
Exposing The Truth About Damping-Off – Alaska Gardener Busts Seed-Starting Myth

What causes the dreaded damping-off disease? One day your seedlings are the peak of health; the next day, they are face-planted (sorry, bad pun) on top of the soil. Seed-starting can be super rewarding, but without knowing how to prevent damping-off disease you may end up starting seeds several times. There’s a simple step you can take to make sure your beloved seedlings will grow up strong and healthy so you can enjoy watching them grow into beautiful vegetables, herbs and flowers. Check out the full video to learn everything you need to know about growing seedlings. And if you found this video useful, inspiring, or if you want to see more like this, give it a like 👍 #shorts

if you’re concerned that your seed starting pots aren’t sterile or perfectly clean listen to this I’m outside it’s freezing out here and I’m getting ready to transplant some seedlings into these larger containers they’ve been outside all winter and I’m not worried about that here check this out this tray of seedlings is pretty darn Dusty right but I’m going to use them it’s a myth that damping off disease is caused by non-sterile soil and non-sterile pot I’ve been starting seedlings for almost 40 years now and the primary cause of damping off disease is lack of adequate air circulation so keep fans running on your seedlings at all times so there you go have a great day cheers

1 Comment

  1. Soil isn't sterile. I don't understand why people boil their dirt before starting seeds. Don't you want to give your seeds conditions like Nature does?

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