Garden Plans

VLOG: End of the School Year Countdown, Graduation Prep, Garden Plans

Hi! It’s Shae. Join me as I document the final days of the school year, from preparing senior activities to attending graduation. I also prepare my summer garden.

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I don’t want to do I don’t want to do too I don’t never want to do nothing do I I got this at an estate sale years ago and I was like I’ll be cooking cuz I got to cook I’m going to cook some Chile keiles like do y’all go to the clearance at Sprouts at whatever grocery store do you go to the clearance because the clearance hit guess what happened does that look bad the Staples right there I probably should have did some tape huh woo last day of school vibes [Music] home from church I’m tired I’m so tired I made myself a smoothie Bowl let me show you see that it’s granola up under there too it’s some almond butter up under there and then all my fruit blackberries blueberry strawberry mango pineapple Cai nibs on the top walnuts coconuts so good I’m going to eat this and sit down my lipstick I need to redo it I’ll redo it in a minute it is a beautiful Sunday afternoon and while I’d rather like take a nap and watch TV or whatever like do nothing my husband wants to go out to um Nordstrom Rack which is one of our favorite stores and I actually have to return something to Nordstrom Rack so we’re going to go there but then we also are going to go to Shake Shack because I don’t know if I’m sure it’s around the us but they do like a free chicken sandwich only on Sundays in April and we got it the week before last and I really liked it so we’re going to go get that and then here’s my outfit do I like these yeah so I just did this shirt that our church did which is awesome uhoh it says um how can I do it to where y’all can see it where the Lord guides the Lord provides and then I got jeans on and then just these sandals they probably look better with um tennis shoes it might look better with tennis shoes H yeah it might look better with tennis shoes I think I’m going to go put my tennis shoes on but I really want to wear I really want to wear my feet out because it’s nice okay so so anyway let me change I guess I’ll change into tinis shoes I’ll see all right bye one of my favorite bracelets that I wear every day [Music] broke you can see so this anyway I got to fix it I went to Michael’s and got some of these little things so I’m going to try to fix it right now all right I fixed it this I get the most compliments on the the bracelet the diamond one or whatever the diamond shaped one and it’s missing some pieces but I got it from an estate sale it’s so cute and I got this other one from an estate sale too the mall Shake Shack at the mall waiting on gy to bring our food luckily I found it table cuz it is so crowded out here it’s such a nice day but I’m waiting on him to bring our food I found like the last table hi you guys okay so it’s after work and nope I want to have more light hello it’s after work on Monday and I’m home and I’m going to finally plant my garden for the season let’s look what we work with here okay so this is I order from Pine Tree Garden seeds I got some kale yall know my kale from last year is still going on so I’m going to plant some more I’m going to PL it plant it properly this year lettuce it got ate up by some bugs last year so I’m going to make sure I cover it cucumber didn’t do well we’re going to try it again did didn’t do this before but we’re going to try it sweet pepper we’ll see what happens and then Verona or tomato whatever I have my little I start them indoors pods and then I will move them outside once they sprout but this is what we’re doing today on a Monday afternoon I hope my lipstick is not too crusty it doesn’t look like it well y’all can’t see that close anyway but that’s all that’s all we’re doing this afternoon and then we’re going to sit down and probably eat some spaghetti I had um I had freeze some of that mushroom Walnut meat that you did y’all see that in my other you probably already saw it in a vlog so I froze some of that I’m going to take it out and eat that in a salad and that’s it I don’t want to do I don’t want to do too I don’t never want to do nothing do I okay I let me plant these let me read the directions and really um really pay attention to what I’m doing here and then I’ll get back to y’all you know what always amazes me is is that the seeds and this is particularly the tomato plant look how little these seeds are I’m like how in the world is this little itty bitty thing going to produce this beautiful plant with all of this fruit it’s it just amazes me every year all right here we go cucumber sweet pepper kale lettuce they don’t have the hi everybody it is Mother’s Day I just made it to my sister’s house cuz we’re going to have like a branch or breakfast or like a branch but I got her these flowers and I need to put them in a some water so I want to get a vase I’m looking up here cuz she got our vases up