Gardening Trends

Name That Rose with Robin Jennings – Garden America Podcasts & Radio Show [6.1.24]

Robin Jennings oversees the customer experience at Heirloom Roses. She is passionate about growing roses and dahlias. Robin says that at Heirloom she is privileged to use her passion for flowers. With an emphasis on strategic planning and marketing, she works to present roses to the country in creative ways with both copy and imagery with the end goal of helping customers add beauty to their world. Years of classroom instruction have given her the organization skills necessary to oversee multiple projects and the patience to wait for those roses to bloom.

In this episode, she tells us about an exciting contest to name one of John’s newest roses.

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hey well there you are if you’re watching us on Facebook live if you’re tuned in on bis talk radio we are here you can hear the audio I’m Brian M of course there’s John magnasco tiger palifox welcome to the weekend hope you had a good week we are back in the saddle we’ve got a great guest lined up today we are rested we are ready to go you’re all looking good and with that in mind tiger how is your week what’s going on we’ve got a radio show to do we’re going to talk about gardening you know I had a great week because it’s it’s nice easing into the summer you know we’ve had we’ve had this really nice weather in the sense of it hasn’t gotten too hot we’ve had some wonderful afternoons of sunshine and warm weather but we wake up in the morning with a slight cloud cover maybe even a little drizzle drizzle this morning yeah exactly but aren’t you waiting for the shoe to drop well we know it’s going to happen so it I’m fine with it holding out but it is but it is creating some Havoc at the nursery because we are very slow for the springs meaning meaning normally we’re much busier before now but we haven’t been busy so people have to find something to do why don’t you clean that out why don’t you get rid of all that junk in the shed all the things the the side jobs that nobody wants to do it’s like in a restaurant when the waitresses have to fill up the ketchup BL and the mustard you know like the salt you know marry the salt shakers or whatever exactly so the average person would come in this time of the year to the nursery to buy what what are they looking for in June well that’s the thing is we’re we’re you’re done I mean you know what you were looking for was what you should have been planting two three four weeks ago Tomatoes the veggies the herbs the flowers because in June that stuff should all be in the ground it should all all be growing because now we’re going to get the heat which you know you want that material established you want it already growing so that way the rest of the June month it’s warm it’s growing it’s flowering and then you know for a lot of these crop type plants now they’re actually fruiting in July and you know through August is not always the best thing to to uh live your life when it comes to gardening what spontaneity spontan deciding oh I’m going to do this you should have done it two or three months ago well that’s the the biggest thing with that is pumpkins people come in in October and they say hey I would like to plant a pumpkin and I’m like great you’re about four and a half months late don’t you sympathize with them though why would you make fun of he does what he says he goes oh that’s cute you want a pumpkin in October when it should have been planted back in what may it should yeah exactly yeah probably but you know the the um encouraging part of what you’re saying tiger is because the weather is overcast even if you you are a procrastinator there’s still time now to go out and do things right yeah you you know it’s and and when you do do the things right now or if you were early it’s easier on you it’s so hard to plant in the sun in the Heat and actually get things to take root but if you plant them now when you got a little bit of cloud a little bit of drizzle right it’s a lot easier yeah and usually when you water uh the ground or your pots will stay wet a little bit longer as well exactly Lisa says that it was 98 yesterday and it’s going to be 108 next week and where’s she and where is Lisa I think she’s in Reading if I’m not mistaken they’re getting they’re getting hit hard yeah we I mean we go Inland I mean even John even even who’s in Fallbrook gets a coastal influence because he’s not that far inland you know what I mean I guess he’d be on the cusp right I mean he would be considered Inland I think by all terms 13 miles from the coast right but okay you guys I mean you know that tomato Fields we’re not in a valley you know like Tula is a valley or Escondido the Hidden Valley you know we’re kind of uh uh at a little higher elevation so we always have the ocean influence the breeze yeah even though it is warmer I told you a couple of weeks ago you know Alexa gives you updates on various things we get high surf advisories in scrips Ranch well but see and I would say you’re not even Inland you’re on the basically but we’re far enough from the beach I don’t care cuz she’s not really that smart though that’s just artificial intelligence you know how busy she is she sits in this big room she has to play music for people she has to answer questions the phones are ringing yeah I wouldn’t want that job kids are getting asking silly questions all the time Carla says she liked the quote of the week oh good of the week was very good we should you know I think this would be a good time to uh read that for those that have heard it want to hear it again or those that have never heard it and we’re going to surprise them with it okay uh the quote was from Dale Carnegie yeah I like his Hall I think that was Andrew Carnegie oh the carnegies you know how they are uh what did uh what was the book he wrote oh how to win Influence People how to win friends influence people inluence people he said that one of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living we’re all dreaming of some magical Rose Garden Over the Horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our Windows today true that is true and another that’s sort of like that life is what happens when you’re busy doing something else that was his quote that was John Lennon that was John well what that like it meaning meaning meaning you’re looking at something else when meanwhile everything else is passing you but yeah exactly you know stop and smell the roses do you have a have a second so I went to a a Dale Carnegie seminar like a class okay the the best thing that I learned from from one of the the from that CH was they put uh us back to back and in front of one of us there was a picture with made with shapes triangles squares rectangles different colors different sizes okay and then the other person had all the shapes in front of them so the person that had the image in front was trying to describe to the other person how to put it together but you had to say you know the small triangle the red triangle the this that where the right the left all of this stuff to kind of put this image together and it was a great example of how what someone else sees and then what they say they see could be different to what someone else is hearing and then actually doing and I was like this is a great example of miscommunication you know for it was for managers and so it was the idea that if you want your staff to do something you have to really be clear on what you want cuz otherwise they’ll hear the same thing that you’re saying but they hear it completely you know what some people are visual some people are audio in terms of how they interpret things here’s another experiment that people have done many times you get a circle of people let’s say 10 people in a circle right so you and John’s next to you and you tell John something okay and that person in turn tells the next person by the time it gets back to you it’s completely different or it’s not exactly what you said yeah exactly well they’ve done that also with eyewitness you know like an eyewitness account a bank robber and they find out you know they’ve got a video of what the person actually looked like or what actually happened and they’ve got 10 eyewitnesses and they’re they’re all different they’re all different well that’ll be the fun thing because today Robin Jennings joining us from Heirloom Roses right we’re going to be talking about the name the rose competition for one of John’s contest not really a competition contest yeah I mean a contest and a competition are similar I guess yeah we’re competing but in a way but what the cool thing about it is see people are going to see this and then they’re going to come up with their own interpretation of what they see and put a name on it John what’s the famous quote that we always the Paul Simon that we love to go back to