
March Garden Guide: What To Start From Seed Or Plant NOW #garden #gardeningtips #vegetablegarden

It’s March and I have a ton of garden ideas for you whether you have passed your last spring frost date or not! In this month’s garden guide, I focus on the vegetable crops and plants that can be started from seed or planted during the month of March and spring/summer garden planning. If your last spring frost date falls in January, February, March or April, then you need to start sowing seeds now. Therefore, I share my tips for indoor or outdoor seed sowing. I also cover important garden tasks like pruning fruit trees, techniques for sowing seeds, and recommendations on my favorite cultivars. Spring gardening is my favorite and most abundant season. I share all my tips and tricks as a professional seed and plant nursery so you can apply them at home.

🌐 Find seeds & plants on my website:

📧 Get a free printable checklist version of this March Garden Guide to help keep you on track sent to your email here:

🌐 Find your first/last spring frost dates:

***Everything Mentioned In This Video***
🔨Trellis System Supplies List (Amazon):
🤑🌿Get $10 Off your order – GreenStalk vertical garden tower:
🌽Corn Seeds:
🌱72 cell seed trays (Amazon):
💡Shop Lights (5000K from Amazon):
💡Mars Hydro 3×3 Grow Lights (Amazon):
♨️Heat mats:
🌱Rattlesnake Pole Bean Seeds:
🌱Puerto Rican Black Bean Seeds:
🌱Pinkeye Purple Hull Pea Seeds:
🌱Thai Soldier Long Bean Seeds:
🌱How to grow beans guide:
🌿Cucurbita Moschata Squash/Pumpkin Seeds:
🌿Mayan Calabaza Chica Seeds:
🍅My tomato playlist –
🍅Sunrise Bumblebee Cherry Tomato Seeds:
🍅Tiny Tim Micro Dwarf Tomato Seeds:
🍅Neves Azorean Red Beefsteak Tomato Seeds:
🍅Dwarf Suzy’s Beauty tomato seeds:
🍅Dwarf Purple Reign tomato seeds:
🌶️ Sweet Pepper seeds:
🌶️Hot Pepper seeds:
🍆How to grow eggplants:
🍆Eggplant seeds:
🥕How to grow carrots:
🥕Carrot seeds:
🥬How to grow lettuce:
🍃Organic blood meal (high in nitrogen):
🍃Florida Broadleaf Mustard greens seeds:
🌿Tatsoi seeds:
🥬How to grow kale:
🍃Black Tuscan Lacinato Kale Seeds:
🍃Dazzling Blue kale seeds:
🍃Napa Cabbage Seeds:
🌿Herb Garden Seed Collection (6 varieties for the price of 5):
🌿Cuban Oregano plants:
🍀Grow Bags (Amazon):
🦋Butterfly Garden Seed Collection (6 varieties for the price of 5):
🐝Bee Garden Seed Collection(6 varieties for the price of 5):
🌻Tithonia aka Mexican Sunflower Seeds:
🌻Petite Dwarf French Marigold Seeds:
🌻Sunflower Seeds:
🧅Green Bunching Onion Seeds:
🌱Radish seeds:
🌿How to germinate luffa:
Luffa seeds:
🌿How to germinate moringa:
Moringa seeds & plants:
🌸Roselle seeds:
🍇How to grow muscadine grapes tutorial:
🍍Pineapples and other live fruiting plants:
🏡MySoil Test Kit:
🛢️Horticultural oil:
🌱BT Spray:
🌱Spinosad Organic Spray:

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Find the same gardening supplies I use in my own garden by following my Amazon link:

