
What should I do with this wall in my backyard?

My neighbor has a building whose wall runs along our property line. Looking for some ideas on what to do with this space?

by manjbryan


  1. PenguinsRcool2

    Id see if i could hire a local graffiti artist to do like a tropical theme on it, like palms and flowers and stuff, i think that works be cool. Id get a projector screen and projector too, could do movies on it!

    But ya id think you could find some local artist for a few hundred bucks thatll come and make it a work of art!

  2. Soap-Wizard

    I’d go the graffiti route for sure. Or some mural artist as well.

    Make sure to get permission though from the owners of the building first if you go graffiti route.

    Otherwise your best bet is to paint it for like a projection screen.

  3. _TheQuietOne01

    Maybe get a projector and do some sort of outdoor movie theater type thing …?

    Just a thought lol

  4. Put in a concrete pad and take advantage of your new tennis/racquetball practice area.

  5. Thick-Truth8210

    I personally woudl sand it down and apply some nice high grade projector paint and use it as a movie screen, make a fire pit and have gatherings.

  6. Vivid-Low-5911

    Paint a fake tunnel on it and watch Wile E. Coyote run into it.

  7. FartFignugey

    The art idea is so neat! Otherwise I would say some sort of trellis grow, if you want plant life.

    Maybe even sunflowers(looks like you might not get a lot of sun there, though)! See how big you can get them, that would look neat next to that wall!

  8. UnsolicitedDogPics

    Put up some wood and do axe throwing.

  9. trollsong

    Combine the two moat popular options get a rural painted on it and near the top hang a pull down projection screen

  10. hummingbirds_R_tasty

    i would hire an artist and have them paint something of your liking, unless of course that is actually your neighbors garage. then it’s not your property to alter. i do like u/_TheQuietOne01 idea of a movie projector screen.

  11. For starters, determine who owns what. Many places don’t allow building right up to the property line. If that’s the case here, then either your neighbor built on (or too close to) your property, or your neighbor owns the property at the base of the wall. Either way, things could get messy if you start installing landscaping at or near the base. And you definitely can’t paint the wall (or constantly pepper it with tennis balls) without approval from the owner. I don’t mean to be a downer — just make sure your chosen idea doesn’t cause you headaches down the road.

  12. Conservative-Point

    Projector screen. Then charge people to watch movies outside.

  13. squirrelcat88

    First thought before I saw what anybody else had said – ooh a movie screen!

  14. naturefort

    Nothing. If you MUST do something with it, put a storage shed in front of it.

  15. sittinginaboat

    One very pretty small ornamental tree, exactly centered on the wall. Under it, and across the back, a neat line of low shrubs.

    You can’t hide this, so you have to use it to frame your plantings.

  16. internetonsetadd

    Depending on what kind of light the wall gets, an espaliered tree would look super cool. If your neighbor is okay with it, that is.

  17. moosefoot1

    Rock wall or hanging plants, or both.

    Could use as the backing to a outside bar

  18. rasper_lightlyy

    mural. of yourself. but ala forrest gump.

    tell the history of the last 100-150 years, like the end of ww1, the banning and subsequent legalization of alcohol, the defeat of the axis, man landing on the moon, etc., but with you doing all the things or in the background.

    now, i know what you’re going to say: surely, i cannot afford this, especially from such a master class level artist as is required for as epic a project as this undoubtedly is. well, it *is* father’s day and if you were unfortunate enough to have children, i mean lucky enough, you might as well put those short adults to fucking work.

  19. NoRedThat

    I had a similar wall in my backyard and asked my creative friends to come and decorate it. I realized too late my friends had no talent and ended up painting it green.

  20. Paint some curtains on top and on the sides and use as screen to project movies in the backyard.

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