Gardening Supplies

Get THESE Garden Supplies From Dollarama!

These are the Dollarama garden supplies you need to grab. Along with Dollarama garden items that are not worth your time. Lets look at what garden supplies can be found at the dollar stores in Canada.

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Ashley is a soil scientist who has had a passion for plants since she was a small child. In the long summers as a child, she would garden alongside her grandmother and it was then that she realized her love for greenery. With years of great studying, Ashley had begun her post-secondary education at the University of Saskatchewan.
At first, her second love, animals, was the career path she chose but while doing her undergrad she realized that her education would take her elsewhere. And with that, four years later she graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor’s degree in science and a major in Soil Science.
Some of Ashley’s interests are YouTube, in which she posts informative videos about plants and gardening. The focus of Ashley’s YouTube channel is to bring science to gardening in a way that is informative but also helpful to others learning to garden. She also talks about the importance of having your own garden and the joys of gardening indoors. Ashley continues to study plants in her free time and hopes to expand her YouTube channel as well as her reach to up-and-coming gardeners.
This description or comments section may contain links to affiliate websites. I receive a commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such a link. This includes the gardening in Canada website. You should assume all links both on the gardening in Canada YouTube, Blog, and all other social media are affiliates and I will receive compensation.

I was out at Dollarama today the garden stuff is out despite the fact that it’s still frozen outside and I thought to myself you know what people go here and they probably buy product because it’s cheap and inexpensive and then some of it works some of it doesn’t and let me tell you I pretty much tried everything in that store in regards to garden stuff so I have a pretty good idea of what you should get and what you shouldn’t get from Dollarama when it comes to Garden Supply so today we are taking a tour down the Dollarama aisles from my desk here because everything’s online and consumerism who needs it I’m not going to buy every single product in the building except for I did buy one thing I did buy one thing and it is this because missing and the fact that all my seeds are downstairs and I’m lazy and I don’t want to run upstairs Mis okay number one should get from Dollarama if you have a small garden and you don’t need to buy it in bulk and that is the frost fleece so there’s a frost fleece protection drape you can use that if you have a smaller area I don’t think it’s cheaper to buy it from Dollarama I just think it’s more economical if you don’t need a ton of it because you have a smaller Garden so that Frost protector that one’s pretty good something you should not get that is the gloves the gloves from Dollarama do not last very long let me tell you they fall apart very easily I’ve always if you use gloves which I I don’t um if you use gloves go and invest in a pair that that’s going to last because if you get a good pair you”ll be shocked how long they last for and if you have good pair glove recommendations just throw them down below okay this one is actually I’m in love with and it’s one of those things where I almost don’t want to tell you it’s at Dollarama because I’m the one that usually buys them out of it and it is the u shaped steak thingy very descriptive I know they are wonderful I love these things so you can use my dog’s crying you can use these to nail down weed fabric you can use these to put bug netting so the bug netting you just use it to stake that to the ground you can use it to hold your Frost protectors in position you can use it to keep your solarization if you’re doing solarization you watch videos on that you’re doing that this year I love those things I love them and they’re always sold out of them that the price they sell them for is completely reasonable if you go on Amazon I’m I’ll look and see if I can find some for cheaper but generally speaking you can’t and the ones on Amazon are like bulk there’s like a hundred of them rather than just enough to for what you need so yes absolute must okay the one not to get is the plant clip so they’re in a netted bag and they have like green they’re kind of like a spring in it I bought these to clip the tomatoes to the string and to clip the tomatoes to the bamboo steaks that I was using last year and I bought two kinds I bought the dollar amind and then I bought some from Le Valley Tools Le Valley Tools ones are awesome they last forever they even hold my netting like my bug netting onto the PVC tubing they hold my tomatoes in place they really clamp down and they last they don’t deteriorate in the Sun the spring don’t pop out things stay the Dollarama ones hardly make it out of the the bag like you can you’re literally trying to use them half of them fall apart before they even get anywhere you need them to go and then the rest of them fall apart very quickly after that because the Springs rust and it’s just they’re not great just don’t spend your money on those they’re useless yes to buying this one okay so this is the animal protector there’s a two-piece animal stopping plant protector and it is the ouch strip a version of the ouch strip and people always say how do I keep rabbits out how do I keep cats out how do I keep dogs out the ouch strips they hate those things unless they’re like super wild and crazy animals then and they don’t have feeling then they probably aren’t going to care about them but these are incredibly effective at keeping things off the soil you might have to put enough deep that the plant can’t just step over the plant can’t just step over it my goodness Ashley the animal can’t just step over it that is probably the key there but cheap they’re really cheap from these guys the like actual name BR ones are pretty expensive and they last I mean the Dollarama ones are cheaper made but I there’s no they’re not going to unless you’re moving them around a lot they should last just fine okay next one is their trays and their pots and their Peete fiber stuff it is really cheap it is frustrating cheap material the trays themselves are something out of a nightmare they feel as though they’re going to be fine until you get soil and water and plants in them and then you’re trying to figure out how you’re going to get those up the stairs and Outdoors into your Greenhouse or Harden them off without them going Kuts all over the ground because the trays