hello Gardener and welcome to my March Garden guide which gives you ideas on things to either start from seed or transplant right now along with expert tips and garden task reminders to help keep you on track I do a garden guide every single month so if you enjoy this video make sure you subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss a single one you can find my monthly Garden guides in my monthly Garden guides playlist or join my email group and I will send you the guide automatically at the beginning of every single month I will link all of these things in the description below if you’re new here hello and welcome my name is Jara and I teach people how to garden and grow food so you have come to the right place if you want to improve your gardening skills all right let’s get started with this guide the official date of spring this year is March 19th and there is so much that can be planted right now whether you have passed your last spring frost date or not therefore as I review each crop category I will say if you passed your last spring Frost dat then do this or if you have not passed your last spring Frost dat then do this I’m just trying to be a little bit more accurate for everybody if you do not know your last spring Frost dat then please visit this website right here you enter in your zip code and it will give you an estimated date this date is very important to know because you will backtrack from here to figure out when to sew seeds or figure out when you need to start planting outside all right so let’s talk about all the things that can be started from seed or transplanted this month I’m going to go through each crop but just know that I probably have a dedicated growing guide specific to that crop that will give you step-by-step directions on how to grow it from seed so if one exists I’ll just link all of that Below in the description and don’t forget so check out my website if you want to find seeds or plants for anything that I mention in my videos our first category of crops is corn if you’re past your last spring Frost dat like me you can begin direct sewing seeds for corn all sorts of corn sweet corn Dent popcorn or Flint corn I have issues getting good germination when I direct sew corn seeds so I start them indoors in these 72 cell seed trays I put this over a heat mat and then I put this inside of a mini Greenhouse so it’s nice and warm which really helps get good germination as you can see I got near perfect germination once these seedlings are 3 weeks old I will transplant them into the garden if you’re not past your last spring Frost aate you can sew corn seeds just like this 3 weeks before your last spring frost a to get a head start on the season I just plant one seed per cell this is especially advantageous if you have a short warm season to grow corn this technique is not so practical if you’re growing fields of corn in that case it’s more efficient to just direct sew the seeds but for small backyard home gardeners with a few smaller beds of corn this technique really works out great and this leads me into my second crop to start growing this month squash if you are past your last spring frost a you can direct SE seeds for squash while my corn seedlings start growing I’m going to start direct sewing seeds for a large Vining type of squash like seminal pumpkin so it can grow under the corn and sprawl out to block out the weeds and maximize my growing space if you struggle with squash bugs or the dreaded squash Bine boar I highly recommend you choose squash cultivars in one of these two groups these types of squash cultivars have extra thick and Woody stems that make it hard for the bugs to get into them they also have a higher disease tolerance than most I’m not saying you won’t get any pest or diseases it’s just that these are tough plants that will tolerate more disease and pest pressure before dying this increases your chances of harvesting something if you struggle to grow zucchini because zucchini is in the kirab pppo family and they are not as strong then I recommend growing a zucchini alternative like trun ricante which is in the sea moscata family it tastes better than zucchini in my opinion or you can try growing this Mayan squash called calabacita chica which is a very rare and hard to find squash cultivar but I do have seeds on my website it is part of the sea pepo family but it is native to South America and is super disease tolerant this plant has been growing here since last September and is like unfazed by anything so far which does a lot for my Florida garden it produces these small squashes that kind of look like seminal pumpkins when fully mature but you harvest the squash when they are small and immature still green with some white streaks on the outside of them to use it basically just like you would zucchini they are commonly stuffed and baked in Mexico if you’re not past your last spring frost a you can get a head start by sewing seeds in 4 in size pots or Solo cups indoors about 6 weeks before your last spring frost a all right so moving along we have beans and cow peas this is such an easy crop especially if you’re a beginner Gardener they’re are bush beans and then there are pole beans bush beans are great because they are small plants getting no more than about 1 and 1/2t Tall or so so they can easily be planted underneath larger crops like corn or tomatoes pole beans are more productive than bush beans in my experience and they require a vertical trellis to grow on I do have a preference for pole beans because I don’t have to bend over to harvest out all the beans like I do with the bush type if you’re past your last spring Frost State like me you can start direct sewing seeds for beans if I had to choose just one bean to grow it would be the rattlesnake pole bean because they tolerate a wide range of conditions and always produce very very well for me they are pretty too the pods are green and it has like these purple streaks on them for dried shelling beans I cannot recommend Puerto Rican black beans enough and for cow Peas I really like pink eye purple hul Peas I also recommend Thai Soldier long beans they’re kind of like a mix between a green bean and a yardlong bean they are super productive with long pods that can be eaten in its entirety like green beans I have a video All About harvesting them which I will link below all of these cultivars are extremely vigorous take on the heat like a champ and are very delicious if you’re not past your last spring frost a you can sew one seed for a bean or cow pea type of plant in these 72 cell seed trays just like what I did with the corn here a lot of people think you can’t sew seeds like this for corn or beans because they get transplant shock which is true they really don’t like their root systems to be messed with but when you sew them in these little 72 cell sea trays you basically grow out a little plug and when you pop them out it conserves the entire root system they don’t get Disturbed at at all so then I just plant them right into the ground and they pick right back up and start growing but the number one thing I would say if you’re going to do this with corn or beans is you have