here so I got to get the um okay we’re going to to attempt to make these look nice shoot I wanted to put them in there but I just realized that we have those too H let me set these aside it’s a you know flower arranging is definitely an art that you have to be good I’m about to figure this out though I’m going to show youall when I’m done hold on let me show youall when I’m done okay here’s how the flowers turned out not not that bad not that good though I didn’t cut them that much and then look at my little oh my oh that’s cute I got this at an estate sale years ago and I was like I’ll be cooking cuz I got to cook I’m going to cook some Chila keays like some easy ones so I’m going to put that on and then my sister that is really cute that’s cute all right let me get to cook okay all right I’ll show y’all when it’s done you already know how accident here’s what we got going on over here you need what um what’s that chicken sausage that’s my chil Keila the side that look like it’s not melted is vegan cheese baked cheese and then Sean is frying chicken now he’s making waffles say hi Oh my gosh are we family friendly right now nope and then I got um I mean yes I made well I chopped up some fruit and that’s [Music] it we’ll eat eventually it’s like 11:46 so we probably got about 15 more well what maybe like 20 minutes and then we’ll be ready when you go all right here we go waffles fruit that’s fruit for the waffles Shea Ki chicken chicken sausage and two hash cuz I didn’t want any just for Dei and sha and we’re done good morning hi I’m at nectar cuz my throat hurts I don’t know why well I know why because a lot of students have been like sick in class and I think it’s it’s it’s trickled down to me so I’m going to go in here and get um uh actually it’s a carrot juice so I’ll show you sorry I’m dropping stuff I really like the fact that nectar opens at 7:00 a.m. so I have this um it’s called a buzz but it’s carrot juice green apple I think I got some ginger and lemon I felt that that would be really good for me today so we are headed to work and it’s actually um it’s actually what I get out next week next Friday I am free next Friday I’m free I’m so happy so okay let’s go to to work and I’ll see you guys at work but I just wanted to pop in and say hello cuz I feel like I haven’t been vlogging a lot um but that’s about it but yeah it hurts and I feel like I have like congestion um so this is my breakfast this Buzz is going to be my breakfast right now I’m so excited to drink it okay bye okay I did my yard work and and I got really dirty so now I got to take now I’m about to um um take a shower and wash my hair it was it was like a week old anyway so I might as well just wash it but I did the backyard I’m so happy with myself I swept it I was out there like 3 hours but um I got it done and I’m excited I need to go out there and sit out there cuz I don’t sit out there enough but okay we’re going to wash her here bye hi everybody so I just came back from Sprouts I don’t know where this is going to be in the Vlog because let me tell you I haven’t been vlogging very well these days but we are going to um correct that well we’re going to improve on that because summer vacation is approaching it’ll be here Saturday but anyway so do y’all go to the clearance at Sprouts at whatever grocery store do you go to the clearance because the clearance hits let me set this up here okay I’ll show you guys what I got made good chocolate drizzle I hope they taste good but they were on the clearance for $2 so we’re going to see how these taste um I I really just went to the store to get Kai nibs because I put that on my Asahi bowls that I make at home but then I saw this maca powder which it was on sale for $2.99 I was like I might as well get this today so um it has some good health benefits so you can look it up I was like yeah I’m going to get that red lentils I usually get the green ones but I’m going to do I have some green ones left I’m going to make soup tomorrow I’m going to mix the red and the green and see how that tastes then I got some blueberries they were on sale organic blue yeah I was like these better be organic organic blueberries were on sale for $5 and then I went and got some limes and that’s it I really went just to get this and this and I ended up with a few more things but that is okay only spent $24 got to love Sprouts right now I am about to eat my I had Chipotle yesterday I had a bowl and I didn’t finish it we were kind of eating late last night it was like 8 it was probably like 8:30 why did that do that why did that zoom in like that come on I didn’t even hit the thing we went we ate late last night so I didn’t finish my bowl um because I just don’t want to have like a lot of stuff on my stomach when I lay down so I’m going to eat that and then um then I still need to it’s like 4:30 I’m going to wash clothes and figure out what else I need to do I need to mop the floor but okay I’ll get with y’all later oh I washed my hair this morning and I just braided