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Things YOU MISSED In The Roblox Brookhaven 🏡RP PIRATE UPDATE

Things YOU MISSED In The Roblox Brookhaven 🏡RP PIRATE UPDATE

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things you might have missed in the new pirate update in Brook Haven yes Brook Haven RP just received one of the more extravagant updates I would say it introduced pirate ships a veterinarian and a lot of other cool extra things and in this video I wanted to go over everything you might missed well that you might have missed so hit the like button subscribe and post notification the make it go ding if you haven’t already and it a post notifications by ringing the bell make it a go Ding and uh well I got a shovel why do I got a shovel what I got a shovel on my head cuz we’re going to go digging for some treasure that’s right so there’s actually quite a few things that I haven’t even covered in a video till now and have this update that you might have missed that even I missed at first when the update first dropped so we need to kind of clear some of that up go over some of the more missed things in this update and just kind of go over some details and things that you guys have been saying in the comment section below that’s right I read over all the comments I like to hard a lot of them so make sure you comment at least saying hi just say hi please dude come on don’t be shy and uh yeah guys hit the like button uh likeing the video it helps out I guess dude I don’t know like the video if you love your mom you don’t love your mom d i would have liked the video instantly dude that’s weird dude I cannot believe you wouldn’t like the video but yeah all right so let’s go ahead and dive into this now first and foremost I think the first thing to start off on this list in this video is yes somehow we missed new jobs well reason why we missed this is it really a lot of these things that were going over in this video was not even added into the change log whenever we look at the change log it’s like new pirate ships the veterinarian added it doesn’t really entail some of the things that was added that was not announced in the change lock so first and foremost let’s go here to the job now we have a huge interface of jobs and if you don’t keep an eye on this sometimes Wolfpack will update this with new jobs especially if new things are introduced that you might miss and well two of the recent ones that we did Miss is animal rescue job and veterinarian job now of course there is also something that you might have missed and that is the location of the animal rescue and veterinarian and a lot of people have been leaving comments like where do you even find the animal rescue or the veterinarian where is the Brook Haven shelter at now I’m going to go over and explain that just very briefly because I know a lot of people have beening countless comments about this and I just want to clear it up in a video um it’s right here guys above star Brook’s coffee so if you see Star Brook’s coffee that’s where the new additions are okay so if we come up here let’s put our shovel away we walk in here and it is the veterinarian hospital now you might be like what happened to the brook Caven shelter how do I get the Brook Haven shelter to spawn again guys you just come over here and you click shelter and whenever you click shelter the Brook Haven shelter spawns back in just like that now do keep in mind in order to change it back to the shelter there can’t be more than one person in here because if someone in here conducting a role play and someone comes in and changes it it ruins the whole role play right so wolf has now added it so everybody has to be out of the establishment if you want to change it so this is something you might have missed or you might have picked up on that there is a new feature intact now that has been introduced for quite some time but it shines a little bit more predominantly in this pirate update is because you and your friend cannot be inside of this establishment if you want to change the establishment okay so yeah if I have another friend in here I will not be able to change it to the animal rescue or the veterinarian so if you have encountered an issue where you cannot change it that is why you have to only have one person in here and then you can change it to well let’s change it to the veterinarian now we got it to the veterinarian hospital again and it has spawned in all of its Glory so in order to now that we have the veterinarian we can put the veterinarian job which is a new job that was totally introduced now this is really cool and uh yeah it’s something we totally missed the job uh availability now once you have your jobs of course many people are aware of this but you can come up here to take a break from or you can come up here to end your break or quit the job and then the job is gone so that is how jobs work and that’s how you might have missed a job so now let’s spawn the animal rescue let’s not sit down let’s spawn the animal rescue and then it kicks us out and now we can uh you know connect adopt and love all the wonderful animals around so once we have that we can also enable the new job which is the animal rescue job so we can work here and be like oh you’re thinking about adopting a pet you want to connect with one see if you love it and you want to take it home well feel free to we have a large selection of over here of the finest kitty cats around is this a kitty cat this is a dog what are you doing here um but yeah no there’s two kitty cats and a dog and the dog is drinking water right now he he he’s a thirsty one he’s he drinks a lot of water so if you adopt him be aware he likes water um so yeah if that be the case that’s how that functions now is there anything that we miss in terms of Secrets inside of the veterinarian or animal rescue uh at the current moment no there is no secrets inside of here so this can let you rest assure that like hey there’s no secrets that I need to be worried about in the animal rescue or anything like that there is no secrets TI to these these are just new