a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest exactly even if it’s right in front of you yeah it’ll be fun because now we’ll get everybody’s little ideas on the same thing you know what what is good is especially for people who are going to be listening to this on the radio which is next week right we’re live a week earlier on Facebook um you’ll be able to uh get some information that people who are getting newsletters from Maryland won’t get because we’ll describe the rose a little bit and I don’t oh that’s true huh yeah I don’t think that description is going to be um in their uh at least in their literature I haven’t seen it but we’ll find out and just to let you know just to add to the tease I learned from Robin that this is an exclusive contest for this was exclusive most ly for their VIP members at Heirloom Roses but we are getting we are going to share that link to our listeners and viewers to be able to participate but this isn’t open to everyone so so it’s a special unique group of people exactly well I’m not sure what it takes to become hey one of those special people at Elite the elite the elite but I I if I’m not mistaken uh Robin told me they sent out 250,000 emails hey it’s they’ve got a lot of followers just don’t think it’s everyone it’s a quarter of a million John exactly it is quarter of a million Yik that’s all right uh it only takes one person to win and I think they’ve got some second place prizes I think that’s the motto of the California lotto too you know takes one person and our our schools win too I haven’t heard that our schools win too anymore no because they’re not really winning right with all the problem all right no com oh well what do you think should we take a break you want to ease on into this break here we got a little time do we still have time well we have 30 seconds maybe you know well I know that the first prize is going to be a $250 gift certificate two manlo Heirloom Roses really that’s a lot of beneficial insects roses all kinds of stuff that they have there I’m a beneficial insect you know what that would be great you nothing but a beneficial insect just walk up randomly to somebody next time you see them well I don’t even know why you would say it like that because beneficial insects are good I know so you would want to say it in an uplifting way no but if you say it if you say it negatively like we talked about how it’s going to be interpreted you’re nothing but a beneficial in be like going to Mother Teresa and saying you’re nothing but a saint exactly and on that note we’re going to take a break back with our guest this is Garden America okay we are back it is Garden America of course we’re not going to change that anytime soon Brian M John bascar tiger pel Fox all the business out of the way talked about the newsletter briefly the quote of the week and now tiger Robin is ready to go yeah this morning we have Robin Jennings joining us from Heirloom Roses Heirloom Roses uh produces and sells a wide variety of really unique and fun roses online and also other items we’ve had heirloom on before Robin um just uh within the month we had another uh person from heirloom that was talking beneficial insects and you know you guys put together that really fun program where you can help people introduce beneficial insects into the garden is there anything Heir doesn’t do good morning guys yeah uh Randy was on your show just a little while ago uh he’s great yeah the beneficial insects new program has been really wonderful for us personally I love gardening I don’t love the bug aspect of it so much so when it’s time to ship the bugs I try to stay away from the shipping Department as much as possible um but it’s been a really great success and it’s been wonderful just to be able to get these beneficials into um home Gardener hands who before couldn’t order them because they would have to order massive amounts of them so it’s been a really fun program yeah what a neat thing that you guys are putting together um but today we’re we we’re talking roses Heirloom Roses roses a large producer and seller of really fun types uh Styles um varieties say one of the largest selections of roses in the entire country would you yeah yeah okay so it’s about to get bigger too thanks John yeah so for a variety of reasons not only you mean John’s Great rose that he’s um given us to be able to propagate and sell but um we’ve actually just were at the Chelsea flower show and we have a new agreement with Harkness roses so we’re going to be bringing a lot of new Harkness roses here to the US market in the next couple years which is really exciting um and we’ve connected with a new um hybridizer new to us hybridizer Brad jalar and British Columbia Canada um who grows some really amazing flora bundas and some Granda floras with just his foliage is so incredible I’m really excited for these new blooms that we’ll be starting to introduce to the market in 2025 now quick question kind of in subject but off topic um have you guys seen any kind of shift in the past couple years of roses from you know are people more into FL abundes hybrid te’s Grand Flora you know have you seen any change or has it been pretty steady you know for the past few years yeah I think since you know covid and the lockdown we’ve seen a huge increase overall as I’m sure you’ve noticed in gardening in general um but cut flower roses so anything with those long stems be it a floraa Bunda or a hybrid tea or whatever that someone can get some gorgeous long skin blooms off of those seem to be flying off the shelves much faster than some of the old Garden varieties or some of the hard to find ones that we do carry um it just seems like your Earth Angel Eden um you know New Dawn some of those climbers that have really good cut flowers those seem to be going really quickly lately okay so people are more focused on growing a rose they can bring inside or enjoy it that’s yes absolutely it’s kind of it’s kind of interesting how Trends shift with time you know I mean you know all it takes is for one thing to kind of change and now all of a sudden they’re more into you know a shrub rose or you know like you’re saying a cut rose or a climber or something like that and um you know so let’s talk about the the introduction that John has has put together for you guys um can you tell us a little bit about number one what is the contest what is the contest you guys are putting together sure yeah we were really excited because John so grateful he offered to let us have a contest to name the rose which I mean to name a rose is a pretty rare thing for a nursery to get in general I think a lot of people have reached out to us going could you name a rose for my aunt you name the rose for whomever and it’s like we don’t often get roses since we’re not actually actively hybridizing right now so we are going to open this up to your listeners of course and to our VIP as I heard you talking about our customers uh to suggest uh Rose names for about from June 10th to June 17th is when they’re going to be able to submit those names to us we’ll narrow it down to the top 10 choices and then open it up to the public and to our email list which is now upwards of 300,000 I believe and everyone will get to vote on their favorite name and whoever name is chosen as the winner um as John said is going to win not only the rose um but also a $250 gift card to Heirloom Roses and five people who vote for the winning Rose name will be drawn at random and they’ll also win um The Rose will be shipped out in Spring of 25 oh how fun is that that you might have the opportunity to say you named that Rose you were the one that created the name for that specific Rose now can you read Brian’s mind right now he’s wondering am I void were prohibited he he’s he’s gonna he’s wondering how many times he could submit a name I think it’s five times isn’t it five it is five times and we do have a couple caveats no proper names no arity no cursing please no I’m out um but I mean but I mean how cool would that be to be able to be in your yard and somebody’s like oh what color is the rose again John uh it’s a very very light pink and then in the heat it turns white okay so they they’re looking at it and let’s say it’s pink and they say oh you know what what’s the name on that pink rose and it’s oh it’s you know pink whatever and like I I was the one that named that Rose and now everybody else has it and because I was able to create that name well you know we offered our listeners that we were going to give him some inside tips because if you look at the picture that’s unless it changes but the last picture I saw on the heirloom website um showed a closeup of the Rose but what it didn’t show was that there’s masses of blooms the whole plant is covered you can barely even see the leaves when it’s in full bloom so you’ve got these terminal clusters of dozens the flowers that just cover the plant so that might give you some idea too