it back a little bit just just for something different we’ll see um we have graduation graduation is on Wednesday graduation is on Wednesday so I don’t know if I’m going to keep these up or take them out but I have to wear my gown we’ll see we’ll see what we do okay bye okay two things Chipotle has orange AA fresa and it is delightful I got it yesterday and I didn’t even drink it all yesterday and I’m I drunk I’m drinking it today so good it’s so fresh and I like it cuz it’s not too sweet I like things that are not too sweet and then it is really allergy season I don’t know what happened but yesterday I was driving home from work I actually picked up my cleaners and I think whatever they’re using and I probably have to find a different cleaners cuz whatever they use like soon as I put the clothes in a car I started sneezing sneeze and sneeze and I had to come home and take a clear in now I don’t know what it is today though maybe it wasn’t the close yesterday cuz today I’m starting to sneeze again I just went outside to go to Sprouts came back and now like the crazy part though is like this doesn’t ha I don’t know it’s just weird it’s just like what like why cuz I walked outside earlier and nothing happened and now um now it’s I thought I saw somebody in my backyard now it’s like kicked up it’s so weird so I’m going to go upstairs take a clarent and then um oh it is my neighbors but they’re in their yard but I can see I’m going to um go and take a clearent and then wash clothes okay all right good morning I just came from church today was um day of Pentecost I guess is that how they say it so we did Mass baptisms today which was excellent I had to keep myself from crying I was volunteering so I was like oh my God I don’t want to be helping people and crying at the same time so I have my church shirt on and then I’m home now I’m going to make some lentil soup figure out something to eat for breakfast cuz I really haven’t eaten anything I ate like a I ate a boiled egg and I ate um some sausage this morning before I left but that was 7:30 and now it’s 12 noon and I’m starving so we are going to I got my green lentils like I said I’m going to mix those with the red to make the soup and then I’m trying to figure out if I want to eat oatmeal or if I want to my my son made waffles last week for Mother’s Day and so I froze some and brought them home but I don’t know if I want a a waffle I might eat another egg actually eggs are good M okay let me decide let me go change clothes first she has so much on her bed and she’s she’s like under the comforter so like guess what happened look I was outside trying to measure my um patio lounger things so I can get a cushion and the stupid with measuring tape I was putting it like you know it rolls back in or whatever sliced my hand open I have like two little slices there and so I just did the good old cotton ball with some um tape around it so that I could apply like pressure so that it would stop bleeding it was bleeding a lot I’m so upset but this ain’t stopped me I am going to make a salad now and then I’ll probably go outside cuz it’s so nice today so nice Okay I’m baking quinoa you guys so I have my quinoa it’s one cup and I just make this quinoa so that I can put it into salads and stuff um but I’m baking it because every time I cook it on a stove it never came out right so I always bake it now I found this I found this recipe on Pinterest anyway all right so I got my one cup of quinoa and then I’m going to pour two cups of water over it let me get my water first okay let me pour my two cups and then I’m just going to put this in the oven pour my water over it I think I need to add a little salt to it so it’s there put that down in there okay add a little salt oh that’s pepper add a little salt and then um I’m going to cover it with some foil and bake it 375 for 25 minutes I also making my salad right now I’m almost done but I also have my lentil soup for lunch this week but I’ll probably eat some for dinner actually so that’s good okay let’s put this quinoa in the oven that’s sausage for my husband I’m not eating that though these are just stupid chairs and I need to like I spray painted these they used to be white but I need to um go in and kind of touch them up but I was trying to get cushions for them and that’s dirty I need to clean that cuz we haven’t sat out here in a long time but yeah cut my finger on that my little I was checking on my table that’s been covered up I feel like this now I can’t see under there I feel like this um cover has been really good this right here was destroyed by the wind one day so we’re going to put it out for pickup that was destroyed butter wi we need something else for that too okay they’re sprouting look at that the Cucumber sweet peppers came up late lettuce super slow Tomatoes kale and this is pumpkin that my sister gave me good morning okay let me turn off I always play Loi when I come in I kind of have it actually going on all day so I need to turn that off cuz I don’t want