
Vertical Garden:Tips for setting up and planting

Today’s gardening adventure is setting up and planting my new Greenstalk Vertical Garden Planter! Come along as I show you how to install this space saving vertical garden. I’ll be filling it with soil, planting it up with strawberries and things I grew from seed like herbs, flowers and pepper plants. I’ll provide you some tips, tricks and lessons learned in putting together my very first vertical garden container in my zone 6 Mid Missouri garden.
Helpful links:
Green Stalk Vertical Planters:
My fave organic fertilizer:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds I used to grow these plants:

hey everybody welcome back to Garden time with Belle fun project for today a new adventure you know I like trying new things and I have joined the greenstock garden family greenstock are these amazing vertical planters that I have seen lots of you using some friends of mine planting these so I took the plunge and gifted myself with one of these amazing Planters so yeah so I want to show you some of the special features you know I love packaging I think a lot of us appreciate lots of information and so this came in the mail with lots of good information on how to install these how to use them Etc so uh it’s full of good information so if you happen to uh get one of these expect that you’ll have lots of good instructions on how do you put it together and some growing um instructions so that’s what I’m planning to do today I do want to show you a few parts that come and then um talk to you about what kind of plants I’m hoping to plant in here and why I decided to get this so the vertical planter that I went with is a five tier with really big long deep planting pockets for different uh crops from veggies herbs flowers or whatever so that’s what I chose and so it’s really amazing how it works so you’ve got five tiers that you fill up with soil and you stack them up and they fit together snugly I won’t bother you with all the details I’ll put a link in the description below to the company and some information about how you put it together but basically you fill up each of the five tiers with good quality potting soil and then once it’s full of soil you place this on top and line up the little holes with each of the pockets because the idea here is once you get it all the way up you’re going to fill this top vessel with water all the way to the top and it has holes and it will be a slow drip irrigation this will feed this cell which has holes which will feed this tier all the way down so all five tiers will get a nice slow drip of water to keep your plants healthy so that’s really the basics one other thing I want to show you if you look over here I went ahead and purchased the spinner this is extra uh what’s really important about that is you want to make sure wherever you put your tiered PL planter it’s on a level spot because you don’t want this big planter full of soil and plants falling over in a windstorm and so far what I’ve read from other people that use this they’ve never had that be an issue but anyhow my husband made sure that it’s on a nice level surface here in the corner of my raised bed garden and the spinner is great because you know it’ll get sun most of the day but that is South so I will occasionally choose to spin this around um so that all of the plants get plenty of sunshine through the growing season so why in the world did I fall in love with this idea to get one of these well I’ve talked to a lot of people who love to grow strawberries but like me they don’t have a spot in their Garden you know my nine garden beds here are full and they’re already going to be full of all other kinds of crops and strawberries love to spread so this time I thought I saw everybody use these for strawberries so I purchased some everbearing strawberries that I’m going to pop in a couple of the tiar so I’ve got five of these plants that I’ll put in but actually all five tiers there’s 30 spots for plants whoa so the other thing I think I’m going to do is I’m going to pop in some of those little seedlings that I started this year in my Greenhouse I haven’t decided yet I’ll just come out here and pop in wherever I think uh I want to put them um and so I’ll show you later what I decided on it may be a work in progress I may not pot up everything today but I’ll definitely get it in the right space for receiving plants or seeds or little seedlings that I have in the greenhouse uh the other thing that makes us amazing is I think back to my days when my husband and I were newlyweds we had a little townhouse and a tiny little concrete patio that was the only space we had for gardening and my husband was so smart to suggest that Belinda you still can have a garden grow those tomatoes that you love and some of those pepper plants and flowers in five gallon buckets so he drilled holes in those buckets for me and our little patio was a little mini garden but wow this wasn’t around way back in the 80s when we were newlyweds wouldn’t this have been amazing so those of you that have a small space or you’re not really into gardening but you want to grow a few things these would be amazing for back patios uh you know a porch a deck so that you can have fresh fruits vegetables herbs and even flowers so I just love the fact that it’s so great for small spaces and so so let me uh take you along for the process I’ll probably speed that up you don’t need to see everything we’re doing but uh my husband had a great suggestion he said rather than fill these with soil here in the rais bed garden you know we have these gravel walkways and spilling all the soil which I’m good at doing he said let’s fill them with soil out in the grass and then bring them in and stack them so that was a really smart idea and I’ve got his muscles to help me today in case they feel heavy um moving them to this permanent spot so come along on another Bell Garden Adventure on trying to plant up my first vertical garden [Music] [Music] now that we’ve got the tear all filled with potting soil I want to show you what these water basins look like so you can see here there’s a little hole in each of these and you want to make sure when you’re installing to line up the hole with the pocket because you want your water to seep through here and feed that individual pocket and as you know there are six of them in each tier and then the very tippy