and cells are just very flimsy they fall apart and then the containers also fall apart very easily I’m going to do a video on it but you could use Solo cups um and I’ll do a video on you know why you may want to or may not want to use Solo cups but that is what I would grab from the dollar store if I had to choose between Solo Cup and these plastic plant things I would go for the Solo Cup okay next one is their watering supplies so they have soaker hoses they have the long kind of watering hoses they have regular watering whatever things they’re good for about one season now if you’re in a bind they do work they don’t make the winters well here in Canada they tend to except for the soaker hose I do have the soaker hose and the soaker H hose seems fine the spray things though the nozzles they do fall apart pretty easily they won’t make a Canadian winter Outdoors you’d have to bring those indoors and then they would likely be fine although I did buy one one time and then it immediately leaked I I think maybe because it was dropped in the store it just cracked and whatever so that one is kind of iffy running in I’m running out of things that I would actually use from these guys um unfortunately but okay so one another one not to use is the trellises and the Tomato wire trellis all the trellises I don’t care which one it is so they have like the tomato cage ones they have the bamboo trellises they have the Bamboo Garden like they have so many different versions of it all the bamboo ones fall apart really easily they don’t last whatsoever not only do they not last the season but if the plant itself is too heavy it literally just like rips it off they’re useless they I find them useless and then the tomato cages or like any of the metal cages they pop like the welds pop on them very easily not to mention if you intended to actually use them for tomato good luck because it’s just not going to work they they’re so tiny and beginner gardeners are probably like yeah it’s big enough for a tomato plant it’s not it’s not big enough for a tomato plant unless you’re doing something like a determinant tomato fine an indeterminant the most of the ones you buy the anywhere or ones you start no absolutely not you will be so frustrated however what I would get from Dollarama is the bamboo steaks because you cannot go wrong with steaks steaks are very simple you can’t screwed up particularly bamboo ones the ones from Dollarama are thinner smaller than that of which you would get from maybe a greenhouse however you can just double up trible up double wrap your plants for protection okay all of the fences I’ve done I’ve done this a million times to try to keep my dogs out of the garden they all the seams if they’re welded the seams pop off if they’re wooden they fall apart if they’re plastic they make a winter and that’s it they no just none of those do not get any of those I’ve done those see I told you guys I literally gone through uh everything at the pruners don’t get those they’re not sharp they’re not sharp they dll easily they rust easily not ideal go spend money on those all of the hand tools yes I have their hand tools yes all of them are worth it I like I like all of the hand tools the tools that are like full full size no don’t get those ones you’ll bend them you’ll break them it won’t be good the large flower pot holder with wheels yes absolutely so that one actually I have I have several of those they work wonderfully they work good for getting my plants that I keep indoors during the winter outside for the summertime um and they also work good at just getting my plants like my bigger ones outdoor so I can kind of spray them down dust them off cuz that’s how I dust my plants is once a year outside anyways they work good for that um you know they’re not off-roading tires by any means but they can get through your house hopefully unless it’s like my house and it’s not beond it’s not clean at all um then you may may have difficulties the tripod camping stool with canvas seats so don’t underestimate the comfort of gardening so they have foam knee mats they have the knee thingies and they have an actual stool like a foldable collapsible toool to sit on get those if you have like mobility issues if you’ve got like fibromyalgia you have pain take it easy on yourself get the stuff that’s going to make it comfortable for you because gardening is a long game you want to be able to do this until the day you go kaputs like my grandmother she gardened literally up until like the last moments of her life cuz she loved it and one of the ways to ensure that can happen is take care of your body and those are great tools to make sure that that happens now are there better ones out there yes of course but they will work in a pinch and if you’re like me and you lose a lot of this stuff very frequently misplace it I mean you can get two three four of them and it’s not going to break the bit the solar lights I mean they’re solar lights they work good I’ve gotten them I think that they’re fine I no reason why you can’t get them the wind chimes they tend to fall apart pretty quick but they’re pretty while they last the bird feeders also tend to fall apart really quickly from them but they work for while they last they have these aluminum metal containers I actually use those all the time like I’ve got them kind of all I’m looking at one there I know there’s one behind me they’re great and they’re big they’re ginormous um now you don’t plant into them and water and put soil because they will Rust they do Rust I did experience that but if you use them just to transport fertilizer or tools or um your Harvest or your clippings to bring to the compost great I love those buckets they work really well they last for years my buckets are like 5 years old now from Dollarama they work wonders they’re not plastic though they are the metal ones so do keep that in mind the Juke twine I mean that goes without saying that makes sense just check your footage your meterage your length if you will check your length boys just I’m joking but um yeah that one you want to check cuz I find that the stuff from Dollarama tends to be not it’s not particularly long it’s usually like a stunted version of it yeah just watch the watch the links the links is what you want to watch out for there last one isn’t in the gardening section but it is a plastic drop sheet that is in like the hardware section if you’re solarizing this year if you intend to do a low tunnel that is what you want to get the drop sheet plastic stuff so Dollarama that’s what’s worth buying that’s what’s worth not have a small garden that is what you want to aim for thank you for coming to my comedy hour today and listening to my ramblings of Dollarama I will talk to you guys next time bye


