Plant Propagation

Can these be propagated?

I took these cuttings from our rose bushes at the front and was hoping i could grow them in pots in my back garden. Are these cuttings any good? What do I do now?

by UtterlyFrustrating


  1. I do roses in the spring before any leaves appear. As you want the plant to focus on root development remove most of the leaves (leaving only a couple at the top) and all of the flowers. I like when the stems are about 8-10 inches long and the size of a thick pencil.

    I dip them in rooting hormone and then put them in a sand mix, but other sterile mixes will work also. I put them in the shade at the back of my garage and I typically see roots form in a couple of months. Of course some roses are easier to root than others.
    ETA make sure the medium is moist but not wet. Sand is great as it drains quickly.

  2. JulieTheChicagoKid

    Here’s the man: Mike Kincaid on You tube
    He has many videos on propping shrubs, ornamentals, fruit trees & evergreens!! Everything!
    I’ve used his methods on hydrangeas, arborvitae & forsythia

    Link to Rose bush prop YouTube

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