Gardening Trends


Hello Friends,

This video is packed with fun projects to get your porch summer-ready. I recently picked up some great finds that I want to DIY and decorate with. Plus, you’ll join me in the garden! I’ll share tips and tricks on everything under the sun, from gardening to decorating. My garden is just a start but I am still sharing it because I know it will become something magical in the future. Just like my old California House my cottage garden was tiny to mighty by the time I left.




By Epidemic Sound

I’m Melody, and I’m deeply passionate about vintage eclectic decor. As a wife and mother to a boy, I find joy in sharing my interests with you. On my channel, you’ll find inspiration drawn from gardening and decorating, blending vintage pieces with modern touches. Through thrifted finds, DIY projects, and a sprinkle of cooking, there’s always something to spark your creativity. Let’s reimagine decor together; transform the old, thats used, even the broken into cherished treasures. My aim is to infuse warmth into homes without breaking the bank. Embrace your unique style; let your living space reflect your personality, not fleeting trends. Join my YouTube community and become part of our creative journey. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

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#decorating #thrifting #gardening #frontporch #summerdecor #summergardening #tipsandtricks

e [Music] [Music] [Music] Hello friends welcome back to my channel my name is Melody and welcome to my simple Valley Home in today’s video we’re going to be doing some fun projects around the yard we’re going to be gardening we’re going to be mulching power washing and also spray painting I’m also going to be decorating my front porch for summer I’m going to take you guys along with me but before we do that I wanted to share our new garden spot that we have in our area this place was massive they had so many beautiful flowers different varieties pots and their prices were very reasonable in fact I love their prices so much I ended up carrying a good cart full of flowers [Music] okay so here is the agenda that we’re going to be doing today we’re going to be doing lots of planting I am so excited it’s after it’s been after Mother’s Day for a while and that’s usually when we start to plant here in Omaha Nebraska because you have to deal with the frost so the first bed that I’m going to be planting is going to be planting this gorgeous little container here that I picked up from junkstock Fall of last year it’s concrete planter will with withstand the winds and I’m going to be doing three things I’m going to be doing a Spiller a filler and a thriller in this little container so we’re going to be sprinkling a couple more sedums in the family in the Rock bed and I’m also going to be adding some patunas because last year I added patunas and I just love the color that it brought to the space over by the street so we’re going to be adding those as well I’m also going to be doing some llight hydranges around here and those get pretty big and I’m excited for that just to kind of fill in this space I definitely don’t want my rock to be covered so we’re going to be kind of figuring out the spacing I’m thinking one in the middle and two on the sides kind of like in the middle of my railings so that way it’s kind of evenly spaced because they do get 5ft tall and 5 foot wide they get pretty big but the blooms are incredible and it’s going to probably take a couple years for them to get established to get to that point but for now at least it will be planted in this bed so I’ve always envisioned Limelight Hy Stranges in this space so I have uh some bleeding hearts I have a pink one here I have a white one and then a red one so I’m going to be filling in the space with some Hostess and other different types of shap plants um this bed is like I always envisioned it to be just full some other plants over here maybe some lavender I’m going to be filling in this bed just a couple spaces over here just to kind of make it not look bare because again I am going to be just like my last video I am looking for a fountain to kind of add to this space and I don’t want to add any plants just quite yet until I know for sure how I’m going to map out this space okay let’s go ahead and take a walk over to my side bed now this space over here gets full sun so I Envision knockout roses here rather than regular roses because Knockouts you don’t have to cut them back during the winter time and being that I’m a mom and you know time is very sensitive I want less maintenance as possible but still enjoy my garden space so knockout roses will be here I’m also going to be adding some cone flowers I also wanted to have something tall in this bed over here so I picked out some really pretty flowers uh that my mom had in her garden and they’re absolutely beautiful I’ll do a video of what they look like established so I’m just thinking of popping three of those in here here are some plants that we’re going to be planting today I got these flowers for Mother’s Day I could not get over my mom gifted me these they’re so beautiful we ended up getting some beautiful Sedum to add to the rock wall I also decided to do some Salvia Veronica along with hostas and also some patunas this FAA is perfect to add to the container plant I could not get enough of the Limelight hydranges I love the size so they will be established a lot easier and also I ended up picking up some hostas some cor balls just to kind of sprinkle in my shaded Garden but I decided again to do such a beautiful landscape as far as a cottage look just like I had in my old California home it’s just a start but I’m glad to have all these beautiful plants in addition to my starter Garden in my front yard okay let’s go ahead and gather our supplies so I’m going to gather up my organic biotone starter fertilizer I’ll leave this in the description box down below I learned about this about 10 years ago I watched Garden answers and this stuff is amazing it is so good basically it makes your roots of your plants strong you need a good strong root system in order for them to thrive through the heat