  1. I've noticed overall the Dollarama plastics are not UV stabilized. Their colorful 4 gallon planters are the perfect size for peppers and eggplants, but they degrade very fast in the sun.

  2. Such helpful tips – I always wondered if these products were worth it. Thanks for specifically mentioning items to buy and items to stay away from!

  3. Let's go back to plastic free gardening! If we all agree its crap why bother?
    Agree on the metal stakes, but disagree on the pruners, mine were sharp and still lasted. Disagree on the trowel and hand held tools, they bend and the handles bust. Love the stools, worth. No tchotchkes from dollarama, chimes, solar etc is crap. Disagree on the plastic tunnel crap, the wind will take them apart and the sun will degrade it

  4. Thank you for always giving us your real life experience! I appreciate it. You mentioned once, can't remember which video, that someone told you to use warm water to water seedlings. I cannot say with scientific certainty, but I do think this has made my seedlings this year much happier! I use warm water for bottom watering, spritzing, and top watering (YES I do the unspeakable top watering!!:)). We have hard water here so it's always a bit of a challenge for my indoor starts, but this year I think the warm water and keeping them just damp most of the time has been a major improvement. Thank you again!

  5. Appreciate the information, i LOVE gardening, its definitely therapy to me, and 8m also in canada. Im definitely no professional and i do things very different from most, ive been turning our backyard into a fruiting perennial garden, strawberries high bush blueberries, raspberries, hascap,gooseberries, blackberry, kwii,seedless grapes, rhubarb, cherries, and plums. Yep, i make our yard work for us. This summer will be summer #4 of building our dream garden, and its been a beautiful bountiful harvest that the whole family and a few neighbors have enjoyed

  6. In the hardware section you can buy glove in leather and they are very resistants. Mine are 3 years "old" and always good. I can wash them but they will need to be "kneaded" to become a few soft again. But it is working fine.

  7. Love this video! My faves from the dollar store … love the gloves, never an issue. Bamboo sticks don't work for me and rot easy. Best tomato tie ups are those green rubber twist tie thingies. Yup, the green clips are total garbage. I use the fancy metal trellises in my garden for determinate tomatoes and the little short trellises (about a foot high) to make a tunnel structure over my strawberries to keep the birds out. I clip the netting over top and use those u shaped stakes to hold the cloth down. We have chickens and the buggers like to dig in one particular bed so I use that weird little bamboo/twig fencing (about 6" high) and lie it flat all over that bed, overturned pots, stick all kinds of decor, chunks of wood lol … total whacko garden but I make sure most of the area between my plants is covered with an object. I found my sturdy trays at Home Hardware for $5.99 last year. I use the dollar store ones for bottom watering only. Red solo cups for me. I wash them up and so easy for labelling. I save the little sturdy, stackable pots from past purchases too. For the majority of my tomatoes, it was worth investing in strong tomato cages and good wooden stakes. Be sure to check your local feed store for garden options. Prices tend to vary but you just might find some good prices.

  8. This year I was surprised to see the local Dollaramas carrying Fiskars hand tools at a fraction of what they go for at the big box stores

  9. Ummm the green glips from dollarama have lasted me 5 yrs now. Yes some will break, some you can easily put bqck together, but ive definitely lost less than 10%. Lee valley is an unfair comparison especially cost comparison as theyre an elite company/products. I also use the green bendy "twist ties" and the velcro to hold things to stakes. I also use green painters tape to write on cups etc and can reuse it when i up pot. I keep everything indoors. The spray nozzle didn't last 1 month indoors. I alsonhave bamboo stakes for 5 yrs now. Some have snapped but most are still.good. some are more thin than others and those usually are the snapers.

  10. They also have rolls of galvanized wire so you can make your own sizes of clampdowns! and rolls of different colored anodized aluminum wire.

  11. I snagged a few packages of the garden staples this year! Good stuff sells out fast. Last year I got these heavy duty T stakes 5ft or so. Wish I would have grapes them all.

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