Fiddle Leaf Fig

Thoughts/advice going forward?

What should I do with my fiddle? Since we moved into our new house a year ago, the leaves have gotten smaller, giving a weird bottomheavy look. Unfortunately, my house is limited on good sun angles, so the best spot is south facing and gets quite a lot of sunlight (maybe too much?).

Thinking I may also be underwatering, as I am a bit gunshy after a bad history of overwatering plants to death. Guessing the bottom leaves drying on the edges confirms this?

I generally just water when I feel deep down and things feel pretty much dried out fully. I just add in some miracle grow fertilizer here and there during non winter….just had twins recently so haven't had a lot of free time to spend on the plants sadly.

Also do you think it's time to do some chop and prop up top? My pics don't show it great but the tree is actually two separate figs that are now basically one big amalgamation lol. Also to be clear, I keep it inside; just outside to catch some of the rain today 🌧

by BigHeadHam

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