if you’re looking for a name um can tell us a little bit about how it grows John well it’s a uh polyan a lot of the roses that I breeder polyanthes and I think we’ve told the story before about the reason I got into breeding polyanthes was we went to Jackson and Perkins and I saw that they had 300,000 seedlings to choose from and I’m thinking okay I’ve got 15 seedlings how can I compete to introduce a hybrid te with Jackson Perkins and then I realized there’s no polyan Roes here yeah so I thought you know I can compete with nothing so uh I started breeding polyanthes and I came up with a few and one is sold at Heirloom Roses and I know a lot of our listeners already have it but Kendall Marie is just um I was shocked at my Kendall Marie Rose this spring because it’s the most flowers I’ve ever seen on a plant in my whole life you know before we uh go on because we got all kinds of things that we can we got about a minute to the break talk to Robin about and and also if any of our listeners have questions on delas Robin is a Delia breeder yeah but um uh one of the things that I wanted to mention is I heard a rumor and I I’m because I’m old I can’t remember the details but I think that Robin lived in Europe for a while and actually taught school over there or went to school over there I did I lived in Scotland for a bit and did some student teaching over there just outside Edinburgh oh and so you know let’s take a break before we yeah so hold that thought Robin everyone hold that thought as we take a break here for Biz talk radio and again as tiger mentioned John mentioned any questions for Robin uh let us know what we have around the air this morning Garden Brian M John beg NASCAR tiger pal Fox a break for bis talk radio back after these messages okay we have returned from the break thanking those that are tuned in on bis talk radio each and every week and of course our our fantastic Facebook live crowd all the people tuned in here to your garden buddies on Garden America we are talking roses today a lot of interest and perhaps you’ll learn some things you didn’t know prior to the show as we continue tiger I want to get back to our conversation with Robin yeah so we’re talking with Robin Jennings from Heirloom Roses and for our listeners now I did just post the link to the name the rose uh contest so they can see the rose they can see the information on the name the rose contest um and it takes them to the heirloom Rose’s uh website now you know before the the break Robin John had mentioned your involvement with um Dalia and heirloom does more than Just Roses what are some of the other plants that heirloom sells online absolutely we just started this year we launched a whole collection of perennials and we’ve done Roes in the past and and a couple things like that but now we’ve got lilu and Yaro and th and Monarda and Salvia Acadia Speedwell tons of stuff so we’ve got a whole collection of perennials right now and in the fall we just finished uh our bulb collection that will be posting very soon so customers can order their fall bulbs from us as well and how how I mean how do people uh get these items are they are they fore plants um are they plugs um you know do you guys ship the are you planning to ship these year round are these just seasonal um you know on the per perennials are seasonal so they’re shipping right now we’ll be shipping probably through July for these and majority of them are in gallon pots we like to do everything in uh industry standard gallon size there’s a few 4in pots but those usually come in packs of like our Sedum come in a pack of four okay so everything ships pretty much in the same boxes as the Roses do so you can order your roses and your perennials together okay perfect and so you say it’s seasonal right now and then and then you guys will shift did you say you guys kind of have a a bulb collection coming up yes okay yes we do we did last year as well but this year we’ve expanded a little bit more so we’ll have tulup daffodils a whole I got to just go crazy picking all these beautiful flowers so I’m looking forward to shipping them out to customers and taking some home too do you um do you guys have any dalas we don’t do dalas yet I know and that’s like that’s my sweet spot so hopefully in the future we might be doing some dalas but not quite yet um I love dalas too Robin um so I planted a number of dalas here in San Diego and um you know it’s tough here for us with the dalas but I I love to have them in the garden and then they every once in a while surprise me because they’ll just try to come up at a random time of year and who do you remember John was it last week or something and somebody asked us a question and they said their Dalia was was coming up or growing or something and they were asking is it the right time of year and we were like no who do you remember who that was I can’t remember I remember the conversation remember conversation that was over that was about a month ago was was it a month Now’s the Time they should be up but yeah it was early or something and and um you know I I just love being able to put them in the garden then just seeing how they do but oh talk about a a fun pretty plant and talk about cut flowers if if people are interested in cut flowers having dalas is just wonderful well you know Robin has her is a breeder of delas and she’s got a uh kind of a the one you sent me the picture of it had a little bit of coffee color to it didn’t it yeah it’s called perur hm Jud an which is my mother’s name um it’s a tricolor Dalia which isn’t super common so it’s kind of a mocha color with a little bit of pink and yellow edging it’s real pretty so I’ve got a ton of them just planted out a few weeks ago here I usually plant on Mother’s Day that’s my gift from my children to me everyone helps me plant oh really you’re like you’re like hey if you guys want to give me really where my Gateway into gardening I started with just one or two tubers one year to see what happened and I became obsessed and I think this year I’ve put upwards of 300 in my yard so my husband is happy that the lawn keeps disappearing and he has left to Mo that’s funny um they have a they have an eonia uh on Heirloom Roses I think it’s called Green twister such a isn’t it beautiful such a fun flower as far as different you know I mean when you when you think of that can think of that classic kind of Pinky yeah pinky purplish you know very pretty flower but the green twister has two shades of color on the actual petals um you know looks like a lot of fun something you know so a lot of unique perennials these aren’t just you know you you know when you mentioned the list um Robin you know there are a lot of common things that people would know you said Yaro but it’s Unique yaros different ones and do you guys sell them like you said in gallons but are they is it they they can do like packs as well or is it just kind of individuals some of the smaller plants we sell in packs but the most of the plants are just individual ones yeah this was a joy I actually got to go through and pick the majority of these plants so tried to come up with a really good variety of like the common you know the beautiful colors that everybody would just blend with roses but also some real pop and wow uh statement pieces too awesome yeah lots of good stuff did you have a question John no I was just GNA mention uh Lyla in Powe wants to know if she’ll get to see the rose and I was thinking uh um for like actually in life is that because I posted the link to take her to the picture right right but what I’ll do is uh for our listeners is I’ll I’ll bring in a bouquet next week oh there you go so wonderful next week is when the the um they’re going to start yeah the contest’s going to start so you’ll get to see what it looks like in person yeah and actually not should should we post it on our website as well picture no we’ve got a link to um okay uh you know maybe I you don’t have any in can still they’re all yours are in the ground I only have one plant what it’s in the ground but hopefully there’ll be more than one plant in heirloom and you’ll be able I already have in my observation Greenhouse at the nursery that we already have about six or seven that I just have there so I can look at them and monitor them and it Roots so beautifully and I was just last week trying to count the number of blooms per stem and I think I was averaging 25 oh wow so it’s really full and I love that when she Fades to that white like you were talking about the streaks of pink almost leave like Starburst patterns on the flowers it’s just beautiful so I’m really excited to share this with everybody yeah that’s fun that’s fun you gotta you got a good one there John well you know it surprised me I I would Robin was at the San Diego row show was it three years ago now Robin I’m I’m trying to to remember but it won best seedling there and I really didn’t didn’t think much