Plant Propagation

๐ŸŒฟ Will this regrow? (Google was useless)

I bought a Florida beauty philodendron and it unfortunately arrived damaged Friday afternoon. The base of the stem looked like it was cut/torn and had calloused over. Within less than 24hrs the top half of the plant snapped off. I decided to make a couple of cuttings and attempt to water propogate.

When I removed the plant from the pot I realized it had a strong, well developed root system, so I repotted the bottom portion. As you can see in the photo (view #2) part of the base is still calloused. Will this plant regrow? Do I need to cut down the calloused section?

Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ’š I've only been growing house plants for 6 months and still have a lot to learn

by Hour_Enthusiasm

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