establishments new places that you can work and enjoy uh role plays and I think that’s fantastic there doesn’t got to be anything extra to it and that’s the wonderful thing about Brook Haven while we do love our secrets we love our roleplay opportunities and seeing those steadily increase guys cuz do remember at the end of the day Brookhaven RP it is in the name it is a roleplay game it’s not Brook Haven Secrets Jesus people all right secrets are great we love secrets we love seeing the Brook Haven story line expand but that is not what the primary just of players are uh totally into however I do believe Brook Haven would fit drastically it would increase back up to its high player count if there was another secret update but those are incredibly hard to do and we don’t want to pressure wolf back on that so yeah now we have went over to the two new jobs let’s quit that job there and now let’s get to some other little secrets now people have been leaving endless comments on my videos saying that the Brook Haven waters are now deeper what so with the addition of the pirate ships the water has finally got a depth increase well we have talked about this for the longest amount of time if the Brook Haven ocean had a depth increase this would allow for underwater treasure and other various things to take place such as structures and other things under and in the Brook Haven Waters so that be the case we have not yet seen the water depth increased till now people are saying the water is in fact deeper in Brook Haven so I wanted to go ahead and try this out and put it to rest me personally I don’t remember the exact depth of the previous Brook Haven ocean but if I come out here and I stand in the ocean it still only comes up to my head so I’m pretty sure that at this moment the Brook Haven ocean depth did not get increased I don’t know why a lot of people keep commenting this but at at the point from my knowledge I don’t believe the Brook Haven Waters have been increased unless there’s parts of the water that is deeper that I did not realize what if we go deeper out here let’s let’s go deeper into the water just to make sure I’m not already saying that the water is not deeper but I don’t think this is something we miss so I did want to clear that up though because I got countless comments saying the water is deeper the water is deeper so the water is not getting deeper as I go deeper into the ocean okay I’m not seeing any water increase um okay let’s go over here to what would be a deeper part of the ocean nope it is all still Bland as it is and I’m still using my skateboard to go around in the water a little bit wonky yes but it is Brook Haven and it is meant to be low and it is meant to be optimized on all uh platforms so that means console mobile everything you know if Brook Haven was more realistic it probably wouldn’t run on everybody’s uh device and that would not be optimal and not allow for many players to enjoy their role plays and the the accessibility that is at hand Brook Haven has always had more of a low poly style and I think it’s beautiful for that and I like it for that and I think that is itself its own style right so increasing the water depth could add different uh performance issues or a could also create like uh other issues uh glitches and other things so will the water get a depth increase in the future hard to say it’s really hard to say guys I don’t know uh at this current time it doesn’t look like the water is going to get increased in terms of being deeper so that means we might not see the the structural update of the depth being increased or anything like that I hate to say it but that’s just being realistic with you guys we’re realistic here I’m telling you guys how it is and I feel that is important so yeah don’t expect the water depth increase update I don’t think it’s happening so that be the case uh now if we go ahead we’re on the pirate ship now the pirate ship does have a lot of things you might have missed it there’s turbo that you can add to your pirate ships your pirate ships have maximum speed of 200 if you have the game pass um that’s how you get Max b00 on a pirate ship if you are wondering uh I did see some comments saying they should add a premium pirate ship this is the premium pirate ship I most confirm that so if you come down here it is part of the boat pass right here however do not forget there’s a free pirate ship it’s smaller it doesn’t have a Captain’s Quarters or any uh Barrack type area underneath but it is still free for all players so if you don’t have the game passes you don’t have them Roo on hand you can in fact get a free pirate ship still it’s equipped with cannons everything it is right there for all players this one that you’re looking at right now is part of the boat game pass in order to get this one you have to buy the boat Game Pass which unlocks more boats for roleplay options pretty cool the pass is permanent once you buy it that is it you don’t got to worry about it ever again uh and since I already had the pass I had the boat the second that it got updated so yeah don’t don’t wait around guys the ocean and the boats are going to expand and I honestly love the pirate ships you know ever since we got the ocean update I was talking about the pirate ships and how it’d be so cool for them to get introduced and added into Brook Haven since we got castles and now we have it I guess Wolfpack heard the videos and we have it now and that is what is amazing and that’s why these videos are so essential and the community input is essential every comment you guys leave on these videos Wolfpack might be scrolling through and seeing them as well for the video ideas and things we talk about I know a lot of people are like you’re always talking about potential updates or ideas guys the reason for that is is because it gives Wolfpack the knowledge and the data to look through the comments and see if it’s what players want so apparently Wolfpack felt from our pirate video and through other countless suggestions from the Discord and everything that this was a great update and that it was something the players