of it uh because at the time being a Seedling it wasn’t a very big plant so I didn’t know what it would do when I put it in the ground and and I was really surprised at the performance in the ground hey hey Robin I got a question regarding um there heirloom rose rose selection how how often or how many roses do you guys kind of introduce in your collection every year yeah great question so we have about 900 varieties on our site right now that we are actively growing and propagating from um obviously this year we’ve done tons of sales we’ve partnered with both uh Costco and Magnolia this year so we have been selling a little faster than we anticipated uh but next year we’re kind of starting something new where we do our introductions we’re being really intentional about the quality of the Roses making sure that these are like super disease-free like that’s Randy’s domain he is so obsessive about genetically testing all the plants um but we’re making sure that we’re introducing not only new roses to the public that have never been seen before but also new to us roses and I’ve made a commitment to start bringing back some of the older and hard to find roses that maybe we have in the stock Fields but haven’t been available for a decade or two um so we’ve got a really good mix of upwards of 20 varieties next year coming back either new new to us or hard to find roses we’re bringing back oh that’s fun and I mean you know it’s so neat to go with the hard to find roses as well because they have a story behind them usually and if you’re gonna bring them back I mean you know John being the rose collector he is tells us the story of of certain roses or you know how it came into production and then where it went and then why it fell out of production or why it’s Fallen Fallen away and there’s not many left um you know what a great way to kind of incorporate that you know just like I’m saying hey you can say this Rose in your garden is one that you named hey how fun is it to say hey this Rose you know was created during World War II and there was only one left and now you know I have it in my yard or you what whatever the story of it is it you know it’s fun to kind of have that go along with the plants I mean you know the the fun story I I don’t know if you guys sell um or I guess I don’t know if you would Margarita Bop penstamin and I’ve talked about this a number of times just the way it was named and how it was introduced it’s always kind of neat to have a story behind each plant hey Robin we we are going to have to take a break when we get back from the break we’re going to continue chatting with Rob and Jennings with Heirloom Roses yeah hang in there with us again great show this morning very interesting those on Facebook live uh questions comments somebody said I’ve just I’ve just submitted my name for the rose oh so people are in it already getting involved we’re going to take a break this is guard America back after these messages on bis talk radio we are back from that break uh those on bis talk radio this is the final segment of hour number one as we mention every week you’ve got news coming up top of the hour we come back for hour two at 6 minutes after but in the meantime it is Facebook live it is bis talk radio John as tiger is busy doing behind the scenes work in front of the camera well you know I wanted to mention uh one of the problems is always been ordering plants online or mail order is shipping and you never know how they’re going to arrive and I have to mention that the way that Heirloom Roses ships their plants it’s virtually foolproof uh you get the best uh the best plants in the best condition of anyone I’ve ever seen they spend a lot of time uh on their boxing and testing it obviously and when we have our auction they actually donate PL boxes to us so that we can ship our plants they’ve got it down yeah good method and I’ve I’ve never had anyone complain about the way that their roses arrive so good job on that I’m sure that somebody spent a lot of time researching that Robin oh they do we’re actually coming out with a brand new box design this in just a few months here and it’s really gorgeous I’m really excited to share it with everyone but I have a funny story about our shipping uh a few weeks few months back I walked over to shipping and I saw some of the shipping crew throwing boxes in the air like as hard as they could chucking them and I said what are you guys doing and they said oh there’s roses in there we’re just pretending we’re FedEx and UPS so they were throwing to see how the Roses th and then unboxing to see how they arve so Luckily everything is coming great no broken canes nothing so we’re you must be doing something right it’s like Crash Test Dummies right by the way Carla in Huntington Beach says I love Heirloom Roses their email makes me happy every day oh that’s so kind thank you let’s see what else all right I think I’m all set on my end guys okay thank you tiger um so uh yeah Robin so we talked about the rose uh naming contest um to going into the summer and the um fall you know we mentioned you know the bulbs will be coming up here pretty soon perennials will start to kind of you know Fade Away um you know but people can order a number of other things from heirloom throughout the year tools um you know we talked about the beneficial insects fertiliz gift certificate fertilizers um so there’s all kinds of stuff on the heirloom website that you know even if you’re stuck somewhere in the middle of summer and it’s not gardening for you or middle of winter what you know and then I sorry I was distracted but you know our listener just mentioned getting your guys’ email lots of lots of great information regarding all this too you guys do a great job of actually educating people who get behind all that if you go to our YouTube channel as well we’ve got a lot of great videos as far as like selection if you’re not sure which rose to pick we’ve got a lot of great videos on if you’re looking for a fragrant rose that grows in zone five you know you can watch that video and find the one you’re looking for so a lot of great resources in that way as well I also highly recommend in the fall when people are starting to put the gardens to bed that’s a time to get your staks and tags if you forgot to get them so I get my steaks engraved up and then they get shipped to my house and I don’t forget what’s where the garden do you guys still you you guys still do that where you give the option to the person when they buy a rose to get an engraved tag yeah yeah yeah you can get them when you purchase or you can buy them post purchase too yeah that was always a great thing that you know was an add-on to whenever you bought a rose is to be able to get that engrav tag we were just talking about that last couple of weeks you know about how they you know do away with to come with the metal tag the metal tag and now you know you can’t and sometimes identifying the row later on is difficult so why not get the little engraved tag go along with it um yeah hey so so I think we covered everything Robin lots of great information we shared a we shared a link to the contest um we will make sure to kind of you know uh keep our listeners privy to what’s going on with that when will we hear the results yeah so the official name sub submission can be from June 10th to June 17th and then we’re going to allow the uh local subscribers and customers to vote on a name and July 1 will announce the winning name oh perfect follow along with our social media and our emails to get that i’ also love to share a discount code with your followers if they want to use code Garden America they can take 25% off all roses and perennials now through June 30th and that’s just Garden America one word Garden America no spaces got it so this is going to be just like a uh nominating convention and then you get to vote exactly yeah exactly yeah true I think might try to skew it he might vote a lot right well you said I could only vote five times you can submit five names yes yes so you can vote as much as you want I guess oh really oh maybe we need to think about that yeah this is like American Idol you can vote 10 10 times on each of these media so exct you can put in 150 votes oh I love it well we can’t wait to we can’t wait to share the results you said July 1st was ju 1 what is that oh that’s a Monday all right so we we will have our show on July 6 we’ll be able to kind of share the results on then um Rob yeah thank you very much for joining us this morning Robin lots of great information and uh we look forward to hearing those results we’ll talk to you again soon it’s been a pleasure thanks guys you thanks Robin all right I think we took up the fancy of a few people yeah lots of fun stuff I mean did she say 25% off the entire website yeah I think it was just a coupon you know what I mean like it’s just a 25% off coupon you know 25% that you you feel that