to think about or again our our friendly little uh RAC friends with their little uh people hands people hands might find this an interesting and easy opportunity to to get themselves a snack so that’s another thing to consider as well well now Holly that the weather has warmed up you want to protect your yard from various beetles weevils bores and those Japanese beetles that uh are probably if not already soon to be arriving and what better way to prevent these pests from destroying your garden than by controlling them while they’re larvae grub gon is an easy to apply granular product that can spread on your Turf to successfully control grub Invaders developed by phm bioproducts from a naturally occurring bacteria grub gon is a non-chemical BT product that specifically targets only Scarab Pest and it’s safe to use around bees and other beneficial insects it is if you’ve already got beetles flying around your yard then Beetle gon is the organic water dispersible powder you need to get that can be sprayed directly on your edible plants find out more at philm bioproducts dcom or beetle

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