Backyard Garden

My Backyard Garden Cleanup End of May 2024

I spent a few weeks in May 2024 to find time to clean up my backyard garden area. Not bad, next is the canopies for shade.

welcome back guys this is the second weekend in May that I’m doing my backyard Cleanup in 2024 so as you can see last weekend this is what I got to do uh from last weekend as is the cleanup progress so this time I’m going to go ahead and uh clean up all the Le brushes from the back there and going on to this side so let’s see how much I get done this time cuz I’m planning to I was planning to put the 10x 15 canopy popup but uh that deal didn’t go through I was uh in the progress of ordering one and yeah like I said the deal didn’t go through so I’m going to I might end up putting the usual 10x 10 plus maybe another 10x 10 making it a 10x 20 canopy set so I’ll figure out what to do here to get some more shade and more coverage uh to see what this summer would be like uh last year was very hot uh triple digits at times uh in the summer July and August through September so we’ll see what happened in 20124 to see if the weather is going to be as hot or if it’s going to be mild but uh we’ll prep for it as you can see my banana trees are growing well right now in May and uh my other plants are you know blooming and blossoming so all right guys I’ll be back and I’ll show you the uh outcome of the progress all right guys back as you can see I uh rearranged everything uh put everything everything on the right side cuz it’s already cleared um all my uh extra pots and back there as you can see uh move everything over to the right cuz over here I just finished uh at least the best I could over here I still got this site to go along the wall of the house see all the debris and trash and whatever all clean it up next time I ended it up with uh four bags of leaves and debris and as I was doing the clean up as you can see I had a little fire pick going what I did was I took the lemongrass all the dead lemongrass leaves and twigs and things from the rest of the plants put it there uh made a little bonfire smoke the reason for that is the Flies um there was a lot of flies out here earlier and once I got the smoke going flies they naturally don’t like smoke and they all scatter so my uh backyard is cleared up flies at least for now but that’s a neat trick right there to use lemongrass or even uh Dead uh Rosemary Rosemary is a good plant that deters uh mosquitoes and flies so just uh smok them and clear out the Flies but there it is guys this is my backyard second uh time cleaning it up of 2024 this is it for now and uh stay tuned for more cuz I still got this side to go welcome back everyone as of now it is Memorial Day uh May 26 I believe no May 27th uh I don’t know I’m getting my days wrong uh it’s been a long uh weekend I just finished uh with the My Thai Festival on May 25th which was Saturday today is Monday so today is the 27th yeah that is is correct well this is the progress of my backyard garden cleanup um as you can see this is what I got now I just got to try to rearrange and put away all the empty pots uh we managed to put in a bag of uh leaves and debris which came from this side right here as you can see I try to clean up as best as I can over here so the leaves and the briis are um I would say 90% gone so and then here is the final outcome as of now but yeah not finalized yet until I clean up all that mess over back there but I’m planning to put the canopy 10×10 canopy here uh to get our maximum shade and then another 10×10 canopy I’ll try to fit here the thing is uh my backyard is I believe it’s uh 20 by 25 so it’s a good you know distance uh of space so if I put a two 10 x10s making it a 10x 20 I’ll probably have 5T of space sunlight here but some of my garden plants they are uh uh some of them are able to live in the shade uh not in the triple digit sunlight so uh that’s what I’m going to do but uh I’m going to plan to put two 10×1 and then possibly stage my uh uh my kayak uh 10 and 1/2 ft either standing up here or inside the two canopies uh you know putting them on saw horses but yeah guys this is the progress of my uh backyard cleaning up for 2024 summer getting it ready all right stay tuned for more as I uh showcase some of the plants that have survived and uh still uh flourishing or at least surviving in my backyard um we’ll see how the summer goes if it’s going to be triple digits but as of now it’s been a cool late spring but temperature is warming up uh into the 80s and uh like I said we’ll see if we hit the 90s and triple digits all right guys stay tuned for more like share and subscribe and don’t forget the notification button thanks again peace

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