Grafting Plants

Help please! The black is spreading… how far down should I make the cut and should I dust it with sulfur powder?? It’s a graft and the union looks good…

Help please! The black is spreading… how far down should I make the cut and should I dust it with sulfur powder?? It’s a graft and the union looks good…

by applestables


  1. MolecularConcepts

    you have to cut till you see cleanflesh. go to the first areol. if still black go to the next. good luck

  2. ValuableGood5633

    You have a infection i lost a foolsbreath to this it will spread threw out

  3. applestables

    The whole scion is wrecked? I cut the tip off and didn’t see anymore black on the scion after the cut… the flesh looked good. Can you eradicate the infection by cutting off the infected part?

  4. mom_didnt_swallow

    Typical shipping damage. If you hadn’t already cut it I would have suggested that you watch it for a few days. I have had a few mailed cuts do this, as well as some that suffered sun burn. They have all healed on their own with only one getting sulfur and I don’t think it was completely necessary.

    That’s about as bad as this one got and it healed itself.

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