
Not the greatest pic. Haven’t opened since Oct 6th 2019. There’s still living things.

I collected some swamp water and sediment in 2019. Lots of critters in it. I added an aquarium plant (not sure which kind) which dies off a little and comes back every year. It sits in my window and goes through temp fluctuations and I still have some critters alive in there. They are little sucker looking things that attach to the sides and crawl around, then drop down off the side and they reatach towards the bottom. Not sure what they are.

by DaezaD

1 Comment

  1. I grabbed some swamp water with plants(that were living in and under water) and lots of little critters(saw a shrimp and some tiny snails as well as other micro fauna visible to the naked eye) and sealed it and it seemed like everything died in about a week or so. I’m assuming things needed more oxygen in the cycle?

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