Plant Propagation

I cut the wrong strand. What should I do?

I was taking some clippings from my Swiss cheese vine plant, and I accidentally cut the wrong strand leaving me this long prop. Should I root the long strand, or cut it up individually to prop? Any tips? I’ve never had a successful prop from this plant.

by bellberga


  1. WhimsicalCollision

    i would do single node leaf cuttings. i usually water propagate my swiss cheese plant. i notice that the end cutting, the newest leaf has a harder time propagating in water so i’ll usually do single leaf cuttings for water and then propagate the end of the vine (the end with the newest growth) leaving 2 nodes on the end cutting and just propagating in a prop box seems to work the best for me. the extra humidity seems to root the end cuttings faster for me than just putting them in water

  2. regshugsstrugsluvs

    I agree with the other comment 🙂 would just like to add: you could try to propagate some in water and some in sphagnum moss or perlite if you have them. I like to use propagation boxes as well to keep humidity up to encourage root growth. Happy propping!

  3. Relative-Occasion863

    I have no patience anymore. I’d make 12 cuts and pop the noded leaves into a new pot of excellent media. Ten’ll live

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