wanted and sure enough we got it I want to also alliterate that wolfback really acts very strongly on what the community wants so that secret update you guys are asking for that is only secret related please rest assured guys Wolfpack has took it into consideration and he is working on it but at the end of the day this is a roleplay game and he wants to focus on the roleplay opportunities and options before in a thought of a secret update does surface itself not only that secret updates take a tremendously long amount of time and since Wolfpack it seems and appears to be a one-man team now Aiden has now left the development of Brook Haven it looks like whenever we sign into Brookhaven we see previous code developer uh it looks like Aiden has retired from the project of Brook Haven that might be something you missed as well in these recent updates but that is an essential piece of information on why the updates might be a little different now and why they have been different over the past few months so yeah that’ be the case um there’s changes going on behind the scenes for Brook Haven RP but rest assure the the the original purpose and ideology and everything is still intact guys I assure you so that’ be the case of course I don’t think nobody missed the cannon uh availability you know you can climb to the top of this if you desire you can come down here you can shrink yourself and go underneath here um this is all stuff we went over in the secret video we also touched a little bit on that now let’s go over another thing that you guys have said that I have missed in this update and that is the fact with the treasure hunt Okay we did talk about some Secrets if you want to get directly into the secrets Guys these are just things you might have missed and we’re going over topics of things you said I missed um we went over the secrets in this update in the previous video I’m not going to touch much on those because it it gets into a whole another like theorized segment and it could take a lot longer than it needs to so yeah but this treasure map here people are saying there is treasure around Brook Haven and one of the Prime spots that people have said that treasure is existing in Brick Haven and they have found something is behind Mr brick Haven’s house oddly enough and you know coincidentally we are already at Mr Brook Haven’s old house we know this is Mr Brook Haven’s house cuz you could spawn it in via the normal house interface if you desire but this is also where we see Mr Brook Haven’s photo in his casket resting a to piece um you know like we see that in this he basically has like his horse and everything out here and people are saying the new treasure is behind Mr Brook Haven’s house that’s why I have my shovel so people are saying if you come back here and you use the Dig emote at the back of Brook Mr Brook Haven’s house you can find treasure now I’ve been back here and I’ve been digging around for quite some time guys I mean honestly I’ve been digging a lot and I have not found the exact location or the place where we need to you know dig up where the treasure might be but the reason for that is maybe I need to activate other secrets in order for it to appear now that could be the the the the case actually I need to be digging up a very specific location that I have not accurately hit yet because when it comes to digging stuff up in Brook Haven we’ve done it before we’ve dug up the key cards and everything but it has to be in a very remote specific location so the treasure could be around guys we might be able to dig up treasure now with the pirate update and everything but the problem is people are saying that you can dig up treasure behind Mr Brook Haven house I’ve got countless comments about this and I thought it was something that we might have missed so I want to include it in this video to give you guys a head start on the investigation regarding in this dig around Brook Haven primarily this area here to see if you find any treasure uh that it will reveal itself okay I personally haven’t got to find it yet but maybe we need to activate other Secrets but there definitely might be some treasure that we can dig up somewhere now is it near Lake Madison in the cave I don’t know but things have been changing a lot and people even agreed and said that that red book definitely looks like and appears that it has some touch that the Pirates might have had their hands on the agency book or a copy of one of the early versions of the agency’s belief system and why they direct and go about things the way they do and it definitely seems fitting Pirates are not exactly the most righteous individuals they steal they rob they do everything they can to get what they want and that is gold right or power and that be the case it would make sense that the Pirates would have their hands on some hidden knowledge that the agency also derived and picked up from the trenches to utilize and see if they can gather what it is they desire even though it is through corruption which is not necessarily the best way to go about it right that’s why Mr Brook hav still rains on top you can’t beat good okay evil can never beat good uh or or okay let’s let’s put it like this evil can beat good sometimes we’ve seen it however evil can never be logically like like a logical responsible good I guess is the thing you can be good all day but if you’re not logical and responsible and mature about the ways that you are being good then you’re still going to fall victim to the evil doers so yeah and I think Mr Brook Haven is to on point two got it together you know but yeah guys that was my video on things you missed if you enjoyed hit the like button we got videos coming every day this new update’s a steep in the right direction wolf pack I like it I think you’re doing good and keep doing what you’re doing this update was a good step I think players are really enjoying it and I think if you keep this up in the next few updates we’re going to see some good things for Brook love you guys see you guys in the next one [Music]


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