to pop these out and plant them in the garden when they are 3 weeks old anything beyond that I find that the roots get really root bound the plants start getting yellow and it does affect their growth especially for corn because some corn plants can get like 8ot tall and I notice if they get root bound when I’m doing this if I don’t pay attention and plant them on time they do get a little bit stunted and growth so we don’t want that just make sure you time out everything properly you plant these out at the 3E Mark so make sure you have your garden area ready okay so moving into the next crop greens all sorts of greens let me break this one down for you if you’re in Garden zones 8 and 9 you still have time to direct those seeds for cool seasoned greens like these right here however if you’re in zone 10 and 11 don’t waste your time except for Tat soy and mustard greens you can keep sewing seeds for those you should have planted your last rounds of cool weather or spring crops in January and February so that you can finish up harvesting them in March your focus now in March should be planting summer crops because the heat returns by the end of this month at least for me it does zones 10 and 11 barely have a spring it just goes from cool to hot instead start planting alternative heat loving greens like these right here these are the greens that will carry you through summer if you have any favorite heat tolerant greens that I missed please comment below because I know there are a lot of them some other greens include mustard greens kale and Napa cabbage at this point I only recommend zones 8 and 9 to transplant these right now it’s getting just way too hot for zones 10 and 11 to get started planting them right now I recommend that all hot climate gardeners plant these things in a spot that gets full Morning Sun with afternoon shade this will help them last much longer into the summer my absolute favorite type of kale is the lado types like black tuskin dazzling blue and black magic because they handle the heat very well I have had plants survive over 2 years in my garden if grown in a spot that gets afternoon shade next next up we have herbs it is okay to either transplant or directo seeds for all sorts of herbs if you’re past your last spring frosta here are some ideas of herbs that I love to grow many of these are host plants for various butterflies and attract loads of beneficials to your garden and since the heat is returning very soon for zones 10 and 11 I recommend you plant a lot of tropical herbs like these right here some of these can be started from seed While others are grown from cuting or root pieces like ginger grown from ryom these tropical herbs will carry you through the summer when all the traditional European herbs start to die off from just too much heat and rain if you’re not past your last spring frost8 then start sewing herb seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before your last spring frost a I really love to sew rows and rows of herbs in the same 72 cell sea trays that I use with corn and beans so I can grow a lot of them at once or if you have existing plants in your garden you can start taking cuting and propagate them these are some time oregano Rosemary mint and basil cuting that I took I removed the lower leaves and dipped them into some rooting hormone powder they quickly took root and are ready to be transplanted outside this is much faster than starting all the way from seed it is too late to just get started sewing seeds for bulbing onions for zones 8 through 11 that’s it the window to plant onions has closed but we can also seeds for green bunching onions like these right here or you can get scraps from the grocery store and replant them since both herbs and onions give off a smell that repels pests I like to mix it all up by entering them around my veggie crops everything is mixed which confuses the pests and helps to attract pollinators and beneficial insects all around the area instead of in just one spot the next group of crops is radish beets and turnips if you’re in zones 10 and 11 you should have planted all of this stuff by now you might get away with one more crop of radish if you hurry up and directo seeds like right now it’s just getting way too hot for them zones 8 and N should be fine to directo seeds if you wanted to right now radishes are great companion plants underneath other bigger veggie crops like Tomatoes or in small spaces like in my greenstock Garden Towers if you’re past your last spring Frosty you can start direct sewing seeds or transplanting all sorts of flowers if you’re not past your last spring frost a then sew seeds indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before your last spring frost a to get an early start just like the herbs I like to sew rows and rows of flowers in 72 cell sea trays you could potentially take cuting and propagate a whole bunch too flowers are such an integral part of my garden because they attract loads of pollinators our host plants for various butterflies and beneficial insects for the butterflies I like to plant as much Native milked as possible along with other host plants and nectar Rich flowers like these right here to attract bees and other pollinators I recommend to sew seeds for sunflowers and Tonia also agastache also known as Korean mint and African blue basil African blue basil is a hybrid that produces sterile seeds so it can’t be grown from seed instead you need to find a plant or grow some from cuings if you can find some grab a bunch I also sell African blue basil plants on my website from time to time it just depends on the season and how quickly I’m able to grow them out if you’re past your last spring frosted you can start planting flower bulbs my personal favorites are gladiolus dalas and latris lastly the worms are coming last season was the first time that I direct so seeds for petite dwarf maragold under all of my tomatoes I did it to ward off nematodes but that really wasn’t effective just saying however I have not had a single worm on my tomato plants since September and it’s now March so that’s almost like 6 months of no worm issues my mind is officially blown because I get hordes of worms right here in my Florida garden so I am officially a believer that marold repel certain pests but it has to be the french marigolds though and I chose the petite dwarf variety because they are pretty short plants like no more than 1T tall so they fit perfectly underneath my tomato plants if you’re Pastor last spring froste then you can start planting tropical root crops like these right here it is good to plant early so you can take advantage of the long warm growing season that is to come if you have have not already or you’re not pasted your last spring frost a yet then you need to get started with growing out sweet potato slips if you’re trying to grow them yourself from a tuber because that takes months I just posted a video about a giant sweet potato Harvest that I had from growing them in grow bags I also showed how to propagate and cure sweet potatoes so very helpful I will link that video in the description below if you didn’t know sweet potato leaves make for an