Plant Propagation

Propagating morus rubra – tips?

Texas, zone 8a.

The first two pictures are as I currently have them. The third picture is shortly after potting. The medium is basic potting soil with perlite and 1/2" of shale for drainage, no fertilizer whatsoever. The last photo is the parent/donor tree from my front yard from which I took the clippings.

Simply put, I took a total of 14 clippings from a large master branch that needed to be removed. I cut the "root end" on each clipping flat, and the top of each diagonally, then soaked in water for some time. I also clipped all but one leaf on each and cut about 4/5ths of the leaf off. I then shaved bark from 2 sections at the root end on each clipping, and dipped each in root hormone powder before placing in the soil, burying at least one node each. Beyond that, all I've done is water and mist each plant and place in hodgepodge 'humidity domes' outside.

We are now at about 24 hours post-clipping.

Is there anything with this process I have done wrong thus far? Any ideas to have a better success rate?

by kac_static


  1. TheRuralHomemaker

    Lift that box off the leaves! You will end up frying the leaves or they will rot sitting against the wet box. I’m in Florida and this would be a death sentence to any plant. I’m not sure the specifics on your plants, but I would add some stakes into the ground and lift the box up off of the plants. Even if it doesn’t touch the ground, it will still make a nice little humidity dome without scorching them. It will allow for ventilation while also keeping it humid.

  2. JulieTheChicagoKid

    YouTube Mike Kincaid has great videos on mulberry tree propagations. Check it out.

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