Garden Plans

OVERWHELMED! Peggy’s Paradise Garden Was CONSUMED.. Help Us Rescue It (Ep5)

It’s all hands on deck for this garden rescue, Colin is back repairing the porch roof! We tackle the green house and yes more brambles, with more visits from my wife & boys cheering Peggy up too! Super proud of how the rescue is coming along, we made a big dent in it today and looking forward to going all out in the next episode which will most likely be the finale in a couple of weeks time! Gives us time to get things growing.. Appreciate you all for being a part of this.

Very grateful to be using Kress equipment.. they donated power tools to help us on the blessing!

Send in your nominations.. Would you like to surprise an elderly relative or friend with a pressure washing transformation Or garden clearance/makeover? Then get in touch for more information.

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🛑Also this video Is for entertainment and no way a “how to video”.🛑

#happiness #gardening #oddlysatisfying

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Copyright © Ben Saunders 2023
All rights reserved.

that’s what it looks like now oh it feels like a bit a history lesson doesn’t it that’s amazing but that is looking down there of course I can see why you’re like you get sad about what what’s gone isn’t it it’s just like that must have took so long to establish that establish that sort of garden yeah bless you but it’s not going to come back in 5 minutes is it know yeah the green house is coming down this hedge need a massive reduction got to reveal all these paths reattached the porch roof to the house and we’ve also got a tackle all of this Ivy we chopped The Roots about don’t know two weeks ago maybe so hopefully does it loosen its grip once it’s been cut I have no idea we’re going to find out view from the top for you as you can see growing right out between the tiles quite a decent size as well in multiple places all the way up to about the sixth or seventh row just look how tiny that is just to get into the all the gaps and what not I’ve opted to snip this away because as you can see it’s behind behind it anyway all right I’ve got it I’m going to drop it yeah got it look it is absolutely wrapped around it got behind it where’d you get them tea and biscuits from then bourbons as well thank you to the neighbors looking after us food delivery yeah for me yeah sh right one when oranges in all right they’re both with drinks in a um ham and Tomatoe wow Jim so you got a little bit of nourishment that is amazing aint amazing it is not to what you are you’re amazing I’m not honestly Jim let’s kind of you move I’ll give you a fist bump we can do that instead no listen I went out and said to jean Ben just knocked on the door said what something wrong I said no I said he’s got us pie and mash for tonight she went tell him off you’re very kind mate you’re very kind very kind it’s appreciation for what you’ve done for me that ain’t nothing anyway I’ll let you get on Ben yeah thank you very much Jim there it’s out the sun yeah I appreciate that thank you very much mate so we’ve been helping Jim as well I don’t know how these videos coming out in what older but he’s so grateful he’s just popped around today and he’s got us pack of water Oasis drinks made us all rolls he’s got us fruit it’s just yeah I can’t explain that it’s been this is a whirlwind of of just craziness it’s amazing like I’m so close to home and the community spirit is just growing on this street and yeah anyway I’m waffling I’m going to eat this lunch for anyone wondering why taking the Tiles off you can just see how much it has come away one of the key reasons why want to support from the front has gone so the next little delivery another batch of armaments pie Mash this is for Peggy this time so yeah let’s give her a tea for tonight hello hello hello hello got a little present what’s this hope you’re not vegetarian so arments pie mash up have given us pie and mash for you I hope you like pie Mash yeah pie mashing liquor oh thank you yeah um you can freeze it if not I think he’s got the um the day it was cooked on the little little slip there which is um I think it’s yesterday so they’re all fresh it will tell you when you can freeze them or eat them tonight or whatever put it in I put it in the Freezer I have some things to show you we’re just taking all the tiles off going to put the support got an Acro so we’re going to raise that back up get it bolted to the wall and then put an actual big support under it cuz this one’s this is why it’s falling down cuz this one’s yeah that gone long gone if that makes sense so it’s all good we are rocking and rolling thank you very much no worries right I’ll talk to you in a little bit you’re not going to knock first what to you using there mate Crest the best a man can get perfect right where that grind is see the bit that goes in the wall just cut it back at an angle oh shot me found me shopping but what’ you get from Lidl mate two Balls lovely wind bit more organized just um yes so that’s the ble of tree or whatever in the corner yeah and yeah it was just ridiculous the whole size of it was just crushing the greenhouse um two bags of IV all a bag of brambles some metal some wood and that’s it and then the rest is all over this side that I’ve got a sort of I’m going to sort into piles really of all the yeah um