awesome edible leafy green so I would add that to the list of heat tolerant greens as well another root crop that is pretty easy to grow once you get the of it is carrots it is too late to just get started with direct sewing seeds for carrots except for Zone 8 everyone else zones 9 to 11 carrot season starts again in September carrots don’t grow well in the Heat and if you plant some right now they would be forming their Roots 3 months down the line when it’s very hot and that stunts their growth and makes them taste bitter Zone 8 has some more weeks of cooler weather so this is pretty much your last chance to hurry up and direct so some seeds for carrots moving on the next crop we have are cucumbers and melons I kind of lump them together because they have very similar growth habits so this includes anything like the pickling or fresh eating types of cucumbers or any kind of melon whether it be a big watermelon a personal sized one or cantaloupes things like that if you’re past your last spring froste now is a great time to start direct sewing seeds for all of these crops in fact I noticed that they grow much faster when they are direct sewn into the ground right into some soil instead of when you start them from seed like in little cups or containers indoors or something like that now if you’re not past your l Spring frosting then that’s pretty much the only choice you have and that would be to start them 6 to 8 weeks from seed like indoors and containers pots what have you and that’s fine that’ll help you get an early start on your season because you probably don’t have as long as a warm growing season like I do here in Florida so I got to get to it with direct sewing seeds for a ton of these things but the number one thing I would say about growing cucumbers cantaloupe watermelons is that the worms love to chew them up I typically find these little green worms with like two white stripes on their back I believe they’re called pickle worms but I think they go over by lots of other names the most effective treatment for that is just regular BT spray it is crucial that you monitor your little seedlings as soon as they germinate because they can easily chew down a Little Seedling overnight I want to show you guys How I build this very easy trellis system just to give you ideas on how to get into vertical gardening as much as possible because that will greatly help reduce the amount of pests that get up on your plants and also helps open up your plants to better air circulation which helps prevent a lot of the diseases I love this system I’ve been using this for years the supplies that you use for this are pretty inexpensive and easy to find no matter where you’re located this thing is very lightweight I can take it apart and move it into a new part of my garden if I wanted to very easily which usually is what I do every season I tend to just change the entire layout of my garden first you’re going to need two tpost the taller the toost the better the tallest toost that I’ve been able to find are the 10t ones but usually what I find in my local stores close to my house is 6t or 7t this one right here here is a 6′ one and once you drive it into the ground you’re going to lose some of those inches that’s why I say go with the tallest one you can find and a lot of times some of these crops that you would be growing on this vertical trellis have vines that get really long for example this is some sweet peas here they’re doing really great but I know just from experience growing this variety these Vines can get up to 8 to 10 ft tall since this is a short trellis these Vines are already going over the top and they really have no more space to grow up so I’m going to lose some production here if I had a taller trellis then they would continue growing up that length and produce even more for me I am aware of this but I ran out of like the really tall TST so I had to use what I had these are 6 foot ones but I still get a lot of PE production for my household needs next you’re going to need some metal pipe this is electrical EMT pipe I think that’s what it’s called this particular piece is 10t long so I installed these toost about 10 ft apart the diameter of this is 3/4 of an inch I I do not recommend you go thinner than that because it will definitely start bending under the weight of whatever you’re growing on it to attach this pipe to the top of my toost there’s so many ways you can do this you can wrap string around this just to make it thicker so that it doesn’t slide down you can use a plastic PVC like this one right here or even the l-shapes kind I simply just push the metal pipe all the way through my pvct here and then set it right on the top of my toost then the last thing you need is some heavy duty vinyl mesh trellis I get this one from Amazon I know it’s a little hard to see with these peas all over it I have tried so many different brands of vinyl mesh trellis and they tend to fall apart but this one is really thick it’s actually lasted me several years which says a lot because I’m in Florida and everything just breaks apart from the elements here I will definitely put links Below in the description if you want to find this same heavy duty mesh vinyl trellis and all of the supplies that I’m using here I grow all sorts of things on here I’ve grown tomatoes on here heavier crops like l or tromino ricante pole beans watermelons seminol pumpkins right now I’ve got these sweet peas so very versatile and easy to use moving on it is too late for Zone 11 10 and some of zone 9 gardeners to just get around to sewing seeds for tomatoes peppers and eggplants that is my opinion because by the time they start producing summer will be in full force and it’s the summer heat that kills off my tomato plants and terminates my tomato season personally I do not like growing tomatoes over the summer Pest and disease pressure is just way too high for me here in Florida in high heat conditions tomato plants shut down stop growing and stop flowering the same thing happens with my peppers and eggplants too they essentially just become host plants for all sorts of diseases and pests I remove all of my tomato plants in June and clean out everything they can’t produce anyways I do leave my peppers and eggplants because they usually start growing again once temperatures cool down and fall if you still want to grow some Tomatoes use transplants instead and choose Cherry dwarf or mic mro dwarf cultivars because they start producing much earlier than the indeterminates or large beef steaks that just ensures you harvest something before summer arrives and it is totally fine to transplant peppers and eggplants right now it’s just too late to start them from seed those of you with last spring Frost AES in April can sew seeds for tomatoes peppers and eggplants indoors right now so they’re ready to be transplanted as soon as they’re big enough I highly recommend using grow lights because this will speed up growth tremendously it used to take me 12 weeks to get tomatoes to transplant size when using shop lights but now it takes me 6 weeks when I use official grow lights they are ready in half the time I like to use the Mars Hydro 3×3 