Japanese Garden

Japan Are Offering $75,000 For BLACK Men To IMPREGNATE Their Women

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can I have a cookie no Rachel is the first one that has to get one because she wanted them she’s in bed Rachel’s our six-year-old daughter yeah and I made those cookies because she wanted me to and I want her to feel special so she gets to have the first one this is going to be the video that gets me canceled on here that father made cookies for his six-year-old daughter she specifically asked for those cookies he made them for her told her she could be the first one to have one the mother thinks it’s cute to go take a cookie even though he says no I made them for her let her have the first one I want her to feel special you have a father going out of his way to make the daughter feel special and you choose to ruin it with a little nasty smirk on your face like you’re so sneaky you get to ruin the plan now he either gets to lie to his daughter and say she’s the first one to have one throw mom under the bus and say no Mom took the first one even though I told her not to or just say no Mom had one first if she asked assuming she asked if you say it’s not a big deal why was it a big deal for the mom to have one I listened to a female psychologist the other day say that sometimes mothers get jealous of their daughter because before the daughter comes she’s the most important woman in her husband’s life and I don’t know this woman but this definitely felt like a way for her to just steal a little bit of Thunder from the dad and the daughter let the dad make the daughter feel special even the way she went up to get the cookie at the end it just seemed childish did you guys get that Vibe too it just felt like she was a big child and a lot of people in the comments were saying like this is where the competition between mother and daughter starts right but I feel like that’s just the relationship between women like because again their competition is so underhanded it’s so covert they start doing weird dumb stuff instead of just saying hey yo let’s get this oneon-one what we doing basketball football what we doing some LS no they start doing all this weird underhanded covert stuff these PR know like hey man you you going to see my name on a case it’s coming it’s coming who is the best lawyer Jen and why am I the best lawyer because he made my kids go away and uh what were you charged with I 86 [Music] W have you ever released somebody and then they go on and do the same thing over again has it ever happened all the time all the time all the time so okay so let ask you a question all the time so when that happens and they do it again what happens do they hit you back up I say hey mother call me you should have called me earlier you know what I mean like okay so this is the second time posting this lawyer on my channel I keep seeing them on Tik Tok and we got to get him gone okay he’s doing too much he’s too good at his job he’s a deviant it’s about 3% of people who go to jail that are actually wrongfully convicted okay this guy’s doing more than 3% we got to get him gone he’s a deviant he he he he’s he’s acting like he’s acting like he’s in the NBA you know when when these prosecutors see me I wonder who are you bro who are you you Michael Jordan or some oh this is personal what just getting criminals out no we we got to get this guy go okay we going get go oh man a nigga’s prayers have been answered it’s like the most high is call upon us and giving us this holy mission that we need to fulfill just man the Land of the Rising Sun needs black men they need black men to plant our seeds to spread their Garden because they have no plants out there to photosynthesize in the Land of the Rising Sun damn well it looks like I got to go to Japan and save a country godamn black men Japan needs you Japan is calling specifically for black men I know you are saying why Tasha they say they need babies and black men tend to make a lot of them after South Korea proposed last week $75,000 per baby that a family has Japan is in desperate need okay and they are calling all black men specifically immigrants um to come and impregnate their women so that they can save their dying population I don’t understand because you know black men were once and still is on the inide side of the line which means their lives I mean what what are you going to guarant us if we send our men over there to help save you could you imagine think about this after everything they put us through everything y’all tried to take these men out now you need them to repopulate the Earth the United States is responsible for what’s going on over there in Japan why should we be held responsible and get this they ain’t even paying no money to do it they’re just saying please please black men immigrants please come have babies without women here’s the thing we going to need to run some test because it could be from what happened years ago as to why they population is down you know what I’m saying that stuff still in the soil it’s still in the air you already know what I’m talking about what’s that white man name that thought it was a genius idea to create the biggest bullet in the world op yeah that’s his name so why is it that you know y’all called him this y’all called him that you in L and you did this and now you ain’t calling white you ain’t calling back you calling to come save your community and I’m going go over there and I’mma start me a negociation firm over there in Asia and stuff and I’m going to have black men come breed with them but they’re going to get benefits they’re going to get lifetime protection from any type of child support if they decide to leave and don’t want to stay in these here countries they’re going to be set for life which means anything that these kids bring it is going to come back directly to the black family which means if I send Sheck over there to breathe right let’s just hypothetically I sent him over there on a contract breeding anything that these kids inherit is going to come back to us the same way they do it with these you know we used to be slaves on this land out here and anything it we work you know what I’m saying they own it went back to their family we going to start sending it back to Africa back to the black families that’s the type of contract I need if you need this SPM because this what ain’t done we going to get our Kickbacks out of here moving on listen firstly whatever contract treaty whatever deal is made you will not be the face of it let’s just get that straight okay not you trying to be the spokesperson for black men huh I’m not going to lie though my body just started to gravitate towards my passport it was like a magnetic pull I couldn’t I couldn’t help it but I to I to remind myself I’m not that guy anymore I’m a changed man I know this is going to hurt so many of the black feminists I know it because we continue to be proven right when we speak about how desirable black men actually are in the world right the data is clear and I know this is going to upset so many of them but this is probably due to things that were put in place in Asia there was a lot of like rules around babies one baby rule I’m pretty sure that was in China but there’s something in South Korea as well I wouldn’t be surprised if they did something in Japan similarly which is why people don’t want to have kids but Tasha K talking about you know if we send our black