Gardening Supplies






#familyvlog​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #vlogs​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #yummybitestv​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


P.O. BOX 1663


what’s up y’all what’s the mother y’all had to get out of this house girl when you know it’s time to get out the house oh my gosh so I’m about to go and try this new burger from um let me fix these y’all I don’t like the fact that my mirrors reposition themselves every time I get in my car they should stay exactly how I have them um you know what I’m saying like I cannot stand that like they should stay just like this when I turn my car off and then turn it back on like just stay anyway hope everybody having an amazing day y’all our weather was literally hurricane is weather earlier today and all right y’all so yes we’re about to go to Chili’s to try this new new Smash Burger that they have I’ve been seeing it every freaking weere so we’re going to do that also y’all we also need to go and try um bies haven’t I been telling y’all for like a while that I wanted to try bies oh or did I tell Mur show that anyway I want to try that too um so we might we was going to do that today but then I was like no I want to try chili like I haven’t eaten there in so so so long so we want I want to do that today either one of them would it really wouldn’t have mattered but we’re doing Chiles today um hope everybody’s having an amazing day y’all feel so good to be out the house oh my God I know some of y’all don’t like car mukbangs baby sometimes I need them okay sometimes I need them so hopefully y’all understand that okay the people with families and kids they understand anyway um oh this air feel good uh y’all this set I have on I know y’all seen me wear this set before it’s a two-piece set from Tik Tock shop y’all it’s literally like some people are getting it for $7 check it out honey two-piece pants set these cute little details on the um sleeve it’s super stretchy mine’s a size medium um has an elastic waist button down shirt the pants are like um kind of like wide leg pants with little splits on the sides of the pants y’all completely um vacation ready girl okay Cruise ready um y’all oh look at what I found in a box a moco what is that Mi Mii Mii uh cup y’all in a pink gradient y’all I cannot believe I never opened this I like I literally I can’t believe it anyway opened it today I was so surprised it was like a freaking present or something and I’ve been drinking out of that Christmas one all this time I’m like I could have been drinking out of this pretty cup like girl anyway that’s my drink though I brought my own buns um so I don’t have to you know what I’m saying we about that uh what else and it’s supposed to be a big burger so yeah the the sun is not doing me good at all like it’s glaring from over here when it you know what I’m saying that’s why it looks like this there’s nothing wrong with my um my camera cuz it looks like Blurry or something like that anyway um uh y’all so I’m back checking the comments I may not get you know to the comments on the first day but I’m definitely going to get to them uh and thank you to the people who are telling me about my plants um I just don’t know cuz y’all were like you know I’m putting too many seeds in one bag uh you know I don’t know how I’m going to correct it at this point like I don’t want to mess them up even though I might have already messed it up but you know I think we might just going to have to see what happens hopefully it works out you know like what can I do I don’t know but I think um I may go to Walmart after I do this oh y’all she called me in cancel uh she actually called me in cancel when it was storming um I probably still could have went because the weather got better you know within not even that long but um yeah my hairdresser she called and cancelled saying that the lights were flickering on and off at the shop and that you know what I’m saying um that we would need to just you know reschedule I I I told her I said I knew you were going to call me which I didn’t freaking mind cuz honestly I was looking at that weather and I’m like oh I do not feel like going oh my God I’m getting a silk press and the weather is tripping you know what I’m saying so um supposed to oh oh I hate it when something just randomly like like gets in my freaking eye God what was that oh girl is it still on my eyelash what in the hell see I be so afraid that’s going to happen when I’m driving o and I am freaking driving I’m talking about like on the freeway o anyway um so what was I saying so we rescheduled for tomorrow at 6:00 so can and if it’s rain tomorrow honey we going to have to reschedule again cuz I I don’t want to go and get no silk press when it’s raining like that is freaking crazy and y’all I don’t even know how long my silver PR is even going to last H because I woke up this morning uh sweating from head to toe and I’m like what in the world why I didn’t understand why but you know it is what it is sometimes that happens every once in a while it happens used to happen all the time but it’s just like every once in a while now so goly rir you know when you said take a deep breath that that was my deep breath right there feel