Front Yard Garden

This Family with a NewBorn was UNABLE to KEEP UP with their LAWN – they said that their MOWER BROKE

This video is sponsored by Yard Mastery
Get a free lawn calendar and program based on soil temperatures at your house!
Plus, exclusive free tips and training all season long from The Lawn Care Nut.
Download the Yard Mastery app and get started right away

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You never fail me. Here we are again together at the bottom of the description lol. it makes me wonder why you came all the way to the bottom of this one? I mean I didn’t even tell the story. lol
Ok so what haa happened was I thought this property was abandoned until one of the neighbors said that there was a couple that lived here with a newborn. they weren’t home so I parked Infront of the driveway to work on the property beside this one and when they got home the obviously confronted me to let me know I was parked Infront of their house and just like that my gift giving snare was sprung. I said “hey man I cut lawns for free to help the community out. if you would like I can cut yours as well?” it was a breif interaction with little to no drama. I love what I do because he pulled up ready to be pissed but how do you react negitively to someone the looks like a highschool drop out that wants to cut your lawn for free obvousely he was feeling bad for me or something and the best movie line I can think of that sums up the look on his face was the sceen from forest gump where he is on the bus and Jenny says “are you stupid or somethin?”
Its not an uncommon look that I receive from people when I tell them the work is free of charge lol. he then walked me around his yard showed me a few obstacles like the fence panels that blew down in the back and also asked for me to avoid cutting down one of the oak trees in the backyard so that he could move it to the front yard later.

I don’t know if you are a tree person or not but if you know what kind of crazy tree that was in the front yard I would love to know.

ok I know you have been waiting for the secret word……I picked Wabbit. No, this isn’t referring to a wascally wabbit. It is a Scottish term for being exhausted. Next time you’re tired, try saying, “I’m pretty wabbit at the moment” and see just how many people look at you strange.

Remember to not let everyone else know just playfully work it into a comment. here is an example, it could be a comment about me looking like the Elmer fud of lawn care and the grass is my wascally wabbit hahahahah

on a side note if you like to read the description you should join the free weekly newsletter (the weekly Monday mow down). you get to share a few moments a week with me where I share a story about 1 of the jobs I did that you get to see a glimpse of behind the scenes, find out where I am in real time. plus we are doing monthly giveaways and all you have to do to be entered is just join subscribe to the newsletter.
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man yeah I appreciate it thank yeah thank you for letting me work on your property that’s excellent you did good work I appreciate it man it’s dusty back there that’s for sure how long’s it been since it’s been cut I don’t know a while like 6 months yeah yeah [Music] [Music] look at this poy tree crazy all right last week’s video I was working on that job over there however I kind of had a plan I parked in front of the driveway cuz the neighbor told me somebody lived here and then when they got home they’re like hey you need to move your truck I’m like hey I’d like to cut your lawn for free and they said okay the back is really really something a lot of tall grass but you guys have seen me knock out wild Lawns I can make it happen anyways I don’t want to bore you guys even though it’s a boring channel it’s enough talking we’re going to goad and get into the work if you haven’t if you give it a thumbs up leave a comment and subscribe that allows me to keep doing this stuff I appreciate your support so much if you’re you’re uh one of those people that’s negative and you don’t like the channel but you watch all my videos I’d like to thank you as well you obsessed fan anyways I love you I’m going to get to it [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] for [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you guys think of today’s job it’s pretty good right anyways today’s video is actually sponsored by yard Mastery they create custom crafted fertilizers and Lawn programs for do-it-yourselfers since I do yard work all over the country I’m often asked Hey Kevin what products do you suggest my answer is always the same just download the yard Mastery app for free and you’ll be well any your way the yard Mastery app was created by Allen Hayne literally known as the lawn care nut like if you want to know details about how to make Lawns look good this is the guy and the app gives you a step-by-step plan for the entire season fertilizers bio stimulants pre-emergence everything the best part of it is you can get started right away just download the app with the link in the description enter in your zip code and it’ll give you a Cod custom program based on your location soil temps and your grass types from there you can look in the calendar menu you’ll see the entire season laid out for you what to apply and when to apply it the longa also sends out tips and how-to videos in the app to help you get the most out of your application so if you need the training it’s all included in the app it’s still early in the season so it’s a perfect time to start just click the link in the description download the app and you’ll be well on your way to making your first applications this weekend or you can visit yardmaster dcom for more information on the app and custom crafted fertilizers that are made specifically for homeowners so if you want a thick green dominant lawn start with the yard Mastery app and also huge thank you to yard Mastery for sponsoring this video let’s get back to [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh e [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spe oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I don’t like it but I like to be able to breathe at night so I’ll take it if this doesn’t work good enough I’m going to switch to the big mask [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] it’s [Music] all [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey thank you man yeah I appreciate it thank you thank you for letting me work on your property that’s excellent you did good work I appreciate it man [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right what do you think of that I tell you boy did it come a long ways it was looking real hairy especially in the back now what I want to let you know is if you made it this far into the video and you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance if you don’t you might not come contact with my videos again so with that said if you would if you’d subscribe it really goes a long ways to helping the channel and if you already are subscribed the best way to support the channel is by giving us thumbs up and leaving a comment it can be anything you want you can tell me what you think of the job you can give me points tips tricks ideas I’m open to all of it I try to read as many comments as I possibly can with all that said I appreciate you so much I hope you enjoy the after shots and I’ll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] super dehydrated but I got to get the after shots then I can go to the truck and get a drink because I feel like I’m going to pass out [Music] you should [Music] use that song for the after shot I’m going to get out of here all I got to do take shots with my phone then I can go KN get another one and when I’m done I can go home home home to cabin on the wheels it’s in some trailer park in Florida but if I try to get home currently a TNT’s towers are down so I don’t have GPS which means I’m kind of lost wish me luck [Music]