men out there shut up why are you talking about talking like you have a say or something like give me a break if you are black please come to Japan man I don’t care if it’s for a day a week you got to know what it’s like to be here while being black I love it I love it so much honestly I think my experience made me want to learn Japanese like I’m I’m going to be honest with You’ I’m going keep it a book I don’t have a reason to lie I’m not getting paid to say this when I when I got to Japan I didn’t want to learn a language why because I had Google translate but because how can I explain what it’s like being black in Japan being black in Japan is easy it is so easy being here while being black and I feel like if you’re black even hearing this I know you want to come to Japan and see what I’m talking about listen let me S it to you you can walk down the street right you don’t get that one stair and you know what I’m talking about from a distance up you go inside of a store you’re not being watched as if you’re a criminal I make friends easily in Japan it’s Americans here in Japan I I I really only have have Japanese friends the only thing you might deal with while being black in Japan is random people come up to ask you for a picture and everything you do will seem cool only thing but yeah I don’t want y’all to take my word for it you need to come and find out for yourself this video kind of makes me feel sad only because of the first part where he mentioned you don’t get that to stare you’re not looked at as a criminal and it hit me that the majority of black people in the west have never lived in a country where they not the minority they’ve never lived in a country where they aren’t different for example I grew up in grenade in the Caribbean everyone’s black everyone’s black you might have a random white person here some Asians some trines whatever the case is but for the most part everyone’s black you don’t get no stairs you don’t get no judgment people aren’t looking at you like criminals because everyone’s the same right but for this guy going to Japan is clearly his first time experiencing that and I’m happy for him I love it for him actually just compes are going extinct and there’s only one thing you can do to help us and it is go out there and start producing with Japanese because we are going extinct Japanese are getting rarer I know this is not the best site that you’re looking at but it might be your last time that you’re looking at real Japanese girl on Tik Tok so yeah come to Japan and help us please somebody the comment said I never for out of purpose this changes everything you know when a woman says it’s all men until it’s no men I can’t help but think that is the same type of thinking that’s responsible for racism like I just think it’s so closely knitted together and I’ve always thought that I just never said anything black guy Robs a liquor store what do you expect that’s just what they do it’s all black guys that are Robb until it’s no black guys it’s like no that’s just like what that one did and stuff white guys shoots up at school that’s what these whites do it’s all white boys until it’s no white boys it’s like no I never thought of that I never thought of doing that for the most part we ain’t thinking of [ __ ] like that because you can’t just grab an entire race or an entire gender and throw them under the bus and give them the same label due to the actions of a small majority of them small part of the population is causing [ __ ] so you grab the biggest part and you’re like you’re all the same I’m I’m glad people are actually finally saying this now you know a lot of the channels in the space they don’t like to talk about race I get it because it’s very divisive I can’t help it I have to talk about it cuz it’s just me okay but I mentioned this time ago this is literally literally the same you can’t be misandrist or misogynist without being racist because it’s the same line of logic it’s literally the same but they’re so fueled and blinded by hatred that they can’t see it sounds pretty racist I’m not I’m not going to lie it just sounds [ __ ] racist or you can focus on the fact that for the most part everyone is trying to do good and trying to do right if y’all would leave your little houses the fair’s open go to the fair tell me what you see there are people that are doing the best they can with their time here on Earth husbands fathers mothers you know daughters whatever it may be regardless of race but some of you are so close-minded you’ll see a fight at the fair and be like that’s what happens at these fairs it’s just chaotic and there’s fights it’s like no that’s a fight between two people there’s like 30,000 people here you don’t want to acknowledge that but with that same logic you know it can be flipped on women seems like y’all are having an uprising of female teachers hooking up with underage students so it’s all female teachers until it’s no female teachers you know when it comes to domestic violence women have their hand in that pot a lot like they have a big piece of that cake and they’re responsible for a lot of it and a lot of these you know domestic cases to where you know there’s a couple and one you know person is striking the other and receiving no retaliation back a lot of that’s going to be women turns out when you find out that you’re with a man that would never put hands on you you tend to take advantage of it and put hands on him so it’s all women until it’s no women that’s why that thinking doesn’t go very far a lot of your guys is thinking your rhetoric doesn’t go very far once you challenge it so you can think that or you can think that you know out of all people there’s just a small group that do terrible [ __ ] when a man does SA or RW and he gets caught with that charge and gets sent sent to prison what do you think all the other inmates are like that guy’s cool no he has to be secluded he has a little part of hid the prison that’s for him they can’t let him in a general population because all of us for the most part agree that there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed so if he goes into general population with the other prisoners he might die because even though that they’re felons and they’ve done terrible [ __ ] they don’t agree with that unfortunately there’s always going to be a small part of our population that is going to stir stuff up and is going to be a problem it’ll probably always be that way and the government knows that too whenever they make like life hectic or people are working so much and they can’t afford anything in the econom is crashing and and housing is so expensive people get incredibly stressed and violence and crime goes up why don’t you talk to them about that but other than that this [ __ ] is racist it’s racist these women who come online talking about it’s a femicide it’s old man you just know that they’re chronically online because if you leave the house you encounter thousands of men per day who’ pay you absolutely no mind absolutely no mind they’re just trying to get by just going on their day but it’s only when you sit on the internet all day and you read all these bad stories and you see all these negative things happening in the world when it warps your perception of what’s actually going on [Music] this got me get my zone now I’m blowing up your phone blowing we smoking the own I just can’t let this go can’t let this go this n got me in my zone now