savings yeah a lot of people like to give 10% yeah okay but 25% you’ll you’ll see the difference and you’ll you’ll notice the savings how do we how do we do it John volume takes care of inflation right off the bat right yeah takes care of taxes I can take my headphones off right I think so you can do whatever you want yeah it’s your show yeah how that feel you know um a lot of Rose companies have had problems in say the last uh 20 years yeah a lot of them have gone out of business y MH and uh heirloom came from uh almost going out of business when the old owner died uh to Ben Hannah and his wife taking over the company and they’ve they’ve made it I think probably the number one mail order rast company in the United States yeah hopefully they’ve learned from the other past mistakes of other companies because I mean I think it could be so profitable so such good business sense what they do because it is it is hard for a garden center today to store to grow to have any selection of plants you know any selection I mean well unlike a lot of other products and that’s the hard part to offer 900 varieties of roses that’s what I’m saying you know I mean you know back in the day I mean by no means was Mission Hills Nursery a Rose Nursery we would bring in hundreds of of roses we would bring in you know I don’t know maybe 50 or or so varieties then there would be places like nipping and Hunter nurseries who would bring in hundreds of Vari we got to hit a break here okay keep that train of thought we’re talking about storing roses selling roses niffs Mission Hills Nursery a break uh pausing now for news on bis talk radio we come back at 6 minutes after and back much quicker on Facebook live do stay with us this is Garden America we are back from the break those that are just joining us on bis talk radio thank you those on Facebook live we were talking prior to the news break top of the hour tiger about storing roses selling roses uh mail order all all those things and and again you’re talking about something these are live these are living you you know you’ve got to get them out on time if they hang around too long in the warehouse so on and so forth yeah I mean you know it used to be obviously when you couldn’t order things online that you would have to go to someplace to buy and that was a big difference right but it was difficult I mean you know I don’t know do do you know John the biggest Rose selection grower in San Diego County would it have been nipping or would it have been Hunter you know or was there someone else that made I’m not even thinking of when what time like back in like the ’90s you mean like prior to online ordering yeah prior to like online ordering probably Nursery land they had the they would have hundreds of varieties yeah in their stores yeah okay so you know that was a challenge though because they would bring him in barro they’d put him in their um sawdust bins or you know I think Nursey land only did packaged oh so they only did right okay and but then what did they you’re talking about package like they came in those plastic bags kind of a package yeah okay so a lot of uh a lot of uh people kind of turn their noses down on those kind of offerings and they call those uh uh instead of packaged roses they call them roses in body bags well it’s because it’s because if you’re not a very good Nursery person they just died in those packages well plus but I mean if you to get to get them in there you had to cut the roots to a certain size right yeah and fold them in or break them yeah and if you didn’t do a good job on that it could be rough and then when they went into discount stores they they weren’t cared for at all so they just threw them on a shelf inside of a building right yeah and then they would you know the stems would turn brown they’d still sell them but yeah so so you know it but it it’s a difficult thing to bring in a wide variety you know it’s one thing to bring in a th Iceberg roses and say I’m going to sell these but it’s another thing to bring in a thousand you know roses but have 200 varieties because you never know one might never sell one will sell and you you know so it’s difficult for a nursery or garden center to be able to do that and that’s why I’m saying it’s kind of gone away you know when you go to a garden center now you’re going to find 50 varieties you know maybe 100 at a big big location to kind of pick from as far as the Roses color shape sizes all that um but online you know like we’re saying they offer 900 different roses and you have the ability to go online get them shipped to your home um they’re great quality I mean that story about them throwing the boxes in the warehouse to emulate how they’re going to get shipped across the country what a you know knowing you’re going to get a great product as well I mean I I hope it’s encouraged people to again get back into the rose growing save some of the Rose varieties that you know are not common anymore because they are available because that was the thing too is uh you know Abe Lincoln you know Rose I might not ever sell it at my garden center anymore I think you mean Mr Mr Lincoln and by the way that is a fragrant rose right John Mr Lincoln is right up there it won the James gamble fragrance award yeah you know but I I might not ever offer that again in my Gardens because so many other roses are becoming more popular and those I you know want to do but but to be able to now have that Mr Lincoln because heirloom I don’t know if they do but R offers it’s like really cool I think everyone has Mr Lincoln I did pick a very common Rose it’s like Iceberg you know maybe you can’t get Iceberg anymore cuz of global warming the iceberg roses are all dead melted they’re all melted oh but yeah so what a what a wonderful thing Ern roses is doing Hey Kevin and celan tigers says or as a question does Mission Hills Nursery offer classes on different growing and gardening techniques and how to become a good Gardener yeah I got a A Fairy gardening class just coming up here soon so if you’re into uh fairy gardening yeah no if you’re in the area yeah exactly I I mean yes Mission Hills Nursery does offer classes on on different gardening topics or different gardening things you know like we talked about fairy gardening um vegetable gardening uh you know fruit trees all that kind of stuff I mean you know I think every responsibility every Nursery is responsible for also education in the in their region because you know grow going to the missional nursery for a course in whatever it is that you’re may be interested in is different than going to a of course in Idaho or in B brook or because we all have unique things that happen in our climate in our different regions to to make us better gardeners or Worse gardeners um so yes we do offer courses want to say good night to our buddy in uh Pakistan oh H hust says good morning uh to uh to his friends in America in good night in Pakistan yeah wow what a what a funny thing as far as I put up by the way because of ham I put an article in the newsletter last week about we had talked about hibiscus yes that’s used for tea yeah so we we talked about that variety Veronica’s goingon to replace her Mr lincol tiger oh she is huh yeah but with something else not doing as well or no or she just over it well she needs to I don’t know what that means it needs to because it’s dead or because she’s over it yeah uh Lyla says that she’s put in three names already oh okay she two more you have two more lla yeah yeah take your time don’t rush right because you may change your mind tomorrow that’s right what’s the Gopher tally now John 36 oh and how many roses because you you don’t lost like I think one yeah still won still won the well you are winning yeah yeah the other three that the Gopher got I was able to get to come back excellent yeah nice but I’m not still not happy about that the one and I I finally got the Gopher that was up in my new rose bed uh it you know started warm warming its way warming gophering its way through the through the roses and I was able to get that one but that took almost two weeks oh yeah and they keep and they keep on coming yeah off the air I’ll have to tell you how I got it Dynamite um Brian um your patio it’s getting well it’s good full bloom right now right full bloom I was telling John before the show maybe you were out in the truck that my Pope John Paul six seven eight blooms already you were saying that one after another it just keeps on producing and it’s in the patio but it gets a lot of sun everything’s doing well is your Marina blooming yet oh yes uh it’s starting to yes it’s starting to or is because it is such a on the pre Bri color it is so bright it’s orange orange orange I I do feel and and I mean I know you have a ton of roses John but it’s a it’s one of the brightest roses I’ve ever seen as far as the color yeah that’s why I brought you know when I was dividing it that’s why I