Japanese Garden

WALMART in JAPAN??? Let’s check it out!!

Checking out a local store called DCM that seems to be kind of like Walmart from the US. Come check it out with me!

so from what I understand this is kind of like a Home Depot or a Lowe’s so we’re going to walk in there and find out let’s go check it out it’s still snowing a little bit this morning actually which is kind of neat this the first time it snowed since I got here and it’s I mean as you can see it just uh well you probably can’t see honestly but um it’s not bad it’s just very very light as soon as it hits it dissipates you know all right so that’s that’s one side that must be the cheaper side maybe yeah see there’s plants and brooms like water storage fuel storage yeah cool oh hey I wish I could take plants back with me that would be cool to have some of this stuff at the house all kinds of so that’s one place you would get seeds just like our stores lots of flowers and all kinds of stuff yeah [Music] okay very nice really cool stuff stuff for the kids all kinds of helmets bike stuff cool let’s check it out so uh o man I wish I could take plants home oh I wish I could take plants PL home some of the stuff they have it just like what we have I mean you know most of it really we get all these kind of same ones a lot of this same stuff you don’t see these too often at the in our stores but you know a lot of these you do oh let’s get the all the hot stuff off let’s look around and see what we got beautiful plants everywhere super [Music] cool yeah see we do get a lot of these kind of things in the states that’s really cool I don’t know what that is but that’s beautiful 1628 clavia minata cleia minata not sure what that is uh japanica AA japanica super [Music] cool so uh yeah as opposed to like our stores oh my gosh look at all the flowers um they have uh much bigger selections you know whereas we’ll have just a few any kind of one thing and maybe in a couple of colors they will have them in Many Many Colors oh this is actually one of my favorites uh a colorama yeah tricolor yeah so they get Makita and stuff like that and all kinds of different colors so let’s look around real quick and I’ll find you some examples so you can see what I’m talking about but like um any kind of tools like all your tools even come in multiple different colors and stuff that you can choose pink green yellow orange blue you know like just about anything you can think of which is really neat um okay so here’s some of the some of the uh gardening tools as you can see lots of different styles and sizes a lot tons of boots and they have lots of different construction shoes like actual shoes but they’re all um they’re all steel toe but they look like normal shoes you know so let’s see lots of tools holy cow lots and lots of tools yeah just tons anything you could want every type of in size of drill bit style standard whole saws I mean holy cow it’s uh interesting I’ve never really seen them with the points yeah as you can see they’re just about every different style and type of something that you can find here we go so take tape measures for instance all kinds of gold yellow blue white I mean all the different t-squares even like you know we only have the just the regular or is they got them in all kinds of colors and types interesting [Applause] interesting wow oh my gosh I couldn’t even imagine trying to do inventory in a place like this I’d want to shoot myself this this is unreal how much is here you know mailboxes of all different types and sizes you can build your own like shelving andu Stu how neat is [Music] that that’s cool toilets you want all the designer stuff flooring paint yeah this is cool it’s neat to see all the things that you don’t get to see in America I mean we definitely have different colored tape that’s for sure but not for the same reasons also very for sure wash your dryers I wonder how much they are here CU I just got one at the house kind of like this pretty close to the same kind of thing so they’re talking yeah I mean this 350 bucks makes sense it’s it’s about the same you know to 300 400 a little bit higher of course uh but you know getting bigger and bigger air conditioner vacuums so 11,000 no that can’t be right yeah that makes more sense but still I mean $500 for compressor you’re talking from $1,500 to Grand in the US for sure for sure and then each [Music] head yeah amazing [Music] $200 so right now the yen for every 10,000 yen is about $70 roughly so when you see some of these things you can kind of figure out exactly how much they’re [Music] worth so when you think about 1,000 yen is about $7 so at 5,000 yen roughly you get about 35 bucks so yeah it kind of give you an idea I mean $8 for a for a coffee maker and I don’t know how good it is but I mean that’s nothing you know I think our cheapest ones you can get are like 20 25 bucks and this is [Laughter] [Music] nothing all kinds of cookware tops 20,000 so 150 bucks for that and that looks [Music] amazing see I don’t know which is which if it’s 20 or three I’m sure it’s not three but who knows yeah 21,000 so about 150 bucks [Music] amazing and you just got all kinds of stuff here not even just building bags and everything oh there’s some luggage see I was thinking about getting some luggage if I decide to buy some things and and bring stuff home that’s not bad I could get something pretty cheap like one of these Maybe something crazy cheap there’s some work overalls and stuff let’s see here try to find the shoes so I can show you guys the different types of shoes yeah here’s some not not the kind of different ones I was looking for all kinds of colors of everything boots and styles green red blue yellow I guess depending on where you work and what you do and may depend on what you [Music] get bedding and cleaners and all kinds of stuff basically looks like you can outfit your whole place here top to bottom kind of like a Walmart almost you [Music] [Music] know [Music] H if anybody has any clue what they’re saying let me know cuz I can pick up about three of those words right now I’m working on [Music] it I’m working on it oh pet area I wonder if they have pets for sale here I see Fish I know there’s a pet store around the corner oh yeah there’s stuff for cats and dogs and stuff they probably don’t have any animals here though other than the fish maybe what who knows could be maybe possibly just fish pet carriers kind kind of stuff camping car stuff wow all kinds of stuff kitchen Goods Leisure items confectionary cooking tools slippers ladies wear digital item I got all kinds of stuff and then some of the B almost dropped you guys super [Music] cool I figur you guys get a kick out of seeing something like this so it’s interesting that’s for sure hope you enjoy

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