top that I’m going to put on here in a minute it’s got its soil but this is where you actually fill the whole tiered planter with a hose you fill this to the very top and it will of course drip slowly you can see some holes in here it’ll drip all the way down to this and this will drip and fill up the entire garden with good water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I can’t think of a better place to hang out after that Garden Adventure than on my screened in back porch nice and shaded this time of day oh it’s a little bit it’s early afternoon here and I am finished with planting out my new green stock vertical garden and I appreciate you all coming along for that so what did I decide to put in there well I of course plac the strawberries in there and that’s something that I purchased from a nursery they’re ever bearing strawberri so supposedly they produce all season long so fingers crossed uh that we’ll have some delicious juicy strawberries to enjoy throughout the summer and then I went in the greenhouse and I thought H what can I find in here that I’ve grown from seed that I want to plant and try out in this stacker or teered garden so I chose parsley chives some scallions a couple of flower plants I think stock um and then some pepper plants so I tried my hand at growing peppers from seed this year and I don’t know what I did wrong they’re supposed to be easy to grow and anyhow the starts are about I don’t know my seedlings were Maybe This Tall uh and so I thought what the heck I’ve got a bunch of them and rather than keep them in the greenhouse and have to tend them like crazy I’m going to take the largest ones I could find and pop them in uh the vertical garden so we’ll see how they do so I thought I might share with you what I learned you know gardening is an adventure I talk about it’s an Come Along on an adventure and for me I see it that way it’s just fun and exciting I’ve been gardening for many years but I am not afraid to try new things I get excited about gardening when I hear about things like vertical Planters um you know and so I just go for it so anyhow um that was really a fun adventure but here’s what I learned from just this process today the Planters take a lot of soil so be ready for that a lot of potting soil and you want to use potting soil just like any container you want light Airy potting soil that’s going to hold the moisture that’s going to um help your plants really set out some strong roots and be healthy this season you probably noticed though that I did not use use my promix potting soil which is my preferred and favorite type of potting soil because I was running pretty low and this baby I needed way more soil than that so you saw the big yellow bags so no hateful comments please I couldn’t find any other potting soil but Miracle Grow um yesterday at my garden center and that’s what was available so that’s what I use for this project and it took three huge bags uh when you go on to the stock website and I’ll make sure I include that um it tells you how much soil for each of those teers and it was almost three huge bags of soil so because of that I know already that next season when I plant fresh plants for the summer I will not be dumping all that soil out and starting fresh I know that there are some wonderful influencers on YouTube gardening gurus that really are big proponents of dump the soil and start fresh every year but that’s not realistic for a lot of us and I won’t be doing that and what I will be doing though is I will amend that soil so of course when I harvest everything and the end of this season comes that soil will be down it’ll be lower I’ll be taking plants out and putting them in the compost bin and I will for sure amend that soil with some really high quality organic compost and work that in for my next crop of things for next year so I really did want to lift that up so be prepared that it takes a lot of potting soil when you initially get it started um there was some spillage of soil uh as you saw uh we decided when we filled up the three or the three the five big containers we did that out in the grass so if I spilled a lot which I’m known to do um it would land in the grass and not in the pathways of my raised bed garden uh but once we moveed in there of course when you’re potting things up you know there’s going to be some spillage of soil so uh just be prepared for that um some people maybe would want to put a tarp down underneath and then you don’t lose that precious soil as you are planting up your plants uh let’s see what else did I want to share oh you saw towards the end of the video I placed some Critter netting over the containers so here’s the thing uh our rais Garden has 6ft tall fencing all around it with critter-proof netting because we live out here in the country and there’s all kinds of Critters and I don’t want to work this hard to have my garden eaten by Critters and thank goodness even though we have deer out here we don’t have a lot of deer pressure up by the house because all surrounding our property are lots of woods lots of vegetation and places for you know deer to roam and uh eat native plants so they don’t really bother my garden and all my perennial beds uh never had any loss doesn’t mean we wouldn’t however just this year for the first time in my raised bed garden uh we think there was probably a squirrel that got in there there a few trees near the garden and I think he probably um you know got in from jumped in from one of the trees but uh something ate up a bunch of little um stars that I had planted out so I thought you know I don’t want to lose any of these things plus I hear lots of gardeners caution against growing strawberries because the birds love that fruit just like we do and so putting some kind of a barrier between your plants and critters is a good idea so it’s not very pretty I must say that netting but it’s going to be there and I’m going to hopefully protect those plants and I could change my mind as I’ve been known to do but for now it’s in place and and hopefully it will do the trick and we’ll get to eat the things that are growing in there instead of all the critters um in my area of Missouri so I hope you enjoyed today’s video thank you so much for coming along please like And subscribe as always and wherever you are today I wish you a happy gardening day

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