brought one in for you guys because I just thought it would be a color you don’t see in no a lot of roses yeah yeah unique yeah so cool yeah so mine mine just keeps blooming right now too it’s nice huh yeah you just start you know wind it up and let it go I planted some new shashido peppers for me my I don’t know what happened to my other ones but they just died out and so I had to plant some new shashido Peppers so I’m excited about that by the way you were wondering if Veronica was over her Mr Lincoln she says Nope her neighbor killed it oh her neighbor sorry yeah that uh her neighbor by the way oddly enough is named Booth okay all right little pause there did you catch that yeah her neighbor is named Booth last name booth and the neighbor killed Mr Lang yes yes yes that you know it’s not that that funny if you have to explain it exactly exactly oh Mary wants to know the name of the orange rose uh Marina Marina Marina or or yeah I think that’s what she’s asking about because we mention orange juice right um yeah Marina an m a r i n a just like a like a boat marina okay we’re GNA take a break uh keeping on time here with the network with bis talk radio so again questions comments roses what’s happening this morning name that rose contest you have five chances five entries or five different names lla is up to three Choose Wisely Lyla and be careful we got a long way to go we’re going to take a break here on bis talk radio stay with us oh yes indeed Garden America is back from the break we trust you had a good break those on bis talk radio Facebook live and I like to see our our friends our our listeners or viewers on uh Facebook in the comments section having fun with each other yeah a lot of uh lot of activity a lot of humor Mr Lincoln Mr do you know by the way tiger do you sell um buzz buttons no those things the pl yeah okay I thought you meant that when you when you shake somebody’s hand the buzzer that goes no not yeah uh yes do you yes I I need to get some of those Buzz buttons yeah yeah you’re nothing but an old buzz button well they’ve become well not become they’ve been popular probably for maybe the last 15 years 10 15 years they were selling them in New York for in bars for I think it was 50 cents of flower was it that much yeah yeah yeah I know I mean I know they became real popular like you’re saying in the bars in bars yeah cuz cuz they uh what it’s also called toothache plant yeah CU it numbs numbs so it’s one of those things that numb your mouth so you get a little buzz like they would either sprinkle the flour over the drink right or they would rub the glass The Rim the rim of the glass and uh just get a little buzz yeah to your with your alcohol you get Buzz with your Buzz I was going to say not that the alcohol Buzz isn’t enough yeah if if people want a more intense feeling of it you can just buite on some stinging nettle right exactly right oh the other day I grabbed some oh man really yeah have you ever do you have you ever grabbed steamy nettle by hand but I know what you’re talking about yeah it goes right into your skin right that I mean I mean underneath right it like you got stung yeah it’s it’s just the and and the problem is is that there ‘s fuzzy stinging nettle which is easy to identify like that’s stinging nettle I am not going to touch that and then there’s the nettle that doesn’t have the fuzz which doesn’t sting you but that’s called poison oak though no no no the just a regular like sometimes the smooth Leaf stinging nettle is that that’s not poison oak is it I’ve never seen smoth you just have to rub up against it even though it’s flat yeah well no but I’m saying like the other one so so there’s two Nettles and one stings you and one doesn’t but on the one that doesn’t it’s kind of like a 50/50 chance it doesn’t you know what I mean like stingy nettle has a fuzzy texture to the leaf and you know it’s going to sting you the other one it doesn’t sting you but it it sometimes does but you walk away with symptoms yeah I don’t know I told you the story about my grandmother picking Nettles because she would cook them yeah right mhm and um make it like a pesto but she would go out there with bare hands gloves no gloves or anything El she was used to it right well no because you know I saw her doing that I said grandma doesn’t that stin she goes yeah a little bit they build up a tolerance I don’t know I I used to work with old Nursery guys too and and they just pull it up bare hands really you know and there are people too speaking of rubbing up against these these plants or these leaves that that sting you even poison o poison iy some old Grizzle people like known that hike doesn’t do anything to them they a little rash whatever yeah I’ve never been allergic to either poison oak or poison ivy nice and my dad wasn’t so you think it’s hereditary but my brother was extremely allergic and oh W and my kids are extremely I was going to say I think I remember hearing one of the sons when they were doing some work right yeah both both Joe but Jesse no I’m not sure if Joe is Joe might not be but Jesse is for sure yeah so uh Carla’s asking for prayers okay she’s going uh to the fuchia sale at Sherman Gardens and she only wants to buy one oh good luck with that yeah it’s not probably not going to happen yeah how about if we just pray for the best outcome yeah yeah exactly not necessarily that you only buy one but just the best outcome you know that’s something that you should always just say three three is a good number you you could stick to three one that’s an impossible that’s that’s like eating one potato chip right yeah you know you tiger you were talking about how fashion changes in in plants and that’s something that’s changed at least in San Diego you used to have there was fuchsia season and and now you can’t even find fuchsia no I mean they you would have uh 4in fuchsia named varieties uh Every Spring uh they’d come out and do you think it’s because they’re kind of difficult I think they started to disappear when that Gite fuchsia Gite came around became yeah challenging to produce and then have right the same thing happened with hibiscus when the uh the what woolly white fly is that what it’s called woly White fly mean this the when that came out but then they then they came with the uh wasp that attacked it and they got rid of it so so people now still plant Hibiscus but uh if they didn’t come up with a cure for that the Hibiscus probably would have disappeared K and when we were in Meander you can’t buy Oleander anymore but when we were in Costa Rica right didn’t we see hibiscus and they were all free and clear of whitefly do I remember that or no I never saw any white fly there right that’s what I’m saying like yeah you know if and like you’re saying San Diego if there was a wild hibiscus plant like meaning like not actually managed in Tak care of it it had white FL yeah it you know but in Costa Rica they were beautiful and no white fly and yeah but Oleander like you know John is saying used to be a very very common shrub for San Diego County plant freeways um people use it as Hedges and it’s like the perfect drought tolerant plant and then people you know oh it’s poisonous well okay it’s yeah yeah let’s let’s be let’s be realistic as far as what it’s poisonous you know number one it’s not it is poisonous but it’s not going to kill you just by looking at it and then number two not by looking at it but can you imagine that look at it but chewing it it was pretty deadly po well that reminds me I need to stop by your nursery and buy some carnations oh yeah what kind of carnations you have them Lisa’s yeah carnations you have Carn I don’t if we do actually right now that’s why we have we’ve had this conversation before I told you I planted one a few months ago back in my yard a carnation yeah you just don’t no one talks about them anymore cuz they flop over buy you can buy a dianthus dianas have become really popular I can’t believe how well dianthus do yeah I mean they just they bloom their little heads off Brian do they really they do how about that uh Carla says some of her tiger some of her plumaria and a lot of them in the neighborhood have yellow leaves is it the lack of sunshine and cool weather Y what should she do yeah it’s it’s exactly that we are very behind when it comes to should plumia even have a leaf on it right now yes they should they should mine’s doing okay mine’s doing well but I’ve as you guys know I probably have about 20 varieties now and I’ve got some that are leafing out really nice and some that are I some that are still struggling to Leaf out but I would say that the problem is right now is you know she hit it on the head we don’t have the sunlight that we would normally have and and she’s right on the coast too yeah and which is even you know less and they probably got well overwatered in the winter time and so they’re still they need to dry out yeah exactly but I will say