through them being first planted and just to have a great start of life it’s a slow reing releasing fertilizer you’re going to use this stuff you’re going to wait a week and then you’re going to go ahead and fertilize with your regular feed such as proven winers feed or also Miracle Grow but I will recommend Kellogg’s potting soil and also garden soil over Miracle Grow it is a little bit more pricey you can get it at Home Depot but I tell you what my plants have never thrived with these two [Music] items I love to garden and especially gardening with my mom is one of my favorite things to do she gifted me these plants and she was so happy to lend a hand and get these babies in the ground so I’m going to show you a couple areas of what we Garden but to start we’re going to take a hand scoop of this biotone fertilizer we’re just going to go ahead and mix it in with our soil of course droot our plants they’ve been in those containers for quite some time and I’m just going to add some fresh topping soil okay so here’s how we have it mapped mapped out um based on size and what was this one this one was called that’s a guacamole guacamole hasta ALU Drinking Gourd hasta it kind of has its leaves that kind of go like this uhhuh like a cup like a cup yeah y so we decided we’re going to plant this one over here because the um bleeding hearts gets pretty big my mom will take a picture of how big hers is and I’ll insert it in the corner it’s pretty big and uh we’re going to put a couple over there so these most of them again are Prett cranials and that one over there is an annual so I have to do it every year but so far the shade garden is looking good I am so excited to have a shade garden I never had one in La if you guys have a shade garden please send me a picture on my Instagram at my simple Valley home I would love to see beautiful pictures and also leave a comment down below of plants that you think I should plant in this shade garden okay so we added the Sedum here so it’ll spill out on my rock bed over here is the Sedum as well we’re going to add um salvi along this Edge so it will definitely overtake and it will create some height back here a little bit of purple we read the tag in this colus is part sun full sun so it takes both which is nice and I added the what is this called Mom this guy right down here it’s a dianthus dianthus yeah so and it’ll be really pretty right next to the Rock and then I added this guy right here a aabe um because it’s going to get nice full and bushy and I figured that it would cover up this gutter so I really like that and I think it’s going to look really nice again this is a work in progress that does not come back every year but this does you can and this does stuff too the dianthus yeah little B little borders going on here there that does the red yeah she does that too yeah so we’ll do that and adding some patunas just to kind of sprinkle through to spread throughout this bed it’s a temporary fix until I figure out what I want when this bed but this right over here is a start I think it’s going to look [Music] good I want to see it Thrive want to see my garden [Music] right because I’m trying to still decide on the design that I want to go with for this side bed I decided to add some patunas they’re wave patunas they just need a 1ot spacing they will add some color they are an annual so I will have to replace them every year but again being inexpensive a filler plant and I will keep you guys updated on how they fill in with the color the pinks purples and whites so exciting I will be definitely adding more impact to the other space but for right now it looks amazing I decided to add a little bit more of a different color uh different Leaf texture as well by adding this colus I love the lime grain the darkness just makes it full over here it will get bigger which is amazing and it takes full sun [Music] okay so I finally got done planting it’s been a couple days since um we had a huge storm come in yesterday I’m sure you guys have heard about the crazy rains and winds that Midwest has been getting recently so that’s why the mulch is super wet looking but anyways uh I’ll just give a quick pan over of all the things that we have planted tons and tons of patunas that I decided to kind of scatter throughout again this is not this is more of like just a temporary until I figure out what this bed is going to look like in the future but my Salvia will stay and those get pretty tall have some Sedum kind of growing throughout to kind of spill over the Rocks just like this one over here that’s already been planted for a couple years my hydrangeas look really good they’re nice and perky compared to when I planted them they look a little bit sad but I can’t get over the shade garden it’s looking really good everything looks happy and healthy kinding on uh putting some other type of flowers in here probably later in the month just because you know don’t want to get too much going on right at once was a lot of planting but I really like it looks good I do have mulch being delivered today so I will be filming that for you guys as well and over here is my sun Garden put a lavender some Salvia some daisies and my mom ended up surprising me with some knockout roses and I will go ahead and share with you what they are this one is a sunny knockout and it kind of blooms uh Sunny knockout it blooms kind of like a yellowy flower so it looks like it’s like a off-white with a yellow throat don’t have any on there right now this one’s kind of spent so you can’t really see it too well but this coral one oh my gosh so beautiful if you guys could see the vibrancy in this oh wow this is so pretty and this one is called Coral knockout I’m going take a little snip of that and I love knockout roses guys because they’re so easy and they’re drought tolerant which is nice you just like literally just trim them as you go and uh they don’t have crazy Thorns which I really like um and they just you can control how big or how small you want them which I really love versus a rose um see here this one is is my cone flower I planted over here and then these guys I still can’t remember the name I will insert the name of it in the corner