  1. Two full grown men in that household and neither of them could handle mowing once every 2-3 weeks? My parents raised 5 children, worked full time and still had time to make the yard look decent…laziness is an epidemic.

  2. LOL I am catching up! Nice song. 😁 Good job Kevin! Place looks lived in now. It would probably look better if they watered it once in a while. Take care drive carefully.

  3. You look as wabbit as my husband and I were yesterday while putting new windows in an apartment we own. It was only 94 degrees here in Virginia.

  4. Great job Kevin!! Lol, you're so crazy with your song at the end.😂 You should get a water pack to wear. It will keep you cool while wearing it and provide cold water. I fill mine with ice water and wear it while doing outdoor activities.

  5. Those thorns on that tree mean business. 😳 Another great video to help calm things down for the day. I'm glad you had something in the truck to drink and that you were able to get back even with no GPS. Funny song you did at the end, it's something I do too but it is scary how much we rely on all of that technology now.

  6. I loved the shovel, laying out there on the sidewalk, just waiting to snap someone's goonooles as they stepped on it. My husband was in the kitchen. As I said I wonder if he left that shovel there just to see how many comments He would get. At that exact moment husband honey lost control of cutting board while drying it and : WHAM ! you guessed it . The goonolies. When I gained my. composure . I decided that I had my answer and had to explain to him what was so funny. 😅😅😅😅 Great job on the yard it looks great.

  7. Whatever was with that guy's attitude isn't anything any of us know and it's not anything we have the right to make judgement about. Gratitude is 1,000 times more meaningful than ambivalence and Boring Ol Kevin here has changed the lives of many – not just the folks who get their yards cut, not just the community, but the audience too.
    Thanks for all you do. You make the world a better place and little bit tidier too. Cheers!

  8. Two Healthy adult males ? You are way better than me Bro. BTW where was the broken mower ? XBOX GTA ? That Shed hasn't been open in Months. Sry, the Dad? I guess, Po'd me with the tude.

  9. Bonjour Kevin,
    Les propriétaires te transmettent-ils, leurs préférences pour supprimer; tel ou tel arbuste et plantations, ou c'est toi qui décide ?…
    A bientôt;

  10. I appreciate what you do, but there was not a person in that house not capable of taking care of it, newborn or not. that family takes no pride in their life.

  11. Oh my goodness, unbelievable you cleaned that yard…. may unsubscribe because this is totally ridiculous. Are you kidding me??? As soon as I saw them walk out I knew I wasn't going to watch this and thumbs down 👎 Unsubscribed and "Don't Recommend Channel"

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