try and get it all into nice plastic wood and then I can take it to the dump and it gets recycled properly I’ve got to that point in the day where the fence is holding me up spot the dog where spot come from school school are you just looking after him um for the weekend oh these are beding bonias these ones so that’s what I was saying about putting themely because they’re only small give it a go yeah that’s that back the back row over there yeah that one so if everyone can see that bit there that is that that’s what it looks like now oh it feels like a bit the history lesson doesn’t it you must have had like the nicest Garden on the block people used to stop at the gate you would now stunning that’s amazing but that is looking down there of course I can see why you’re you get sad about what what’s gone isn’t it it’s just like that must have took so long to establish that establish that a garden yeah bless you but it’s not going to come back in 5 minutes is it know two gardens God so nice just got swallowed by the Brambles isn’t it is it yeah look at it back looking like that my love in about 10 years time cemented in stand back boy im going to , *beep* you sure I told you to stand back here’s Jim right Jim you got same as the other day people and no way um that’s the beef I bought some energy drinks they r look you Legend and I brought your bag back and all oh jez that beef was lovely by the way was it well we got sane there Legend all right how you think we’re doing doing well a you it’s amazing what can come out of a little shed in it all this rubbish we put into bags the different metal of wood so look right down a dump at some point really nice though that last go then that’s want it it back looking good hello mate hey what are you doing knocking pgy knocking on Peggy door no you can’t run off no you can’t run off come back hello is that you knocking yeah it was you I knock the door you knocked on the door shovel all the rest of the paths get there it just looks absolutely enormous to me it does do it it’s just just it’s just fascinating getting there is it yeah so piece by piece does anyone want to see the mountain behind the scenes so where does it all go there this we’ve got had this cleared at one point so all of this is for chipping we’ve got a nice little metal pile here at the very back you might be able to see there’s a wooden wood pile got another bag of wood here four bags of brambles um go over here all the roof Tiles here hard plastic and a bit more plastic there just this space looks insane so once we get all that cleared cuz at the moment this just the clutter just like makes me feel like I’m not finished so get rid of this things will be looking great a big sweep down tomorrow and then we should have a blank canvas to start planning what to do whether it’s um flowers and motivating and seeds and yeah just feels a bit of a mile way miles away a minute but we’re getting there anyway I’ll see you in the morning teas from the neighbor result Jim’s back 3 days in in a roll three days in a row 3 0:32:32.000,1193:02:47.295 days in a row he’s come out with lunch now so lucozades water proper looking after us hello he coming still here you coming at a sneaky Point okay at least I can get re reaction taada you cleared it all get well we’re getting there but done all the way around the shed base and stuff just got to go around this way now but oh it’s nice to see the I don’t know satisfying about revealing the path of what used to be where you where you had it yeah can I get you would you either like a satuma or a uh Jam donut Jam donut yeah I’ll let you Pull it out we got clean hands thank you more than welcome who Jim he said thank you for like doing his roof and that so oh for us lunch and there’s no way I can eat all five otherwise I’ll be I will be a donut I just want to say a massive thank you to Uncle Paul literally he’s saving my bacon and he’s just been taking these all down to the local tip and they’re getting rid of them so yeah it’s honestly a weight lifted off my shoulders once you see it or we’ve just cleared that area but we’ve now covered this bit again it’s like I don’t know it frazzles my brain sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed but one step at a time piece by piece you can sort these things so yeah big shout out to Uncle Paul can’t take you anywhere no you going to share them Donuts or no you won’t like them what is that again smelly drain poo in there I found a poo in there no I haven’t no poo in the drain no wee wee in the drain either disgusting wee daddy I help you I have to drag it up like this oh thank you yeah there we go yeah the last shovel bit of clearance we have done that it go on then show us let see how you do that I do that wow well done I’m doing it I’m doing it episode five done shoveling done brambles gone hopefully that’s the last of that absolutely knacked so we’ve got the shape of the garden now we’re going to go back with Peggy sit down make some plans get some see what she wants flowers she wants try and work out we going to get the grass to come back through uh bit painting here and there just all these little sort of finishing touches to sort of make Peggy smile um but yeah hope say hope you’re enjoying the video thank you so much for watching it means the world we’re helping others and it’s just amazing anyways I’ll see you in the next one