of the screen but I just kind of flank them in this bed [Music] nothing screams a fresh beautiful garden like mulch I love how beautiful everything comes together all those colors just pop when you add that fresh Mulch and the fact that I got a great deal on all this mulch I ended up getting everything for around $200 I really highly recommend if you guys can get mulch and bulk it’s definitely more inexpensive than you getting bags yes it’s extra work with the wheelbarrow but if you have a fun friend or a family member to help you it actually goes a lot [Music] [Music] quicker what kind of ground cover do you guys have your Landscaping you guys have all rocked you have all mulch we did a combination just because the wind factor is a little bit treacherous here we recently added this rock bed in the front and on the sides if you guys miss that video I’ll have it in the description box down below it was super fun but also rewarding to do that rock garden it was very inexpensive I love that we were able to get our hands dirty and again create memories with my mom is always the best thing when I Garden I get this dopamine Factor I’m sure you guys have heard of this it’s your happy space so I love adding different flowers every year creating different spaces every year using your own two hands it’s makes it much more rewarding and also you get inspired by others in your neighborhood such as my neighbors they were saying oh my gosh that mulch looks so good so much that they ended up REM mulching their yard a couple weeks later because they got they found out what deal I got on my mulch but it was so perfect just to add mulch to this space over in the corner it made that rock bed just pop it was [Music] awesome okay while I clean up the mess from this mulch let’s go ahead and get started and do some DIY projects for my pront porch I decided that I wanted to go ahead and paint my my glider that I had in La it was green but I wanted something different I decided to use French beige by roolan what’s awesome about this sprayer it has different settings I got this from Home Depot and it’s a really pretty color it was like kind of like accessible beige a little bit that I have in my shutters I love that it Blended in just fine and it was a great coverage guys I only need one can to spray paint this glider I couldn’t believe how much it stretched I highly recommend Rolan all over over the others just because it will not rust okay so I got this off of Facebook Market a while back and it was already this color and I had it on my porch and I actually really enjoyed the color it Blended in really nicely with everything it wasn’t too Stark on top of my rug and I recently picked this up from U Goodwill and I realized that they’re the same now ideally I would have loved this little ottoman here to be the same color as this little stool here but and since this is already painted I’m going to go ahead and paint them both I really don’t want to but so my plan is to have this in front of my glider and then this as a little stool in front of my two chairs on my patio so we’re just going to go ahead and spray paint this I will show you guys the color that I picked out and let’s go ahead and refresh this little um Furniture pieces that that I got secondhand here’s what I picked up from the hardware store I got this at uh Home Depot it’s called Uh winter gray and it say kind of like a wintter gray and it’s kind of similar to exactly what I have already which is really nice cuz I already know that I like this color Blended in with every all my uh color pieces on my patio and it again it looks really pretty on top of my rug it’s not the same color so it doesn’t blend so this is what we’re going to use I got two cans of these so hopefully it gets a little bit um stretched so we can get this [Music] done some good spr paint that’s some good spray paint that didn’t take any effort at all so I think I’m going to let that dry and uh do some touch-ups tomorrow but now they match and I honestly think it’s the same color as what that person probably painted it only I feel like they did a um a like a mat which is stupid than a gloss but um yeah I really I take these things in during the winter time because I don’t want them to be destroyed and I don’t get a lot of rain in my patio so they’re really protected which is really nice like my patio is really deep so um again the weather isn’t a problem on my patio if there weather was a problem on my patio I would not recommend spray painting wicker just because it would peel and have issues but this is held up even though it’s a little bit of chippiness but I did scrub it to get it nice and clean before I spray painted it and again it’s the same pattern which is nuts and what I like about this one is that is storage inside so if it’s windy I can put my pillows in here and not have to worry about it going down the street so that was when I picked this up and I picked this up for $8 at Goodwill and then this one I picked up at 10 on Facebook so for patio furniture for how cheap it is I think it’s a win so what do you guys think I think it’s a great color um again I would love to keep that brown but and since was already painted I just decided to kind of have them and since they’re in the same space to be sisters so I like it looks good while my paint is drying I decided to go ahead and power wash my front porch I wanted to get everything nice and clean get rid of that winter debris I’m going to do this before I start decorating my front porch with you guys so stay tuned for that but the power washer was easy to use and it was very inexpensive okay so here is the power washer I’m going to be using I will have it in the description box down below it’s called sunj Jo this thing is so simple to use and I love that it is very convenient with a handle and different settings so so I will go ahead and show you guys the different settings that it comes on you just add these settings to the top of your power washer so it goes by how wide it is so the 40° is the less powerful all the way to the red which is like again I love that it’s red it means warning it will take anything off anything off your concrete I do not recommend