Container Gardening

Container Gardening~ Growing Food Everywhere !

It’s a little this and a little of that and a little bit of fun in between just another video to encourage you on this beautiful Friday night

Vego Garden Mini Planter Box with Trellis Self-Watering Raised Garden Bed for Climbing Vegetables Plants Cage

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[Music] I just love Rene’s garden seeds and we’re going to try the container bush beans these are for the container and container gardening can be a lot of fun no you’re not going to produce enough of food to last all winter in a container but container gardening is more of a hobby garden and you can you can have fresh food all summer and with a container garden so let me go ahead and let’s plant some of these and these will they’re a bush bean but they will climb up a little bit because this is such a small container a lot of seeds left that we’re actually going to plant in the garden so let’s just cover the seeds up so this is self-watering that means we’re going to pour the water here the water just start and you’ll see the float go up things there’s herbs not just all herbs but Micro greens we have Micro greens strawberries in the greenhouse we have lots of things going on I have violets that I’m drying there’s a different kinds of mint I have cleaners that are being soaking in the vinegar this is just Greenhouse number one wait till you see Greenhouse number two all right take a look at this beautiful spinach we could put this on burgers this was only a half a pack I can soon Harvest some more of it we Harvest it about two times a week there is some Woodruff that is absolutely amazing I make sachets to put in our clothing it smells like vanilla when you harvest it I did not plant anything in these yet I’m still slowly Gathering up some of my potting soil it takes a lot of potting soil for these Planters as you can see I have them half full and then of course we have mint and we have a bed of garlic in the corner also have a 75 ft row of concord grapes and those we make for grape jelly and grape juice and we drink that all winter long and this is what the grapes look like these grapes are about 10 years old we don’t grow fruit trees because the deer would eat them but we do grow a lot of strawberries so we do have some strawberries and we do have some berry bushes here is the Dollar Tree alpine strawberries that I planted by seed of course they’re not ready yet either there we have different patches of strawberries throughout the property it’s been a cool and damp spring so the berries aren’t ready yet one of the things that I love the most is the scent of lilac which our lilac tree died after so many years I got struck by lightning and I love Locust so we have Locust blooms my favorite is this flower in the comments below let me know if you know what this flower is I do but I want to see how many of you know what it is well I’ll give you a hint it’s in the Bible the lily of the let me know if you know absolutely smells amazing there is nothing that smells quite as strong as this now these are poisonous you cannot eat these you cannot make jams with them you can’t do anything with them but you can smell them and let me tell you what you smell them once it will stay with you all summer oh potatoes are starting to come up there slowly I see a little green and there I have a composter I have another one I have lots of composters has saved me a lot of money just about everything you seen here the vegetation comes up year after year so the first year and the second year yes it cost money but now it comes up year after year 90% of what you see here comes up like The Garlic I save the seeds to the garlic and I plant them again in the fall everything but the carrots and the onions and simple produce like that you have to plant every year but all of these herbs come up every year and all of the rhubarb comes up every year the garlic and it is so much fun and rewarding so going green can save you lots of money and just doing without and the thing is the more you harvest them the more you get so the more you harvest your herbs the more it’s going to give you the more you pick the flowers the more they’re going to give you and there you go everyone I hope you keep enjoying my videos because I’m going to share with you in tangible ways how you can save money and go green as well take care everyone we’ll see you guys again tomorrow and I hope you enjoy the journey of me producing our own food and harvesting it and preserving it so what I did for many many years before I had that salvaged food and now I’m back to that again bye everybody [Music] a [Music]


  1. Seeing Kenny's yellow marigolds in the greenhouse, I think you should grow a variety of marigolds in your garden! Grow them once and scatter the seeds every year through out the garden! I think it would look great! Those flowers were lily of the valley! My grandmother had a whole strip of them along her driveway! You smelled them as soon as you walked out the front door! A small bunch fragranced the whole house! God Bless!😊❤

  2. Tessie, there is a beautiful semi new PINK variety of liliy of the valley, have you seen them? Maybe one of your ladies out there could send you the address of one of the magazines that sells them. Just a thought. Love your show.❤

  3. Hi Tessie.I love your videos,your gardens and planters are so pretty. I was wondering what happen to your chickens.? keep up the good work. You are living the dream a lot of us would like to have. God Bless

  4. Oh, Lily the valley.Oh, how I missed those in my yard. I tore them out because I had little kids and I was worried they were going to grab them. Now I wish I had them here. The smell, the little Bells, remind me of my Grandma Nana. You're tired and it just makes me smile cause I'm so happy for you. I know what a blessing and enjoyment it is to you. Thank you so much for sharing. I have a question.I had route barb in the past and it did amazing. Well then I moved it and I can't get it to do good again. Can you give me any insight? I remember sitting in my Grandma on a farm. When I was a little girl in Wisconsin? It in rubarb dipton sugar because it was so tart and the sugar made it edible. But I love rhubarb sauce and different things. I need to get it growing better so that I can enjoy it more.

  5. Great video, Tessie. I absolutely love your homestead property. Container gardening is fantastic for anyone who is starting out or has limited space. Renee's Garden seeds are incredible; I planted several herbs and vegetables from them this year.

  6. Good morning Pretty Tessie ❤ We also have to be careful with what we plant because of the deer as well! I have Lily of the valley in the shady corner next to the porch. I just figured out what it was two days ago. It is about a 3×3 patch of it! I also found a honeysuckle, purple lilac, white lilac, and some elderberries.

  7. Re-Watching!
    I LOVE Your Garden Tessie– I Hope That You Know How Blessed You Are Dear Friend 😊,
    GOD Bless, Andrea

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