if she starts to fertilize it right now you’re going to start to see some big changes so I’ve started fertilizing my Plum areas now because I want them to you know grow really well and strong and I fertilize them once a month because they love fertilizer good advice we’re GNA take we’re going to take a break and then back with Plumas and fertilizing yeah maybe I’ll do that this afternoon Garden America we have uh two more segments uh boy oh boy here we go bis talk radio Facebook live and continue the conversations in the comments section on Facebook live this uh this break these messages from our friends on bis talk radio and a big thank you to fom we are back from the break here on Garden America prior to the break Tiger’s going to be fertilizing his Plumas sometime today yeah and and maybe I’ll do the same thing I don’t remember his name but we had a plum grower on a while back and turned us onto the gromore gromore areia food or something like that or was it tropical yeah I can’t remember but I have something that was really high in potes right yep and so I have a I I’ll post a picture of it later on today on the um Facebook but um I I’ve kind of I I do that and then I mix it in with some just all-purpose fertilizers and um the ones in the ground I do more kind of organic allpurpose fertilizers because the issue that I have too is I have still a little bit of heavy clay in some areas and I I want to make sure to amend that soil nicely for the plum areas but in the pots I do the liquid fertilizer lla says that her daughter brought her a plumaria stick from Hawaii should she plant it with John’s method I think she’s talking about the egg method the one where you put the egg underneath it yeah yeah yeah you you live by that you love that well I don’t know if I live by it but uh I did do a test one time and it absolutely worked and for those of us or those of you who are listening for the first time you’re wondering what we’re talking about with the egg method yeah all you do is put an egg in the bottom of a pot yeah and then put the soil on top and don’t even crack it yeah needs to be a fresh egg not hardboiled true good note yeah and and what what does that appear to do you know is the egg uh decomposes it emits sulfur and um uh some of that helps the plant to root yeah if you if you Google egg method of rooting plumeria online you can find out all about it um so I think the statue of limitations also because I haven’t told you guys about the plum I brought back from coost Rica I don’t know about Statue limitations that even when they’re expired you can be prosecuted okay so obviously this was a well-kept secret so you know I whenever we I travel I like to try to bring one back so do you remember the last place the last hotel we stayed on the the beach with the crabs the c yeah they were all over place if you looked from our hotel straight across there was like a point um a land point I know exactly so I got over to that side and when I got there there was these massive plumeria trees growing on on that point and so I was able to climb up on there and I like like at 1:30 in the morning no uh I was able to climb up on there and I got a cutting and was and brought it back but um it’s kind of like a cool wild giant tree a little different than going to a nursery yeah and buying one yeah and you know I know where it came from and you know all of that kind of fun stuff about something that will remind you of your trip how big was it the cutting cutting oh only like a foot okay you know what’s interesting and I I asked Dana this the other night coming back from Costa Rica coming or going we never had to fill out any cards if we bringing in any fruit any seeds any anything any material now when you go to Hawaii you you have to and that’s in the United States and it’s all for protecting so on and so forth but we didn’t have to for COA Rica but I have a funny story about this cutting so I went up onto this rock got a plant sniffed it off cut it off and bring by the way don’t trust don’t try this at and we need a disclaimer that that John and briyan in no way could the actions of tiger Pell Fox but here is the here is the classic thing why do you not why are you not allowed to bring back plants from other countries it’s because disease areg you introduced yes so I’m I’m I’m looking at the plant as I’m walking back with it and it’s got a bug on it and I don’t know what this bug is but I was like see if I didn’t look closely and saw that had this bug on it who knows it came back in my suitcase or whatever but I was able to take the bug off and you just hope there are no other bugs or eggs eggs on lying dormant yeah I don’t know if that’s really a funny story or if it’s funny because you say it on air and you waited till right now and he was like a little kid who got away with something yeah yeah you know yeah um so anyway well the nice thing about plumia is that they are easy to clean off right it’s just a stick you didn’t bring any leaves back right yeah no just a stick so yeah no soil oh do you remember um was it going coming back wait a minute it was when we were coming back when we sat on the airport how they random ly called me aside yeah for drug testing that was um that was that was on our way from Costa Rica to the United States United States and you know Dan and I watch so many of these airport custom shows you know where they take this I knew exactly what they were doing they take a wand and they they just rub your suitcase and then they put it into a little machine looks like a little ticket that you you know when you park someplace and it comes up for any kind of drug and it tells you exactly what it is or or bomb residue or or residue exactly which surprised they didn’t have dogs cuz most airports they just people get off the plane or getting ready to depart they dogs there w’t dogs at the airport we went to when oh well we didn’t see any Liberia I didn’t see any dogs so but yeah and you weren’t there but yeah I got pulled over got put into a little room yeah and I I kind of thought special Brian Maine please report to yeah he thought he was going to get upgraded yeah and uh they said yeah we’re going to check you for drugs they went through my suitcase so one and so forth and you know what even though you know you’re totally clean yeah you’re thinking I hope I mean I I hope there’s no did I leave my bag unattended no false readings you know or whatever but uh yeah that was about the most exciting thing it happened and you said you saw dogs yeah you saw dogs I don’t know if I would say that was exciting Wonder wonderful one to Costa Rica did you see anything yeah we saw dogs at the airport but they’re at the airport they’re inside they were inside dogs exactly what was the name of the first hotel we stayed at the very first night we got there oh it that was that a Double Tree yeah it was like yeah it was a Double Tree because of the cookies yeah exactly okay yeah that was in San Jose right yes yeah how’s the our new trip coming uh it’s coming along I think we just got back John well no we got a I mean if people want to plan to go with us next year we’re going to have to come up with something pretty soon yeah you know last we were talking about um Iceland and Europe you know we were talking about and so Ireland Ireland and um we were uh we’re we’re we’re trying to finalize that second part of it like you were saying like whether we’re going to do a the Hampton Court Flower Show yep whether we’re going to do that as a can add-on or whether we’re going to do that as part of the trip I think people might like that because it’s the world’s largest flower show it’s amazing I know you’d like it Bri was blown away yeah it’s the largest flower show and there wasn’t even the winds weren’t that strong either you were still blown away I remember tiger being uh I mean there were things there that I saw for the first time that I really really liked but I remember you being uh just infatuated with the displays of alium oh my gosh I mean so cool first of all we we don’t get many alium here right so disappointed I tried there were so many different types very interest do you do you know aliam it’s it’s the onion family it’s like an onion but they get flowers the size of a basketball and they’re perfectly round basketball size flowers on these stems that are four feet tall well huge flowers either are very intriguing or they can scare you oh if because you’re looking at it going you shouldn’t be that big yeah exactly like you turn a corner and you see a sunflower you know six feet tall stirring you in the face yeah that’s a that’s a big Bloom that’s a big flower so yeah by the way is packing Dan who is Dana she’s ready to go she never unpacked never that’s what she didn’t tell you she’s ready to go her pack she’s ready to go yeah you know when I’ll be back again I mean you know that Hampton Court Flower Show I’ve been to a lot of flower shows