so good out here it feels so goody dang I should have brought my other um phone holder that I got from Amazon shoot I bought two new ones y’all because this one is getting a little old and when I like try to position it a certain way it slips like my phone slips out I’m like like oh my God please give me a break like I need this thing to freaking work um but yeah I brought my buns I brought my hot sauce I brought some ketchup also I brought some [Music] peppers and uh yeah so hopefully I brought everything I need oh I brought a bag of chips also because I don’t know what side I’mma get you know what I can actually get some veggies yeah that’s what I’ll do I just get some veggies at the side I got some protein chips which will you know be just fine oh my [Music] gosh I had my coffee today and I am filled with caffeine honey filled with it excuse me sorry dang I should have brought my glasses why did I forget my glass you know what I should keep a pair of glasses in my car you know but I don’t be in my car enough to keep a pair of glasses up here oh maybe I could cuz they literally sell them at the dollar store yeah I’m going need to keep a pair in the car I should have called my order and before I started driving darn it um God it’s so pretty out here y’all it is so nice I cannot believe it was just thunderstorming like freaking crazy flooding and everything out here y’all have y’all heard about that I got some news Clips to show y’all but of course I can’t show y’all today because we doing a car mukbang and I’m be using my phone but um yeah and I just want to let y’all know I noticed that um you know some people be off the chain on this channel with the comments and just know that I’m going to BL block you if I see a rude comment I’m going to erase your comment and I’m going to block you just want to let you know that you know just in case you want to think twice about leaving something nasty okay I don’t want to block you but I will I want everybody to be able to comment but if you can’t act like you’re a grown person um you know you going to have to be challenged somewhere else okay I think I’m going turn right up here and then just go down first of all I should probably stop and [Music] order my food I’m going stop right here in this uh get over here in this mall parking lot cuz I want to make it that was off that snap was off girl oh my God if you would have heard the beat in my head I mean that was just completely off um we going to turn right here yeah baby girl we can just park right here ah yeah all right y’all got to go I thought they had pickup um like curb side pickup I think I got to go in cuz I don’t see no sign for it so I’m just going to go in O I got the keys keys [Music] [Applause] [Applause] keys see how pretty it is out here sky is freaking blue [Music] where do I pick up my oh other side thank you y why they didn’t even have napkins like what no napkins oh m oh boy hold on guys hold on I had asked for asparagus they gave me broccoli I was like oh I’m supposed to have asparagus oh we don’t have any asparagus well girl y’all need to let the to go people know that anyway got to go we made I got that new Smash Burger from from chilies y’all but I got an extra Patty a extra piece of cheese and I added lettuce and tomatoes yummers and for my side I have broccoli and I have a extra side of that sauce I think it’s called thousand thousand island that’s on the burger yummer trying something new all right y’all little do I know I’m sitting in a parking lot and there’s a Home Depot right there so we are about to go hit them up see what plants they got see what like containers they have so I can plant some more um and see like if they had if they have seeds but I think I want to get a plant instead you know and then just just um and just plant that I’m definitely need some soil and some other stuff let’s go so that’s the nursery right there so we just going to go in here [Music] said these are made from 9 y’all so make these too so let’s see Tom see this what I need something that’s already growing we got lavender [Music] Rosemary see what they got here time I would never buy another uh time PL mine di so fast a deal [Music] um what [Music] else let me figure out what I want and when I let y definely get one of these I need [Music] a do that look okay [Music] right got get one of those um oh I didn’t know they had pots get this attached to it that’s what I need they have be steak tomato plant that’s what I want oh they got Cherry bread husky N I want the [Music] be yeah this is it this look really good and these are just $3 so this one here is a [Music] um this is a sweet sweet pepper so I got sweet pepper and beef St tomato um we need [Music] this look good that’s [Music] pepp it pie of sweet pepper okay do they have any h [Music] on this is sweet pepper two [Music] uh-oh this right here is supposed to be not no people have [Music] [Music] been this [Music] I don’t want [Music] this why I just keep going up is this aalap yeah this jalap sweet pepper tomato okay so I got everything I need over here all right y’all so we got some more sweet peppers oh [Music] okay so these cost more I guess cuz they’re [Music] bigger we got purple real pepper what did I [Music] get it doesn’t color say [Music] oh