grow lights and I get these from Amazon they are a little expensive but work very well and are a huge timesaver especially if you’re late to starting seeds right now is also a great time for all of us in zones 8 to 11 to plant a new asparagus bed or add new ones to existing beds and yes I have successfully grown asparagus right here in my Florida Zone 10A Garden I highly recommend that you purchase 2 old crowns so they start producing sooner because otherwise it can take a couple years I have grown all sorts of varieties from Mary Washington purple passion and some heat tolerant cultivars like UC 157 they all grow great I of to find bags of crowns at Sam’s Club or Tractor Supply but there are a lot of good online stores that sell them too I’m actually growing out some UC 157 plants and we offer them on my website very soon you can also sew seeds for asparagus right now if you want to go that route over buying crowns they are pretty easy to grow from seed they just take while to size up like 6 months or so so that way they’re ready to be transplanted my number one tip when it comes to growing asparagus is that these plants take up a lot of room each plant gets 6 ft tall and are very bushy about 3 to 4 ft wide make sure you pick a good permanent spot for them with plenty of room I planted mine in a really bad spot and I had to dig them all out which was not fun because asparagus roots are very deep up next we have some tropical heat loving crops like these right here I lump all of these plants together because they require warm warmth to germinate well and grow properly right now is a great time for everyone zones 8 to 11 to start them from seed if you have not already if all danger are Frost has passed you can direct sew seeds if you wish I just find it easier to sew these indoors on heat mats so I can get better germination they can be transplanted outside once all danger of Frost has passed if you want to try that I have guides on growing all of these things from seed which I will link below in the description because it can be a little tricky luffa and MinGa in particular have pretty hard shells so you got to soak them and put them on heat to get them to sprout quickly my absolute favorite loofah variety is a giant light green colored loofah it produces really thick loofah sponges which are great for crafts I have seeds on my website and very soon some plants Gardens owns 8 to 11 now is a great time to plant fruit trees and plants planting now will give trees some time to establish a root system before the extreme heat and rains of Summer arrives if I had to pick just five fruit and trees are plants that produce a lot with minimal effort I would recommend these right here they don’t have too many pests or disease issues and produce a lot once they mature so I recommend these especially if you’re new to fruit treat if you are past your last spring froste you can plant futing trees and plants like these right here make sure you do your research and select varieties that will perform well in your area and are cold hearty down to the lowest temperature received in your garden zone if you want to avoid having to cover them up during the winter because that is not fun if you’re thinking about adding a new tree to your Landscape Spring is also a great time to do that I highly suggest opting for flowering trees to benefit pollin such as these right here as a beekeeper myself flowering trees are a huge nectar and pollen source for my bees particularly during Dar periods when there is not much flowering out in nature for the bees to forage on if you have any suggestions for other flowering trees that support bee populations please feel free to share in the comments below all right everyone hopefully that gave you a lot of ideas for things you need to start growing right now lastly let’s discuss important Garden task and reminders for the month of March my first reminder is that spring is here which means all the pests are starting to wake up from their winter dormy get ready and have treatments in stock at home for any kind of chewing insect like worms I use BT spray for soft-bodied sucking insects like spidermites and aphids I like to spray with spinosad or insecticidal soap and that’s it that’s all that I use in my garden they are all organic and omy rated treatments too I only treat if the situation gets so bad that it actually affects my plants and I only spray in the evening once the pollinators have left for the day the only other extremely annoying pests that I deal with are stink bugs and squash bugs since they have a hard shell sprays don’t work on them I do a couple of things number one I plant a lot of sunflowers because the stink bugs really like to gather on them it just makes it easy for me to collect a bunch of them at the same time I don’t like to touch them so I wear gloves and either scoop them into a bucket of soapy water so they drown or vacuum them up with a hand vacuum sometimes you will notice clusters of eggs on the underside of the leaves they are orange and glossy looking they kind of remind me of Dragon Balls just just squish them or remove the leaf and drop it into the bucket of soapy water you might notice their newly hatched nymphs they are red and black in color they don’t have a hard shell yet so spraying with spin aad is effective on them some gardeners report to me that making a spray with the very cheap Degreaser dish soap from the dollar store is effective because it softens up their hard shells and kills them I will be trying this and let you guys know if it works all of these methods are very manual and not fun just being honest but if you don’t try to control it one female stink bug can lay hundreds of eggs so their populations will just explode as the spring season progresses the diseases will also start to spread I highly recommend you get into the habit of cleaning out old dead and decaying leaf or plant matter out of the garden these are host for various pathogens and will cause them to spread also use mulch as much as possible because this forms a barrier between your plants and the pathogens that are in the soil having good Garden hygiene helps reduce the need to spray treatments or chemicals if my plants get powdery mildew or blight anything really I spray with one cup of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water this is the only treatment I use for all sorts of leaf diseases hopefully these tips will help arm you to battle the pests and diseases that are sure to come March is when things really start to heat up so I try to hurry up and finish any lingering garden projects cleaning out and weeding or building new beds if you need to stock up on garden supplies seeds or plants hurry up and purchase everything as soon as possible spring is here and everyone is starting their Spring Gardens at the same time stuff sells out very quickly and that’s it for March guys I hope you all like this list I put together and it helps you with your spring and summer Gardens if I missed any seed or plant ideas feel free to drop a comment below if you enjoyed this video a big thumbs up would help me out more than you know thanks for watching and happy gardening