in the United States and as John said there was things I’d never seen there before BL blew you away and and and not even impossible things meaning you know I get it when in the aliums are impossible for us I don’t see aliums because they don’t grow here that’s that’s that’s kind of a given when you go to some places for flower shows but I remember one display had I don’t even know 50 types of mint just mint plants all kinds of mint I’m like I I get it I’ve seen chocolate mint I’ve seen spearmint I’ve seen mint the best I’ve seen peppermint peppermint I’ve SE I’ve seen a lot of mints but they had 50 types of mint plants i’ had never seen they I didn’t know that existed and those are plants that we could grow uh Sue by the way in uh San Diego says she’s planning her vacation for next year so she needs to know when you’re talking about okay we’re looking summer so I think the Hampton Court Flower shows in June right exactly later in June if I remember correctly right yeah if you uh if you sue if you Google Hampton Court Flower Show uh 2025 you’ll see the dates so you’ll know we’ll kind of that window yeah either before or after that window yeah yeah um but yeah we we wanted to pick that area because we can go there in the summer and it’s it’s their season you know it’s very difficult to travel to someplace in the summer and have things be in season you know if we were to go to you know Australia in the summertime it’s their winter if we were to go to to you know England in the summertime it’s their summer still you know the you know the Hampton Corp flower show is at the end of their season okay we got to take a break we’ve got one more segment we have reached almost the end of the show so a break thanking fertilome our major sponsor here on Garden America and again these breaks are for you on bis talk radio we are back uh from the break this is our final segment here on Garden America as we continue throughout the weekend uh this show today will be uploaded on our YouTube channel Garden America radio show be sure to go to our website Garden visit it if you can just at least once a day peruse it it does help us per be a perer Kim and Tucson uh is asking if tiger had said Iceland because I after he said Iceland I said Ireland yeah uh but it’s both yeah yes yeah we’re talking about doing Iceland Ireland and then like you’re saying maybe the Hampton Court kind of at the end of it yeah so or or maybe making it a poster post to her yeah yeah exactly or making Iceland a pre or post tour because yeah we’re trying to go to someplace in the summertime but actually have it be in season right um you know because it’s you have to go to those cold areas to get a summer season for their plants right um back to the plumeria thing and Iceland when I was uh in Germany last last year we collected uh cuting of a rose from Iceland oo and it’s it’s budded up right now and I is it can’t wait to see a plume yeah did you see it did you see it there yeah okay not in Iceland but in Germany in Germany that’s what I’m saying like you saw it before you y acquired it and um do do you think from Germany to Fallbrook the plant will grow the same as far as I mean I know the flower is going to look the same but size flower size all that are you thinking that it might need cooler temperatures in Fall Brook um maybe but I think because we’re Inland we do get a little cooler in the winter so I think it’ll be fine okay uh Carla said she’s saving her pennies all right but Carla that’s not going to work you got to start saving dollars I’m not sure what the cost of the tour will be but pretty sure it’s going to be dollars and then Kevin chimes in I just want to say that you guys are really great to travel with super fun we are in for your next trip you know what Kevin you and Terry were great to travel such a blast absolutely yeah I’ll go on a trip with you Kevin yeah really Kevin a trip Kevin we’ll go with you so anyway Carla’s asking now she’s confused Iceland or Ireland both both both any uh any country that begins with an i yeah oh not Iran though no not Iran Iraq yeah probably not Israel either because of the thing we need things to settle down over there calm down but just calmed down no Iraq either yeah Iraq Iran I fell Italy Italy well we’ve done Italy a few times that would be a tough one in the summertime though yeah you don’t want to do it in the summer it be good to do southern Italy in Spring yes which would include Pompei we want to tell the real reason why we’re going in the summer tiger yeah because that’s the only time I can travel now yeah makes Tiger’s wife wants to go with them exactly and since she’s a teacher there’s no chance of can I go on one trip with you please exactly exactly yeah so we have to do a a summer trip in order to accommodate that my wife being a teacher doesn’t get right time off of the rest of the time of the year I don’t think the trips bothered her until this time Tiger’s dad came and she goes all right yeah you’re taking your dad now exactly I want to go yeah I think Janine would be a fun person to travel with oh for sure be a good time and it’d be fun because she really is interested in the plants and all of the things that we do she would be blown away she she loves that stuff oh so the the Hampton Court flower show is everybody talks about going to the Chelsea flower show and and Chelsea’s phenomenal in a different way it’s also um good because it’s way at the beginning of the season it’s actually before roses are blooming so to have Rose displays they have to grow them in green houses yeah en force them and um and Chelsea’s good that way but the way that the Lo reason the locals like the Hampton Court flower show is it’s a sale too so you can buy lots of stuff there massive sale yeah and that’s the only thing we did not like about yes about the show was there were all the things that we wanted to buy and we couldn’t oh God but it was still like I saying the mint table of plants and then those braided got a picture standing next to the one of those Willows I mean it was like an a a sculpture a piece of sculpture except it was alive yeah with just and and John and I were talking about we’re like this is so not I don’t want to say easy in the sense of right it was easy to do but if you had a willow Farm you know and they do those because they have the whole Willow Cut Flower Arrangements things right so if you had a willow Farm you could put these sculptures together and put them out for sale within days you know what I mean like it wasn’t like it wasn’t like something that they had to like oh plant and grow and then sell all you had to do was have these sticks kind of like the lucky bamboo but even more so than the lucky bamboo because they just Twisted the Willows meaning you took one stem and you just kind of bent it yeah but there was a lot of design to it yeah it was cool yeah so really neat stuff that we had never seen before so it’s always fun to go to those places and be able to get that inspiration I remember John was blown away because the rose tent so they had this massive Convention Center tent just filled with all the rose companies and all their varieties you know David Austin had a mass Bo um you all kind of things new introductions you know I think they were more focused on new stuff they you know I think it was all new stuff yeah you know what also be interesting is Harkness was there and we just talked to Robin Jennings from arloom and she said they just reached a deal with Harkness yeah so we may be able to see a lot of new roses that you will be able to buy over here in a couple years that’s one heck of a long tease for the this possible trip if you’re not excited about this I don’t know what you’re going to get excit about yeah it’s also yeah it’s a trip that we haven’t even planned yet so if we can get that excited over something we’re not sure we’re doing yeah something else to get excited about maybe Show’s almost over oh my goodness well if you like this show you’re not excited but if you couldn’t wait for it to end you’re excited have you GNA wait for can you imagine if somebody’s sitting there listening to our show be like when is this going to be over instead of turning it off in they just keep watching and listening when when is this going to end well guess what you’re in luck it’s going to end right now Ina just mentioned there’s no way I’m missing Hampton Court all right yeah we we’ve uh We’ve tested the waters and it seems to be very positive thank you for tuning in until next week uh we have to go your garden buddies have a great rest of your weekend a good week we are back next week do we have a guest next week tiger uh not at the moment have we may or may not so hang in there for that read the newsletter for the entire crew John Basco tiger palifox I’m Brian Maine have a good week and we’ll see you next time next week here on Garden America

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