  1. Japan is not asking black men to go impregnate women. The actual bill is to attract males to their ever declining workforce. They just want more slaves for their workforce of slavery who have work hours of 9 am to 7:30 pm

  2. Can anyone confirm this? Sounds too good to be true. I can't find any official source from Japan that talks about this.

  3. This is so embarrassing. Everyone thinks Black men are plantation bucks and spread their seed all around without a care. Any Black man that thinks this is okay needs professional help. Have some pride and standards. SMDH

  4. They want to build a strong army for the next twenty five with black DNA in the Japanese military will be hardly defeated that why they need black baby for the long time future

  5. Uh…black dudes are NOT too popular in Japan. Not quite as bad as it is for a black guy in China, but that mainly just because Japan is more culturally non-confrontational. I'm thinking this is either a wild misunderstanding or a trap. Step carefully, gentlemen….

  6. This nonsense has already been debunked. Asians are not going to risk their "precious" white skin to mix with blacks.

  7. The cookie situation, I agree the mother is wrong. However, I'm sure the father have experienced this from his wife beforehand. My question is why didn't he make the cookies, when the mother wasn't home? It seems like he is trying to tear down his wife self esteem by using the daughter. This is how some men pit women against one another 🤔. So they both are wrong.

  8. 3:08 Stay in the UK with that BS! It’s the job of the prosecution to handle him. Lawyer like him are the “checks and balances” in the system. A lawyer good enough to get a guilty person acquitted should be good enough to get an innocent person acquitted. And THAT is the most important thing.

  9. Wasn’t a Asian Crime Bill here in the US passed and it seemed as though “Black Men “ were being blamed for randomly attacking Asians and now they want “ Black Men “ lol 😂 Funny how tables turn so quickly lol 😂

  10. Why would they SPECIFICALLY ask for US brothas to do that task though?Knowing they naturally despise us and Caulkasians are a lot closer genetically to them than us!It honestly doesn't pass my smell test!🤨It doesn't make sense!If/when it doesn't make sense,I SENSE A TRAP!🧐

  11. Women all over the world is becoming more conscious of the emotional labour that of marriage entails, the toll pregnancy has on the body and mental health, we are just saying no globally, Japan was always known for being overpopulated and does not really like foreigners, so if the birth rate has dropped its simply because the women have wisen up enough to understand marriage and trad wife thing doesn't equal happiness under patriarchy, black men needs discipline, nice of Japan to help discipline them 😅

  12. Its always been "yall"
    Now that something benificial for Black Men comes up its "Our" all of sudden…Interesting

  13. It's not just Japan. As a U. S. Army soldier, I was stationed in Germany but traveled for work. I experienced women from, Great Britan, the Netherlands, and Sweden. They saw us, especially black men as exotic and treated us like Kings. The men were somewhat friendly but the women were down. At the time I was in Germany, they received benefits for having a gi's baby. The women overseas were seeking us out. 7 out of 10 women had American boyfriends. The older generation was becoming acceptable to black men, but not all. Learn about the culture before you go anywhere and speak with someone who has been there or is there, they are more than willing to help you and show you the ropes and keep you safe. I too almost gave up my citizenship but I got into trouble and was sent home. I would go back but I'm not that guy anymore.

  14. japan never said they wanted black men only, but foreing men in general, this specific trend probably originated from dubious sources from twitter

  15. I live in Los Angeles, California and we have a lot of Korean stores out here in California when you walk into one of them you get that stare they look at you like you are doing something wrong out here so what is the difference out there?

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