to get um whatever stried or whatever you know how demonetized I guess that’s what I should say but anyway I’m at work and it is the last week and I am Overjoyed so okay we have the senior lunch in tomorrow and I how did I get task with this you know what I think it is I think it was the last teacher who’s position I took she used to do the senior lunch um stuff so now I have to take it over and I don’t mind so let me show you what I got going on here we have all of these flowers that we got from Sam’s yesterday and I’m going to show you let me show you my so they’re going to so actually our wood shop teacher and students they made these little boxes so we’re going to be putting these Flowers In The Box and then I have little like T 2024 little sticker things I’ll show youall when I get done but um yeah so that’s what I’m going to be doing today it’s the last week of school and so the seniors are gone now we just have Juniors cuz you know this school I’m at a continuation high school so this school is only Juniors and seniors for the most part so the seniors will graduate on Wednesday and so they’re done on they were done Friday that was their last day so now we just have some Juniors this week who have to finish up their work but they’ll the everybody all you know like School technically last day for this for the um students is Thursday and then a teacher work dat on Friday and I am done so that’s what’s going on over here so I have a few kids that’ll still be here today not too many I’ll get them going on their assignments or whatever they need to do which is not a lot because I haven’t created any new assignments um for this week so they’re just catching up on old stuff that they need to turn in to get a passing grade or whatever you know so I will get them going and then I will this is going to drive me crazy I will um I’ll start to put together these bouquet cuz the senior lunch in is tomorrow and I have we have we rented tables and chairs so I got 10 tables coming with the white tablecloths I’ll have to show you guys a picture and everything white tablecloth and all of that I got that coming tomorrow so I need to get these um I need to get these things going let me show you the little sticks real quick and then I’ll and then I’ll be on my way I’ll be on my day okay I went to Michael’s yesterday and I was kind of disappointed because because they didn’t have they were not graduating like I thought they would be graduating like Michaels I don’t know what’s going on so anyway at our little like print shop my classroom Aid was able to go grab these little um hats like diploma hats very cute so I’ll put this on a little stick and then I have some 2024 now let me you see the Staples you see the Staples but guess what we’re going to try to work through that so anyway that’ll go in the little um in the flower arrangement does that look bad you guys can you see this does that look bad the Staples right there I probably should have did some tape huh we’ll figure it out I don’t know but yeah that’ll go in there it’s it’s going to be cute it’s it’s going to be cute I ain’t got time to sit up here and take these staples out I don’t know we only got 10 tables though so we’ll see okay let’s get to work and then I will I’ll get back to you guys later have a wonderful Monday okay we’re done so we put the little markers in each of them and we got them all good morning everybody I’m over here at the mall oh at press juy it’s like 7:00 in the morning it’s Tuesday cuz I had to come get an immunity tonic because my throat is scratchy a little bit so I just came and got this because we don’t need any um we don’t need to get sick we don’t need to get sick Summer’s about to start the mall’s so nice when nobody’s here that’s press juery right there and it’s just quiet it’s so quiet it’s congratulations got my yeah we go there good morning everybody oo last day of school Vibes for the students I’m so happy graduation was last night it was a success I am go oh why I turn off the light I’m going to start um putting away like all the Little Flower Arrangements I’ll give them to the teachers or whoever wants to get flowers and they’re still alive they look really good so I’ll put those out and I probably only have a few kids graduation was so nice I hugged all my kids I was so happy all my kids made it except one he’ll have to like do summer school or something but that’s on him um because we told him all year to do your work and he didn’t want to so okay let me get to work I do have a lot of stuff to do today and I have a meeting today that I didn’t want to schedule but like I don’t want to schedule a meeting on the last day of school but um there was no other choice so we’ll do that and then hopefully we’ll leave early because it’s a minimum day we’ll see [Music]

1 Comment

  1. Perfect Friday evening visit. Feels like I'm spending time with my own Sister or good friend. Thank you for sharing the quinoa cooking suggestion!

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