  1. Wonderful! Another hear tolerant greens is egyptian spinach and large leaf sorrel (afternoon shade needed). The sorrel is very refreshing when you pluck it and eat it right away while working in the garden during the summer. It’s a little sour and juicy which help when you’re thirsty.

  2. I was using lots and Lots of oak leaves as mulch. At around 23:40 I think I hear you saying that leaves should be cleared out. 😮 I just want to make sure before I take it all out. It's quite a bit. I thought I was doing a good thing. Hopefully somebody will respond to this text. Thanks.

  3. Great advice!! I’m new to zone 10b so a lot of these tips are SUPER HELPFUL in finishing up some garden projects before it’s too late.

  4. I am enjoying this video thus far 😊 I subscribed to your channel 🎉🎉🎉 Excellent sharing.. Thank you for the wealth of knowledge 🙏 Definitely will be checking out some more 🌱

  5. For your hydrogen peroxide and water spray, does it lose it potency as it sits? Or does sun light affect it? I’d like to leave the spray bottle out in the garden, wondered if it will affect it?

  6. New subscriber. First time container veggie planting. Please teach as much information as possible on patio container planting for beginners. Love your details. Happy gardening.

  7. I live in Apopka, FL. Started gardening in our zone for a few years. Definitely taking advice to heart. I have white fly issues. Tried Neem oil and seemed to help. Ill try out your recommendations too. Thanks!

  8. Not meant as critical but U talk to fast & that’s harder to articulate like a run on sentence🤔 Your info is great but it’s hard to listen.

  9. I bought your papalo seeds they grew lovely but is it me or they have a strange pungent bitter taste 👅 not palatable and I love Cilantro i can’t get enough of it but this definitely missed the mark. It almost has a gasoline aftertaste with a bit numbness on the tongue. I wish it was more like cilantro but maybe just don’t recommend it as a substitute for it’s not.

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