using that on your patio that is made out of composite wood or anything that has some type of finish on it it will definitely take it off off um the next setting is the yellow which is a 15% and then the green is I believe 25 so um you can add different types of soaps and mixtures to this but I just just use it as a regular power washer again it’s super easy you just hook it up to your hose and a power cord and you’re good to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m going to go ahead and change this just because I feel like it’s the pressure is not quite there so what you do is you just simply press it back this little guy right here you push it down and then it will come right off so we’re just going to go ahead and grab our NE set up which which is a yellow and it should just pop back up when you go ahead and put in so you heard that click it we’ll just go ahead and work now so we’re going to turn it back on and ready to go I decided to leave this because it is extremely heavy the bottom is pure concrete and you need like a dolly to move it so she’s going to stay when I power wash this I am not going to break my back over moving this topii but I will share this tobery is from Facebook Market it is real but it’s dried and I did spray paint it with a weather resistant clear coat just to keep it from fading even though it is a little bit fading here and there I actually love the two-tone that it’s bringing it’s really cute and I just the texture is unbelievable I just simply put a wreath down here just to cover up the seams because the toer is smaller than the container and I thought that this would uh tie in nicely for summer or spring it’s an easy tip guys if you have a planter that’s a little bit bigger but you don’t like that look of the edges showing just add a grap vine wreath or any type of wreath in general of your liking and that will cover up that seam [Music] okay now that the patio is drying I’m going to go ahead and clean my glass I’m going to use this glass cleaner that I get from the hardware store it’s ammonia free and streak free but I’m going to just clean these windows and my lights but before I did that uh before I do that I’m going to go ahead and share this product this thing is awesome this is the best suction cup for a wreath I’ve ever had in my life this thing is so cool and I will leave it in the description box down below but what’s great about it if I can get it off that’s how good it is it’s not only that it’s clear and in a good size but it’s so easy to put up so you literally just attach it and then so you literally just attach it and then you pull this lever down and it is not going anywhere I’m tugging I’m doing everything in my power to get this thing off and what’s great about is that you can have two places to hang your wreath you can hang it on the top part right here and just have it rest on here or you can have something with a hook this this thing is so discreet looking when the wreath is on you don’t see anything and I’ve had some crazy winds and go through here especially I don’t know about you guys where you guys live but may it’s tornado season here in the Midwest and we’ve had some strong winds power through here and this has held up my wreath and I had no problems so I will leave this link this in the description box it comes in a pack of two and I tell you what this thing is the best thing I’ve ever had I can’t wait to test it in the winter time to see if it holds up to the frost ahead and start decorating my front porch I love adding in some lighting and these lanterns do the trick I will find some similar ones in the description box down below for you guys from Amazon I’ll have that linked you need some seating I think it’s perfect to create a space for you to come out and have your coffee and guys look how perfect my glider turned out the color is perfect it’s neutral it’s a great little living space that we’re going to put in the corner over here and my husband and me love coming out here having our wine and just talking about the day it is just the perfect [Music] space now let’s add some coziness on my chairs to do that these pillows are so perfect I absolutely love the color they’re like that perfect gray blue and they’re very neutral so they go with everything I got them from Amazon I’ll leave them in the description box down below I love that they’re not compe heating with my flowers so I can go bold and then again have a neutral pillow that will last through the season and I can still add Fourth of July colors with them or any other type of seasonal pillows it’s a good neutral this wreath I got from HomeGoods I love the lilax that brings those purple tones I will find something similar in the description box down below this hello mat I’ve had for a while I’ll try to find something cute and again add that in the description box down below but here’s the final results of my front porch I love everything how it turned out I just couldn’t get enough of this space it is so fun relaxing and just I enjoy coming out here every day and creating such beautiful memories with my family out here [Music] [Music] [Music] and here’s the final look of my garden space I love all the pinks whites and purples it turned out absolutely beautiful it is definitely a start to my Cottage inspired Garden but at least this year I got some flowers in the ground and it gives me inspiration to do next year and keep adding when I see something here and there I love how this space turned out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just wanted to take the time and say thank you guys so much for stopping by I hope you guys enjoy this video and you guys get inspired to dig out in your yard get your hands dirty and spend time with your family members while doing it if you guys have any questions on any of the plants that I planted and also any of the items that I use to decorate my front Porsche pleas it please leave a comment Down Below in the description box I can’t wait to start decorating for summer in my house so stay tuned for that for those videos and also I have some fun antique shopping coming up as well so I will see you guys in the next one bye friends [Music]