  1. Now I'm overwhelmed, Thank you so much for being a part of this! The longer episode was due to this episode involving soo many days more labour than expected.. but it was so worth it. The finale for Peggy will be at the end of the month as we are spending a few weeks on the finishing touches, Next week back to Helping Jim ep2.

    Did you enjoy the longer video? what did you think of Peggy's garden before the bramble invasion? Enough waffling, have a great weekend!

  2. It’s only you and «Cracking the cryptic» that are able to let me sit and watch one video on Youtube for 45 minutes. Great work you, your dad and all the others do for other people. Looking forward to see the rest of Peggy and Jims garden transformation and all the other projects you come up with.

  3. Do you plan on giving a run down on how much something like this would cost and how long it took? Would be interesting to know

  4. There's no end of things these guys can't do. Fencing, tiling, demolition, apart from all the garden work. They are amazing and should be very proud of themselves 😊

  5. Wow! It looks like a completely different space! I am certain she loves all of your hard work and effort! And Jim bringing the lunch! What a wonderful man!

  6. Y’all don’t have to be a cool landscaper to help out the community like this. Volunteers can do similar work removing invasive plants in many places. Also anyone can use their skills to help each other. Even if it’s just helping a neighbor with computer or shoveling an extra driveway

  7. Amazing work!! You are outstandingly thorough and thoughtful. For the garden design, I wonder if incorporating some raised beds might make it easier for Peggy to tend to her garden without needing to crouch down? Just an idea, but I know whatever you do will be wonderful. I really love that you will be re-planting Peggy’s garden!

  8. I am really happy with your work. Sometimes I wonder how you can work with so much dedication like at home. Thank you very much for making this world beautiful. I am from Sri Lanka.good luck brother…👍

  9. Jim is such a sweetheart bringing the lunches everyday. His wife said they couldn’t thank you enough, but he’s doing his damned-est!

  10. It’s great too see Jim bringing you things. I think it’s important that people show gratitude and respect for what you are doing.
    You are all working so hard. Jim seems a real nice man. Well done to you this country needs more like you.

  11. What you are doing for this woman would probably cost 1/3 of what her entire house and property are worth, if it were to be a paying job. I cannot commend you enough. You are truly saints.

  12. Looking forward to the finished garden. It's such a shame Peggy's old masterpiece is gone, but it's time for a new manageable garden.
    She must be getting so much light and sunshine inside her house now.

  13. You're getting so much praise that it might get a bit repetitive (surely not), but I just have to say how LOUD I laughed at your gourmand dad gobbling down those donuts and spilling all the jam into the bag 🤣 Priceless! But on a more serious note, wow.. Just wow.. WHAT a change to Peggys garden. I bet your YT i boiling with likes and comments these days. 🥰

  14. Ben I love it your kindness is beyond words for a young person to be so inspiring brings me to tears .Helping people makes the world a better place as for your helpers a big shout out for them I love dad he's a star 🌟

  15. Jelly donut looks good!!!! 😜👍🏻. I can’t believe the change in the yard and what you’ve done with the fence the overhang, God bless you for helping people out 🇬🇧🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

  16. Got Your backs on this one with my usual $5 donation. Keep up the good works! You are a Worthy young man and an excellent example for your sons!

  17. This is an amazing achievement. Peggy is so overwhelmed bless her. It’s so good to see the progress you’re making, well done Ben and the gang, you’re making a real difference for those that can’t help themselves.

  18. Jim is right Ben, you and your dad are amazing. What you are doing in helping people like Jim and Peggy goes above and beyond. I look forward to your videos each week. Well done to the both of you. You both deserve a medal.

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