these are all of the oh they got Cay pepper I have SE okay they got more [Music] hot they got banana [Music] peppers okay I wonder why these [Music] cost yeah more [Music] i cherry tomato but I don’t see there’s the ear Tomatoes this is what I’ve been ooh look at this these right wait I’m Lear these right [Music] here [Music] right a good already look like that’s not this is a [Music] airl black prins okay [Music] I hope that’s see that that [Music] one I just put on tomatoes celebrity tomato oh these are already GR in the oh look Jer purple you don’t have a [Music] price and you just grow it in this keep growing it it already has flowers oh should I get that inste [Music] I don’t even know Harvest Time 80 to 90 days after [Music] planting it already has flers I not how much it is [Music] this area back here here go the B cucumbers freaking squash even though I’m already what else [Music] got I sash Acorn [Music] sash I a got time [Music] Okay C let’s get us a good one that’s good enough uh do I need anything else I already got a zucchini look at this [Music] this is good but squash um we don’t really do the uh the Oprah we don’t even eat o we going to take that one home me see if they uh sell this the pots by themselves with that cage part on it I need to um see if they sell those I may not need any more soil but you know I should get at least one bag they have some beautiful plants in here really pretty plants but I’m not you know what I’m saying I want my plants to be growing some fruit Not Just Flowers honestly yes I got to wait for her she helping somebody already it’s a green tomato [Music] anyway these are $16.99 but they don’t sell these by which [Music] Weir this is what I need y one of these um need [Music] that man I need some help I literally cannot find anything up in here oh my God wait a minute is this it yes this is god dog y’all I didn’t know that was $79 what how much is this one this will be fine smaller one I don’t think I need this huge one no I don’t oh we got legs too okay okay it looks like that how cute for vegetables herbs and flowers okay this is what I need this what we going to get yall we going to get the smaller one of to I do not get this this is what I had and mine blessed up like all on the candle everywhere just busted up I don’t know how it happened but I paid like oh that’s how much I paid for that okay so they sell seeds here the vegetable seeds $7.97 for non GMO seeds okay as if you want to start from feed y’all but I need pots cuz um hm should I get a plastic pot I need them to be able to not be moved easily you know what I mean um see I don’t even know if this is a good idea uh buy two 6 in Kyra get one free what’s a 6 in KY let’s see that’s 8 in is there any 6 in 8 10 12 24 is this six this little bitty thing no thank you that’s the 6 in y’all no thanks okay maybe the two cour maybe that one they already got holes in them um yeah it’s cheaper than the black one let going get a couple of those or these plants here and I’mma plant them in their own thing or whatever only thing I need to get is some soil so let me go ahead and get a couple of these got big one all right y’all so I’m almost done I just need to still the soil this stuff is not cheap okay not at all especially those cages that I need so my plants can grow upward and not on the ground like $6 each when I think I paid like 2,000 something like when I had first started my garden yeah I had paid they were really cheap all right y’all I don’t know if this is what I need or not um what is Pep free locally CRA I wonder if this is everything I need in here though cuz I don’t want to BU nothing else I need some help it’s either I’m going to get that other kind I’m just going to get these I hope this is right I’m getting two of them maybe three oh look at this I hope that that is not illegal cuz if it is baby hopefully I don’t get stopped but that was the only way that they was going to fit in there let’s go home I’m ready


  1. What family or kids stress you out?? Everybody in the house keeps to themselves everyone in seprate rooms

  2. No you can gently transplant them into a new pot/ bag it won't harm them……just make sure you don't break the roots. 💜💜💜 you can do it girl.

  3. Yummy , when you made that dish the other day and you cut strips of jalapeno peppers you threw away all of those seeds maybe try planting some of those🌶

  4. Companion planting flowers in with your veggies keeps the pests n tomato horn worms n aphids away from your plants, n brings pollinators in ❤ zinnias, cosmos, lavender, marigolds all work well as companion plants ❤ I'm kind of a garden geek lol 🙈

  5. When it come to your garden try watching TikTok videos or YouTube videos. Whatever it is that your planting for example “cabbage” type in how to plant cabbage. It’s videos for everything. It’ll also walk you through it step by step showing/telling you everything you need to do the right way.

  6. Hey Yummy ❤. The food looked delicious 😋. You look so pretty. That's a step in the right direction for your garden. I get plants that are already started.

  7. Hi, I’m glad I found your channel again. You look fantastic and I love your outfit. Best wishes with your garden ✝️🙏🏾✝️

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