  1. In Fresno, my husband did our flower gardens, for some reason I just wasn't interested. Since we moved to WI, we have 80 acres, my husband does 2, 1 acre veg. gardens, keeps him busy. So I am doing the flower gardens, we have 9 separate ones , and I love it now. I enjoy picking out my flowers, as I'm a new gardener, my 3rd yr. I have 9 big flower containers and I picked the plants, flowers for ea. of them. They are beautiful. Yes, here in WI we've had ridiculous wind & rains. I'm anxious to decorate my porch, but, we have to paint it first and it's been so much rain, we have to wait.

  2. Feathering our nests… weather spring, summer , fall or winter is the best feeling. Love the wicker and the door wreath is incredible. So light and airy and fresh.

  3. New subscriber! I absolutely love your garden areas and your porch. Where did you find that metal shelf thats on your porch with all the potted plants. I am looking for something similar. Thank you for sharing with us. Definitely can't wait to see your next video. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I am in Minnesota. Has rained every day and 40 mile an hour winds the other day. Everything I have outside is tied down. Annuals have taken a beating. I have to make ties for throw pillows on my porch furniture or they would be gone.

  5. My dear friend, thanks so much for sharing how you decorated the front of your house and how pretty your porch looked hugs and kisses from grandma Sandy and Debbie

  6. New subscriber here. I love the placements of your stones around the house. I will try and imitate your stones. They look great.

  7. You did such an amazing job❤ you put so much love in to what you did I’m sure your family appreciate you and appreciates what you did to pull all of that together for them. Keep on enjoying your space.

  8. New subscriber I have that same glider on your front porch painted green along with the matching chairs my neighbor gave me years ago he had it setting in his yard for years he didn’t like it and I admired it so I asked him if I could have it and he said yes now I will paint it thanks too you

  9. I just found your channel and am enjoying it tremendously. Your landscape looks really pretty. We sold our home of 30 years and bought a newly built patio home last summer, added an elevated deck and left room for a cottage garden along the back of the house. My husband dug the sod, added soil and edging, planted arborvitae and bushes and added perennials. We installed an arbor with stepping stones underneath for clematis, a birdbath and more. The only problem is we are out of space so I will enjoy watching
    you add more and more.🪴

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